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Host Lucie Výborné

Český rozhlas

Rozhovory Lucie Výborné. Zajímavé osobnosti mluví o věcech, jimž rozumějí. Své dotazy pokládejte přes formulář na webu. Všechny díly podcastu Host Lucie Výborné můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Lucid Cafe

Wendy Halley

What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.
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With Rolls & No Luck

With Rolls, No Luck

A D&D podcast featuring random people doing random things. Follow the cast and their characters across timelines and campaigns as they wander through the world on ridiculous adventures.
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Lucid Drinking Podcast

Lucid Drinking Podcast

We know we're drinking and we think we know what we're talking about. We're Lucid Drinking.
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Loki Luck III {LL-3} Podcast

Loki Luck 3

A proud ragtag maverick who is a freedom-lover & sovereign thinker, plus a political infidel and my creed's demoniac resistance. Thank you in advance & please observe responsibly. Archive Library is available here ~
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Découvrez la télévision comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue ! Tous les jours dans Culture Médias le truculent Jean-Luc Lemoine livre sa session de rattrapage ! Le principe ? Tandis que vous vaquez à vos occupations quotidiennes, l'humoriste et chroniqueur de Thomas Isle ne lâche pas sa zapette et scrute la télé pour livrer sa critique humoristique ! TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+, France 5, M6, Arte, C8, W9, TMC, TFX, NRJ12, RMC, sans oublier les chaînes d'informations comme BFMTV, LCI, France ...
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Sol in luč

Radio Ognjišče

Sol da okus in ščiti pred pokvarljivostjo, poleg tega je simbol modrosti, prijateljstva in požrtvovalnosti.Skupnost je sol, kadar ima okus po blagrih. Luč je vir stvarjenja. Kdor je razsvetljen, tudi sam sveti drugim. Oddaja govori o smislu življenja, ter o tem, kako se opremiti, kako živeti, da ta smisel, cilj, tudi dosežemo.
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Lucia and Glynn's World

Lucia & Glynn

Follow this crazy couple's journey of Fun and Food Adventures..... "Welcome to 'Life with Lucia and Glynn,' your ultimate vlog for thrilling adventures in fun, food, music, and travel! 🌟🍔🎶✈️ Join us as we dive into exciting escapades across these four exciting niches, sharing all the highs and lows. Our channel is your ticket to unique experiences and unforgettable moments. From exploring local gems to savoring delicious cuisine, discovering new melodies, and traveling to breathtaking destin ...
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Luck Management

Carter Loesch

AYO! Welcome to Luck Management - the Notre Dame Alumni Connection Network with your host Carter Loesch - Notre Dame Class of 2023. We are the Luck Meets Opportunity Podcast. Luck Management is a lifestyle. On the podcast we delve into personal development, seizing opportunities and taking advantage of what is presented to you, and celebrating the victories in your life. Luck Management explores tangible strategies for action and provides invaluable insights to harness the power of "luck" in ...
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Good Luck! with Gino


Welcome to your weekly dose of humor, insight, and conversation, hosted by two-time Grammy-winning songwriter, producer, and web3 entrepreneur, Gino The Ghost. Enjoy an in-your-face and informative take on major happenings in pop culture, crypto, tech, and more. Good Luck! (You'll need it)
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Good Luck Sis

Good Luck Sis Podcast

Welcome to the Good Luck Sis Podcast featuring Thati J and Elly , two successful proud Haitian-American women. They will discuss everything from, love, money, career, culture, travel, wellness, and education. Whether you are looking for advice on love, heartbreak, breaking generational curses and building generational wealth. THEY GOT YOU! Join them on every other Monday and let them guide you through life. IG: @goodlucksis_pod
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Lucidesse - Inspiring Strokes of Genius

Shelly Sawyer Jenson

What's more important than your thoughts? And why think anything less than your best? Here at Lucidesse we explore everything in order to dissolve limitations and inspire ourselves to live our fullest life. We believe the greatest change is that which happens within, so join us as we shine light into murky areas of life and explore the things which limit our potential....and on the way, let's learn to live our personal truths, together. Together, we are stronger. Let's explore everything, fr ...
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Managing Your Financial Future with Johnny Dean and "Professor" Rick Plum, CFP® Brought to you by the advisors and investment professionals at Lucia Capital Group, a registered investment advisor. Integrating financial planning and investing decisions, designed to help you reach your own financial goals. Want the best tips on which hot stocks you should buy this week? Go somewhere else - we don't do that. It's all about planning, strategy, managing your future and taking control of your fina ...
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Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe

Laetitia Reboulleau et Lucile Bellan

Laetitia et Lucile sont journalistes, autrices et expertes en sexualités. Dans chaque épisode, seules ou accompagnées, elles décryptent des phénomènes liés au sexe. Légendes urbaines, fantasmes, anorgasmie, vaginisme, pop culture, histoires d’horreur… “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe”, c’est le sexe sous toutes les cultures, par tous les prismes – surtout les moins vus et les moins entendus. Pour en découvrir toujours plus. “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe” est un podcast hebdoma ...
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Forgive Me Lucie

Lucie Isle

Enter the confession box with comedian Lucie Isle, as she decides whether to send her guest to their own personal heaven or hell. In each confession session Lucie's guest proves their worth before the final judgement. A trial of honesty, confession and redemption, prepare to see the very best, and absolute worst sides of people you thought you knew. Featuring guests from trans, queer, drag and SW communities, and our allies. New episodes monthly. Sponsored by Facialteam, experts in Facial Fe ...
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ICONIC Authority by Lucie Amanda

Lucie Amanda

ICONIC Authority – the podcast for audacious entrepreneurs who dare to defy convention and command their space with undeniable presence. Lucie Amanda guides trailblazing visionaries like you to amplify your magnetic authority, master wealth energetics, and scale your legacy with precision and ease. This isn’t about following a formula or playing small—it’s about daring to own your impact, building an empire that speaks to your power, and creating success on your terms. Every episode is an in ...
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Luč v temi

Radio Ognjišče

»Luč v temi« je oddaja, ki prinaša zanimivosti s področja življenja in dela slepih in slabovidnih ter odgovarja na izzive vključevanja oseb z okvaro vida v družbo. Radio Ognjišče jo je vključil v svoj program praktično že na samem začetku svojega delovanja. Gre za edino redno tovrstno oddajo v slovenskem prostoru. Oddaja je v prvi vrsti namenjena ozaveščanju širše javnosti ter razbijanju predsodkov in stereotipov o ljudeh z okvaro vida, je pa tudi pomemben vir informiranja znotraj populacije ...
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Comedian Scott Bowser writes his love letter to degeneracy in this weekly Las Vegas lifestyle and culture show. Learn to save money on trips with discounts and savvy maneuvering. Hear reviews on local bars, casinos and restaurants. Discover the wide variety of legal cannabis strains. Find us on Patreon for bonus content!
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Good Luck High Five

Maria Bartholdi & Meghan Wolff

Dive into the spellbinding world of Magic the Gathering with Good Luck High Five—the ultimate podcast for every kind of mage! Whether you're slinging spells at the kitchen table, climbing the ranks on MTG Arena, or dreaming of going pro, GLHF is your go-to source. From casual commander nights to competitive tournaments, we cover all things Magic to fuel your passion and sharpen your skills. Join us and make the magic happen!
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Government of Saint Lucia

Government Of Saint Lucia

A range of topical information based radio programming brought to you from the Government Information Service of Saint Lucia. This podcast aims to bring an array of programming to the listening public. Our goal is to keep listeners up to date with all government developments, from the political arena through to the cultural sphere. Learn about the latest policy changes, growth initiatives and social projects. Stay attuned to Saint Lucia's rich heritage and culture, from our annual Independen ...
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"Among the personalities of the early Roman Empire there are few who offer to the readers of to-day such dramatic interest as does Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the author of the Epistles which are translated in this volume. ... In these letters, it is impossible to ignore the advance from a somewhat stiff and Ciceronian point of view into the attractive and debatable land of what one may fairly call modern ideas. The style of the Epistles is bold, and so is the thought." (from the Introduction)
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The Lucid Project

Welcome to the Lucidd podcast, where i struggle to provide qualitative productions,.... only basic outlines for potential touching work
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New York isn’t the only place for arts and culture.In New Jersey I’ve found.a huge network of talent, from writers and actors to chefs, painters, photographers and musicians. And I’m going to talk to all of them! Well, maybe not all of them, but a bunch. And I’ll ask them the questions you’re dying to ask. Over coffee.And maybe even dessert.
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show series
Branje z otrokom krepi zaupanje in pomembno vpliva na kakovost odnosa med njim in starši, predstavlja pa tudi varen prostor za dialog in spoznavanje drug drugega. V tokratni oddaji Sol in luč smo predstavili knjigo, ki je v mnogočem strokovno poglobljen priročnik, ki pa ima tudi veliko čisto preprostih in dragocenih nasvetov. Knjiga »Skupno branje …
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This episode of Let’s Talk More Action Golf Podcast kicks off with a recap of the recent putting clinic led by Norman Carter, where he shared tips on grip, stance, and consistency. We then dive into the benefits of joining a winter golf league, how to prepare for cold-weather play, and wrap up with a quick review of Jon Sherman’s Four Foundations…
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Zlata maturanka, sedaj študentka Mia Koritnik nam je prisrčno spregovorila o svoji poti šolanja in zorenja, na kateri ni manjkalo preizkušenj. Slepi otroci in jihovi starši pa so v poslanici ob mednarodnem dnevu brajice predstavili stiske, ki jih povzroča pomanjkanje gradiv v tej pisavi.โดย Sonja Pungertnik
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On this episode, Maria and Tyler are ready to kick it into high gear and give you a first look at the new cards and mechanics of Aetherdrift! From the six (!!) different art treatments in this set (do you love 'em or hate 'em?) to how exactly you gain Max Speed or Exhaust, we'll have you raring to win the Ghirapur Grand Prix -- blue shells be darne…
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Ikonický díl Případů majora Zemana končí pohledem do studny na muže, který zabil sebe i svou ženu. Tvůrci nového seriálu Studna se snažili pochopit, co jej k činu mohlo vést. „My jsme z něj chtěli udělat plnohodnotnou postavu, někoho, na koho se můžeme napojit, do koho se můžeme jako publikum zakoukat – abychom pochopili, proč se do něj zakoukala j…
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Nick is joined by Daily Mirror Newsboy David Yates to canter through the day's racing news with an eye firmly on the Dublin Racing Festival. Double Green retained rider JJ Slevin joins the show outside El Fabiolo's stable at Closutton, from where he issues a positive bulletin ahead of the horse's return this weekend. He also discusses his other key…
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In the headlines: The Royal St. Lucia Police Force enhances border security with a new Maritime Investigation & Intelligence Unit and; over 3,400 families receive $170,000 in tuition subsidies for early childhood education. For details on these stories and more, visit
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I've done a rant & narrated these footnotes: * David Icke's Tweet on Trump's Pro-Free Speech * Trump Orders Review to Identify, Punish, and Deport Antisemites — Including Students on Visas…
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Following months of extensive refurbishment, the Vieux Fort Wellness Centre has reopened, offering residents of Vieux Fort and surrounding communities access to upgraded healthcare services in a safer and improved facility. The Centre resumed operations on January 20, 2025, after its closure in October 2024 due to air quality concerns caused by mol…
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David Luna, exsenador con aspiraciones presidenciales, habló en ‘Sin Anestesia’ de su convencimiento de la existencia del denominado ‘Pacto de la Picota’.
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Nick is joined by Racing Post writer Jonathan Harding to canter through today's racing news. NTF Chief Executive Paul Johnson has the final word on this week's PRA drama and the U-turn on trainer interviews. Also on the show, Paul Nicholls on his bumper Grand National entry plus news on Stage Star, Ginny's Destiny, Kalif du Berlais and Caldwell Pot…
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Zatímco známka žáka na škále zařadí, průběžné a slovní hodnocení vede k otázkám, co žákům k naplnění žádaných dovedností chybí. Učitelé jej už využívají při čtvrtletních schůzkách, poukazuje Karel Starý. „Zjišťovat, jak tomu žáci rozumí, je naprostá součást hodnocení, protože hodnotit nelze, aniž bych věděl, na co reaguji,“ hájí pedagog formativní …
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In the headlines: Cabinet has given the nod to an agreement for public sector salary increases and tax free back pay and; Saint Lucia to host a medical mission from the US military and Taiwan in February. For details on these stories and more, visit
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Non-verbal standup comedian and trouble maker Alex Gibbon reveals their idea of heaven and hell, delivering the message loud and clear "bad life decisions are not just for the able bodied." With biting wit, and a dark sense of humour, and a complete lack of filter, you're in for an interview like no other. Submit an agony aunt question Support the …
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Join our lovely conversation and listen to the heartfelt wisdom and insights of Annika Kristiansen. Annika shares her practice of grace and understanding, of her work in connecting people and communities, and of her beautiful practice of trusting intuition. She also speaks about her magic words: I Accept! And the question she finds fascinating: Wha…
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Yes, you may know a lot of things about Tim McLoone. But if you really think you know him. . . well, you don't. From his solitary childhood to his life as a philanthropist and restaurateur, the story of Tim McLoone may just surprise you.โดย LucilleLoSapio
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Participants in a six-month initiative to reduce the challenges recorded by students learning Mathematics have expressed satisfaction with efforts to improve how the subject is taught.
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Oběti ruské agrese připomínají i informace ve vlaku. Smrt se na Ukrajině stala běžnou součástí života, na výstrahy při raketových útocích už mnozí Ukrajinci nereagují. Kde nacházejí úlevu ze zajetí fatalismu? „Ti lidé rámcově fungují a úplně to nezaznamenáš, ale pod tím někde bublá fakt veliké trauma, protože se dnes a denně setkávají se situacemi,…
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In this week’s episode, Jessica brings us the harrowing true crime story chronicled in Michael Grimm's book "Tell Edith Goodbye." Set against the backdrop of the Great Depression in 1935, in the picturesque yet unforgiving Skagit Valley of the Cascade Mountain Range, a destitute family struggling to survive meets a mysterious drifter known only as …
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Nick is joined by Racing Post senior writer Lee Mottershead to look at today's racing news. With the row continuing to brew over the PRA and their demand for payment from broadcasters for trainer interviews, Nick and Lee share details of the email sent by the PRA to trainers detailing their prime motivation for the request. Nick also gets comment f…
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Chaque jour, Jean-Luc Lemoine vous offre une session de rattrapage de tout ce qu'il ne fallait pas manquer dans les médias.โดย Europe 1
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In the headlines: The Vieux Fort Wellness Centre is officially open, Laborie residents celebrate the official opening of the McDiarmed Road and Saint Lucia participates in the annual New York Travel and Adventure Show. For details on these stories and more, visit
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It’s been said – by us – that keeping your wealth can be a much harder task than accumulating that wealth. And it's true. If you don't have the right withdrawal strategy when taking cash flow from your investment portfolio, you stand a real risk of running out of money. What methods do people use when they're taking money out? And which, if any, ma…
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Escuche el programa de este lunes 27 de enero. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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On n'écoute toujours pas assez les personnes trans. Dans ce nouvel épisode de "Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe", on discute avec une de nos plus fidèles auditrices, d'un sujet rarement abordé sous cet angle : la dysphorie génitale. Agathe, femme transgenre, n'en souffre pas – ce qui a pu la faire se sentir illégitime. “Laetitia et Lucile prés…
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Saint Lucian residents are set to receive essential medical and surgical care as the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs, in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs, coordinates a Medical/Surgical Mission led by the United States Air Forces Southern medical mission, Lesser Antilles Medical Assistance Team 2025 (LAMAT 25) S…
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Export Saint Lucia, in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives, and Consumer Affairs, is proud to announce the return of the Saint Lucia Business Expo. Held under the auspices of the Government of Saint Lucia and the National Independence Committee, this highly anticipated event will celebrate it…
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The AI Arms Race is heating up, as China-backed AI company DeepSeek releases its competitor to OpenAI's o1. In even crazier tech news: Truth Terminal, the first AI millionaire responsible for viral memecoins $GOAT and Fartcoin, seeks to become a legal human being. This week on the FOH HOF: John Legend serenades a group of firefighters, Luke Belmar …
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Nick is joined by Lydia Hislop to discuss the latest from around the racing world after a turbulent weekend. They are joined by Peter Savill and Ralph Beckett, on opposing sides of the argument over the idea that racecourses should pay trainers for TV interviews. Lydia dissects the arguments, before going onto discuss the running and riding enquiri…
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AYO!! Welcome back to Luck Management! Okay, it takes a big man to admit when he is wrong, it takes a lot of courage to admit when something did not go his way... And I am that big man. Notre Dame did not beat Ohio State in the National Championship. Congrats to Ohio State....... And all the amazing facts I laid out about their team & OHIO.... I wa…
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„Kolegové v Řecku zaznamenali, že po 7. říjnu školy nechodí do jejich instituce, rodiče nebo studenti se bojí, kdežto u nás to je naopak. K nám studující přicházejí a ptají se, nějakým způsobem chtějí pochopit, co se děje,“ pochvaluje si Zuzana Pavlovská, která se v Židovském muzeu v Praze věnuje vzdělávacím aktivitám. Na jaké dotazy nejčastěji odp…
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In the headlines: Prime Minister Hon. Philip J Pierre announces plans to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund, and Saint Lucia welcomes Royal Caribbean's Odyssey of the Seas, to Port Castries. For details on these stories and more, visit
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I've done a brief rant & narrated these footnotes:* South Korean President Indicted on Insurrection Charges Over Martial Law Order…* Yoon Indicted on Insurrection Charges Tied to Martial Law…* Republic of Korea (South) Constitutionhttps://www.korea.n…
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In tonight’s episode, we dive into the buzz around the potential TikTok shutdown and share our thoughts on the controversy. Plus, we’ll recap our recent food adventures, day trips, and everything that’s been going on this week.Join the conversation, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates and adventures!#TikTokShutdown #Fo…
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With all the external noise vying for our attention these days, it’s easy to forget that we have access to a wealth of wisdom within each of us and beyond. My guest Happy Ali shares easy techniques that work on every level of intuition starting with hunches, precognition, and dream analysis and building to direct communication with a multidimension…
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After months of comprehensive rehabilitation, the Vieux Fort Wellness Centre officially reopened its doors on Monday, January 20. The upgraded facility now offers enhanced patient comfort, safety, and accessibility, reaffirming its position as a cornerstone of healthcare delivery in the south of the island. The reopening also brings new additions, …
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Some freak on twitter shared how him and his son monitor their nighttime erections and we laugh about it. Also some college basketball talk, PhotoFinish Live news and NFL Conference Championship games!โดย Scott Bowser
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In this episode, the team communicates with the wolves, learns a little more about their target, and Niamh continues the proud WRNL tradition of struggling with traversing running bodies of water. Follow us on Twitter (@NoLuckPod), BlueSky ( and/or email us at! Logo by Mark Fionda Jr. (…
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Nick is joined by Lydia Hislop for this edition of the popular daily horseracing podcast. Looking ahead to Trials Day at Cheltenham, they are joined by Sam Twiston-Davies - with an enviable book of rides including East India Dock and Potters Charm - and Jamie Snowden, whose Ga Law is having an experimental run over hurdles. Plus, Nick and Lydia tou…
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On the last Sunday in January, the world celebrates World Leprosy Day. This year, on January 26th, St. Lucia joined the global observance, highlighting the theme of “Beating Leprosy, Ending Stigma, and Advocating for Mental Well-being.” Leprosy has been part of human history since biblical times but remains misunderstood and feared by many. This di…
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In the headlines: A cannabis and industrial hemp bill has been published for public comment and; a free hand help mission is set to take place in Saint Lucia soon. For details on these updates and more, visit
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