Fr. Edward Looney, a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin. In his weekly homilies, he often shares his own brokenness, weaknesses, and spirituality, as a way to relate the gospel to ordinary life. He is a dynamic and charismatic preacher who will help you reflect on the Word of God.
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A good tree, or should we say person, bears good fruit. What is the fruit of your life? What are the fruits that people know you by? Do you have secret fruit? Fr. Edward encourages us to reflect on our fruitfulness in our family, community, and Church.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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An Invitation to Pray with the Church Through Lent
14:14Fr. Edward introduces readers to the collect prayer and his new Lenten devotional, Praying with the Church through Lent. In this episode you will hear how he didn't want to write this book, what is the collect prayer, a few reflections about a few different collect prayers, and why he thinks it's important to pray and meditate on the collect. Buy t…
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The world would want us to seek revenge and delight in the downfall of the other. Jesus wants us to pray for those hurt us and do good to them. He wants us to forgive. Tough calls from the Lord. But most rewarding. He wants us to live differently.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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Fr. Edward shares how a plant he has had since 2017 speaks to him about the spiritual life.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on how our readings today point us to different parts of the Mass, helping us to better appreciate the liturgy.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the idea of a "bucket list" and how it connects to Simeon’s profound prayer in the Gospel: “Lord, now you let your servant go in peace.” Simeon could die happy because he had fulfilled God's purpose for his life. How can we live in such a way that we, too, are ready to say those words with confidence? Fr. Looney explor…
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In this homily, Fr. Edward reflects on how we cannot be silent at different moments of our life. Relying on the Holy Spirit, we will be given the words to say.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney draws our attention to Luke's descriptive detail that Jesus prayed after his baptism. Fr. Edward reflects on what Jesus may have prayed for or about and then relates that to how we can pray after different occurrences and experiences in our lives.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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2025 is a Jubilee Year in the Church. The Magi were pilgrims of hope, just as we are today. We are called to be pilgrims- Discovering, persevering, encountering, and sharing hope.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily for the feast of Mary, Mother of God, Fr. Edward reflects and provides encouragement to not give up on your spiritual goals like reading the Bible or praying the rosary during this new year of grace 2025.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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12/25/2024-Why Did Shepherds Receive the News of Christ's Birth?
11:17In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney, reflects on why shepherds received the good news of Christ's birth and how Jesus becomes our Good Shepherd. This Christmas, he invites you to allow Jesus to be the Good Shepherd of your life.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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Fr. Edward preaches on the opening prayer for the feast of the Holy Family and encourages us to root out vice and practice the virtues of family life.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward reflects about how the stories of scripture, contain more than what the evangelist wrote down. Allow him to open your mind and prayer to think about the Visitation and Christmas beyond the scripture page.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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Sometimes it is difficult to rejoice even when the scriptures tell us to rejoice. In this homily, Fr. Edward relates how one can identify what is robbing them of joy and take steps to reclaiming and rediscovering joy in their lives.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily Fr. Edward preaches about the theme of remembrance during the Advent season.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney explains that Advent, while it gives the appearance to be about preparing for Christmas, that it is also meant to be a preparation for Christ's return in glory in His second coming. Are you ready for that?โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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Fr Looney shares about his newest book, Praying with the Church through Advent.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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11/17/24-The Daily Ministry of a Priest
10:55In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney describes the daily ministry of a priest from daily prayers, to sacraments, engagement with the community, and the administrative tasks. Daily, the priest stands at his ministry, and now you have a glimpse of what that entails.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward invites us to consider more than just the widow’s generosity. What else does this gospel communicate? Listen to learn.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward names the priests who have been ordained from his home parish, explains the origin of the priesthood, speaks about his pious custom of visiting priests graves, and encourages prayers for vocations.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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10/20/24-Approaching God's Throne with the Newest Saints of the Church
11:23In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on intercessory prayer, especially with the saints, and how we can approach the throne of God's mercy with them. He especially highlights, St. Elena Guerra, St. Marie Leonine Paradis, St. Giuseppe Allamano, and the Martyrs of Damascus, canonized on October 20, 2024.…
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on one of the last tweets of Dr. Greg Hillis. Dr. Hillis, who battled cancer for 11 months, said in the time remaining who was pray and prepare. Fr. Edward reflects on how one prepares and prays for their death.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward preaches about the presence of angels in our life.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward shares about his experience of grace while praying at three graves of holy men and women. He then explains how the Lord wishes to bestow his grace upon us for our Christian living.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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9/15/24-Effects of God's Heavenly Gift-The Holy Eucharist
10:05In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects onโดย Fr. Edward Looney
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9/8/24-How God Uses Our Five Senses
11:20In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney preaches about our five senses and how the scriptures engage them and how God breaks into our lives through them.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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9/1/24-Observe the Commandments Carefully, Especially the Second by Fr. Edward Looneyโดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney helps us understand that we should familiarize ourselves with scripture, but not to let it become too familiar so that we become numb to the passage. Return often to the passage and reflect on it is his recommendation.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, and hones in on three things that he encourages his readers and hearers to do. Will you try to do these things this week?โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects about the life of Mary, takes a point from Anne Catherine Emmerich's biography of Jesus and Mary, and applies it to the end of her life and entry into Heaven.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney unpacks one of the treasures of our Catholic faith- those who have preceded us who give witness and inspire our practice of the faith today.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney shares a story about a hotel worker and what she taught him about spiritual hunger and then translates that story into a lesson about our daily need for God through prayer, bible reading, and reflection.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the priests who have influenced our lives and that we should give thanks to God for them. He also acknowledges the need for healing and forgiveness and encourages prayers for priestly vocations.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney talks about the call, specially the call to follow Jesus, but also more broadly of the daily calls God places on our hearts.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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7/7/2024-We Plead and We Beg for Grace and Mercy
10:29In this homily, Fr. Looney reflects about our identity and role as pleaders and beggars before the Lord.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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6/30/2024-I Wrote Two Gospel Reflections, 9 Months Apart on Mk 5:21-43-Similarities and Differences
14:136/30/2024-I Wrote Two Gospel Reflections, 9 Months Apart on Mk 5:21-43-Similarities and Differences by Fr. Edward Looneyโดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In his Sunday homily, Fr. Edward Looney preaches about the boat being an image for the Church and the exchange between Jesus and the Apostles as being mirrored in our life.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on how it is good to give thanks to the Lord and gives a review of the week to demonstrate prayers of thanksgiving for the Eucharistic Revival, Adele Brice's canonization process, Father's Day, and God's providential care.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney preaches about Adam and Eve encountering God in the Garden after hiding. He translates the passage into our own experience of sin and concludes with how the incarnation tells us we no longer need to hide.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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6/2/2024-Deepening Our Eucharistic Devotion
12:45In this homily for Corpus Christi, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the Catholic Church's devotion to the Eucharist and how a person can deepen their devotion for our Eucharistic Lord.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily Fr. Edward Looney poses the questions: Why do you go to Sunday Mass and Do you believe all the things that we profess? Listen to this homily and move from doubt to faith when you worship the Triune God.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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5/19/2024-To Think More Deeply About the Holy Spirit
13:235/19/2024-To Think More Deeply About the Holy Spirit by Fr. Edward Looneyโดย Fr. Edward Looney
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5/12/2024-Was Mary Joyful on Ascension Day?
11:49In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on whether or not Mary could be joyful on a day when her son leaves this earth and ascends into Heaven.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney encourages people not to raise an eyebrow and be skeptical or dismissive of a person's conversion. He also points out how God calls us to conversion every time we receive the Holy Communion.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on God's love shown through the sacraments administered by the priest. Through the priesthood, the Father has shown us his love.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily Fr. Edward Looney encourages life long learning and study of the faith.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily for Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Looney reflects on how St. Thomas suffered from FOMO and how Jesus wants to replace the motivating factor of fear with a disposition of love.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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What words come to mind to describe or summarize the story of Easter. For me, this year, it is seeking and sharing. It’s in the Bible, experienced by others, and by us this Easter Day.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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In this homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the beauty of St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s Stations of the Cross.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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Holy Thursday is different than every other night. It is a night for us to receive and remain with the Lord.โดย Fr. Edward Looney
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