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show episodes

Boiler Breakdown

Tanner Lee, Evan Webb, and Andrew Eiler

The Boiler Breakdown is a weekly podcast hosted by three lifelong Purdue fans who breakdown everything related to Purdue Football and Men's Basketball.
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Vineyard Boise

Vineyard Boise

Weekly Sermons from Vineyard Boise. Vineyard Boise is a body of believers in the heart of Garden City that has been serving Boise since 1989. We are a non-denominational Christian church that pursues authentic Christian life and endeavors to develop mature, reproducible, Spirit-filled Christian disciples, in order to make The Invisible God Visible.
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Radio Boise Podcast

Radio Boise

Radio Boise is a community radio station. Our volunteer programmers strive to provide quality local programming for the wide range of people and communities in our listening area who are not satisfied by existing media outlets.
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Inside the Boiler Room

American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA)

If you are working with boilers, this podcast is for you. Inside the Boiler Room is a podcast presented by ABMA - the American Boiler Manufacturers Association. Since our founding in 1888, ABMA has advocated for the safe production and operation of boilers, facilitated advances in energy efficiency, and partnered with our members to continue to progress. Our podcast has been established to raise awareness of today’s boiler industry and share important issues impacting our sector.
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Bien dans ta Boite

Laura Besson

Ici, on parle entrepreneuriat, psychologie et sciences humaines. J’y partage des ressources, conseils et connaissances pour que les entrepreneurs puissent véritablement se comprendre, travailler sur eux, communiquer avec les autres et réfléchir sur leur entrepreneuriat. Par Laura Besson, fondatrice de Bien dans ta Boite, coach & praticienne systémique, spécialisée des problématiques entrepreneuriales
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Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio

Boiler Room, custom designed for media maniacs, savants, bar fly philosophers and otherwise lovable political animals. The show that straps itself to a rocket like Wiley Coyote and lights the fuse every Thursday night, ready to blast off into the media sphere with news, pop culture, music, movies, deep state politics, false flag research, pulling the threads on phony stories and propaganda where we find them. Science, tech, philosophy, social engineering, the degeneracy of the progressives, ...
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Historie z boiska

Konrad Szymański

Pierwszy podcast w Polsce o piłkarskich historiach w narracji Konrada Szymańskiego. współpraca komercyjna:
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Redemption Hill is a non-denominational network of Micro-Churches that is learning the way of Jesus to be a blessing to our city of Boise, Idaho that we love so much. Join us for our weekly podcast where we explore more about what it looks like to be transformed in the way of Jesus.
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SuperPotion™ | Le podcast communication et marketing dans l'univers de la boisson

Ludovic Mornand, fondateur de Studio Blackthorns

SuperPotion™ est un podcast destiné à aider les entrepreneur·e·s, startupers, créateurs et créatrices de la filière Boissons, Bières, Vins & Spiritueux. 🔮⚗️🌕 → Site officiel ( → Ebook "Lance ta SuperPotion avec succès" ( → Ebook "Le guide complet des 12 archétypes de personnalité pour créer ta marque archétypale" (https://12archetyp ...
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Bonnie Violet & Pacey

Welcome to Trans Joy Boise, the podcast where we celebrate the vibrant stories, resilience, and connections of Boise’s trans community. 🌈 Through heartfelt conversations, uplifting narratives, and shared experiences, we explore the many ways trans joy thrives despite challenges. Each episode highlights inspiring voices, from local advocates and artists to everyday heroes, showcasing the beauty and strength of being trans in Boise and beyond. Together, we foster understanding, amplify voices, ...
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Wrestle Boiz


A podcast for those that enjoy handshakes in wrestling, stiff forearms to the face, and way too many backflips. We take dives into different wrestling matches and make live commentary while watching them.
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We bring you a monthly conversation with a leader who has an impact on growth - or a thought-leader in the state. From the governor to developers and more - BoiseDev FIRST brings you engaging Deep Dive conversations you won't find anywhere else Support this podcast: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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BOING! Podcast

Manuel Wolff

Comedians mal ehrlich - Manuel Wolff führt ehrliche Gespräche mit Kulturschaffenden und anderen Leuten. Oft lustig, aber auch oft tiefgründig, ernsthaft, authentisch, offen und immer Unterhaltsame Gespräche über Alles und Depressionen, Weltgeschehen, Psychologie, Gedanken, Meinungen, Haltung, Stand-up Comedy, die Comedyszene, auf der Bühne und Backstage und das Comediandasein. Feedback, Wünsche, Fragen und alles weitere: einfach an schreiben.
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show series
Magazine cultural transmèdia que t'informa de tot allò que és notícia al món immens de la sardana i la cobla. Una producció jove, feta des de Calella i que s'emet a més de 50 ràdios arreu dels Països Catalans. podcast recorded with
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Pour voir les nouveaux épisodes avant tout le monde et sans publicités: Quarante-huitième épisode de mon podcast «Le spécial du gérant» où je discute des affaires derrière l'humour, les médias et plus encore. Chaque semaine, je reçois un humoriste, ou une personne de leur entourage (gérant,…
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Join us as we continue in our brand new series of 2025 on practicing the way of Jesus with a message on Jesus’ call to Sabbath rest - Pastor Brent shares on the call to STOP, with practical steps toward the end on entering into the practice starting this week! Enjoy!โดย Pastor Brent Jones
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Descobreix una visió irreverent, multicultural i oberta al món en el nostre programa de ràdio. Amb l'Israel Gordon i una vintena de col·laboradors i col·laboradores a La Perifèria, et mantindràs al dia de les últimes novetats culturals, musicals, esportives i locals. No et perdis el nostre esmorzar ple de somriures i la diversitat que ens fa únics …
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En este episodio inaugural de "Biblia para no religiosos", exploramos el horrendo caso de la secta Nueva Luz en Panamá, donde un supuesto exorcismo resultó en el brutal asesinato de una familia y una adolescente. Este acto atroz, perpetrado en nombre de la fe, nos lleva a cuestionar el uso y abuso de la Biblia para justificar la violencia y la mani…
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DJ's In The House porta les millors sessions DJ del moment, amb entrevistes als millors DJ's del moment i treballadors del món de l'oci nocturn. Els dissabtes a partir de les 20:00 h en DJ Alex Gruess i DJ Dri conduiran aquest programa musical. podcast recorded with
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Al programa 'Raíces', com bé indica el seu nom, pretenem portar "la sal y el son" de la terra d'Andalusia a través de la música, entrevistes, notícies, etc. A més volem ser l'altaveu de les entitats, germandats, penyes flamenques i tot el que es realitza amb el nom i l'essència d'Andalusia a casa nostra. podcast recorded with…
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Bernat NVarro i un equip de cinc persones parlen durant tres hores de literatura, viatges, agenda, efemèrides, sèries, cines i molt més. Tot això ho fan conjugant el passat amb el present a través de la música, oferint una mirada fresca sobre l'actualitat. De Dissabte és el magazín cultural i divulgatiu dels dissabtes al matí a Ràdio Sant Boi. podc…
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Els divendres a les 22:00 el jazz s'apodera de Ràdio Sant Boi. El Valentí Sesar condueix Jazz Setmanal, un repàs apassionant pel món d'aquest gènere musical a partir de les seves figures més destacades i les seves millors interpretacions. podcast recorded with
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A Born To Be Bad et punxem tot allò que et puguis imaginar com blues, rock and roll, country, garage, surff, punk rock i més. Cada divendres a les 21:00 h el Nervous Manel i el Lutifer repassen els clàssics i les bandes més actuals dels panorames nacionals i internacionals de tota aquesta amalgama de gèneres. podcast recorded with…
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A partir de les 20:00 h podreu escoltar les notícies més rellevants del dia a dia de Sant Boi, així com aquelles notícies més destacades de la comarca. Un recorregut indispensable per la nostra actualitat municipal, perquè a Sant Boi sempre hi ha novetats! podcast recorded with
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Forever Joves és un programa de música amb entrevistes a artistes de tots els gèneres musicals. Els divendres de 19:00 h a 20:00 h el Paco Sánchez cercarà la música de proximitat, de Sant Boi, i els èxits del passat, del present i del futur. Que la música t'acompanyi! podcast recorded with…
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A Charada et portem el cinema que coneixes i aquell que no podries imaginar, posant especial atenció en l'actualitat audiovisual de Sant Boi i el Baix Llobregat. A partir de les 18:00 h cada divendres podràs gaudir d'una hora dedicada íntegrament al setè art amenitzada pel Jaume Vidal, en Joan Sola i el Paco Sánchez. podcast recorded with enacast.c…
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A Sempre és massa tractem a la malaltia mental sense embuts, amb molta cura, però traient dramatismes. Poques coses són per sempre, i el trastorn mental no hauria de ser una d'elles. Els divendres de 16:00 h a 17:00 h el Jaume Vidal, el Joan Sola, l'Eli López i Jordi l'infermer posaran fil a l'agulla sobre les malalties mentals. podcast recorded wi…
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Learn the secrets to real estate investor bookkeeping and accounting in Boise. This class is Module 18 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the ways that real estate investors can use to keep their books (track income and expenses) for their real estate investing business? What is t…
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Ryan joins me to discuss the victory over Washington, remember folks every victory is beautiful even this hideous abomination of a first half. Then, I ask Ryan if this six game win streak is a result of the schedule or if something has truly changed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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A partir de les 13:00 h podreu escoltar les notícies més rellevants del dia a dia de Sant Boi, així com aquelles notícies més destacades de la comarca. Un recorregut indispensable per la nostra actualitat municipal, perquè a Sant Boi sempre hi ha novetats! podcast recorded with
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Conductora. Mònica Santacreu. Repuntem el magazine matinal amb espais per la solidaritat, el consum, el cinema, la dona, la infància, ofertes de treball, etc.. Et donem a coneixer els serveis municipals que més pots necessitar o que potser desconeixes i les activitats culturals més interessants de la ciutat. podcast recorded with…
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One animated movie about animals (and maybe a robot) to rule them all! TWO MOVIES ENTER. ONE LEAVES. THE OTHER ALSO LEAVES. BOTH ARE CHILL! Join the HBO BOIZ as they recap two of the best animated movies of 2024! Support the Show: Insta: @thehboboizpod TikTok: @thehboboiz Threads: @thehboboizpod @NothingstarPod Subscribe to Noth…
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A Ràdio Sant Boi, el dia comença amb 'La República Santboiana' a les 8 del matí. El director del programa, Amadeu Alemany, proposa tres hores de ràdio amb seccions de salut, comerç, ciència i esports, les divertides cròniques i entrevistes a peu de carrer del Nano i una àmplia llista de col·laboradors, especialistes i tertulians. podcast recorded w…
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Boiler Room - Learn to Protect Yourself from Predatory Mass Media Presented by: Alternate Current Radio Show Page at ACR Fires continue to ravage the Los Angeles area begging many questions from the public as over 50 billion dollars in estimated fire damages have burned more than more than 37,000 acres between three fires. Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass,…
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Send us a text In this episode, Pacey and Bonnie Violet discuss the overwhelming feelings of the relentless news cycle. Sometimes, the best antidote to feeling overwhelmed is by being in community, which is why Trans Joy Boise will be hosting a café on the 25th of January at the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Yes, you read that right. The…
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En Valentí Sesar ens porta dues hores de ràdio en directe on la música i la paraula són les protagonistes. Els dijous a la nit podem gaudir de Lluna Plena, un programa per escoltar amb els ulls tancats, però amb la sensibilitat ben oberta. podcast recorded with
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Urban Stars és un dels programes de ràdio referents pel que fa a la música urbana, amb seccions especialitzades, dates de concerts, curiositats i entrevistes amb estrelles consolidades i artistes emergents. Els dijous a partir de les 21:00 h podeu gaudir de la millor música urbana actual presentada per joves santboians i santboianes. podcast record…
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A partir de les 20:00 h podreu escoltar les notícies més rellevants del dia a dia de Sant Boi, així com aquelles notícies més destacades de la comarca. Un recorregut indispensable per la nostra actualitat municipal, perquè a Sant Boi sempre hi ha novetats! podcast recorded with
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De dilluns a dijous, de 18 a 20 hores, un equip de joves periodistes i 'influencers' oferiran, sota la direcció de Marc Gabernet, un espectacle radiofònic on es combinaran l'actualitat i l'entreteniment. podcast recorded with
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💥 COMMANDEZ VOS RAPPORTS TENDANCES 2024/2025 💥 → Dans cet épisode spécial de SuperPotion™, nous explorons les tendances clés du marché des spiritueux pour 2025 ! Avec mon invité Frédéric Roginska, fondateur de, nous décortiquons le rapport Diageo "Foresight Report 2025" et partageons d…
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Purdue messed around for 20 mins before they actually started playing...and once they did, good things happened. Boilers rally for their 14th win of the season and improve to 6-1 in-con, while visiting UW.โดย Bleav + Boiled Sports
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Le grand Bruno Blanchet débarque à Pas sorti du bois pour un épisode aussi divertissant qu’inspirant! À 60 ans, ce globe-trotteur aux multiples chapeaux — humoriste, auteur, animateur, comédien, réalisateur, ultramarathonien et icône de la télévision québécoise — ne manque pas d'énergie. En 2021, alors âgé de 57 ans, il s'était promis de tout mettr…
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Purdue took care of business @ Rutgers and at home vs Nebraska as they now head out west to take on Washington and Oregon. Tanner, Evan, and guest, Aaron Lynch, recap the pair of wins and preview the upcoming games out west. This podcast is brought to you by Mad Mushroom & The Shop. -Use coupon code BREAK5 for $5 off any order over $20 at https://m…
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Mackey Arena has rarely seen a beating like that in conference play. Ryan and I discuss the takedown of Nebraska and look ahead to the West Coast swing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visitโดย FFSN
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Tout donner pour les autres, tout anticiper et penser que tu n’as pas le choix… Ça te parle ? Être Sauveur, c’est porter un rôle épuisant, parfois sans même s’en rendre compte. 💡 Dans cet épisode, on va parler de : Ce qui différencie une posture d’adulte d’une posture de Sauveur Pourquoi les Sauveurs finissent souvent épuisés Comment faire des choi…
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It’s 2025, and we’re kicking off the year with a new season of the podcast and a new sermon series. Robert gives us an overview of the next 6 weeks–looking at both the big picture and the zoomed in version of what it actually means to be a follower of Jesus. To become Jesus’ hands and feet in the world. To be visible Jesus’ in our family, community…
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Send us a text With the Inauguration just days away, we are already seeing an onslaught of hateful legislation for the LGBTQ+ community. Join us as we discuss Idaho legislation, the project 2025 agenda, Meta protections being removed, anticipated Inaugural attacks, and what we can do to challenge all of it. Support the show 💌 Join the conversation!…
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Join us as we kick off a brand new series on practicing the way of Jesus with an opening message on Jesus’ call to ALL - come to me and I will give you rest, teeing up our first deep dive into the spiritual practice of Sabbath. Enjoy!โดย Pastor Trevor Estes
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Music that is magical and as big as a landscape. Esteban Anastasio takes you through the glittering avant beauty of Laurie Anderson, with her iconic cut from Big Science, Oceanic Ether by Los Angeles ambient artist MONO/POLY, and, if that isn't enough, Striations by electronic pioneer Pauline Oliveros. Take this floating ride.…
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Learn the secrets to getting your first real estate investment deal done in Boise. This class is Module 17 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: A 90-day plan to buy your first rental property. Why there is nothing difficult to do in the real estate investing business and why it is really all…
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