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Capital City Church Ottawa

Capital City Church

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Capital City Church led by Michael and Lynda Welch. Jesus is our message and people are our heart. To learn more visit our website at
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At 3Ci, we believe that all of scripture can be summarised in one word: “Father”. So like the disciples, we say “show us the Father and that will be enough for us”’ and through every moment and all our ministries, we pursue the Father heart of God for ourselves and those we do life with.
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Capital City Christian Church | Podcast

Capital City Christian Church

Listen to Capital City's weekly messages and find ways to worship, connect, grow and serve at CapCity. Capital City Christian Church is a non-denominational, independent Christian church in Frankfort, Kentucky. We're committed to being a place where God is building Christ-Driven, 24/7 Jesus followers. A place of 100% truth and 100% grace.
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show series
"I think we live in a "truth desert." We live in a world where thoughts like "What's true for you may not be true for me" exist. We live in a world where thoughts like "I'm just living out my truth" — that's a normal thought. Truth — real truth … absolute truth — is becoming more and more scarce. And our world is living off of processed truth, unhe…
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Do you want to get well? It wasn’t just a question for the man – but also for the religious folks.Church, we've got to repent. That word repent, it's a big church word. It just means changing your mind into alignment with Jesus. Repentance is basically saying, "Jesus, you’re always right. I want to think like you do so that it will lead me to live …
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"There are different ways of saying “again” in Greek. The one here is kind of odd. If you were to check it out in your Bible you’d probably see a little note next to the word “again.” If you go to the margin it will explain the note. It will tell you that the word “again” can also mean “from above.” “You must be born again.” Or, “You must be born f…
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There will be a time and there will be a place where God will bring justice and judgement to both the wicked and the righteous. Until then, we live in the knowledge that God is big and we are small. 155383โดย (3Ci)
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"This is the big idea. Jesus invited. He didn't force. He didn't power people into following Him. He didn't beg people to believe in Him. He didn't perform people into accepting Him. It’s true that he taught with authority. It’s true that Jesus wowed with His miracles and His signs. And it’s true that there were times when Jesus attracted large cro…
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"So... till death do us part: perseverance, endurance, faithfulness. That’s what I preached 25 years ago. And it was solid stuff, I think. But we need to go deeper. Because it’s missing, I think, maybe the most important part. Because... what if perseverance isn’t measured just by time? What if endurance and faithfulness aren’t measured just by tim…
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There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build.โดย (3Ci)
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"James says the proud are in competition with God. Have you ever felt like God is against you? Do you ever feel like your marriage isn’t getting any better? Maybe, just maybe, you have an issue. Maybe you need to be broken of your pride.James says the humble are on God’s team. Do you want God to come back into your marriage? Do you want God to brin…
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"If you step into the Bible, you’ll find the word gentle in several places. If you look at the Greek language, something more robust reveals itself. The Greek word for gentleness is pra - ooh - tayce. Historically, this word originally described the space existing between having a hot temper … and having no temper at all. I think this definition ge…
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"We are calling this little series, “First comes love, then comes …” And it’s all about the kind of love we’re talking about. If we’re talking about agape, first comes love, then comes … sacrifice. First comes agape, then comes … gentleness. Of course, it does! First comes agape, then comes … humility. First comes agape, then comes faithfulness. An…
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"Guys, we have a God who is not a God of less than the best. He is not one to give us the minimum expectation. We have a God who is a God of excellence. And when He became man, it was nowhere near the least that God could do; it was His best. I said this last week, but God becoming man was accomplishing excellence in the same way He made mountains,…
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"In the first two weeks of this sermon series starting out the year, we’ve talked about reading the Bible and setting new patterns for growth within us. For the next two weeks — today and next week — we will discuss pursuing excellence in our worship.Because there are real implications when we give less than our best. If we give less than our best …
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"So, there are all these different “Bibles” out there, and all these spiritual gurus, motivational “life coaches,” all telling you how to live. And you pile on top of these the advice you are getting every day from TV and the internet, from TV stars and athletes who think that because they are talented and rich, you need to listen to them as they t…
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But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”โดย (3Ci)
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Listen, guys: If you have tried reading your Bible before and failed, try again. We have an incredibly gracious God, and I think he loves it when we try again. If you miss a day, a week, a month … try again. Start again … that’s so cool! It’ll make a difference, guys. It’ll make a difference in your life with God. It’ll make a difference in how you…
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"Some of you guys came in here this morning pretty skeptical about Jesus. And when you hear his words, “I am The Way, The Truth, The Life, and no one gets to the Father without going through me,” you bristle. You want your own truth. You want your own way. … But … what if Jesus really was God, in a bod, stepping into our world to eradicate the barr…
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When Jesus offered an invitation to participate in this way, it wasn’t an invitation for you to believe — it was an invitation for you to follow. It was an invitation to experience him. An invitation to participate. Because Jesus believes that following him will make your life better, and it will make you better at life.And it’s why I think the bes…
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See, that’s what Christmas is actually all about. At Christmas, we celebrate God becoming one of us to show us the way to the Father. Because we are lost and we don’t know it. We need to know the way. We are wrong, and we don’t know it. We need to know the truth.What moves you from being lost to no longer being lost? What is it that moves you from …
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Matthew picks up on a prophecy spoken to the people of God in their darkest hour, that God wants to be with us in the darkest valleys and when we face the highest mountains. And today we are reminded that when it comes to the heart of God for His people, nothing has changed.โดย (3Ci)
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"Bottom line, relatively speaking … we are blessed, right? We’re … rich even, right? The apostle Paul says, “Command those who are rich (This is a command for those of us who are Jesus followers; command those who are rich) in the things of this life not to be proud, but to place their hope, not in such an uncertain thing as riches, but in God, who…
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"Money and stuff are needed in this world — they're a required part of our lives. But don't let them become what your life revolves around. Paul warns Timothy in the NT, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” Don't let your pursuit of money and the stuff it can get you become your first pursuit — your central pursuit.Because money ha…
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