Breve opinión del dispositivo que ha sido actualizado en este año
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Un nuevo podcast dedicado a repasar toda la actualidad semanal relacionada con los productos Apple.
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Podcast y Screencast para novatos en el mundo de la tecnolog�a en general y de Apple en particular.
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Blog, videocast y podcast sobre el mundo mac, gadgets e informa
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Podcast sobre productos, novedades y rumores de Apple, iPhone, iPad, iOS y OS X ---
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El podcast de tecnología de Pedro Aznar y C.J. Navas
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Podcast de noticias tecnológicas. Con lo nuevo de Apple, Android, Gadgets, Sistemas operativos, un poco de música y mucho mas.
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En el podcast Actualidad Apple creamos programas cortos y concisos, en los que vamos comentando la actualidad y lo que va sucediendo en el universo de la manzana mordida. Si te gusta, no te olvides de dejar una reseña positiva en todos nuestros canales.
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100% gratis y en itunes para iPod touch iPhone ipad
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Podcasting house and progressive house music direct to you! At least once a month, a great selection of the best tunes of the electronic music world. Serious, chunky and uplifting vocal house tracks delivered from Spain. Direct from national and international dancefloors onto your iPod, just pure quality house and progressive house. Presented by Alvaro Ager
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Bienvenido a nuestro espacio de difusión de información por medio del audio. El equipo de la comunidad ApplePod te traerá la informacion mas relevante y precisa de lo relacionado a Apple e iOS en latinoamerica.
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Ven, sígueme: Recursos de aprendizaje para los jóvenes | SD | SPANISH
la iglesia de jesucristo de los santos de los últimos días
This podcast is a simple and convenient way to share the videos from Come, Follow Me on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. It features the videos for the monthly gospel topic youth are studying in Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, and Sunday School.
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Subscribase para automaticamente recibir el Audio de la enseñanza en Espanol desde Capilla Calvario Albuquerque. Esta subscripción la dará cada mensaje en la forma MP3, y puede ser escuchada en su computadora o in su MP3. The Live Service AUDIO Podcast is a twice weekly bible study with Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary of Albuquerque. Subscribe and you can receive FREE MP3 files of the message for your iPod or other MP3 Player. Skip teaches expositionally through the entire Bible, verse by v ...
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El podcast chileno de Tecnología, Videojuegos y Ñoñerías; junto a @adrianfrg y @edowoo. ¡Escúchanos en tu plataforma favorita, difúndenos con tus amigos y comenta en nuestras redes sociales!
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Bueno, ya estoy aqui, soy un chico de 26 años, natural de Murcia y aqui tienes informacion util y consejos sobre los dispositivos ios, y el mundo de apple en general, espero que os guste y disfruteis con ellos Autor: Juaniko podcast/
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Que tal amigos, bienvenidos a mi canal de Podcast, donde hablaremos, como lo dice el nombre Un Poco De Mas. Un espacio dirigido a las personas que se encuentran en casa para que se sientan acompañados al momento de escuchar un episodio del canal. Si gustas que hable de algun tema en especifico te invito a que me lo dejes saber en mi cuenta de twitter o en mis redes sociales.
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Nate Heitzig
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Prayer: It’s Not Just for Sundays
44:42The son of great missionary Hudson Taylor noted of his father, “For forty years the sun never rose on China that God didn’t find him on his knees.” Someone called prayer the gymnasium of the soul. When was the last time you had a good “workout”? Today, James jumps into the mysterious cooperation of the divine with the human through prayer. When and…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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Negative Commands for a Positive Life
45:20Sometimes parents will tell their children not to do certain things. But such prohibitions are motivated by love. These negative commands are to ensure a positive outcome. A good biblical example of this is the list of thou shalt nots in the Ten Commandments. In this section, James gives his audience a few negative instructions so they can have a p…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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Ever since Jesus came to Earth over 2,000 years ago to die and rise again, He promised to return. And believers have been looking for Him since. Every generation has its doomsday preachers and prophecy “experts,” predicting when He will return. But today we examine not when He will come back, but rather how we should live until He does. James tells…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Nate Heitzig
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โดย Nate Heitzig
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Conflict resolution is an entire field of practice—used from the counselor’s couch to the United Nations. Evidently, conflicts were a problem in early congregations. James, in forceful language, addressed this and told his audience how to fix it. Today we see several steps to resolve conflict. And today, instead of me writing the outline for you, I…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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In the ancient world, few virtues were more revered than wisdom. In the biblical Hebrew culture, wisdom was considered the skill to live well, or more precisely, a wise person was an expert in godly living. According to James, wisdom has little to do with IQ, SAT scores, or education. Wisdom is different from knowledge. Rather, true wisdom is the r…
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Do the words that come out of your mouth bless others and honor God, or do they bring bitterness and destruction? In this message, Nate Heitzig examines what James 3:2-12 says about the power of the tongue and reminds us that God is the only one capable of changing our heart—and the words that flow from it.…
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When our lives don't match our testimony, it gives unbelievers an excuse to blaspheme the name of God and diminishes our witness to a lost world. It's critical that believers continually develop their spiritual character and stay accountable for their conduct. In this message, Nate Heitzig applies James 3:1 to Bible teachers—and every believer who …
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The Patriarch and the Prostitute
43:15You probably couldn’t find two people more different than the two examples chosen by James to show the difference between dead faith and dynamic faith. Abraham was the first patriarch and designated figurehead of the Jewish nation. Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho during Israel’s assault of that city. But both demonstrate how true faith …
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According to a recent Netflix documentary, there are more forgeries of famous paintings hanging in museums than most people suspect. From time to time, these cases come to light. But what about faith in God? The easiest thing to do is to simply say that one is a believer. But where’s the proof? James addressed this, giving four telltale signs to he…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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Playing Favorites at Church
53:42Faith and favoritism are incompatible. We have been saved by a loving Redeemer and we must be willing to accept all different kinds of people. That’s not to say that people don’t need to repent of known sin. Of course they do! But one of the glaring sins of the Christian church is discriminating on the basis of outward appearance—actually, this is …
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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Mirrors are honest! Under well-lit conditions, mirrors reveal the truthful condition of the observer. The Bible is the Word of God. Like a mirror, it reveals the truth about our world, our character, and our God. But then we must act accordingly; doing must follow reading and hearing. James mentions five areas in our lives—five categories—the Word …
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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The Word of God is “full of living power,” wrote the author of Hebrews (4:12, TLB). It has the power to change a life completely and for eternity. James has been telling us that God gives good gifts and the first is the gift of salvation! But that is just the beginning. After birth comes growth, and the theme of this book is spiritual maturity. The…
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It’s one thing to be tested on the outside (trials); it’s another thing to be tested on the inside (temptation). God may allow temptations in order to strengthen our faith. But Satan desires to tempt us to weaken our faith. In C. S. Lewis’s classic book The Screwtape Letters, a senior demon wrote to a trainee, saying, “All the habits of the [Christ…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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The Trials of the Rich and Poor
42:24An old English children’s game followed the poem “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief.” In the game, kids would try to determine what they would become later in life. Whether we become rich or poor, one thing is common to all—hardship. Trials are the great equalizer, bringing all of God’s children to depend on Him…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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Adulting When Times Are Hard
44:56Growing up has its advantages. Adults face life’s struggles differently than children do. Both children and adults feel strong emotions about the trials they face, but they display their emotions differently. A mature Christian can even dare to experience joy during such times. Whatever you may be facing in life, there are four realities about hard…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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James, the Adult in the Room
49:27โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Nate Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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People either misunderstand the cross or they don't know its purpose and significance. Some think it's a tragic mistake or just a trivial symbol. When it came to the Messiah, the Jews anticipated a conqueror—instead, they got a sin bearer. Through the cross, Jesus glorified the Father and paid the price for our sins. Instead of shying away from it,…
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Today we are entering into Passion Week—commemorating Jesus’ final days leading up to the cross, His burial, and His resurrection. We are all familiar with these events. As Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem, the crowd placed palm branches on the ground. In a few days, Jesus would be crucified, and they would place His body in the ground. But th…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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In the Room—We Find Purpose
51:09โดย Nate Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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In order to discover what Jesus intended for the church He came to establish (remember He said, “I will build My church”), we need to examine carefully the prototype—the first church in the book of Acts. In combing through this text the last few weeks, we have been able to get a sense of the style, structure, and service of the early church. Today …
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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When God works in a person’s life, there is profound change. When God’s people see that change, it produces a sense of awe and wonder. It also provides encouragement that God will do it again and again. When we gather together and hear one another’s stories and witness one another’s victories, we are inspired. Today we consider the power of God wor…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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The term worship comes from an older English word, worth-ship, which means to give something worth or to attribute value to something or someone. In its purest form, worship acknowledges who God is, gives Him the glory that He alone deserves, and honors Him with our lips and lives. In the Old and New Testaments, worship was both personal and a comm…
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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There is an epidemic of loneliness in our society as people long for a place to feel safe and belong. The truth is, we were not built for isolation—and that's why God created the church and community. In this message, Nate Heitzig shares what happens when you get in the room with God's people.โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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โดย Skip Heitzig
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