Selbyville Assembly Of God สาธารณะ
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God will reveal the good things of God as we walk with Him and that goodness of God and the Holy Spirit gives us peace. The peace of God cannot be matched by anything else in this world. We can have peace despite of everything happening around us. Lay your burdens down at the feet of Jesus and have the peace of God.…
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How much time are we spending in prayer? Are we asking for forgiveness because we aren't spending enough time in prayer? When there are things happening in our world that bothers us, our first instinct should be to go to the Lord in prayer, not to debate, complain, or discuss. Prayer is best learned by actually praying and the best time to pray is …
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A lot of people are living in fear who don't know Jesus. There are a lot of very small fears and phobias that people have now days. When we separate from God, the devil creates fear in our lives. Fear comes from sin, but Jesus' love breaks all fear. The creator of the universe loves each of us individually and with that love there is no fear. Perfe…
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In this final installment of the Activating Change series of messages by Roland Coon, we continue to talk about forgiveness and Biblical body language. There should always be continuous change as we live for God and long to please Him. We must take the Word of God and apply it to what we do, think, hear, and speak. Take only level and firm paths in…
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There is a change in the spiritual atmosphere. We are living in the last days. We have to have the joyful calmness of patience that comes from knowing the Lord in the last days. We must contend for the joy and peace of God, the calm delight of the Lord. The Lord allows us to be settled in our mind and not let the perplexity of the world bother us.…
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Change in our lives comes from applying God's word in every circumstance in our lives. We must walk, be led by, and keep in step with the Spirit. Forgiveness is needed for continuous change in our lives. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you. Scripture: Galatians 5:16-25 Matthew 6:9-15 Luke 23:34
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Jesus gave us two commandments, love the Lord and love your neighbors. We should prioritize what God thinks before we prioritize what others think. We must view our culture through the eyes of God and not the other way around. We need to be more sensitive to God. After that, our love for others should be obvious to everyone we come into contact wit…
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September 29, 2024 - AM Sermon - Bill Jeynes - Blessed Hope 1 Cor. 15:50-58 Our hope is in the return of Jesus, Our Blessed Hope. There might be chaos, but Jesus is coming back. So often our victory happens when there seems to be just a small amount of hope. God's definition of hope is Jesus and the Word of God. Whatever our situation is, we have h…
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Evangelist Jonathan Edwards preaches a great sermon about the Prosperity of the Soul. The prosperity of the soul leads to a prosperous life. We must give attention to our soul, the real us. We must make good choices because our choices are what impacts our soul. The three keys to a prosperous soul are: 1. Putting the Word of God first in our life, …
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Jesus has given us the blessing of God's grace on Calvary. We are who we are because of the grace of God. God's grace is sufficient. We can not earn God's grace, it is given to us because of the cross. We must remember that accessing the presence of God gives God a chance to work. Remember, God's grace supplies all our needs.…
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Is change a one a one-time thing or an ongoing experience? When we are saved, Jesus comes to live in our hearts, and helps change our outlook on life. That is just the beginning though. No matter how long we are a Christian, we are never done. We are never done with God's work and becoming more like Jesus. It is now up to us to produce the fruit of…
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Tonight, Pastor Gerry Hausheer taught on belonging to the body. We are all called to belong to the body of Christ. We are all welcomed. We are all invited and are needed. We matter to God. In the same way, we need to accept everyone into the body of Christ and lift each other up.
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Today, Pastor Gerry Hausheer brought us a sermon about control. Titled "A Study in Control," he went through the story of Mary and Joseph and the obstacles they overcame. Their lives looked like they were out of control, but God was always in control. We must remember that when things in our own life look out of control, that God is still in contro…
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We have joy because we have Christ in us. Christ Himself even acknowledged that joy came from Him. As we fellowship with Christ and be in His presence, we will have much needed joy in our lives.
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In this continuing sermon from Pastor Coon, he talks about healing and faith. Prayer lines up with God's timing. There is instant healing, which is a miracle, and there is progressive healing. We must remember that we have faith, that we must use the faith we have, and that our faith will increase when we use that faith. Don't believe that you have…
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Pastor Weymouth taught on what occurred after Pentecost. The disciples and followers continued to gather in one accord at the temple. This unity is the foundation of the fast growth of Christianity. This growth wasn't without issue, the Sadducees had them thrown in jail, and Stephen was eventually martyred. Fortunately, this led to the missionary w…
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Today, Pastor Coon talked to us about healing. The first type of healing is the body's natural ability to heal that God has given us in creation. Even though we all can access this healing, the choices we make in our lives, to live a Biblical life, impart extra protection and healing. Let your heart keep God's commandments, turn entirely toward Him…
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A lot of Paul's writings focused on the personal walk of Paul. People will let you down, but God will always be there for you. We must work out our own faith and be the ones to call upon His name in times of need.
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God is not limited. Nothing is impossible to God, however we can limit God by: Our own thinking Our unbelief Our disobedience We never want to restrict the will of God. We must be obedient, have faith, and think positively to allow God to make the impossible possible.
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Zechariah 3 He that is in Christ is a new creature. When we accept Jesus, we are one in Christ. He is always going to take care of you, no matter what. Everything will work out, resist the devil, and he will flee. God is the I Am Who I Am and nothing can stand against Him.
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If you do what the Lord tells us to do, being strong in Him, and continuing to seek Him, He will be there with us and He will help us. Seek God's face first and He will strengthen you and give you grace. 2 Chronicles 14-16 - the story of Asa as he first relied on God and later stopped relying on God.…
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The rock that the church is built upon is that Jesus is the Son of God. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the church, denomination, assembly, family, and ourselves if we proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God. Keep Jesus first and make Him the center of your life.
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True worship is on God's terms and not ours. True worship includes giving our will to God's will. God always has our best interests at heart, and he pours out his love on us when we worship and praise. We must surrender to God's claim on us and give it all to Him through our praise and worship.
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Who is in charge of our life? When we focus on the problems of life it can create fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety distract us from focusing on Jesus. Jesus is looking for actions that show others He is in charge of our lives. Keep our eyes on Christ and let Him steer our lives.
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Caleb is a good example of someone who live in God's keeping power. Caleb was in the keeping power of God for 45 years. Caleb wholly followed the Lord with complete trust. Others looked at the problems instead of trusting God. It is God's keeping power that will get us through life's difficulties.
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Today, Pastor Weymouth shared how we have the right to access the presence of God. When we reach out to God, God will be there waiting for us. There is power in his presence, but we must prioritize seeking his presence continually.
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How important is the repentant sinner to God? God is reaching out to the lost, just as the woman in Luke 15 searched for the lost coin, the shepherd looking for the one lost lamb, and the feather welcoming home the prodigal son. The prodigal son's brother was too busy with his own work to even help his young brother. The older brother only cared ab…
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Today, Pastor Coon finished up his series of sermons on Ecclesiastes. He admonished us to not rely on ourselves because this will lead to wickedness. Instead, rely on God, seek the wisdom of God, and fear Him.
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Today, Pastor Coon talked about Song of Solomon and relationships. We should all bring contentment and peace to all our relationships, rejoice in those relationships, and put forth as much effort in our relationships as when they first started. The one we spend the most time with is the one we will be closest to. All of these things are relevant wi…
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Believe in God and not what you see or hear. Do not have doubt in your heart but believe in the promises of God. Don't let doubt get you down because we can overcome that doubt with faith in the Word and His promises. Joshua and Caleb overcame all sources of doubt when they entered Canaan and we can do the same.…
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In the second sermon of a three part series about considering what God has done, Pastor Coon focuses on the sovereignty of God. God will do what God wants to do because of his sovereignty and He sees the bigger picture. Trials will come but God will see us through them. Paul learned how to be content during the good and the bad times. He said that …
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The Bible is full of examples of people that exercised their own faith to be healed. There is nothing wrong with someone crying out to Jesus for a healing or a blessing. We should never be ashamed to petition Jesus, we are all worthy. Prayer is the door and faith is the key. Don't doubt the power of your faith.…
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Today, pastor Coon started a message that looked at what God has said and done. We must accept what God has said in the Bible. We must have the mind of Christ, God's view of things. We must first seek God's kingdom and His righteousness. Those that please God will receive wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. We must also remember when things are bad t…
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Pastor Coon preached out of Luke 10 today about the story of the Good Samaritan. He went into great detail about the role of the priest, the Levites, and the Good Samaritan. We create opportunities and the Lord leads us to opportunities. Be sensitive to the Spirit but always do the will of God, and his will is to help our neighbor. Our neighbor is …
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We don't have to go through life alone. The same God who anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit is the same Holy Spirit that is with us. We are called to be victorious and bold just as Christ was. The goal of the Holy Spirit is to always mold us to be more like Jesus. We must continuously be in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and united in the Spirit.…
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Pastor Coon encouraged us to get dressed for war and to put on the whole armor of God. He went over each piece of armor and what they do for us. We have been called against every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Bringing all our thoughts into the alignment and will of God.…
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Don't worry about what is happening around you, just follow Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Do what God wants you to do, do not look at what others are or aren't doing. Don't fall for peer pressure to be something you are not. We must follow the leading of the Lord. What does God want us to be? To be like Jesus.…
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We are revived for a purpose. Revival is an ongoing process, a consistent process of staying renewed. Jesus changes us to make us a weapon of war to pull down the strong holds in our lives but also to impact our community because we have power over all the enemy. We are the revival and it is our every day walk with God that makes things happen.…
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In this special joint service with The New Beginning Spanish church, Pastor Leroy Weymouth, with the help of interpreter Naomi, delivers a powerful message on going through trials with the help of God. As we go through the trials, with the help of God, we will come through as pure gold.
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Saint Claire Sterling gave us a message today talking about the advancements of technology and our ever changing world. He reminded us that with all the distractions and things vying for our time in our world, that we must not forget Jesus, and that we need to prioritize time with Him.
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There is hope in Jesus and the second coming. We need hope to do the work of Jesus. The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. Those that endure to the end will be saved. Be wary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap. Only works with the right heart, attitude, and motive will be rewarded. Be ready, He is coming soon, so look up, our …
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A miracle is a supernatural touch from God. Today is the day for your miracle. Everything must bow to the name of Jesus. The impotent man at the pool of Bethesda is an example that Jesus wants us to respond to our issues. The woman with blood issues acted on her faith to get healed. The man with the withered hand acted on Jesus' command and shows t…
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The Holy Spirit mirrors Christ and the Holy Spirit lives within us. The Holy Spirit is to our advantage. The Holy Spirit is not an inferior substitute to Jesus, instead He mirrors Christ, and with Him we represent Christ on earth. We need the Holy Spirit to supercharge our lives and to mold us to be more like Jesus.…
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Jesus has risen! The Stone is rolled away! The tomb is empty! Easter is all about our risen Savior. The resurrection does three things: 1) Signifies that Jesus is the Son of God and the Lord of the Universe. 2) Declares that Satan's power is broken and he is defeated. 3) Shows the reality of God's power. Luke 24 Rev. 1:17 Phil 2:8-11…
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The entire Bible points towards Jesus. The power and majesty of God, in Jesus, laid down His life for us, to save us and be the author and finisher of our faith. Another way to look at it is Jesus is the originator and initiator of our faith. God gives us the desires of our heart and one of them is to grow our faith. We grow our faith by keeping ou…
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All the great acts in the Bible were committed by faith. They are a cloud of witnesses of the acts of faith. We should be a witness for what God can do. Walk in the Spirit and you will fulfill the desires of the Spirit because we walk by faith and not by sight.
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Our purpose is to do God's will and plan. Like the apostle Paul, we will have opposition in our lives while doing God's will. Nevertheless, God will protect us and guide us through our trials as long as we stay in God's will and plan for our lives. Acts 27
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Jesus makes somebodies out of nobodies. What would life be like without love? Jesus is saying, "I care and I love you." God's love for us is that while we were still sinners He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for Us. Just as Jesus is saying, "I care," we should be showing the love of Jesus to others and let them know that we care. In fact, we are all s…
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Pastor Coon shared that just as Christ's commitment was to God, His obedience is to His walk, so our commitment to Jesus is our obedience to our walk. As we follow Jesus, we will have the fullness of Christ, we will deny ourselves, and yield our entire person to our walk. It is an ongoing act of sanctification. Pastor Coon also shared with us the c…
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