Professor Llusern สาธารณะ
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Yma Mae Dreigiau - Here Be Dragons

Professor Llusern

Yma byddwn yn ceisio adrodd streaon bob yn ail yn y Saesneg a'r Gymraeg, 2 yr wythnos, chwedlau fedrwch eu mwynhau gan coginio, lliwio, gwneud gwaith ysgol neu golchi llestri. Here we attempt to tell 50 stories at a rate of 2 a week and alternating between a story in Welsh and a story in English and can be enjoyed while the children help with washing up, do their homework or weed the garden, they can be enjoyed equally by the driver of the car and the passenger with their dozing in the passe ...
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Chwedl am Lyn Tegid yw'r olaf gennyf yn y gyfres yma. Gobeithio gwnewch chi ei fwynhau a chawn ni wneud hyn eto cyn bo hir. I wrando ar y pennod hon, cliciwch ar y llun isod neu am fwy o ffyrdd i danysgrifio ewch at y dudalen yma. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag ry…
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This is another one of those stories with slightly different versions and locations around Wales! When you've listened to this one here is another good one from Sian Miriam To listen to this episode click on the image below, for other ways to listen click here. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on i…
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Mae rhan helaeth o hanes Cymru ar goll o dan ein traed. Wedi dweud hynny mae'n beth hynod pan mae chwedl a chynhanes go iawn yn cydymffurfio fel hyn. I wrando ar y pennod hon, cliciwch ar y llun isod neu am fwy o ffyrdd i danysgrifio ewch at y dudalen yma. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren a…
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Having had so many warnings in this series about dealing with the Fairies I thought it would be good if my last fairy story was a little more positive. At least more positive than some. At least a jolly miller managed to get a little reward for helping the fairies have a good wash! This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us…
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Pam mai'r straeon mwyaf gwaedlyd yw'r rhai sydd yn ymwneud â phobl go iawn? Rhedwch am eich bywydau! Mae Gwylliaid Cochion Mawddwy yn dod!!! Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso …
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Wales is full of water spirits of various kinds, from the water horse to the lady of the lake. This is an unusual one, the cyhyrraeth. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do so at…
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Byddwch yn ofalus gyda pwy rydych yn eistedd lawr am êm gyfeillgar. Mae nhw'n galw deck o gardiau yn Llyfr Darlun y Diafol am reswm wyddoch chi?! I wrando ar y pennod hon, cliciwch ar y llun isod neu am fwy o ffyrdd i danysgrifio ewch at y dudalen yma. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iT…
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The devil has a long history in Wales, but he is usually trounced by Welsh cunning. Hear how an old woman beat the old boy at his own game. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do so at…
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Pa mor bell buasech chi'n mynd i ennill castell?! Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso i chi wneud hynny yma Cerddoriaeth ddi-hawlfraint yng Nghymru diolch …
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A magical tale of (possibly) ancient origin. Strange fairies abducting knights with hints of an odyssey about it. Meet Einion, the son of one of Arthur's knights and a strange figure in white, is it Merlin? Or Gandalf? This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If…
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Dyma i chi un o chwedlau enwocaf Cymru tu allan i'r Mabinogi. Mae fersiynnau wahannol o un pen o'r wlad i'r llall ond efallai mai dyma'r fersiwn fwyaf adnabyddus.... Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am f…
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The 3rd of August (yesterday) is the feast day of St Garmon or Germain. A local legend to us has this Gaulish bishop turning back a whole army but is it a miracle or a clever trick. Listen and have a think... This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d lik…
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Dyma chi un arall o ffiniau'r Mabinogi sydd a chyswllt personol i mi gan fy mod i'n dod o'r fro sydd yn y stori. Ac mae gennym Macsen acw cofiwch! Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae c…
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There are versions of this story all over the world, but at I was surprised to find at least two from Wales! This is a mashup of the different Welsh versions of the story I have heard so don't take it a the only version but look it up yourselves. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherev…
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Mae'r chwedl hon yn perthyn i'r un teulu a hwnw yn ol ym mhenod 32. Ond mae chwinc i hon sy'n ei wneud iddi sefyll allan. O ble mae'r cenhedlaeth newydd o dylwyth Teg yn dod? Falle yma cawn ni weld... Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau …
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A story from just outside of the Mabinogi this week, where one of Arthur's most famous knights takes on a side-quest. Beware, this one gets a bit grim in places. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do …
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Chwedl gyntaf o ddwy sydd gydag Afanc ynddynt, ond â yw hon yn wir chwedl o'r oesoedd canol, neu clwyddau noeth gan Iolo Morgannwg? Beth ydych chi'n meddwl? Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith c…
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They say that children, madmen and artists can all see the fairies. Well this could be true of our story this week as it features a fiddler who plays at a most unusual party. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my effort…
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Chwedl gyntaf o ddwy eithaf tebyg wythnos yma. O dro i dro mae'r Tylwyth Teg a'u tebyg yn dewis gweision sy'n feidrol fel chi a fi. Pam eu bod dim yn dallt pwy yw eu meitrau newydd, oherwydd swyn o'r enw cyfaredd... Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael ei…
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Possibly the oldest story in the world, as it was told in Wales. A cunning Irishman comes face to face with the Old Boy but who will win this battle of wits?! It's anyone's guess. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my e…
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Ai chwedl neu hanes go iawn yw hyn? Does neb yn hollol siwr ond un peth sy'n sicr, mae hi'n andros o stori dda... Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso i chi wneud hynny yma www.k…
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Judge a man not by his size but by his character. And don't think you can put one over on someone just because they happen to be smaller than you! This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do so at www.ko-fi…
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Chwedl arall, agos i gartref. Roedd y Santes hon yn byw yn y 7fed Ganrif, yn ystod Oes y Seintiaid. Ond mi oedd beth ddigwyddodd iddi hi yn rhywbeth arbennig iawn... I wrando ar y pennod hon, cliciwch ar y llun isod neu am fwy o ffyrdd i danysgrifio ewch at y dudalen yma. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (r…
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Bad luck can plague you, and curse you. Sometimes the Fairies can help lift such a curse, especially if they put it on you in the first place, but you must do them a favour first. But what favour can you do for a fairy? Halfway there, everyone. Thank you for your support so far! This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a …
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Yn y dyddiau a fu roedd y Tylwyth Teg yn ddiawledig am ddwyn babanod, ond fel eich bod chi ddim yn sylwi roeddynt yn gadael un o'u plant eu hunain yn ei lle. Dyma oedd y crimbil, y plentyn cyfnewid, neu'r bychan benthyg. Ond sut oedd cael eich plentyn chi yn ei hol? Yn Nhreffynnon roedd goeden arbennig... Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond …
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What happens when the fairies make a mistake? What happens if they mistake the most miserable and unpleasant soul for a good person and reward them with magic? Stick cotton wool in your ears, it is going to be a bumpy ride. Halfway there, everyone. Thank you for your support so far! This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave u…
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Rhamant a trasiedi yn un. Chwedl o ddyfryn fel hanner powlen ym mhenryn y Llŷn. Dowch i glywed hanes cariad unigryw â thorwyd yn hanner gyda chalon a choeden hynafol yn yr un drawiad mellten. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hof…
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In Wales we do an interesting line in mythical creatures. Often they don't have to be harpies, or griffons or even dragons! Sometimes they are just ordinary animals that have achieved a great age (and often prodigious size to go with it). This story is, for this reason, often called the the Ancients of Britain or Ancient Animals of Britain. I have …
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Gwyrth fach teuluol o Eryri sydd gennym heddiw. Un digon ddiniwed ond sy'n haeddu cael ei ddarlledu'n bellach. Diolch i'r ddiweddar John Owen Huws am ei gasglu. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy wai…
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A drover meets a magician, finds a fortune and a sleeping king with his retinue. What would you do if you had access to a fortune in gold, but could only take out a handful at a time, for fear of large men in armour with big swords? This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get you…
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Hanes go iawn heddiw, allan o lyfr hanes gan Gerallt Gymro. Mi ddwedais i fob fy straeon i gyd yn wir, yn do? Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso i chi wneud hynny yma www.ko-fi…
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A hare-raising (Groan!) tale from Wales. The 27th of May is the Feast of St Melangell, patron saint of Hares and by extension all hunted animals in Wales. Enjoy this recipe for Welsh Rarebit to celebrate her day... This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 st…
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Sant Collen Mae heddiw, y 21ain o Fai, yn ddiwrnod Sant Collen, a dyma hanes sut fu iddo guro brenin y Tylwyth Teg, Gwyn ap Nudd. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso i chi wneud…
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This is my favourite story as it is the one I once told to the great Taffy Thomas. Beware strange creatures in the undergrowth. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do so at All mu…
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Byddwch yn ofalus o anifeiliad Cymru, weithiau maent yn fwy hudol Byddwch yn ofalus o anifeiliaid Cymru, weithiau maent yn fwy hudol na'r Tylwyth Teg eu hunain. Dyna fu i Cadwaladr ddarganfod un diwrnod ar ôl cam-drin ei hoff afr, Jeni. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle byn…
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Before Barnum was another greatest showman, with an equally murky past. I am thankful to David Rowe for his book The A - Z of Curious Flintshire (not Flintshire Folktales as I said in the episode). You can find it in good bookshops or on this link here. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or…
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Morforynion da neu drwg? Roedd yr un oedd gan Hans Christian Anderson yn dda ond mae'r gweddill yn fwy llwyd eu gwedd. Dwi ddim yn siwr os oedd Morforwyn Conwy yn haeddu eu ffawd, ond falle bod pobl y dre, y Jac y Dos am y ffordd ddaru nhw ei thrin hi. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iT…
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Shorter story today, as my voice may be on the way out. Witches and Witch trials are the order of the day so soon after May Day. As promised the website for online shows is at This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy…
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Pwy oedd Gwyddno Garanhir, a pham ei fod yn ochneidio! Dyma hanes am damwain naturiol sydd, efallai, gyda mwy o wir ynddi nag unrhyw stori arall o'r canol oesoedd. Dyma hanes Cantre'r Gwaelod. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os ho…
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We have finally arrived at one of the greats, possibly the best know story from Wales. Or is it? Gelert, the faithful hound via medieval Europe, and the creation of a cunning, marketing guru. Hear the story of Wales' most famous dog! (Oh, and the dog in the picture is Mr Johnson. He is a Korthal's Griffon and my sister belongs to him) This podcast …
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Chwedl arall am y brenin Arthur gyda diwedd cymharol hapus tro yma! Mae'r Carreg yn y stori ar ochr yr A494 rhwng Gwernymynydd a Loggerheads. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso…
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While the rest of Europe suffered a dark age, Wales enjoyed something of a renaissance. This was a time of magic and miracles, Oes y Seintiaid, the Age of the Saints. This is published on the 21st of April, St Beuno's day (20th R.C.) and this Saint has enough stories to keep us all going for a good while at least! Come and find out more. This podca…
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Mae nifer o streaon am y Tylwyth Teg a sut mae pobl yn diflannu yn eu cylchoedd. Dyma un o'r gorau sy'n digwydd yn nepell o Bala yn Llanycil. Mi ddois ar draws hon yn hen, hen lyfr (dyna lle mae'r straeon gorau!) gan Hugh Evans, ei enw? Y Tylwyth Teg. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTu…
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Catrin of Berain, a strong Welsh woman wasn't going to take any nonsense from anyone, even the Devil himself. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do so at All music is copyright f…
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Hen chwedl sy'n dod i Gymru o wlad Groeg ac maen siwr bod gan bob wlad bron ei fersiwn o hyn. Dyma un y ni yng Nghymru. To hear this story in English go to Tom Hughes Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac o…
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A story which turns up in various books, and there is even an exhibition in St Elidan's church in Llanelidan. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you can do so at All music is copyright f…
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Creadur bach direidus o Dylwyth Gwynn. Llun gan Josh Warren Picture by Josh Warren Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso i chi wneud hynny yma www.ko-fi.c…
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Not the story you may already know, this one I found in the book of Welsh and Manx Folklore by John Rhys. It concerns a Giant, King Arthur and a pair of drunken kings. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. If you'd like to buy me a coffee for my efforts you c…
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Heddiw, dyma chwedl yn y Gymraeg am fwystfil anhygoel a ddaeth i'r ardal uwchben Beddgelert. Mae'r podlediad yma yn rhad ac am ddim ond os hoffech chi gadael adolygiad (review) 5 seren ar iTunes neu lle bynnag rydych yn cael eich podlediadau Ac os hoffwch brynu goffi i mi am fy waith caled mae croeso i chi wneud hynny yma Cerd…
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This is our first story, and this one is in English. A dragon comes to a town with no name. As promised in the show here is a link to Tom Hughes telling the story of the Moston Dragon. This podcast is free of charge but if you enjoy it, please leave us a 5 star review on iTunes or w…
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