Kevin A Pierpont สาธารณะ
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show series Are you more concerned about your man-made traditions than you are with obeying God? What kinds of things are you substituting for being righteous before God? What kinds of things have you a…
  continue reading Not all illness is the result of some personal sin. God is working in all our suffering. For these reasons your faith can be strengthened even if you suffer illness. God’s ways are not your …
  continue reading Jesus chose one man to heal physically at the pool of Bethesda. But Jesus went on to tell him that he should go on and sin no more. How? In the power of the Spirit. And forgiveness of sins a…
  continue reading What is genuine faith in Jesus? What does it look like? The Bible gives clear answers to these questions that go beyond mere curiosity in spiritual things. Sunday; June 5, 2022 – PM Service…
  continue reading Some people are curious about religion, or they’re interested in understanding who Jesus was. Some people will go to church because they think there’s something there to make them feel better…
  continue reading God uses believers in Jesus to witness, to testify of Christ in leading people to faith in Him. God also uses the Word and it’s the Word of God people need most for their faith to be properly…
  continue reading Jesus has been spiritually nourished by pointing the woman at the well to her need for living water. Jesus was serving God the Father as He served to meet the needs of this woman. Then he po…
  continue reading Jesus had been revealing himself as the Messiah personally to one, spiritually needy woman. When the disciples return He’s not thinking of the food they brought back, He’s still thinking abo…
  continue reading Is repentance necessary when coming to faith in Jesus? Is it enough to simply believe in Him? Or should repentance be evident in the life of one who professes faith in Christ? The testimony …
  continue reading Are you surprised at how Jesus works? Don’t be. Jesus was willing to wait for the woman at the well, he was patient with her, he was gentle with her, and he made time for this one woman whom…
  continue reading What is true worship? It may not be what we often label as worship. From the Old and New Testaments, we learn what true worship is. Sunday; May 8, 2022 – PM…
  continue reading What do you think is your deepest need? We might all have a different answer until we look carefully at the encounter the woman at the well had with Jesus. The deepest need for all mankind i…
  continue reading If we will learn from the witness of Jesus we’ll find His example of seeking the lost and pointing them to the Gospel the best kind of training in evangelism there is.…
  continue reading What the woman at the well needed is what we all need. For forgiveness of sins and real life we need life-giving water. We need living water. This woman couldn’t quench her own thirst, thirst…
  continue reading Will you say with John the Baptist, “He must increase, but I must decrease”? It will take humility. A humility that shows itself in a total yielding to God’s will, a recognition that any suc…
  continue reading When people see your life does it point them to Jesus, do they actually get to see the One who gives eternal life, or do they only see you?โดย Kevin A. Pierpont
  continue reading The message for us from this passage at Easter and every other day of the year is that God loves sinners so much that He sent His one and only Son, to live a sinless life, to go to the cross…
  continue reading There are powerful truths shown us in the Bible that remind us of all that’s true for every person who looks to Jesus Christ in faith. These are truths that exist because Jesus willingly wen…
  continue reading Nicodemus didn’t understand it when he first enquired of Jesus but it wasn’t more religion he needed. What he needed was to believe in Jesus. It’s the problem every sinner has. It’s not bein…
  continue reading How can you know you have been born again? The Bible gives clear instruction to believers pointing to the evidence that will be apparent in the lives of believers in Jesus, people who are bor…
  continue reading Nicodemus and all of mankind need to know that you cannot be right with God based on who you are or what you’ve done. You cannot make yourself right with God on your own terms. Being born aga…
  continue reading One thing is clear when you begin reading John chapter 3. It’s clear that Jesus knows just what you need. We see it in the exchange with Nicodemus. Jesus knows just what Nicodemus needed, an…
  continue reading Read the Bible and beginning to end you’ll see clearly the omniscience of God. A Biblical understanding of God’s omniscience is essential for your faith in Jesus. What does God know? He know…
  continue reading There is a belief that is not a true belief in Jesus. Jesus, God in human flesh, knew the hearts and minds of all people. The omnisciences of God is on display in this passage.โดย Kevin A. Pierpont
  continue reading In John 2 Jesus calls his body the temple. In several ways, Jesus’ body is the true temple, and all who trust in Christ are also now God’s temple.…
  continue reading When Jesus drove out of the temple those who were selling sheep and oxen and doves along with their animals, and along with the money-changers, His deity was on display in his passion for a …
  continue reading Jesus turns water into wine. This is the first of His public signs which John shows us from the ministry of Jesus. Follow along as we make three important observations from this passage.…
  continue reading Jesus manifested His glory for the purpose of showing who He is as God in human flesh. We see here the first of Jesus’ signs and in this sign, He manifests His glory so that people will belie…
  continue reading What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of Man? It’s a title that Jesus used for himself many times and it points to the fact that Jesus is God’s revelation of himself to mankind in human fle…
  continue reading Who is Jesus that he can say “follow me”? He’s the one with authority, he’s the one who reveals the love of God to man, and he’s the one who knows you.…
  continue reading What’s in a name? Simon would receive a new name from Jesus but it wasn’t for something he was at the time but for something he would become as he learned to trust and follow the Lord Jesus …
  continue reading What happens in the life of a believer when they place their faith in Jesus? Does anything change for people who believe in Jesus? We’ll see the answer to that in John 1:35-42.…
  continue reading When you read the Bible it’s important to read with a heart that wants to learn. One question, among many, to ask as you read the Bible is “What can I learn about God from this passage?” Let…
  continue reading Throughout Israel’s history, God repeatedly made it clear that sin and separation from Him could only be removed by blood sacrifices and that the lamb used for the sacrifice had to be spotle…
  continue reading The church is a guardian of the truth, and every believer in Jesus is to be so saturated with Scripture that we are each guardians of the truth who are always growing in the grace and knowled…
  continue reading The role of John the Baptist was to point to Jesus; to shine the light on The Christ, the anointed One, the Messiah who had been sent by God the Father to forgive the sins and save all who be…
  continue reading The Apostle John is writing this Gospel so that we will believe in Jesus, and keep believing in Jesus. He’s also helping us see that our witness to the watching world must also, always be, ab…
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The Holy Spirit doesn’t simply move in a re-arrange the furniture. The Holy Spirit gives you the total makeover. The Holy Spirit moves in to change you into what you never were. And in the life of a believer in Jesus, the Holy Spirit works to produce spiritual fruit. Download MP3…
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The Bible teaches believers in Jesus to be content. The Apostle Paul says that he had learned to be content. There is a very real danger for you if you ignore the teaching of the Bible and refuse to learn contentment. So how do we learn? Download MP3…
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The Holy Spirit teaches the Believer using His Word. It’s important to understand this because if you don’t you will be tempted to think that you should be getting a vision or sign from God whenever He wants us to do something. That is not how the Bible describes the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.…
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The central idea of the last few verses in Philippians 4 can be summed up in Paul’s statement in verse 11, where he says “…for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” What does it take to learn contentment? Download MP3…
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What does it mean that a believer in Jesus is sealed with the promised Holy Spirit? What are the blessings of being sealed by the Holy Spirit? Follow along as we examine this work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer in Jesus. Download MP3…
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The Bible teaches believers in Jesus how to think right. Our obedience to God, living right, should always follow right thinking. If we will pursue daily obedience, knowing we need God’s help for this, we will also find as a blessing from God, His peace. Download MP3…
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The work of the Holy Spirit can often be misunderstood and often under-emphasized. We begin this series on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer with the essential truth that a believer in Jesus is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This has important implications for how we are to live.…
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We are pressed from every side with wrong thinking. For a believer in Jesus to stand firm in their faith in the Lord, they must learn to think right. Follow along as we see the kinds of things the should shape our thinking and our faith. Download…
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The number of resources available to help you read your Bible are many. The bottom line is, are you reading your Bible? Are you devoting yourself to a daily, lifelong habit of Bible reading? Downloadโดย Kevin A. Pierpont
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Believers in Jesus who stand firm in their faith when faced with adversity are those who are learning to go to the Lord in prayer that is offered with thanksgiving. Downloadโดย Kevin A. Pierpont
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A.W. Tozer wrote that “nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian.” Follow along as we continue with part 2 of 7 Reasons Why You Need To Read The Bible. Downloadโดย Kevin A. Pierpont
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To the watching world, and to watching fellow believers, people who are trusting in Jesus, living in light of the promises of God, resting in the sovereignty of God, it should be obvious that they are at peace even in the midst of adversity. Download…
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The life of a believer is like a building that needs a solid foundation. Our lives can be complex. We all have different needs and challenges. The Bible is a gift from God on which we are to build our lives. Follow along as we discuss why you need to read the Bible. Download…
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