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Acts 13:44-52 When have you experienced peoples’ fickleness? The Reason for Our Mission Why should we share the gospel regardless of opposition? The Hope for our Mission Why should we expect God to work regardless of opposition?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Galatians 2:11-16 When have you been in an awkward situation? What Peter Did What causes us to get out of step with the gospel? How Paul Responded How can we get back in step with the gospel? Why It Matters Why is it important for us to be in step with the gospel?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Galatians 1:11-24 When have you been uncertain about something important? Paul before Conversion Why is it impossible for the gospel to come from man? Paul at Conversion How does God make the gospel known? Paul after Conversion What is result of the God-given gospel?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 13:1-12 A voyage set sail from Antioch that changed the world . . . The Missionary Church What is needed from the sending church in missions? The Missionaries Who should be sent as missionaries? The Mission Field How should missionaries expect their work to go?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Galatians 1:1-10 Do you have an “urgent voice”? The Glory of the Gospel What makes the gospel glorious? The Counterfeits of the Gospel How do we distort the gospel? The Reception of the Gospel Why is our reception of the gospel so important?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 12:20-25 King Herod’s wickedness continues . . . King Herod’s Pride and Haughty Spirit Why is power deceiving? King Herod’s Fall and Destruction When is power all consuming? The Word of God Endures Where is true power displayed?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 7:24-29 When is hearing effective? The House Built on the Sand Where is the instability in your life? The House Built on the Rock How sure is the foundation of your life? The Authority of Jesus Whose teaching matters the most in your life?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 7:15-23 How are we like sheep? The Danger of False Prophets Why is subtlety often the precursor to deception? The Danger of Appearances How do we recognize what is real? The Danger of Nominal Christianity When is confidence merely presumption?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 11:19-30 Antioch was a top city in the Roman Empire . . . New Mission How did the witnesses in Antioch advance the Church’s mission? New Ministry What did the leaders of the church do to encourage this mission? New Act of Mercy Why did the church in Antioch help the church in Jerusalem?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 7:7-14 What makes the pyramid such a strong structure? Relating to God How should we relate to God? Relating to One Another How should we relate to one another? Relating to God’s Way How should we relate to God’s way?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 11:1-18 How does Peter’s report convince the Church that God was at work? Confronts Religious and Prejudicial Oppositions How should we counter objections? Encourages Submission to the Mercy and Grace of God What is at the heart of our resistance to God? Points to the Shared Gift of the Holy Spirit How does God overcome all our objections?…
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Acts 10:1-48 Why is this story a turning point in Christian history? The Preparation Who prepares those who proclaim and receive the gospel? The Preaching What is the “sum of saving knowledge”? The Pouring Out How does God make the gospel effectual?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 6:25-34 What do you worry about most in your life? Do Not Be Anxious What particular kind of anxiety is Jesus addressing? Consider the Birds and Lilies Why is this kind of anxiety wrong? Seek First the Kingdom How can we overcome this kind of anxiety in our lives?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 9:32-43 When have you seen yourself in your kids? The Priorities of Christ What are the priorities of gospel ministry? The Power of Christ By what power is gospel ministry made effective? The Glory of Christ Who does gospel ministry glorify?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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AN APOSTLE’S FIRST STEPS Acts 9:19-31 Why do parents remember their kids’ first steps? Confessing Christ before the World Why is it important to confess Christ openly? Suffering with Christ in the World What is the cost of confessing Christ openly? Blessed in Christ in Spite of the World How is it blessed to confess Christ openly?…
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FASTING Matthew 6:16-18 How did the public ministry of Jesus begin? The Practice of Fasting What is fasting? When should we fast? The Purpose of Fasting Why are we called to fast? The Profit of Fasting How does fasting bring a reward?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 9:1-19 What comes to mind when you hear the word conversion? The Saul Who Was Why did Saul need to be converted? The Lord Who Appeared How did God work to convert him? The Brother Who Rose What was the result of his conversion?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 8:1-25 This week we marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day . . . The Scattered Church How should we view crises in our lives? The Good Fruit What are the marks of the Church’s mission? The Almost Christian Why is the story of Simon important?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 5:38-48 What’s the greatest challenge you’ve ever been given? Love Necessarily Why is love required to be moral? Love Actually How is love challenged—and changed—by evil? Love Heavenly Who can cause love to triumph in the world?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 5:13-16 What things are truly necessary for life? A Christian’s Influence What kind of relationship do Christians have with the world? A Christian’s Distinctiveness How can this relationship be developed? A Christian’s Aim Why is this relationship important?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 5:1-11 Have you ever had to make an unexpected stop on a trip? The Importance of Holiness Why is holiness of life important to the Church’s witness? The Breach of Holiness What happens when holiness of life is breached? The Restoration of Holiness How can holiness of life be restored?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 5:10-12 Examples of persecution fill the records of history . . . A Cruel Pursuit What is persecution? An Expected Pursuit Why shouldn’t we be surprised by it? A Blessed Pursuit How should we respond to it?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 4:13-22 When have you struggled to be bold? Astonishing Boldness Where does holy boldness come from? Conscientious Boldness What is holy boldness based on? Contagious Boldness How does holy boldness impact others?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Matthew 5:6 Why is satisfaction so difficult to find and maintain? Defining Righteousness What is righteousness? Desiring Righteousness Why should we hunger and thirst for righteousness? Discovering Righteousness How is a hunger and thirst for righteousness satisfied?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Acts 4:1-12 How important to you is your name? The Offense of the Name Why does Jesus provoke opposition? The Defense of the Name How should we respond to opposition? The Singularity of the Name What should we never do in response to opposition?โดย greaterhopemulberry
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Luke 24:13-35 What is the basis of true assurance? The Fulfillment of the Resurrection Why do we struggle with true assurance? The Flame of the Resurrection How do we know we have true assurance? When have you been uncertain? The Fact of the Resurrectionโดย greaterhopemulberry
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