Steve Thiel สาธารณะ
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The Dworkin Report

Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report is one of the most listened-to independent podcasts in the world. New releases are ranked top 200 in news & politics on iTunes in 30+ countries. The podcast has listeners in almost every country in the world. Some of Scott’s guests have included Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Alyssa Milano, Alec Baldwin, Bill Browder, Rob Reiner, Rep. Steve Cohen, Mary L. Trump, Bandy X. Lee, Lev Parnas, Lilly Ledbetter, Judd Legum, Tom Arnold, Sen. Masie Hirono, Rosie O’Donnell, David Priess, Mich ...
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show series
Through the faithful, Spirit-empowered preaching of the good news of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, God will build His church, adding to their number day by day those who are being saved, resulting in a community that demonstrates a radical, divinely-given, love for one another.
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God empowers us through the gift of the Holy Spirit and the certainty of the resurrection to be witnesses of the Kingdom and proclaimers of the gospel. The book of Acts is a historical account of the initial restoration of that Kingdom, but we are called to be on-going witnesses until Christ returns.…
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God tells his redeemed people that he will never leave us nor forsake us. This great and very precious promise has the power to free us from the love of money and be content with what we have, as we run with endurance the race set before us all the way to glory!
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Those who are humble are given the promise they will be exalted. To be lifted up is to be like our Savior, Jesus Christ, and to purse humility is to war against pride. Those who purse Christlikeness are those who pursue humility, both in salvation and sanctification.
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When our futures seem unclear, and we are unaware of what lies ahead, we are prone to fear the future. However, in the face of fear, Christians must trust that the Lord will uphold His people. So, we must admit our need, consider the Lord Jesus, and cling to our all-wise God.
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Our hearts are tempted to believe that God is stingy and withholds good from us, which leads us to doubt His plans and purposes. Therefore, Christians must fight against doubt by trusting God’s unwavering promises as we cling to our greatest good, the Lord Jesus Christ.
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As a result of the devil’s lies and Adam’s sin, we are sinners enslaved to disobedience. So Adam’s sin ignited a life and death struggle between good and evil. But God promised salvation in a second Adam, the Lord Jesus, whose death on the cross brings eternal life and the power to live for God’s glory!…
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King David’s heart responds to God’s mercy and grace with exuberant praise and humble sacrifice. To a greater degree, Jesus’ heart is bent towards sinners as He died a sacrificial death in their place. So, in response to King Jesus, Christians are compelled to live a life of humility and praise to God.…
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Absalom’s rebellion gives way to another, wearying us of the constant instability of earthly kingdoms, which should cause us to look forward to a righteous king who atones for our sin, reconciles us to God, and brings unity as we long for an eternal unshakable kingdom!
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In various seasons, the wicked thrive while the righteous are rejected and despised. But during dark days of despair, God is faithful. He never leaves nor forsakes His people. So then, Christians are called to endure in the shadow of death, knowing Christ has redeemed us and will keep us forever!
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Moses states the unthinkable to God in Exodus 33:18, “Show me Your glory.” But through that interaction, we learn that God’s glory is seen most clearly in His justice and His mercy, which go hand in hand and find their full and final fulfillment in Jesus, who extends mercy to all who believe in Him.
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The Bible teaches us that it’s the kindness of God that leads a person to repentance, but that is never an isolated event. Instead, the life of a believer is marked by the on-going process of turning from sin and walking in righteousness to the glory of God.
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Despite David’s sin of adultery and murder, which deserves death, God’s grace is greater! Because Jesus made a full, final, and forever payment for sin, God can confront, forgive, and restore. Therefore, we should respond in pure joy and total allegiance to Jesus!
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Despite being a conquering king, David’s sin reveals that we need a greater king, King Jesus, who perfectly obeys God even to the point of death. In Him, God is well pleased. Therefore, we must bind our wandering hearts to Him so we too might be pleasing to God!
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Belonging to an unshakable kingdom means we can be incredibly kind. As God establishes His kingdom in the world, He is showing incredible kindnes to humanity and calling His people to do the same. So, let's seek the King's kindness and show His kindness to one another and the world!
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The only hope that we have as the people of God is the coming of the promised King who will conquer sin, death, and the devil and reign for all eternity over His eternal kingdom. Jesus is that king! May we rejoice in Him as Savior and rest in His eternal promises!
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God's shepherd king rises to power through God's provision, establishing a place for God's presence, so the Lord might be worshipped rightly by His people. We too must worship God rightly by responding to His ultimate King with great reverence and abundant joy!
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People naturally reject rather than accept realities they don't desire, often to their own detriment. God has establisted the one true king and kingdom, yet people reject this reality for the failing kingdom of the world. So, let's be those who accept King Jesus and seek the increase of His Kingdom!
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If we do not seek Jesus truly, we will not experience Him fully. Unfortunately, many people’s understanding of Jesus is contrary to the Scriptures and His identity as the Bread of Life. So, let’s seek Jesus truly so that we experience the eternal life He offers through His death and resurrection for sinners!…
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The King destined to give rest and abundant blessing rises to power at God's hand, not his own, choosing obedience to God and love for His people over personal exaltation. We, in response, must anoint Him King of our lives, obey His commands, and love His people!
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The only hope that we have as the peopleof God is the coming of the promised King who will conquer sin, death, and fthe devil and reign for all eternity over His eternal kingdom. Jesus is that king! Therefore, may we rejoice in Him as Savior and worship Him as King!
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Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Therefore, He calls all those who believe in Him to be humble and servant-hearted in their love and service to one another. By this all people will know that we are His!
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In view of the majesty of God and the hope of future glory, Christians must fight the goof fight of faith by fleeing the temptations to store up weath for earthly gain and be radically generous with all that they have for the good of the church and for the fame of Christ's Name among the nations!
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Because God has saved us by His glorious grace and mercy,freeing us from bondage to sin and empowering us, by His Spirit, to live for His glory, honor, and praise, our lives must demonstrate the transforming power of the gospel in actions, speech, attitudes, and good works toward all mankind.
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The gospel not only brings salvation to everyone who believes, whether young or old, male or female; but it empowers them embrace who God made them to be, rejoicing in the roles and responsibilities consistent with their gender and identity. In short, they are people zealous for good works!
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The gospel of God’s grace must be protected by qualified men who are willing and able to confront those who profess to know God, but deny Him by their works. They must also exhort in sound doctrine, instructing the people of God in the knowledge of God, which always leads to godly living.
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Because God has saved us by His grace and mercy, freeing us from bondage to sin and enabling obedience from the heart, our lives must demonstrate the transforming power of the gospel in our godly actions, our godly speech, our godly attitudes, and our good works toward all mankind.
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If we’re going to hear Jesus say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant,” then we must be resolved to live on mission by becoming all things to all people so that some might repent and believe the good news of the gospel, and we not be disqualified from salvation!
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Simple faith is faith in action. It is motivated by love for God and expresses itself in love of neighbor. Jesus challenges his followers to freely and faithfully demonstrate God-like love that goes beyond requirements by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.
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David is the anointed king who is blameless before his enemies, rescues the captives, and rewards his people. David's conquest points forward to the true and better rescuer, the Lord Jesus. Therefore, we are called to have hope in trials because we are more than conquerors through Christ!
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As believers in Jesus Christ, who obeyed God's Word perfectly, even during His earthly exile; we are called to seek the Lord in His Word, and to do according to all that is written in it, for then He will make our way prosperous, and then we will have eternal success!
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As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to entrust oursleves to God, buy submitting to His good and perfect plan, even in the midst of suffering and injustice, by walking in humble obedience to His commands, looking foward to when all things will be made right.
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Sin ignited a life and death struggle between the seed of the woman and seed of the serpent, but God promises salvation in King Jesus, whose death defeats sin, death, and the devil so that we might be children of God who walk in righteousness, which is evident and obvious to everyone!
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God's King and people face persecution and excile from those who hate God and revile His people. But God loves and sustains His King and His people until the end. So let us entrust ourselves to God as we await the final redemption and restoration of all things!
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The anoited king is a polarizing figure, which results in either a love for him that lives for the praise of his name; or a hatred that wants him killed. Those who believe in King Jesus love Him, serve Him, and are willing to be persecuted for Him, knowing that He will one day be glorified by all!
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Our confidence and courage to fight against sin, death, and the devil is only possible when we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and share in the victory He won for us at the cross of Calvary as our one true King, who stands for His people, fights their battle, and secures their eternal reward.
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God desires a king and a people who listen to His voice and obey His commands. Jesus Christ, the one true King, lived to do His Father's will and was obedient unto death. Therefore, true faith in Christ must result in a people who love Jesus, believe in Jesus, and obey Jesus' commands!
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Our desires give us a window into our hearts, which is exemplified by the Israelite's desire for a king. In God's mercy, He provides an unworthy king. The annointing of King Saul points us forward to the righteous obedient, and faithful king - the Lord Jesus. Therefore, we must be a people who know the King, cling to the King, and live for His glor…
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God rules and reigns over His people as their ultimate divine King, but He mediates that authority through a promised Son, an appointed priest, a confirmed prophet, and an anointed Judge, who intercedes for the people, delievers them from their enemies, and provides everlasting peace!
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Embodiment is the proper state of human exsistence In Genesis 1, we are shown that God's design for His image bearers is that we are particular gendered embodied people. Therefore, we should be a people who embrace God's divine design and live for His glory!
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