Pastor Matthew Ude สาธารณะ
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Genoa Peak is a mountain top that stands on the western border of Nevada. If you climb up to it, you can get two good views. To the west is the verdant valley, which is Lake Tahoe and beyond it California. To the east is the dry parched desert which is most of Nevada. Nowโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Ephesians 6:10-12 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, againstโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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In the name of Jesus, who died for us that we might live for Him, Dear Fellow Redeemed, Anyone who has ever gone golfing knows how frustrating that game can be at times. It is a difficult game to play properly, and even professional golfers often have poor rounds; they lose their concentration, they don’t…
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In Christ Jesus, who dearly loves and cares for His bride, the Church, dear fellow Christians: “Will you take this woman here present to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherishโดย Pastor Micheal Eichstadt
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Our text tells us that the word of the Lord was rare. Why? Because Eli and his sons had failed in their duty to serve the Lord. Eli’s sons Hophni and Phineas failed through a blatantly sinful lifestyle which was an open despising of God’s word. Eli failed because he did not deal with thisโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Numerous times throughout my life I’ve heard the rule that you should not wear white sneakers in Europe because people will instantly know your American. My response is always why I should care if people know I’m American. I am American. Why would I want to hide it? In our text this morning Paul speaks…
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On Friday night many of us watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. In our text this morning we have God’s opening ceremonies as he begins his plan of salvation. So here we have the opportunity to compare, man versus God. We saw the signs and symbols of the Olympics rising into the sky, hereโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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We celebrate our Savior the free gift from God. There is a story of a man who went as a missionary to the far east. Shortly after his arrival he was a given a very expensive gift from a wealthy local. Unaware of the local customs he accepted the gift. Later he found out thatโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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We’re living in what has been called a post-Christian culture with hardened hearts openly attacking God in a thousand ways. We’re living in an evil, sin frustrated, universe that scorches the hearts of others. We’re living in the midst of a vast thistle patch, richly fertilized with the moral manure of people doing what is…
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In our sinfulness we often believe freedom to be a thing that we deserve. God’s word teaches us that freedom is the gift of God though Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:7 Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. The Old Testament paintsโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Some people can fall asleep anywhere, plane, train, car, church pew. Others have trouble falling asleep even at night in a comfortable bed. In our text today Jesus takes sleeping on the go to a whole new level. He is peacefully sleeping on a boat, in a storm, while waves are crashing over his head.โดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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What does it mean to be blessed? Abraham listened to his wife Sarah and lay with her maid Hagar. When Hagar had a son, she became haughty towards Sarah. Sarah in turn “treated her harshly.” Hagar took her son and fled into the wilderness. This is the result of sin. This is what sin does,โดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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How far can your kids stretch your patience before it breaks? Imagine your child standing there with a plastic bat tapping it against your head, dad, dad, dad, dad . . . How long until you lose patience? Our text today talks about God’s patience. Jesus warns us just how far God’s patience will last.โดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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So, what about all the violence tyrannizing college campuses? Not everyone involved has the same philosophy but one philosophy is prominent in the violence, disruption, and destruction of property. The battle cry of, “My life is my own; I will rise up for my view of justice.” It even claims some moral principles: “Every life…
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In this parable Jesus teaches us that those who make use of his word grow strong in faith. Those who do not wither and die. 2 “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; We often speak about heroes of faith, but Jesus speaks here about the opposite, anti-heroes. He speaksโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Only the rich can give True or false – Only the rich can give? The truth is that only those who have can give, and only those who have in abundance can give generously. What we often forget is just how rich we are. All our readings this morning reminds us of the wealth thatโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” Its Sunday. The people are gathered. Jesus is in their midst. He gives them his peace. He sends them out into the world. What am I describing? Am I describing our text orโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Last week we heard how the women come to the tomb early in the darkness. They leave in the glorious light of his resurrection. They come bearing the accoutrements of death. They leave with the promises of life. Similarly in our text today the disciples begin hiding in fear but in the end, leave filled…
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Last year I was reading a book and came across a quote that surprised me. It was a quote from a second century Roman general who referred to the Jewish nation and their “tribal god.” It’s not surprising that an ancient roman would view the Lord God in such a way. Yet, it was oneโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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At Marah the Israelites found water but they could not drink it because it was bitter. The Lord showed Moses a particular tree. This wasn’t just any tree, but one in particular which God chose. Moses cut it down and when he put it in the water, the water became sweet. Today God has shownโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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The words of institution to the Lord’s Supper are filled with the sacrificial language of the Old Testament. Words like body, blood, given, shed, poured out, and remission, call to mind the offerings and sacrifices of the Old Testament. Jesus makes it clear that his supper is to be an offering. Not an offering from…
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It always takes me a while to pick out a Christmas tree. I want to find the perfect one. You may know how it goes. One is too high, one too short, another too thin, too fat, crooked, or lopsided. When you think you have found the prefect one you walk around and on theโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Introduction: Leading up to our text today, something very prominent and shocking from Bible History had just taken place. The people of Israel had gotten disgruntled and impatient with the fact that Moses had not yet come down from the Mountain. (He was up on Mt. Sinai receiving the 10 Commandments from God) Just one…
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Imagine driving through the Arizona desert. On your way through the desert, you see a pile of dry bones. Imagine someone in the car stepped out and started preaching to the dry bones. What would you think? You would probably think him a complete nut. This is exactly what God told Ezekiel the prophet to…
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The Battle Is Difficult There are seven petitions in the Lord’s prayer, seven things that we ask for. Which of these is the hardest to pray? The fifth can be difficult. We ask that we learn to be as forgiving to others as God is to us. When we are filled with anger and resentmentโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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There was one professor in particular at ILC who always made you show your work. Even if you got the answer right, if you didn’t get there the right way you still got it wrong. Similarly, some teachers want you to explain why on the true or false questions. Its not good enough to markโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Our midweek Lenten series this year is all about battles. Battles that the Lord fights for us in our lives and battles that Christ fought when He secured our redemption. Our series is appropriately named after the same confession of David when he declared before Goliath – “The Battle is the Lord’s.” We are reminded…
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Back in the early 80s three students wrote the SAT board to point out that there was a mistake on the SAT. The board reviewed the test and realized they were right. They removed that question from the test and adjusted all the scores accordingly. For some people this was a good thing, their scoreโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Betrayal – it makes for a great movie. There is nothing more suspenseful than a good betrayal. Whenever you hear “this show/movie has it all,” it almost always includes the word betrayal. In real life betrayal destroys relationships and is a seed for serious sins in the lives of both the betrayed and the betrayer.…
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I’ve been up and down a lot of mountains in my life, the Appalachians, The Rockies, the Sierra Navada, Cascades, Himalayan, Nilgiris, and others. This last summer we were driving up and down the mountains in Olympic National Park. It is a lot of work getting up to the top. Even if you are drivingโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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A made the star in the back of church for Advent. It is a simple woodworking project and even as simple as that is the angles are off. The one at the back of the church is much better. This chair, however, shows a far greater proficiency with woodworking. This was made by an Indiaโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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God’s kingdom is like the energizer bunny, or an avalanche, or that boulder that chases Indianna Jones out of the temple, it just keeps going. God himself describes it that way in Daniel 2:34. He calls the kingdom of God a rock cut without hands. It rolls down and smashes the statue representing the kingdoms…
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Jesus’ ministry begins and end with baptism and preaching. John came preaching and baptism. Jesus was baptized then began his ministry. When Jesus ascends into heaven, he told his disciples “Go teach, baptize.” In acts on the day of Pentecost, the apostles preached the word, and the people were baptized. In our sinfulness we often…
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When my brother David was in college, we drove together to Austin, Texas without stopping. We drove all night and all day. When we arrived, we were there for maybe twenty minutes, turned around and drove all the way back. About twenty-four hours one way and the same back. Why would we do that? Allโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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Happy is the man who has a warm coat and hot beverage. Considering the weather outside, such a phrase would not normally surprise you. However, if we were on a Caribbean beach, or if it were the middle of August, such a phrase probably would surprise you very much. If I were to say suchโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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What is the easiest and quickest way to get your homework done? Answer: trick your parents or teachers into doing it for you. Here’s a tip for any students. Ask your parents for help when they are busy or tired and they are more likely to just give you the answer, rather than try toโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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It’s comforting to know where something is. Packing for a trip can be hectic but once everything is in the car and you are on your way there is peace knowing everything is in the car. When you finally get through the airport and on the plane, you can relax, you made it. Everything isโดย Pastor Matthew Ude
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