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show episodes

My Favorite DJ

DJ Konflikt

DJ interviews and discussion featuring Miami's own DJ Konflikt. Some podcasts will be all spoken, some will be mixes and some will be a combination of both. Subscribe. Follow: @MyFavoriteDJ
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Changework AS - Geir Torgersen

Konflikter på arbeidsplassen binder kreativitet, energi og fokus. I denne podcasten deler jeg av mine erfaringer og verktøy som konfliktmegler. Min erfaring er at alle konflikter har en vei som leder til løsning av konflikten. Men en ting er å løse en konkret konflikt, vel så viktig er at de involverte finner en vei videre hvor de samhandler og har en gjensidig forståelse hvordan de skal unngå fremtidig konflikt.
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Phil und Rob Podcast

Phil und Rob

Phil und Rob verbindet eine lebenslange Freundschaft. Sie reden über ihre alltäglichen Erfahrungen, meist mit Tiefgang und immer mit der passenden Brise Humor. Im Forum lässt sich wunderbar über die Episoden diskutieren. Hier geht's lang: www.philundrob.de
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The Hamilton Therrell Show

Ulrika Nilsson

Join HAMILTON THERRELLs Ulrika Nilsson for her straightforward, fun and jam-packed conversations with the most successful international leaders and individuals, as they share their incredible stories and hard earned life lessons on how to get the life you want. Check us at www.hamiltontherrell.com
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re:publica 17 - Politics & Society


Politics and society, in all their many facets, have rarely been as of crucial topics as they are now and re:publica 2017 will be looking at this thematic closer than ever. While civic tech is a natural thematic overlap for us, we will also be examining the interplay of technology and society on the day-to-day basis. Some of the success stories include increased awareness and defence of digital civil rights and the ongoing support from our and many other communities for refugees. However, wi ...
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show series
Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - harmonisieren den Streit. Denn sie haben erfahren, dass Konflikte eine Chance für gemeinsames Wachstum sind. Die zwei Extreme "Harmonie um jeden Preis" und "Konflikteskalation" gilt es zu vermeiden, um zufriedener durch's Leben zu gehen. Doch wie kann ich besser streiten und Konflikte austragen um sie zu lösen od…
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DJ stories from all over the world. DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out …
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Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - reflektieren zunächst das vergangene Jahr 2024 und stellen fest, wie herausfordernd es war, resümieren jedoch auch, was sie daraus lernen können. Und mit Blick auf das Neujahr 2025 weiß zumindest Phil, was er angehen möchte.Anschließend widmen sie sich dem Thema einer Zuhörerin (Debby): "Wie kann ich Selbstfürsor…
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Soziale Medien, Messenger, Emails checken, Spiele spielen. Unsere Smartphone-Apps wissen, wie sie uns in ihren Bann ziehen. Die Sogwirkung sorgt dafür, dass wir teilweise keine Kontrolle mehr über Zeit, Realität und uns selbst haben. Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - sprechen darüber, welche Erfahrungen sie bereits gemacht haben, was sie daraus g…
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Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - reflektieren, wie sie ihre Stärken erkannt haben und berichten, wie sie dabei sind, ihre Potentiale zu leben. Sie kommen wie so oft zu einigen spannenden Erkenntnissen. Außerdem geht es in dieser Folge um ein weiteres Thema. Denn Rob beschäftigt etwas. Er lebte seine Vergangenheit so schnell, dass er einige Leben…
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Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - sprechen über gute Unternehmensatmophäre, wie sie die Rolle der Führungspersönlichkeit sehen, inwiefern das Erkennen und Benennen von Stärken und ebenso das Erkennen der Eigenverantwortung der einzelnen Mitarbeitenden von Bedeutung ist und wie herausfordernd die Befindlichkeiten des Einzelnen für ein Team sein kö…
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Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - beschäftigt die Unumkehrbarkeit mancher Lebenssituationen. Rob verliert seinen Zahn, Phil berichtet über seine Ex-Beziehung. Doch sie kommen zu einer erstaunlich positiven Erkenntnis.Welche Lebenssituation ist bei Dir irreversibel (unumkehrbar) und wie gehst Du damit um? Schreib uns gerne einen Kommentar bei YouT…
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Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - sprechen über das Entfalten der eigenen Schöpferkraft. Ob es um umsetzungsfreudige Ideen zum Bücherschrank vor der Tür oder um große Projekte wie ein eigenes Café / eine eigene Pilgerherberge geht, die Energie, die in Kreativität und Schöpfung fließt, macht den Unterschied von einem monotonen Leben hin zu einem s…
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Debbi ist heute zu Gast und berichtet Phil über ihre Orientierung zur Polyamorie - der partnerschaftlichen Liebe zu mehreren Personen. Sie nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise zu offener Kommunikation, dem Umgang mit Eifersucht, Aufstellen von Regeln und ihrem Wunsch nach mannigfaltiger Tiefe. All das lässt sich durch offene Beziehungen leben, doch bedarf …
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Phil und Rob - zwei beste Freunde - unterhalten sich über das Leben im Yoga Ashram, wo Phil vor einem Jahr hingezogen ist. Warum geht er diesen Weg und wie gestaltet sich das Leben dort? Das sind Fragen, die den Familien-Papa brennend interessierten. Nimm an unserem Livestream teil und stelle dort deine Fragen. LIVE freitags um ca. 12 Uhr auf YouTu…
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DJ Strategy in Chicago has a podcast named "Party with Strategy." In this episode, DJ Konflikt was a guest. Enjoy this podcast and get more of DJ Strategy at youtube.com/PartyWithStrategy Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out my new Amazon …
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?user…
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Been busy. Real busy. Going over the big reason why the podcast took a bit of a break. Also, I discuss why it's important to sometimes say "no" to gigs instead going for the experience. Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out my new Amazon in…
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?user…
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?user…
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Is it a necessity to have an identity as a person who is a DJ? How much of your professional and personal life intertwines together? A question is sent in by email that I think will help many DJs. Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out my ne…
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?user…
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Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of thethings I use to make this podcast are there along with what I carry inmy DJ bag and general products that I like for my everyday life. This isa new way to…
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?user…
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Discussing DJ talent. Do you find yourself stuck? Are you a new DJ? There may be some answers here for you. Artificial Intelligence... will it affect how we live? Why you should get an accountant.... Produced by: DJ Konflikt - Miami, FLInstagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram app)www.Instagram.com/MyFavoriteDJ Be sure to check out my…
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Paying respect to the great DJ Neva. A recap of The DJ Collective. Talking about starting new things and not being deterred. Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with what I carry in my DJ bag and general produc…
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)B…
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DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)B…
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Are we heading into a time of luxury spending decline? Let's talk about the DJ marketplace right now. What are your thoughts on it? Also, I discuss some big mistakes I made in the money sector so you hopefully don't make the same. I talk about how to give more without negotiating against yourself!Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instag…
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First official episode with DJ Rapture and DJ Konflikt talking about all things related to the DJ life. These episodes will drop in between the regularly uploaded "My Favorite DJ" episodes and will be named "International Terminal"Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Instagram://user?username=MyF…
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We got DJ Rapture from GERMANY on this podcast, he was one of MANY DJs that messaged me about the previous podcast. In this one we discuss some European music trends as well as all the music shifts in both continents!Follow DJ Rapture on Instagram: Instagram://user?username=DJRapture4Real (Opens Instagram)Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Ope…
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Am I out of touch or is the music really not there? Talking about why I think we are playing older music and the dead space in the last few years for hip hop. Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with what I car…
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Social media verification. What is it all about?Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with what I carry in my DJ bag and general products that I like for my everyday life. This is a new way to support the podcast…
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Konflikten handler om form, ikke innhold. Måten vi kommuniserer på er der vi skaper opplevelsen av konflikt. I denne episoden snakker jeg om konfliktutløsende kommunikasjonsmønstre.Har du spørsmål eller en problemstilling du ønsker å få innspill på? Send epost til meg geir@changework.no, så tar jeg muligens opp dette i en kommende podcast. Helt ano…
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Det er mange ting som kan sette i gang det som blir etter hvert en konflikt. Som vi har snakket om i Episode 3 så skiller jeg mellom ytre og indre konflikttriggere. I dag skal vi snakke om ytre konflikttriggere.Har du spørsmål eller en problemstilling du ønsker å få innspill på? Send epost til meg geir@changework.no, så tar jeg muligens opp dette i…
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Starting a DJ agency. What will be involved? Answering questions from email. Answering questions posted on Instagram!Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with what I carry in my DJ bag and general products that …
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Willkommen beim Phil und Rob Podcast! Heute interviewt Phil seinen Gast Christoph Streitenberger. Er ist Life Coach und berichtet von seinem Weg in die Selbständigkeit. Auf seinem Werdegang durchlebte er bereits so einiges. Gestartet als Bankkaufmann fand er sich schon bald nach der Ausbildung in einem Schülercafé wieder, in dem er Inspiration fand…
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Phil und Rob begrüßen euch zum zweiten Teil von Phil's Essentials of Life. Wer nicht weiß worum es geht, hört bitte zuerst in die erste Episode hinein (s.u.). Heute geht es um das Thema Postwachstum, was Rob ziemlich aus den Socken haut. Es ist sein Steckenpferd auf seinem Werdegang der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Viel hat er dazu geforscht, doch heu…
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Konflikter oppstår ikke av seg selv. Jeg skiller mellom ytre og indre konflikttriggere. I denne episoden snakker jeg om hva som er forskjellen og hvordan du kan bruke det om du enten står i en konflikt eller observerer andre som er i konflikt.Har du spørsmål eller en problemstilling du ønsker å få innspill på? Send epost til meg geir@changework.no,…
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Phil und Rob nehmen wieder auf. Und in dieser Episode geht es um nichts Geringeres als die "Wichtigkeiten des Lebens" (The Essential of Life) von Phil. 🤩 Die beiden Freunde möchten dieses Mal über Werte und Tugenden hinaus gehen und besprechen, was sie im Allgemeinen alles antreibt. Phil benennt dabei 13 persönliche Wichtigkeiten und in dieser Epis…
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What happens when a booker cancels dates? What is my approach and how I use long term thinking to avoid set backs. I tell a story about almost passing out while DJing and how I was able to regain composure. Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to m…
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I share a few examples of emails I send out to bookers to fill my calendar. Some bookers I know, some I don't. Some are cold emails and some are introductions by colleagues. I detail a long exchange that took months to finally get my date booked.Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer st…
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In this episode, I talk about January being a hard month to book. Tax season approaches. Having an accountant and a quick and average money break down for traveling DJs. Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with…
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The most important detail is specific. Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with what I carry in my DJ bag and general products that I like for my everyday life. This is a new way to support the podcast, check i…
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How a simple miscommunication can be fixed without being emotionally attached! How caffeine almost blew up my heart. Instagram://user?username=MyFavoriteDJ (Opens Instagram)Be sure to check out my new Amazon influencer store front. All of the things I use to make this podcast are there along with what I carry in my DJ bag and general products that …
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Phil und Rob tauschen sich heute über ihr Verständnis von Freiheit aus. Und schnell stellt Phil fest, dass Rob ihm einige lang vernachlässigte Fragen beantworten kann, die ihm und den Zuhörenden sicherlich weiterhelfen werden, den Weg der persönlichen Freiheit zu gehen. Die zwei Freunde teilte schon lange eine intensive Freundschaft, doch die Sicht…
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