Keeler Bryson สาธารณะ
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show episodes
Life is a tough teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterwards. Guessing your way through the multiple choice test of life only results in failing outcomes. Awaken, discover and earn a L.I.F.E. Degree: Living Intentional and Fulfilled Everyday! Keeler’s interviews with thought-leaders, authors, spiritual leaders, HR professional, financial experts, relationship experts, entrepreneurs, as well as health and wellness experts will uplift you, guide you through life’s challenging ...
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show series
Many desire to live their best life, but can't seem to understand why it evades them. All they seem to experience are the effects of living in the vortex of self-defeat. In most cases it's because of self-defeating behavior. Self-defeating behavior can be your own worst enemy. In this episode, Keeler will discuss how to recognize self-defeating beh…
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It’s time to arrest, convict and sentence them traumatic thoughts! Get control back of your thought life, not the other way around. In todays episode, Keeler will discuss traumatic thinking, it’s effects and how to think your way out of pandemic panic, anxiety and shock!Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email:*Facebook: https://…
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There is a connection between strangers and success. Strangers are God's secret stash of supporters that produces success in the lives of those on a mission to do business, until He comes. It is recorded in the Bible that many people got unexpected blessings because of strangers. However, many miss the “Good Samaritan Blessing/Stranger Blessing” be…
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Life is a journey of discovering and unveiling our true selves. It's a journey of developing courage to free ourselves from becoming hostages to status quos of society, even when it's unpopular to do so. Life is a journey of making intentional choices to become the full, authentic, God designed version of YOU. In today's episode, Keeler will discus…
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Temporary seasons in life are seasons that make you feel like you're stuck, in a ditch and impatiently waiting for a tow truck. Seasons are how nature cycles from one season to the next. Just like nature, nothing ever maintains its current state, identity or shape for very long. Whatever tormenting season you're currently facing, is…
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Are you resilient? Are you able able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions? This season of #COVID-19 is definitely testing the resilience of so many. If we are to overcome this COVID-19 season, we must learn to develop our cognitive flexibility skills. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss how to master living a resilient life…
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We all want to be liked. We want approval, appreciation, and acceptance from others. Being told, “I don’t like you,” has the power to get a negative response out of many of us. Social media in today’s society only exacerbates these struggles. Being liked means feeling accepted. When we’re not liked it’s rejection, it’s exclusion and it makes us fee…
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Experiencing unfortunate circumstances in life can have a crippling affect on us. And when that happens, we're not able to move or operate like we use to. The longer we experience unfavorable circumstances, the harder it is to believe our crippling circumstances will ever get straightened out. The weight of it can weigh us down mentally, physically…
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Memorials are structures established to remind people of a person or event. They are reminders to reflect, remember and give thanks for how far we've come. Each of us have personal memorials of past situations we didn't think we'd overcome, but we did! Today's episode will discuss tips on how to successfully navigate through temporary stressful and…
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Who's in the VIP section of your life? This question is extremely important because, not everyone in the front row of your life is a fan. And access to your VIP section is not a right, but a privilege. It's a privilege that not everyone deserves. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss how to guard your VIP section, because next level advancement a…
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There is a price to pay for believing life's false evidences, about our circumstances, as being real. Mental strongholds are formed. We find ourselves in spiritual bondage, as a result of irrational fear. In the end, we're faithless, hopeless and discouraged. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss what to do when false evidence appears to be real.…
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We are responsible for our future. Living sustainably is a new challenge with great opportunities for all of us. Being future-fit is when we maximize today's tools in order to quickly adopt tomorrow's new innovations. Are you, your business or the organizations you lead or serve fit for the future or at risk of being left behind? In today's episode…
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All of us face experiencing frustration in this life time. There are so many things that can cause us to be frustrated. Frustration can block us from feeling motivated. It prevents us from trying new things. It happens when we are unable to accept the problems and outcomes we can't control. Frustration has a cycle. Once you overcome frustration, yo…
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Have you ever tried to put together a puzzle with hundreds of pieces? By themselves, the various shapes and colors make it almost impossible to know how they fit together. Putting together a puzzle you have no idea of what it's supposed to look like can be frustrating, time consuming and exhausting. Life can be like putting a puzzle together. It’s …
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Our thoughts are powerful. They can harm us or do us good. One study has suggested that an average person has 6,200 thoughts per day. Thousands of thoughts cross our mind through the day. Many people even complain that they can't sleep immediately after going to bed because their brain does not stop thinking. Often our thoughts are terrifying and t…
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It's really difficult to achieve anything significant, that your future will thank you for, when you operate from only a position of curiosity. Being curious keeps you walking in circles around the mountain of comfort zone. If you're struggling with achieving your desires and goals, feeling stuck in a rut, it's probably because you're just curious …
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We’ve all come across know-it-alls in life. Those who are closed to a different perspective and they’re not interested in listening to your opinions. They already know have one....their own. And they believe it's the only right opinion. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss the differences between a know-it-all and a learn-it-all and why one will…
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Sometimes life can be like living through a movie or reading a book of unending misfortunes and no happily ever afters. You're confounding and overwhelmed with the plots and twists. Your emotions are dramatically heightened and the suspense is paralyzing. However, God is the Author of your life and He always has an element of surprise up His Holy S…
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Have you been complaining? Complaining convinces other's you're not in control and that you don't believe God is either. Complaining is draining and often reveals an ungrateful heart. Complaining is infectious and has harmful side effects to both the complainer and those listening. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss how to resist the temptatio…
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Are you an Adamic Dreamer? Are you living/eating from the Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil or The Tree of Life? Today's episode will wake up and set free Adamic Dreamers from the enslavements of living under the illusion of opposites AKA: The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email: *Fac…
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Are you an Adamic Dreamer? Are you living/eating from the Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil or The Tree of Life? Today's episode will wake up and set free Adamic Dreamers from the enslavements of living under the illusion of opposites AKA: The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email: *Fac…
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Today's, part 2 episode, will continue discussing how to break free from Egypt-like-situations, spiritual slavery, be delivered from bondages and how to build, without having appropriate resources. Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email: *Facebook: *Twitter: @KeelerSavant #TeachableLifeMome…
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Today's episode will discuss how to break free from Egypt-like-situations, spiritual slavery, be delivered from bondages and how to build, without having appropriate resources. Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email: *Facebook: *Twitter: @KeelerSavant #TeachableLifeMoments Listen On: *https…
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Perfect Happiness is your birth right! Many desire it, fewer possess it and don't know why. Perfect happiness includes health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression. This is The Square of Life, which brings perfect happiness. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss blocks that prevent one from experiencing perfect happiness. Questions? Topic Sug…
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Perfect Happiness is your birth right! Many desire it, fewer possess it and don't know why. Perfect happiness includes health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression. This is The Square of Life, which brings perfect happiness. In today's episode, Keeler will discuss blocks that prevent one from experiencing perfect happiness. Questions? Topic Sug…
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The Pandemic has been challenging to us all. In many ways, we're unable to move and live as we did before. A LOT has changed. Structures, Cities, homes, workplaces, etc. have changed. As a result, many are feeling hopeless, lost and distracted....and don't know what to do next. In this episode, Keeler shares 5 things you should be doing during the …
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Signs are EVERYWHERE! Directional signs, danger signs, for sale signs, etc. They all provide us with information. But do you see the not so obvious signs? These are signs we see only when we slow down. They are signs full of wisdom and Prophetic comfort. --- Send in a voice message:…
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Limitless living begins with the words we speak. In this episode, Keeler shares some of her personal limitless living language to assist listeners with setting their daily intentions. Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email: *Facebook: *Twitter: @KeelerSavant #TeachableLifeMoments Listen On:…
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How do you deal with mistakes or admitting you’re wrong? We all know the uncomfortable feeling of suddenly realizing that mistakes have been made, and the mistakes were our own. You can admit the mistake, take whatever consequences might be forthcoming, or you can try to hide or deny your faults. It usually feels a lot easier to hide the truth. The…
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Have you ever experienced jealousy? Was someone jealous of you or were you jealous of someone else? How did that feel? What (if anything) did you do to change it? Many of us are so preoccupied or consumed with the things that other people have until it reaches a point that the spirit of jealousy is activated. I believe at some point in our lives, a…
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Have you ever experienced jealousy? Was someone jealous of you or were you jealous of someone else? How did that feel? What (if anything) did you do to change it? Many of us are so preoccupied or consumed with the things that other people have until it reaches a point that the spirit of jealousy is activated. I believe at some point in our lives, a…
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We all take things for granted, especially things that seem everlasting - our health, our family, and even life in general. Their presence is usually steady and dependable, and because of this they start to fade into the backdrop of our daily lives. They have been there for a long time, so we assume they will always be there. When we forget to pay …
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According to the 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey, millennials are "disillusioned with traditional institutions. 49% of millennials will quit their job within the next two years. Only 28% of respondents said they would remain with their employer for at least five years. The top reasons cited to leave their current job unsurprisingly include unhappin…
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Down in the dumps? Got the blues.? Under the weather? Not yourself? These are all phrases that describe those times when we’re not feeling discouraged. We all need encouragement, but we can’t always rely on the people around us to uplift us when we need it. It’s wonderful when others are there for you, but we can’t expect others to fill our need fo…
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We all know people who seem to get exactly what they want whenever they ask. Why is this? What are they doing that no one else seems to be doing? How do they ask for what they want and seem to get it every time? In today's episode, Keeler will be sharing 12 strategies to use so that you get the “Yes” you would like. Questions? Topic Suggestions? Em…
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Living a life of excuses has lasting consequences. Excuses prevent us from living our FULL potential. Not only will excuses prevent you from reaching your full potential, but they will also hold you back from recognizing opportunities, strengths and skills you might have that could help you overcome your life’s problems. If you don’t challenge your…
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Blessed: divinely or supremely favored; fortunate: blissfully happy or contented; bringing happiness and thankfulness: Questions? Topic Suggestions? Email: *Facebook: *Twitter: @KeelerSavant #TeachableLifeMoments Listen On: * *…
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September is Life Insurance Awareness Month! Whether you’ve already got life insurance or are in need of coverage, Life Insurance Awareness Month is a great time to evaluate your needs, which may have changed over time. According to the 2019 Insurance Barometer Study (Life Happens/LIMRA), only 57 percent of American households have life insurance –…
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Whether you are driving change or change is choosing you, change is not always easy or comfortable. Because of this, we sometimes react and enter it kicking and screaming. Life is about transformation. Transformation is the result of change. One of the laws of life is: everything is impermanent. Therefore, we can expect change. It will happen. It m…
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Ask any successful person what the key to their success is most of them will tell you they had great mentors and will attribute significance to those relationships in supporting them obtain their success. Effective mentoring can be rewarding for both mentees and mentors. Having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; it shows you are smart enough and a…
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In today’s marketplace, winning is not about being bigger, richer or working harder than the competition. Business success today goes to the entrepreneur who can come up with the most creative solutions. Many markets are becoming more and more saturated with competition. As a result, it can be challenging for your business to stand out. In today's …
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Prayer is one of the most powerful tools (weapons) God has given us. Yet, to many people, prayer seems complicated and unnecessary. For many, knowing how to pray is not always easy, thereby causing them to feel unsuccessful in their prayer life. Prayer is an open line of instant, constant communication with God. It is a two-way open line to God. An…
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Every day in this world is a shaky, uncertain, constantly changing landscape — and that causes us to try to get control. We create lists, systems, routines, schedules, comfortable environments … we build our whole lives and identities around these comforts and control. We try to control the uncontrollable ever shifting landscape of our lives. But i…
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Have you ever missed out on a great opportunity because you played it safe? Most of us have a tendency to play it safe. Some of us equate playing it safe with being sensible and prudent. But most of the time, it’s something else altogether. Playing it safe is not about safety at all. The real problem isn’t safety or risk at all. The real problem is…
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85 percent of people suffer from low self-confidence. A lack of confidence affects your ability to reach your full potential. It will keep you in your comfort zone because you that’s where you feel safe with little risk of failure. This prevents you from leaving a bad work situation, seeking stretch assignments, applying for a new position or negot…
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Habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviors on any given day. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. They jeopardize your health mentally and physically. And they waste your time and energy. Have you ever thought: Why is it so hard to break a bad …
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We all have an inner critic. This little voice can often be more harmful than helpful, particularly when it gets into the realm of excessive negativity. This is known as negative self-talk, and it can really bring us down. Negative self-talk, or "inner critic," may sound a lot like a critical parent or friend from your past. There are different way…
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If you're looking for a new job, career change, new clients or business sponsors, pitching yourself or your business is a great way to do so. When it's done right, it should leave recruiters, employers and potential clients wanting to know more. Today's episode provides the dos and don'ts of developing the perfect elevator pitch. What To Include Wh…
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Are You Inhabiting Your Full Potential? If not, it’s probably because you are getting in your own way…via your own Upper Limit Problem. I can promise you that your own version of the Upper Limit Problem is still holding you back from achieving your true potential. In fact, the more successful you get, the more urgent it becomes to identify and over…
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Do you hate your job? Is your job a major source of stress? 1. 83% of the US workers are stressed 2. 43% workers believe that employers don’t care about work-life balance 3. Around 70% of employees feel that they are overloaded with work 4. 14% of employees want to hit their colleagues 5. Stressed workers spend 46% more time on their healthcare 6. …
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