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What we DO is just as important as what we SAY. And the difficult (but necessary!) challenge for followers of Christ is to walk the fine line of participating in political conversation and remaining true and faithful to God's word.โดย Grace Church
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As followers of Christ, how we respond to political authority and, more importantly, how we show honor and respect towards political offices can either show how we "fit" into the cultural norm, OR can set us apart. Our response speaks volume to our walk with Christ and our love for His people.โดย Grace Church
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It's our responsibility to steward our voice in a way that shows the love, grace, and truth of our faith in Jesus. This isn't accomplished through shouting matches, or endless debates, or fights over opinions. It's done by seeking Kingdom perspective in all things.โดย Grace Church
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In this first session, Pastor Tim reminds us that real change doesn't happen through political power or having the right person in office. It happens through the love of Jesus Christ.โดย Grace Church
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Of the core elements of our faith, prayer and worship are towards the top of the list. This Sunday Pastor Tim begins by asking, and answering, general questions about these two elements and then takes a few questions from the congregation.โดย Grace Church
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Spirit gifts and fruit are talked about often in today's church. Pastor Tim takes some time to explore both individually with a few basic questions and then takes questions from the congregation.โดย Grace Church
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In the final session, Pastor Tim examined the "gift of healing" as it relates to the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12. Second, we explored seven practices we can employ to pursue healing...and retain it once received.โดย Grace Church
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In session three, Pastor Tim explores through scripture how the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was what started the church in Acts chapter 2 and continues this day.โดย Grace Church
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This Sunday, Pastor Tim begins the question and answer portion of the series by focusing on two foundational questions of our faith and then taking questions from the Grace Church Family.โดย Grace Church
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In this new series, Pastor Tim brings us back to the basics and reminds us that revisiting these foundational truths is something we should continually do in our walk with Jesus.โดย Grace Church
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In Numbers chapter 12, we read that Aaron and Miriam, faithful followers and leaders amongst Israel, criticized Moses because of his marriage to a "Cushite" woman. And as a result they were "called out." This Sunday, Pastor Tim reminds us that spiritual leaders are not voted on or randomly placed. They are selected and placed by the Lord and it is …
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What if instead of "complaining" to each other, we instead "complained" to the Lord? How different would your life look and the relationships you have? As we continue in Numbers chapter 11, we focus on the middle section where Moses, in his exasperation, speaks to the Lord asking question after question about the current situation Israel is in. And…
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Complaining isn't just something that people are good at now. It's been around from the beginning and it has become so common that we do it out of habit! We forget where we have truly had it worse and convince ourselves that it was better in the past! This Sunday we learn that the nation of Israel fits into that mold as well. They left Egypt, redee…
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The book of Mark details the account of Jesus and as we read through it we become more aware of the Kingdom Reality that He lived to teach us, suffered to spare us, and died and was resurrected to save us.โดย Grace Church
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In Mark 15, we read about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and that instead of us receiving the sentence of "death," He instead takes our place so that we may have eternal life with the Father. Because we are ALL Barabbas.โดย Grace Church
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In Mark chapter 14 we learn that Jesus was abandoned, betrayed, and denied. And through it all, the suffering he suffering he endured, we will never be abandoned, betrayed, or denied by him.โดย Grace Church
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There's three important points from Mark chapter 13. Jesus is going to return, we are all commanded to "be ready," and whatever you doing will be meaningless when he returns. So, share with those you know, or don't know, and help them on the "life raft."โดย Grace Church
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In Mark chapter 12 we are reminded by the poor widow of what it means to give what we have -- sacrificially. And this is a stark reminder that things that are celebrated in the world, are unimportant in the Kingdom of God and that as followers of Christ, we must be champions of the unseen.โดย Grace Church
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Jesus enters Jerusalem and very quickly begins to upset the Scribes, Pharisees, and teachers of religious law -- beginning with flipping tables at the temple. This Sunday, Pastor Tim reminds us that for every obstacle that the Pharisees set in place in the Bible, Jesus overcame it. And that Jesus will reveal obstacles in our lives that we have set …
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To embrace Kingdom greatness is not really what we think it is. As a matter of fact, it's the opposite of what the world tells us. This Sunday, Pastor Tim discusses the interaction between James, John and Jesus from Mark chapter 10 and how the disciples declare that they are ready for the "bitter cup of suffering." But, they truly didn't know the r…
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In Mark, chapter 9, we see Jesus interact with a man who proclaims his lack of faith - as many of us have encountered in our own lives! But, all of us can find encouragement in this text that our doubts don't disqualify us from God's grace.โดย Grace Church
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Jesus never backed down from Pharisee questions or accusations; often responding to them with scripture to not only help them see the truth but to correct them. This Sunday, we see in Mark chapter 7, the Pharisee's accuse Jesus' disciples of not following tradition revealing that they have elevated the "rules" over the Word of God.…
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Jesus is the greatest leader -- ever. As he leads and trains his disciples he equips and empowers them to not just follow in ministry but to DO ministry, he shows them balance between a life of ministry and rest, and finally he continually encourages them in their faith through grace and compassion.โดย Grace Church
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In the story of the demon possessed man we learn that Jesus has the absolute authority over every demonic spirit that terrorizes humans; and that only through faith in him can we find salvation, healing and freedom.โดย Grace Church
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In Mark chapter 4, there are several parables Jesus teaches on. And all of them reveal the Kingdom of God as upside down when compared to the priorities of this world. So... will you embrace the Kingdom way of life?โดย Grace Church
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In Mark chapter 3, Pastor Tim walks us through verses 1-6 and reminds us that as much as we are rooting for Jesus to show those Pharisees, often times we find ourselves to be the Pharisees. We have to daily seek Him, daily walk with Him through God's Word, daily let Jesus become more a part of our lives.…
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This Sunday, Pastor Tim focuses on Jesus healing the paralytic from Mark chapter 2 and discusses the value of forgiveness of sins, which happened first, and the value of healing, which happened second.โดย Grace Church
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Prayer is the priority. Worship is on our lips. God's Word is our sword. Now, as we fight, we need to constantly remember that our battlefield isn't a street or a neighborhood, it's in the mind, will and emotions. After all, we are not fighting WITH people; we fight FOR people.โดย Grace Church
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"In Jesus name." It's more than a tagline at the end of a prayer. It's what brought us to our salvation and it's praying the power and authority of Christ INTO our circumstances. This Sunday, Pastor Tim talks about the importance of using the name of Jesus when it comes to fighting spiritual battles and how we too can see miracles.…
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In the spiritual realm, we are called to fight. We are warriors outfitted with God's armor and set to do battle with the enemy who is always trying to deceive us and convince us to give up or give in. In this new series, Pastor Tim lays out each side of the battle reminding us that the "Father of lies" is the one we fight against. NOT each other.…
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In week three of our Advent series on Christmas carols, we enjoyed "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," and Pastor Tim showed us how the carol writer used much of the scriptures to remind us of Jesus' birth and the reconciliation available for all mankind through Him.โดย Grace Church
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In week two of our Advent series on Christmas carols, Pastor Tim reminds us through the carol "Angels from the Realms of Glory," that worship of the Lord God is the first, and best, response to any situation we are presented with.โดย Grace Church
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In the first week of our Advent series on Christmas carols, Pastor Tim looks first at, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," and reminds us that "longing" for the Lord is something that we must never lose sight us during the Christmas season.โดย Grace Church
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In this final session of Psalm 107, Pastor Tim reminds us of the HOPE that we find in Jesus Christ will always remain, no matter what storm we went through, what storm we are in, or what storm is on the horizon.โดย Grace Church
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