Beth Ann Waldrup สาธารณะ
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This is the first week in our series on the Book of Leviticus. Why is there a book of Leviticus? It is the resolution to an issue in the Sinai wilderness. How does God live among God's people when God's holiness is so powerful. Leviticus is the temporary answer. Times will change but God's holiness is unchanging.…
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Every great Olympic athlete has a place of training. It is there that they receive the best coaching, the best nutrition, the best nutrition, and the best encouragement. They will compete in a different arena, but at their place of training, they are learning and preparing. For those who follow Jesus, the church is our training facility.…
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Paul uses the metaphor of the body in speaking about the church. We find this in Romans, I Corinthians, and in Ephesians. He could have used family or team or other metaphors but he uses the body. So let's explore what that means.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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I grew up hearing Hellfire and Brimstone sermons about the coming apocalypse. They warned of fiery pits and terrifying beast. Those sermons were pretty scary then I read the scriptures they left out, like the 365 times the Bible tells us "do not be afraid." Today we talk about end times with a different vision intended to give us hope.…
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For God so loved the world that God gave God's only begotten Son so that whoever believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. We have all been asked, " Have you been saved?" like it is a one time transaction. That is not how Paul describes it and it isn't really the overall picture in the Gospels so what is salvation?…
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Today we talk about Jesus. Who was he and what did God accomplish through him? How are we called to follow him? We look at the seventh chapter of Daniel for the earliest concept of the Son of Man then look to the Christ Hymn in Philippians to understand how to follow him.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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Today, we are talking about Providence or how God interacts in our world. There are sopme who believe God directs everything and on the oppostie end, there are those who see God as creator but totally inactive in our world. Most of us are somewhere inbetween.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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The week starts our new Sermon Series on what we believe. Sometime we become so comfortable with what we think we know, we forget about what we do not know and what we cannot know. We learn very little when we are comfortable but we can learn so much when we are uncomfortable. Today, our first lesson begins, as it should, with what we can know abou…
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Paul challenged the Galatians by telling them the missionaries from Jerusalem were wrong. They did not need to being in good standing with the Old Covenant to become mmbers of the New Covenant. So I'm wondering if it is wrong to tell LGBTQ individuals they must become straight before they are fully included in the New Covenant.…
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The new kingdom Jesus presents in not the resurrection of the old kingdom of God found in the Hebrew Bible. The old Kingdom was a physical kingdom with boundaries and politics. The new Kingdom has no boundaries. It expands only when Jesus changes a heart and mind.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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Paul began his ministry as a Pharisee, sworn to abide by and protect the law then he encountered Jesus. Paul's call was to the Gentiles. Paul's call was to preach salvation by faith alone in the grace of Jesus Christ. Peter knew this but took heat from the church in Jerusalem where they followed Jesus and kept the law. It is a debate we have been h…
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In every letter of Paul, both the seven certain and the two maybes, there is a greeting followed by a prayer of thanksgiving except one - Galatians. Why is Galatians different? That is what we will be learning in this seven week series.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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On this Easter Sunday, we take a look at the two disciples walking home to Emmaus. This story is a real story of discipleship. We walk together, we listen to the word, and we receive grace in the breaking of the bread together.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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According to the gospel of Luke, Jesus spent his last week on earth teaching at the Temple in Jerusalem. He told his followers they might be persecuted but do not hire a lawyer to prepare a defense. Prepare your faith to be steadfast.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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Most of us wish there was a magic formula that could keep those we love away from harm. That secret wish reveals itself when we hear of a tragedy and want to believe it was not random. Jesus is tells his disciples that it is. Then he says, Repent or you will die. Yikes! Thank goodness a parable comes to explain.…
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In the 13th chapter of Luke, Jesus is standing on the Mount of Olives, looking over the Kidron Valley to the Temple Mount. There, he expresses a deep lament for the past, present, and future of Jerusalem. Today, we lament how our world has changed.
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The first Sunday of Lent always includes a the story of Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. Why? The temptations of Jesus mirrors the temptations that snag us all - appetite, status, and control.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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This week we explore Luke's Sermon on the Plain which is similar to Matthew's Sermon on the Mount but abbreviated and given to the disciples, not to thousands. If you choose to follow Jesus, you are expected to take a different direction in the way you live life. Discipleship is caring for your neighbor's well being as much as your own.…
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Discipleship starts at somepoint in our lives and continues for eternity unless we decide we know enough. If we stop striving and if we stop being curious, we do not become all god has called us to be. Simeon and Anna were old but God gave them what God promised.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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The Gospel of John tells the story of the Last Supper in a way that seems to emphasize foot washing over communion but maybe he is telling us something even more important. His first miracle is making wine at the wedding in Cana. In the sixth chapter of John he feeds the multitudes then goes into a long discussion of bread. Let's explore this today…
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Many of us look at the rules in Scripture but what if we look at the instructions for hospitality instead. The 18th Chapter of Genesis is hospitality well done and hospitality refused. It is an amazing constrast. You cannot have a feast without hospitality.โดย Beth A Waldrup
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In October we began a new sermon series called Always Room for One More. We began this week, World Communion Sunday in Leviticus 23 where God commanded the people to observe Sabbath but also seven festivals. Why? They were to celebrate and remember the redemption of God's people but you cannot celebrate redemption if you do not understand what it m…
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