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The Parenting for Faith podcast

Parenting for Faith

Parenting for Faith exists to equip and encourage parents to raise God-connected children and teens. In the podcast, the Parenting for Faith team offer ideas and tools, answer questions, review books, host interviews and panel discussions. Discover our free course for churches and more at Parenting for Faith is part of BRF, a registered charity.
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Barely Researched Facts


Barely Researched Facts is a facts-based show (barely) brought to you by ArtNowThus; an arts, events and content company. Born out of the infamous lockdown of 2020, the show is a trip down dissection lane – of words. Every episode, the hosts Ragini and Shar choose one word and deep dive into it. Every interesting fact we can find, we research – somewhat casually – and bring to you, pairing it with some good humour and casual chat between two friends.
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show series
Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 27th December 2024.One of the greatest causes of the problems we face is that we continually forget (overlook) simple truths. We become so engrossed with short term goals and needs, we tend to overlook far more important long-term requirements. One example of such actions happens very obviously within friendships a…
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For our first episode of 2025, Anna Hawken, Parenting for Faith Ministry Lead shares about the A-Z of Parenting for Faith - a brand new book which will be out in October 2025 and the focus for this season’s podcast. We’ll be picking all sorts of hot Christian parenting topics, collating the wisdom of previous guests and finding out what this looks …
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th December 2024.In many ways, God measures our relationship with him the same way that we should care for our children.A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at: the YouTube link to the uploaded video.…
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Today, we're discussing how we can disciple our adult children. Becky and Kate, from the Parenting for Faith team, are sharing their wisdom on this topic.DATE CHANGE. We're now running the Parenting for Faith course on zoom from 6 March not 16 Jan as earlier advertised. Book the Parenting for Faith Zoom course here -…
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Talk 10 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written o…
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Many of us are trying to disciple our children without the example of our own parents. Perhaps we came to faith through friends in our teens or adulthood, or the faith our parents have now is not one that they had when we were growing up. How do we nurture our kids’ faith when we have no example to follow? How do we help them not to make the same m…
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 1st December 2024.There are thousands of claimed ways to enter the kingdom of God, but only one way offers God's evidence of biblically promised signs and wonders. Sadly, these are rejected by most Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. It is not new for 'religious' people to reject signs and wonders. They killed Jesu…
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Statistics show the importance of an active dad in a child’s life. How can dads be a positive presence in their kids’ spiritual lives, even if they don’t live with them, and how can we all support dads to be the best they can be?The Father’s Club is an initiative led by Christian dads in south-east London to support and equip each other across the …
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Talk 9 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written on…
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Delivered By Mitch Lever on 22nd November 2024.Whether in our everyday lives, or in our relationship with God, we are encouraged to 'do our best'. Interestingly both God and the world have set the standard of perfection for us to achieve. The difference is that God's standard of perfection is achievable and profitable, where the world's standard is…
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Many of us feel despondent if our children tell us they don’t believe in God anymore, or they don’t wish to come to church or pursue their faith. We feel like that’s it - there’s no more hope for our kids to find Jesus - and often feel like we’ve failed in some way.Parenting for Faith founder Rachel Turner is our guest today to tell us that that’s …
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Talk 8 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written on…
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Prayer is a key part of our lives as Christians - both individually and corporately. For our families, this might involve helping our kids to chat to God on their own, but also praying together as a family. How can we do this in ways which our kids respond to?Sarah Hogben is one of our Parenting for Faith speaking team and we’re delighted to welcom…
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 11th November 2024.The Bible is very strong on taking the weak and turning them into something useful. Spiritually speaking we are actually all weak. We would be nothing without the empowering of the Holy Spirit.โดย Pastor Brad Smith
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Our dream, as Christian parents, is surely that our kids will find God in the everyday - knowing they can chat to him about anything, ask him questions, and invite him to be a part of their decision-making. But how does this happen, what about if it’s not happening, and where does play fit into all this?To help us think through discipling our kids …
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 3rd November 2024.The following is a simple analysis between the plausibility of God creating our current world with purpose and planning in mind. Alternatively, all of the natural world is meaningless, unplanned randomness, which somehow sees matter and life evolve and appear in incremental stages over a long peri…
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Talk 7 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written on…
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Family life is a constant series of changes and transitions as our kids grow and family dynamics change. But what about when a big change hits us, whether something that we’ve discerned as God’s best for our family, or something unplanned and uncontrollable?Dan Hawken is a church Families and Outreach worker in the Forest and Wye valley. His family…
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Delivered By Chris Tankey on 20th October 2024.When God does something in the Bible, we should consider it carefully.He does nothing without a purpose, and thinking about His actions tells us about His character and nature.One of the most important events in the Bible occurred at Mt Sinai where God called Moses up the mountain and gave him two ston…
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 20th October 2024.This talk follows the talk 'Rejecting The Secret Rapture', where 'the' Rapture, 'the' Great Tribulation and 'the' Antichrist are falsely used. As a result of these errors, the correct understanding of salvation and overcoming are clouded in doctrinal garbage.Factual points to consider...The concep…
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When it comes to discipling our children, one of the greatest joys and the greatest challenges is surely church. What happens if we need to move church? How can we help our kids see the potential of church, as well as be honest about the difficulties? And what about if our children can’t find their place in church?Helping us unravel this is church …
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th October 2024.A few observations about the new Jerusalem and the millennium.A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:โดย Pastor Brad Smith
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 13th October 2024.Before we disprove the "secret rapture", let us look at the teaching...1. The rapture takes place when Jesus suddenly and secretly comes to the earth to gather all "born again" Christians to heaven. Importantly, this occurs without warning or sign -- and literally happen any day now.2. According t…
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Surveys suggest that younger generations of Christians are not reading the Bible regularly. It’s a complicated book, full of tricky bits and things which might seem culturally wrong to our 21st century ears. So how can we encourage our kids not only to read it but to grow to love it?Today’s guest, Trillia Newbell, shares helpful thoughts for us all…
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Talk 6 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written on…
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It’s one thing following Jesus when life is peachy and the road is smooth - but what about when we face obstacles and hurdles? How do we help our kids navigate life with God when their prayers go unanswered, or it feels like he is distant from them?Helping us navigate this sensitive topic today are authors Eric M. Schumacher and Jessika Sanders. Wi…
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Family life seems to get busier and busier, with a multitude of activities, playdates and school events to fit into the calendar. As Christian families, we long to do a good job of nurturing what God is already doing in the lives of our kids - but how can we do this when life is so hectic?Here to share some wisdom with us today is Dave Newton, the …
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Talk 5 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written on…
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These talks were delivered by Chris Tankey on 15th September 2024, and 22nd September 2024.It is worth spending time examining and thinking about the events leading up to and including the so called trials of Jesus Christ. These proceedings are generally condemned as illegal and unjust, and we will see why...A PDF copy of the talk notes is availabl…
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As Christian parents we long to see our children meet and know God for themselves and so we bring them up learning about God, going to church, praying and reading the bible. But sometimes others say that we are brainwashing our kids. Is that true, or are we simply sharing things we know are good and important for them?Here to help us unpick the dif…
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th September 2024.When God created Adam and Eve, they were created as spiritual beings in physical bodies. The serpent first pretends to offer a greater source of blessing than God, and temps them to believe him rather than God...A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:…
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These talks were delivered by Chris Tankey on 15th September 2024, and 22nd September 2024.It is worth spending time examining and thinking about the events leading up to and including the so called trials of Jesus Christ. These proceedings are generally condemned as illegal and unjust, and we will see why...A PDF copy of the talk notes is availabl…
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2024.The revelation from God that we are created for a positive purpose and the fact that he is prepared to reveal these purposes, is the most wonderful knowledge that any human could ever experience. The opportunity to be anointed (enlivened) by God's Spirit and the promise of eternal life almost se…
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Talk 4 of 10 in a series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Ten Commandments. Delivered between June 2024 and December 2024.When God chose the nation of Israel he gave them the Ten Commandments, written on stone, as a guide to a better life. Fifteen hundred years later, on the Day of Pentecost, God again sent his law to his people written on…
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 3rd September 2024.Jesus give us an understanding of what Spiritual truths are, how God sees us, and how he deals with us relative to mercy and forgiveness. The parable of the lost sheep, The parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son.โดย Pastor Brad Smith
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 1st September 2024.We will particularly look at Mark 16 and the 'casting out of devils'... why is casting out devils listed first? Let's see how the word 'devils' is used in scriptures... The Jews had no words for mental illness as we now have today. Many of the 'demon possessions' in the scriptures are mental illn…
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