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Thank God For Coffee Podcast

Thank God For Coffee

Grab a chair and your favorite cup of Joe as you join Pastor Jaime Perez in an in-depth biblical study of scripture, laughs, life application, and growth for the honor and glory of the Lord. Romans 12:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tome una silla y su taza favorita para el café mientras se une al pastor Jaime Pérez en un estudio bíblico profundo de las Escrituras, de manera divertida, aplicación de vida y crecimiento ...
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es azotado y le colocan una corona de espinas en la cabeza mientras la guardia Romana lo invoca como Rey de los judíos. Juan 19:1-4 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is scourged and a crown of thorns is placed over His head; as he is called the King of the Jews by the Roman guard. John 19:1-4 NKJVโดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es presentado ante Pilato y los judíos y se les da la opción de liberar al Rey de los judíos o a Barrabás el ladrón. Juan 18:39-40 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus stands before Pilate and the Jews as they are given an option to either free Jesus the King of the Jews or Barabbas the robber. John 18:39-40 NKJVโดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Pedro se calienta junto al fuego y niega a Jesús dos veces más mientras Jesús es presentado ante el sumo sacerdote Caifás. Juan 18:25-27 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus prays for His disciples as well as for those that will know Him through them. He prays that they will be one with Him just as He is One with the Father. John 17:20-26 NKJVโดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús ya no les habla a los discípulos en sentido figurado, sino que les habla claramente y les asegura que ha vencido al mundo. Juan 16:25-33 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus no longer speaks to the disciples in parables but speaks to them plainly and assures them that He has overcome the world. John 16:25-33 NKJVโดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Las palabras de Jesús no son claras para los discípulos, quienes tienen dificultades para comprender cómo ya no lo verán por un tiempo. Juan 16:16-24 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus’ words are not clear to the disciples who have trouble comprehending how they will no longer see Him for a little while. John 16:16-24 NKJVโดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús enseña a sus discípulos una poderosa parábola sobre la necesidad de estar siempre en Jesús para producir buenos frutos. Juan 15:1-8 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus teaches His Disciples that He will no longer be with them physically but will come to them again. John 14:19-24 NKJVโดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús enseña a sus discípulos que ya no estará físicamente con ellos, sino que vendrá a ellos nuevamente. Juan 14:19-24 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús promete a los discípulos que orará al Padre para que envíe al Consolador que permanezca en ellos para siempre. Juan 14:15-18 RVR1960โดย Thank God For Coffee
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