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Jesus is amazing and I want to share Him with you! My recent assignment is to tell you Jesus is coming and we are not ready. If we are not ready we will miss Him. He said to tell every one it is vital we get on our knees and find out —individually where we need to fix our relationship with Him so that we can be ready when He comes. He said don't ask your pastor, your Mom or Dad, but ask Him. He is the One you will stand before that day, therefore He is the One we need to talk to. He is knock ...
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Vision and Commitment, One Church Ministries

One Church Ministries

The Vision and Commitment Course (V&C) is a 20-week class that explores what Living Light Christian Church believes (our vision) and how we outwork what we believe together (our commitment to that vision). Whether you are a new believer in Christ, have known the Lord for many years, or are simply searching for truth, we know that what’s presented in this course has all the potential to transform your life radically to the glory of God.
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I AM: The Eternal and Unchanging God Whatever we face—trials, uncertainties, or fears—we can trust in the One who never changes. He is our provider, our sustainer, our strength, and our salvation. His name is a reminder that He is everything we need. When life feels uncertain, we can rest in the certainty of who He is.…
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Today we will examine our motives. Do we really love Jesus, or do we love ourselves more? Do we have time for Him or is all our time accounted for?CONNECT: / vision-eternit. .SUPPORT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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Peace in the Midst of Tribulation! So when trials come, let us remember Jesus’ words: “Be of good cheer.” Our hope is not in our circumstances but in our Savior. He is our refuge, our strength, and our peace. No matter what we face today, we can rest in the truth that He has overcome, and through Him, we too will overcome.…
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A Sobering Reality Hell is not a symbolic idea but a real place of separation from God, a place of torment for those who reject Him. This truth should not only cause us to examine our own lives but also stir us to share the gospel with others. We must not wait until it is too late. Today is the day of salvation. May we live with eternity in mind, s…
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God Uses the Weak to Confound the Mighty When God works through the weak, it becomes clear that the power comes from Him and not from human ability. This should encourage us—our limitations do not disqualify us; they make room for God’s power to shine through. Instead of feeling inadequate, we should trust in the Lord and step forward in faith, kno…
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Today we are talking about keeping the Word of God and literally loving others the way He designed for us to love.CONNECT: / vision-eternit. .SUPPORT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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The Manifestation of the Spirit for All As we walk in faith, let us seek to use our God-given gifts not for personal glory, but for the good of others and the advancement of God’s kingdom. May we be willing vessels, allowing the Spirit to work through us in ways that bring honor to Christ and bless His people.…
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Eternal Life Through Knowing Christ Let this truth transform the way we live. Our ultimate pursuit should not be wealth, success, or worldly accomplishments, but a deeper knowledge of God. As we grow in Him, we experience the fullness of life that Jesus prayed for us to have.
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Shining for Christ in a Dark World Are you shining your light? Are you living in such a way that others are drawn to God because of you? The world is filled with darkness—fear, sin, and despair—but Christ has placed His light within us to bring hope. Let us be intentional in living out our faith, so that through our lives, others may come to know t…
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Called to Be Servants of Christ This passage reminds us that being a Christian is not just about believing in Jesus but about living in obedience to His call. We have been chosen to be His representatives in the world, living by faith and proclaiming His name. Just as Paul recognized his calling, we too must embrace our identity as servants of Chri…
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Honoring the Name of Our Father As we pray, let us begin with worship, recognizing who God is and giving Him the honor He deserves. When we acknowledge His holiness, our hearts are aligned with His will, and our prayers become more than requests—they become moments of reverence and surrender.
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FINDING SOLITUDE IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS! In this passage, we see Jesus and his disciples seeking solace in a town called Bethsaida after their ministry work. Despite their need for rest and solitude, the crowds found out and followed them. Instead of turning them away, Jesus welcomed them, ministered to them, and healed their afflictions. Even in th…
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Join me today as we discover the will of God in our health and how it affects our eternity.CONNECT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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Let Lee give you the secret to how to never have a weight problem again.CONNECT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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Today we are going to talk about the seriousness of actually giving up our lives to follow Jesus.CONNECT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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I Will Wait for the God of My Salvation If you are in a season of waiting, do not lose heart. Look to the Lord. Trust in His salvation. Be assured that He hears your prayers, and in His perfect timing, He will act. Keep your faith steadfast, knowing that God is never late, and He never fails.
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Life often feels uncertain, like looking through a dim, foggy glass. We strain to see what lies ahead, trying to understand the purpose of our struggles, the reasons behind our trials, and the full picture of God’s plan. Yet, the apostle Paul reminds us that our current understanding is limited—we only “know in part.”…
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God’s Provision for Every Need This is a call for us to trust God fully, even when we feel uncertain. His provision may not always look like what we expect or arrive on our timetable, but He promises it will be exactly what we need.
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Are you proving that the Father's will is good and perfect? If you're not, you're not doing the Father's will.CONNECT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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CREATED WITH A PURPOSE & POTENTIAL! In the opening chapters of Genesis, we are presented with the awe-inspiring account of God's creation of humanity. We are told that we are made in the image and likeness of God Himself, created with purpose and intentionality. Each one of us bears the imprint of our Creator, reflecting His divine attributes and p…
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BE STILL AND KNOW! Today, take a moment to be still. Set aside the worries, the to-do lists, and the fears that burden your heart. Sit in God’s presence, reflect on His goodness, and rest in the assurance that He is in control.
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You just never know when God is going to do what He does. That thing you weren't even expecting Him to do, He does just because He loves you so much!CONNECT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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EMBRACING GOD'S TIMING AND PURPOSE! Just as the changing seasons bring both challenges and blessings, our own journey is marked by different seasons that shape and mold us into who God intends us to be. In times of abundance, we learn gratitude and generosity. In times of hardship, we cultivate endurance and faith. Through it all, God is at work, w…
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LOVING IN A WORLD OF HATRED! This week in our nugget series we are discussing the logic of our Lord and Savior, King Jesus. We are discussing the logic of knowing God through King Jesus. We have looked at knowing God through King Jesus and at the joy of His love. Today, we will discuss the opposite of love and that is hate, but we will see what Kin…
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WORTH! In Luke 15:11-31, we encounter the poignant parable of the prodigal son. This story beautifully illustrates God's unconditional love and the depth of His forgiveness. The younger son demands his inheritance, squanders it in reckless living, and finds himself in a desperate situation. However, when he humbly returns to his father, he is welco…
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God told me He is marvelous and we can only truly know this, if we know Him and allow Him to move in our lives. Join me as I tell you a marvelous story of His love!CONNECT:…
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Working for the Lord! Today, reflect on your work—whatever it may look like—and ask, “Am I doing this for human approval, or am I offering it to God?” When we work with excellence and a heart full of love for God, we honor Him and find fulfillment in knowing that our labor is not in vain.
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A Word from Jesus to impact our understanding of hearing and following Him.CONNECT:โดย VISION ETERNITY MINISTRIES
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SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM! Today, let’s pause and evaluate where our focus lies. Are we consumed by worries and distractions? Or are we intentionally seeking God through prayer, His Word, and acts of faith? Remember, when we align our hearts with God’s will, He will take care of the rest.
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Appreciating the Holy Spirit God's spirit in us, as we heed His voice, will give us surety of our eternal life with Jesus. There is no peace, no comfort like the Holy Spirt can give as he lives in usCONNECT:…
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We have to know that just as in the day of Noah, we are forcefully by the pressure of the enemy, being distracted from doing the will of God. What do I mean by forcefully? The enemy is putting a lot of pressure on us to walk away from Jesus by not doing the will of the Father. To keep us from entering into the kingdom of God, he uses distractions s…
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LOVE OF TRUTH! In these verses, the apostle Paul warns the Thessalonian believers about the consequences of refusing to love the truth. The love of truth is not merely an intellectual pursuit but a matter of the heart that leads to salvation.
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