Pastor John Farley สาธารณะ
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 16, 2025They led him to Annas firstJoh 18:11-27It is the cup of the wrath of God against sin.2Co 5:21He was made to be sin.He endured the wrath of God against sin when He bore our sins in His body on the cross.Verses 12-27 record the arrest of Jesus, followed by His trials before the religious leaders:the high …
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 9, 2025The Cup Which the Father has Given MeJoh 18:7-11So when Jesus said"I AM", He identified Himself as the LORD God of Israel.What is this cup in verse 11?Mat 26:36-54 interlockswith Joh 18:1-11.Mat 26:36-46 fits between Joh 18:1 and Joh 18:2.Joh 18:8-9Here in verses 8 and 9, we see Jesus as the good Shepher…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 2, 2025They Drew Back and Fell to the Ground.Joh 18:1-11Joh 18:4-6What made Judas, the temple guard, and the Roman soldiers fall to the ground?Check out the neighborhoodJohn craftedverses 4-6with great care.1. Jesus said to the Roman soldiers and the Temple Guard,"I am He". I AM.2. Judas, who was betraying Him,…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,February 23, 2025Whom do you seek?Joh 18:1-11The garden in which they entered was the garden of Gethsemane.Mat 26:36Luke's gospel states that Jesus and His disciples went out to the Mount of Olives.Luk 22:39The garden of Gethsemane was located on the lower slopes of the Mount of Olives,across the Kidron Valley from J…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,February 16, 2025There was a GardenJoh 18:1-11This gospel is a story of unbelief and belief.Joh 1:11-14The powerful in Israel rejected Him.But His disciples came to believe that He was the Son of God.Joh 11:41-44Many came to believe in Christ as a result of this miracle.Joh 11:45-46His enemies resolved to have Him pu…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,February 9, 2025Knowing all things that were coming upon Himpastor@lbible.orgJoh 18:1-4"These words" refers to all that Jesus said and taught in chapters 14, 15, 16, & 17.Joh 18-20 isthe Holy of Holies.These are the events that secured our salvation.1Co 15:1-4The apostle John was an eyewitness to these events.Joh 19:…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,February 2, 2025That God may be glorifiedJoh 17:22-23"That they may be perfected in unity."Joh 13:34-35Ultimately, spiritual gifts are all about love.Joh 17:22-23How are we perfected in unity?As wonderful and exciting as spiritual gifts are, they are a means to an end.The end is our being perfected in unity.Using our…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,January 26, 2025He came close to death for the work of ChristRom 12:6-8The believer with the gift of helps is focused on specific people.The believer with the gift of service is focused on tasks(the work to be done).The spiritual gift of service is an unusual ability to identify a need in the congregation -- and to t…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,January 19, 2025She has Been a Helper of Many1. God has placed a burden on your heart.2. God has filled your heart with a special love for the people who most need to be ministered to with the gift.3. You are willing to suffer in order to serve others with this gift.4. You have a supernatural ability when you operate…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,January 12, 2024The work of an evangelist(please excuse the first slide in the video!)The ministry of the evangelist is first to the lost world.God fills his heart with a love for the lost and places a heavy burden on his heart for their salvation.The LORD gives him the ability to proclaim the gospel with freshness, …
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,December 29, 2024An Eternal Weight of Glory2Co 4:16-18This affliction,this pain,will not last forever.And the very affliction you suffer is itself productive.Rom 5:1-5Nothing is wastedwith God.Phi1:6His plan includes suffering. His work continues through our suffering.1Pe 5:10Christmas is all about light breaking thr…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,December 22, 2024The Light of the worldWe live in dark times, in a dark world.None of this took the LORD by surprise.The world has always been a dark place.Joh 16:33Eph 6:12We also live in a dark time.2Ti 3:1-5Christmas is all about light breaking through the darkness.In the midst of this darkness, there came a marve…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,December 15, 2024Philip the Evangelistb. Permanent spiritual gifts function throughout the Church Age, until the Rapture.There are two kinds of permanent spiritual gifts: speaking and serving.SpeakingPastor-Teacher: Eph 4:11evangelist: Eph 4:11 teaching: Rom 12:7, 1Co 12:28Speakingexhortation: Rom 12:8prophecy (not p…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,December 8, 2024He Gave Some as EvangelistsThere are two major categories of spiritual gifts: temporary and permanent.a. Temporary spiritual gifts only operated in the first generation of the church age.There were three kinds of temporary spiritual gifts: foundational, sign, and revelatory.Foundation gifts laid the f…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,December 1, 2024The measure of Christ's giftThere are two major categories of spiritual gifts: temporary and permanent.a. Temporary spiritual gifts only functioned during the pre-canon period.The temporary spiritual gifts operated in the first generation of the church age.There were three kinds of temporary spiritual…
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John FarleyPastor-TeacherSunday,November 24, 2024Praise the LORD for He is good!Happy Thanksgiving!On board that ship were 41 Separatists. Today we call them Pilgrims.They decided to separate from the established national church under the King James.They set sail for the New World aboard the ship called the Mayflower.Conditions on that ship were br…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,November 10, 2024AnnouncementsRich Freeman of Chosen People Ministries visits on Sunday December 8thAnnouncementsGBC Pakistan Christmas Care Wright will teach our message next Sunday, November 17thThe signs of a true apostle were performedThere are two major categories of s…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,November 3, 2024That God may be glorified through Jesus Christ1Pe 4:10-11The overarching purpose of spiritual gifts is to glorify God through our Lord Jesus Christ.Joh 17:1-5The Lord Jesus Christ glorified the Father by completing the work the Father gave Him.Joh 12:23-26The Lord Jesus Christ glorified the Father by …
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,October 27, 2024AnnouncementsRich Freeman of Chosen People Ministries visits on Sunday December 8thAnnouncementsGBC Pakistan Christmas Care to Marc Pomeroy for an excellent Bible teaching last Thursday.AnnouncementsNext Sunday:LORD's SupperRemember to"fall back"…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,October 20, 2024Gifts which differFour major passages in the New Testament teach the subject of spiritual gifts. Rom 12:1-13 1Co 12-14 Eph 4:1-16 1Pe 4:7-11First, we go to these passages to learn the characteristicsof spiritual gifts.1Co 12:1-6The Spirit gives the gifts. He decides which gift each believer receives.T…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,October 6, 2024No Sunday Service on October 13No Bible studyon October 10LORD's Supperled by WesleyVarieties of giftsThe spiritual gifts are the LORD's secret weapon for preserving the unity of the body of Christ.The spiritual gifts provide spiritual power for serving one another.Spiritual giftsFour major passages in…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,September 29, 2024No Sunday Service on October 13No Bible studyon October 10Now, concerning spiritual gifts...NOT I BUT ONE ANOTHER.Rom 12:4-16The "one another" commands in 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and Romans 12 ...appear side-by-side with Paul's teaching on the spiritual gifts given to the church.The spiritual…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,September 22, 2024Our friend and evangelistOne body,different gifts2Co 8:14-15NOT I BUT ONE ANOTHER.We bless others -and, in turn and time, we are blessed by them.And this is certainly the case in the Spirit's design for our spiritual gifts.1Co 12:24-26Eph 4:32-5:2Eph...for full notes:…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,September 8, 2024No Sunday Service on September 15No Bible studyon September 12Be kind to one another2Co 8:1-4They gave money that they needed for their daily bread.2Co 9:8The decision- the willingness, the desire, the resolve to give sacrificially- is ours.The power and ability do not come from us. They come from th…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,September 1, 2024No Sunday Service on September 15No Bible studyon September 12Through His poverty, we are richThe NOT I BUT OTHERS life has several key proving grounds.How we use the resources the LORD has given us -- particularlyfinancial resources.The most extensive teaching on Christian giving is found in2 Corint…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,August 25, 2024They first gave themselves to the LORDThe NOT IBUT CHRIST life leads to the NOT I BUT OTHERS life.This is also the NOT IBUT ONE ANOTHER life.Living for Christ leads to living for others.No longer for ourselves, butfor Him. That's first.But then, no longerfor ourselves butfor OTHERS.Love means sacrifici…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,August 18, 2024Feed My Sheep!The NOT IBUT CHRIST life leads to the NOT I BUT OTHERS life.Life in the Bodyis the NOT IBUT ONE ANOTHER life.2Co 4:7-12Living for Christ leads to living for others.Being conformedto His death results in a life of NOT IBUT OTHERS.What does it mean to carry about in the body the dying of Je…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,August 11, 2024The fellowship of His sufferings(1) the destination of the journey.(2) the gift we receive along the way.(3) the great power that propels us forward.Rom 8:29The destination is conformity to the image and likeness of Christ.Phi 1:21It becomes a life of absolute simplicity.Second, God has given us a grac…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,August 4, 2024Lord's Supper after today's messageTo live is Christ2Cor 5:14-15The NOT I BUT CHRIST attitude bears fruit ...when?when we live lives that are no longer about ourselves but instead are about Christ.It's a life of putting away the old manand putting onthe new man.Ultimately, it's a matter of putting on lo…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,July 21, 2024No serviceSunday July 28thAll in the name of Christ JesusArrogance is all about "I".Humility is all about "NOT I".There are three"NOT I"sfor our spiritual life.NOT I BUT SIN.NOT I BUT CHRIST.NOT I BUT OTHERS.1. Hear (or read) the facts.2. Believe the facts.3. Think new thoughts based on those facts.4. Li…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,July 14, 2024No serviceSunday July 28thThe life we live nowArrogance is all about "I".Humility is all about "NOT I".There are three"NOT I"sfor our spiritual life.NOT I BUT SIN.NOT I BUT CHRIST.NOT I BUT OTHERS.We need our minds to be renewed.We need to be trained how to think right.Col 3:1-41. You died.2. You have be…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,July 7, 2024New church phone number:954-343-3232Lord's Supper todayafter our messageNo serviceSunday July 28thChrist is Our LifePhillip James Elliot (1927-1956) was an evangelist and Christian missionary.From his journalHe is no fool who giveswhat he cannot keepto gain that for whichhe cannot lose.Mar 8:34-35Elizabet…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,June 30, 2024Not I but ChristNew church phone number:954-343-3232No Bible study ThursdayLord's Supper next SundayJuly 7thNo serviceSunday July 28thIt is the attitude of HUMILITY.There are three"NOT I"sfor our spiritual life.NOT I BUT SIN.NOT I BUT CHRIST.NOT I BUT OTHERS.1. NOT I BUTSIN.If you area believer in Christ…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,June 23, 2024Sin is no longer our master.NOTIThere are three"NOT I"sfor our spiritual life.1. NOT I BUTSIN.2. NOT I BUT CHRIST.3. NOT I BUT OTHERS.NOT I BUT SIN.NOT I BUT CHRIST.NOT I BUT OTHERS.1. NOT I BUTSIN.1Pe 2:24He died for our sins so we might die to sin.Sin is the seat of the rebellion against God.Sin encomp…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,June 16, 2024We died to sin.NOTIIf you want to know what NOT I, but YOU looks like,simply look to Jesus.We will examine how the "NOT I" attitude works in our spiritual life.There are three"NOT I"sfor our spiritual life.1. NOT I BUTSIN.2. NOT I BUT CHRIST.3. NOT I BUT OTHERS.NOT I BUT SIN.NOT I BUT CHRIST.NOT I BUT OT…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,June 9, 2024Not I, but sinNOTILove:Not I,but you.Christ is theperfect embodiment of NOT I, BUT YOU.Rom 5:6-8There is no greater love than that.2Co 8:9He suffered so we could be forgiven.Eph 1:7If you want to know what NOT I, but YOU looks like,simply look to Jesus.The death and resurrection of Christ also made our sp…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,June 2, 2024"Not I, but you"NOTILove:Not I,but you.Without love,your spiritual gift is useless.Paul taught the Corinthianswhat real loveis all about.1Co 13:4-7This is the mind or thinking of Christ. Not I, but you.Not I, but the will of My Father.Not I, but the welfare of My sheep.Phi 2:1-8He never insisted on His ri…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,May 26, 2024The essential attitudePaul knew that the hearts of the proud Corinthians were not right.1Co 13:1-3There's something wrong with your thinking, and I need to address that first.In other words, you have to have the right attitude.NOTIWhat's the virtue that's needed to preserve the unity of the body of Christ…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,May 19, 2024The Manifestation of the SpiritJoh 17:20-23Paul gives his fullest treatment of this analogy of the body in 1 Corinthians 12.1Co 12:1Chapters 12-14 are about one subject: spiritual gifts.1Co 12:4-7Each of us receives a manifestation of the Spirit - better known as a spiritual gift.A ministry is a setting f…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,May 12, 2024For the Common Good.Eph 4:1-6This one body is the church.Eph 1:22-23What does Paul mean by referring to the church as "one body"?He starts with something that we are all familiar with - the human body.Then he applies that truth to the church.Paul gives his fullest treatment of this analogy of the body in …
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,April 28, 2024There is One Body.Eph 4:1-6What does Paul mean by the expression, "there is one body"?Jesus ends this prayer with a request for unity among believers.Joh 17:22-23He asks that the church may be one just as He and His Father are one.The Lord Jesus Christ secured our unity at the cross. He did it by dying …
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,April 21, 2024Christ the Cornerstone.Joh 17:20-23The book of Ephesiansis our best guide to the unity of the church.The Lord has established our unity. We don't create it.First, the Lord Jesus Christ secured our unity - once and for all time.He died on the crossto reconcile usin His body.Eph 2:11-16He reconciled us to…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,April 14, 2024The unity of the SpiritJoh 17:20-23Jesus prays for all who will believe in Him through the word of the disciples: the church.(Verses 20-26)He asks for unity:that they may all be one.He prays for His church to be one in the same way that He and His Father are one!This unity serves an evangelistic purpose…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,April 7, 2024"That they may be perfected in unity."Joh 17:20-23Jesus prays for all who will believe in Him through the word of the disciples: the church.(Verses 20-26)He asks for unity:that they may all be one.Joh 17:20-21He prays for His church to be one in the same way that He and His Father are one!This unity serv…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 31, 2024Happy Resurrection Day!There shall beno more death.Over 2,000 years ago, Christ burst forth from the grave, triumphant.He was victorious over sin, death, and satan.On the first day, Jesus died on the cross.During the second day, His lifeless body lay in that virgin tomb.But then, early the next day, the…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 24, 2024"That the world may know..."Jesus is going to leave the world, but His disciples will remain in the world.Joh 17:15-16So Jesus now turns to His Father in intercessory prayer.1. He asks the Father to glorify Him.(Verses 1-5)2. Jesus prays for His disciples.(Verses 6-19)The Father's name here refers to Hi…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 17, 2024Glorify Me together with Yourself.Joh 17:1-5The Father sent His Son into the world with a mission to save the world.And soon He will leave the world and go back to the Father.Jesus is going to leave the world, but His disciples will remain in the world.Joh 17:15-18Jesus will send His disciples into the …
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 10, 2024Choosing lifeJoh 17:3We can take hold of eternal life. And we can reap eternal life.If you abide in Me,and let Me abide in you, you will bear fruit.The Greek word means to remain, to dwell, to take up residence.So, with respect to Christ, abiding means sharing His life.Joh 15:7-9Let My words dwell richl…
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John FarleyPastor TeacherSunday,March 3, 2024Abiding in the vine.Joh 17:3We can take hold of eternal life. And we can reap eternal life.What happens in between taking hold of this new life, and bearing the fruit of it?Joh 15:1-14The branches on a vine have one purpose: to bear fruit.But in order for a branch to bear fruit,it must remain on the vine…
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