In a difficult week for Los Angeles, we hope this episode can provide a little bit of respite. Jessica Shaw is joined by Keely Flaherty from Tudum for a deeper dive into the gripping limited series, American Primeval , starring Betty Gilpin and Taylor Kitsch. Then also talk about the delightful return of Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx in the new action comedy, Back in Action , directed by Seth Gordon. Follow Netflix Podcasts for more and read about all of the titles featured on today’s episode exclusively on .…
59 Victoria St, Port Burwell, ON, Canada
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The Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast features messages & special content from Gospel Lighthouse Church in Columbus, OH where Dr Jerry D. Fryar is the Senior Pastor. The vision of Gospel Lighthouse Church is "Restoration." This vision includes: reaching the lost, restoring strength to Believers, refreshing the broken, raising effective leaders, & regaining fallen leaders. Our desire is for you to experience God's Amazing Love as we share the illuminating message of "Restoration" with you and ...
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Scripture: Romans 8:1 “There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The post Taking Inventory – Fear Of Condemnation? appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Scripture: Joh 10:10 “Een Stäla kjemt bloos, om to stälen, to schlachten un enne Grunt to brinjen. Ekj sie jekomen, daut Läwen to brinjen, un daut see daut vollopp haben sellen.” The post De Kaumph en daut Familje Läwen appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Revelation 2:4 “But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.” The post Apathy – A Lesson from Ephesus appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Reema 10:10-11 10 Wäa von Hoaten jleeft, woat jerajcht, un wäa met däm Mul bekjant, woat seelich. 11 De Schreft sajcht: “Wäaemma aun am jleeft, woat nich toschaund woaren.” The post Jerat derch dän gloowen appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Galatians 1:10 “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. The post Taking Inventory – #2 Fear of Rejection? appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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1 Petrus 2:2-3 Soo aus niejebuarne Kjinja no reine Malkj schrieen, sell jie een velangen no jeistliche Noarunk haben, daut jie doaderch waussen un toonämen, wan jie jeschmakjt haben, daut de Har goot es. The post Oppwaussen En Christus appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Genesis 3:9 -10 The post Taking Inventory: “Fear of Failure?” appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Reema 9:23-24 The post Gott haft die jewält appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Revelation 19:11 The post Faithful & True appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Scripture: Isaiah 9: 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon[d] his shoulder, and his name shall be called[e] Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The post And His Name Shall Be Called…..Prince Of Peace! appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.…
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Herod: De Maun Daut Wol Weinachten Doot Moaken The post Herod: De Maun Daut Wol Weinachten Doot Moaken appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” The post And His Name Shall Be Called…Everlasting Father appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.…
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Lukas 2 : 1-35 The post Weinachten jeschicht appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Think about what your thinking about The post Think about what your thinking about appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Johanes 10:10 Een Stäla kjemt bloos, om to stälen, to schlachten un enne Grunt to brinjen. Ekj sie jekomen, daut Läwen to brinjen, un daut see daut vollopp haben sellen. The post Gott jeft trig waut de beesa fient jestoolen haft appeared first on Lighthouse Gospel Church.โดย Lighthouse Gospel Church
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Today's message focuses on reminding us to remember what God has done for us in our deepest need.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
The message today teaches us that the revelation of Jesus is the basis for repentance and remission or deliverance.
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Today's message reminds us that God's word is at work. God's word works and there isn't a layoff or non employment. Jesus pointed out and enlightens what they had missed. The resurrection of Jesus really highlights the Word of God.
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Today's message reminds us that whatever the condition, etc., God can Raise up. God can reach whatever depth, height or width necessary to bring deliverance. He is Risen!
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
The message today focuses on the triumphant entry to Jerusalem was God's divine plan to position Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice.
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Today's message reminds us to live everyday without fear. God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
Today's message reminds us that no matter what's going on in your life, don't diminish the spoken word, always listen for God's word.
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The message today reminds us that a person committed to living by faith considers God's revelation of Himself to be certain responds to God with trust, love, and obedience.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
12-15-19 Pastor Jerry Fryar Ascent Psalms
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
Today's message focuses on the Ascent Psalm; a Psalm of Thanksgiving for God's dominion, protection, provision and deliverance.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
Today's message focuses on the importance of giving praise. Praise should be a continuous expression reflecting on God's goodness and mercy.
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The message today addresses a threefold characteristic of servant fellowship.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
Today's message honors veterans and highlights the role of the centurion.
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Today's message addresses the vertical and horizontal relational effects of fellowship (koinonia).
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The lesson today focuses on the acknowledgement of interdependence in koinonia.
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The Greek word "Koinonia". The primary meaning is "fellowship, sharing in common and communion." Its untranslatable by any single word because of its incomprehensiveness.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
10-13-19 Pastor Jerry Fryar 19 Days Supplement To the 21 days of Fasting and Prayer "Day 1 Psalm 48 Praise and Thank God For Victories"
Today's message focuses on Psalm 48; a hymn of praise to God for victories.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
10-6-19 Pastor Chris Holland "I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see if I was looking back!"
Today's message teaches us about returning to the originality of purpose.
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Today's message teaches us that prayer is a private practice that is reflected in your public life.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
9-22-19 Pastor Jerry Fryar Concerning the Kingdom of God Early Christians II "One Another Ministry"
The message today highlights the unity and intimacy of the first Christian community.
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Gospel Lighthouse Church Podcast
9-15-19 Pastor Jerry Fryar Concening the Kingdom of God "Early Christians"
Today's message teaches us about four things the early Christians were devoted to: apostolic teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers.
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The message today tells us about Kingdom Criteria.
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