Audio from my blogs on films, tv series, the premier league and life. Is it worth a watch? Issues we all face in life and general moaning haha have a listen and have your say.
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A look at the show Rich house, poor house on Netflix
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A quick review of spiderman no way home. There are spoilers! Reveals of heroes and enemies that are in this and what may be next after this film.
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I try to simplify what the story of AMC is. I'm not an expert or financial advisor or encouraging anyone to buy or sell in any way. You can however share the episode or find my trading 212/freeshare link and get a free share. 😉
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Weare8 charity app allows users to watch a video and donate in their behalf to charity as well as giving the user some money towards their EE bill or through PayPal. #weare8 #charity #redcross #trusselltrust #wateraid #givingback
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I go over the pros and cons of the Samsung s21 phone. My reasons for getting it even though I knew the draw backs. Is it worth it? #s21 #samsung #phonereview
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Sunday's game against Man city is vital for Liverpool to win. Both teams have players missing but still have to try win for their title chances to remain alive.
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Ben Davies is doing a medical and should be signed for £2 Mil. Ozan Kabak could come in for £30 Mil of Mustafi from Arsenal goes to Shalke.
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Premier league 1st & 2nd match between old rivals. Who needs it most? Who will be lifted after?
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Discuss the pros and cons of the Pret subscription.
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I've been waiting for Anchor to get sponsorships ads for the UK and never thought I could get it until but I found a way to get a U.S account through transfer wise and hopefully I get some ads now but I'm not sure if I have to be in the U.S??
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What has happened to Liverpool FC in 2021? And a bit earlier. Their form has dropped and they're not looking like themselves. Is it a case of too many changes being made to the team or some disagreement behind closed doors. Is Salah' s interests disrupting the harmony?
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A review of Liverpool v Arsenal
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A quick review of the fight between Adesanya v Costa.
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This is the first real test for Liverpool and Thiago is on the bench with Fabinho at centre back instead of Gomez or Matip.
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A quick look at the Cyntoia Brown case through the Netflix show.
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A look at Trading 212's promotion using a code to get yourself and me a free share
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I've recently made a Patreon page to see if I can get a fan base and bounce ideas off people to help things off a Sci- Fi story I'm working on.
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I haven't seen other viewers reviews yet but wanted to comment on what I took away from the film.
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Is it right or wrong to claim people's body parts unless they say no?
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After a cliffhanger TWD returns and here's straight to the point but with a surprise that I didn't know would occur probably the fans who read the comics might know.
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Wilder v Fury 2 where did it all go wrong or right. Did it feel good watching?
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How will Liverpool FC do against Athletic Madrid tomorrow ? 18.02.20. Factors to take into account.
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How has the group survived since their clash with the whispers? What's new?
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A quick review of Manifest season 1. No spoilers just an intro to what it's about and that it's worth a watch.
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Could there be alternative or multiple worlds & universes? I have arguments against this but none for, what do you think?
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I'm too old for your customer service tricks, just get to the point! How much?
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I'm tired of people trying to sell their product via genetic msgs.
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s8 ep3 of game of thrones. Finally the battle begins
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Analysis of the second episode of game of thrones season 8. The pieces are falling into place.
analysis of important parts of game of thrones s8 ep2 with a few extras.
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A quick review of Ultraman s1 ep1
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Do you ever think to yourself was there a point to something i just heard or am doing.
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A well known American actress tried to do a Netflix stand up special which provably won't be released due to bad feedback.
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Everyone is focusing on Liverpool wanting them to slip up so another team can win the premiership. It's upto Liverpool if they play well enough to win.
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Liverpool v arsenal preview and talk
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Do you hear sound in your dream? Or is it telepathic or an interpretation of sound?
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The choices we make on a daily basis
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A brief talk on why I believe God exists, this came about due to some friends belief in science rather than a God.
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Part of ch. 1 of Pod-Animity have a listen if you're into sci fi or suspense
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Just opinions on why I think celebrities do drugs, have I missed anything? Am I right am I wrong who knows until you say your piece.
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Go get my ebook for free on Amazon (Pod-Animity) let me know what you think.
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Walking dead returns for the 2nd half of season 8
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black panther review & 2nd part to my snowman review
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Aftermath Eubank Jr v Groves
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Salt cave (health) review
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Fightnight eubank Jr v Groves my comments on who I think will win do you think different? Then say so
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A review for my latest book Pod-Animity. I felt people need to hear more than just the brief description on the book.
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Star Trek Discovery 1-15 ep looking good
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1 poem "Small box" from my book "Allusive poems" enjoy :-)
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Do you feel zoo's are right or justified to keep animals for our amusement our "education" ?
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Mental heath - Being Black, Going Crazy
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