In this episode, guest speaker Alison Howarth discusses what coercive control in a relationship can look like, the classic behaviours a partner may exhibit, along with the impact and ongoing trauma response this may have on the person being subjected to the abuse. We also discuss support services available for anyone in this situation, which we have listed below: 1-800-RESPECT (1-800-737-732) About Alison Howarth Alison Howarth is a speaker, author and trainer who has worked in the trauma support sector for over 25 years. During that time, she has worked in counselling, management, clinical governance and clinical engagement; developing evidence-based training programs to directly enhance support for service users impacted by domestic and family violence trauma. Alison has also researched and developed training and support programmes to prevent and manage vicarious (secondary) trauma, which have been adopted by government departments, not for profit organisations and corporate organisations. Alison’s Masters research into vicarious trauma literature can be found here: Volume 15, Issue 2. Website: LinkedIn: Books: Recognised in Feedspot's Top 40 Family Law Podcasts List!…