The Vergecast is the flagship podcast from The Verge about small gadgets, Big Tech, and everything in between. Every Friday, hosts Nilay Patel and David Pierce hang out and make sense of the week’s most important technology news. And every Tuesday, David leads a selection of The Verge’s expert staffers in an exploration of how gadgets and software affect our lives – and which ones you should bring into yours.
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Lance Anderson's raw storytelling podcast. Spoken word, music and weird phone ramblings to "Dude."
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On The Verge is focused on the Baltimore Orioles organization and the Orioles Minor League system. The show is hosted by Bob Phelan, Zach Spedden, and Nick Stevens. The trio give their thoughts on the prospects ascending the ranks. Show Twitter: @TheVergePod Support this podcast:
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Kannste Vergessen? – Der Podcast vom Lernen, Vergessen und Erinnern
SFB 1280, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lernen ist schwer. Vergessen ist manchmal noch schwerer. Wie wird man Gelerntes wieder los? Das möchte Rainer Holl, Autor, Moderator und Poetry Slammer, wissen und verstehen. Dazu interviewt er Wissenschaftler*innen des Sonderforschungsbereichs „Extinktionslernen“ zu ihrer Forschung. Freut euch darauf, dem Gehirn in die Karten zu gucken! Es erwarten euch faszinierende Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Psychologie, Biopsychologie und Neurowissenschaften, ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des wissens ...
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Wir werden erschlagen von einer Flut an Neuerscheinungen. Niemand ist in der Lage, sie alle zu lesen. Wir pflegen unsere Lieblingsautoren/innen, folgen unserer Neugier und Empfehlungen, sind von manchem Buch enttäuscht, andere wiederum wünschen wir viele Leser. Dieser Podcast widmet sich den vergessenen Bücher und den Neuerscheinungen, die in den Regalen der Buchhandlungen verstauben. Jeden Mittwoch von nun an eine Autorin oder ein Autor. Die Welt der Literatur wächst mit jedem Jahr. Also sc ...
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ON THE VERGE parle de sexe au masculin, sans tabou ni jugement. Un entretien d’environ 1heure, découpé en 3 parties durant lesquelles l’invité se raconte à travers 3 périodes de sa vie intime et sexuelle. "Avant" : De son 1er souvenir lié à la sexualité, ses premiers flirts à sa première fois. Puis "Maintenant" : Quelle est sa sexualité aujourd'hui ? sa libido ? ses pratiques ? ses fantasmes ? ses envies et ses tabous. Et enfin "Après" : Et demain ? Quelle place aura le sexe dans sa vie ? Un ...
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The VergeNow Podcast is designed to give encouragement, inspiration and guidance to creatives and innovative ministry leaders. Over the last eighteen years as an experimental “arts church,” Convergence: A Creative Community of Faith has come to believe that a vibrant spiritual imagination and skillful, disciplined creativity are the keys to faithfully meeting the challenges facing our churches, our communities and our world.
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Welcome to Jonathan Vergel, where amazing things happen.
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Offensive opinions and cool stories
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Vergeten Vrouwen is een educatieve storytelling podcast over vrouwen uit de geschiedenis die machtige dingen hebben verwezenlijkt, maar die hun plek in de geschiedenisboeken (nog) niet hebben bemachtigd.
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Special events, discussions, interviews, and one-off shows from The Verge and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
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Original audio from The Verge, which covers technology, science, art, and culture.
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Verge Ministries is a ministry designed to assist churches, communities and college campuses reach and disciple 2o somethings.
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Welkom! De Vergeten Groepen Podcast richt zich op de uitdagingen van jongeren en ouders. Ons doel is om uitdagingen en problematiek in de huidige tijd bespreekbaar te maken omtrent opvoeden en omgang met jongeren. Samen met professionals en ervaringsdeskundigen maken we een reis door een oerwoud aan maatschappelijke dillema’s, staan we stil bij keuzes die we maken of soms voor ons gemaakt worden en hoe we kunnen anticiperen bij veeleisende sociale veranderingen.
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Stadtgarten im Dorf
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"Vergessene Verbrechen" ist ein True Crime History Podcast. Wir erzählen einmal pro Monat die Geschichten von echten Verbrechen aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Sie sind bei uns im Nordwesten, genauer: im Gebiet des ehemaligen Großherzogtums Oldenburg, passiert. Hinter den einzelnen Fällen stehen echte Menschen und ihre Schicksale. Es sind wahre Begebenheiten, die wir eng an den Quellen aus dem Niedersächsischen Landesarchiv, Abteilung Oldenburg nacherzählen.
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In diesem Podcast geht es um Fußball-Bundesligaspieler, die nicht im Rampenlicht gestanden haben. Was ist aus ihnen geworden, warum hat es nicht mit der großen Karriere geklappt, was machen Sie heute?
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Welcome to Haydenfilms Verge, an audio experience like no other, hosted by entrepreneur, educator, and pioneer Hayden Craddolph and co-hosted by Cesare Manansala, Alec Barber, and Brandon DeBenedetta. In our podcast, the Verge Team converses with experts in the realms of entrepreneurship, filmmaking, entertainment, influencers, and emerging technology. Support this podcast:
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Le Verger au complet est une série de podcasts produit par la Convergence des Luttes Anticapitalistes (CLAC) qui vise la diffusion d’informations relatives à l’abolition de la police et des prisons en abordant différentes thématiques sous la forme de courtes entrevues. Alors que les discours libéraux présentent les violences policières comme l'affaire de quelques pommes pourries dans le panier nous proposons plutôt une analyse critique de la police et des institutions punitives: on ne réform ...
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Information and inspiration for transformation.. Support this podcast:
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Dit is Vergeet je angst, de gratis cursus voor iedereen met angst, zorgen, stress en onbehagen. In Vergeet je angst laat coach Marnix Pauwels je kennismaken met een andere manier van omgaan met je onrust. Ben jij vaak bang en gespannen? Slaap je slecht? Pieker je veel, en heb je daar genoeg van? Luister op je gemak naar Vergeet je angst en ontdek hoe het leven veel lichter en lekkerder kan!
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Discussion on the Baltimore Orioles Minor League system. The hosts are Zach Spedden & Reggie Yinger.
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Den 1. FC Union Berlin gibt es seit 1966. Fußball in Köpenick und Oberschöneweide noch viel länger. Episode für Episode erzählen wir uns von Begebenheiten aus Geschichte von Union Berlin. Um niemals zu vergessen: Eisern Union!
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A podcast where I-sideesh- your host -will be Spreading awareness about the current affairs of the world , as information to the people who are in need of it , & even the people who arent! I will also be including possible solutions to the conflict so make sure to tune in! :)
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Legende verloren – Der Podcast über die vergessenen Geschichten des deutschen und internationalen Fr
Franzi & Sascha
Der Podcast über die vergessenen Geschichten des deutschen und internationalen Frauenfußballs. Von und mit Franzi und Sascha. Wir sprechen mit Zeitzeug_innen, knüpfen Verbindungen zwischen Gestern und Heute, recherchieren in Archiven und graben verborgenes aus und erzählen von den verlorenen Legenden der Fußballgeschichte. Dabei bleibt es nicht in Deutschland, sondern wir schauen über die Grenzen von Ländern und Kontinenten hinweg. Unterstützt werden wir technisch vom großartigen Podcast „FR ...
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Introducing On the Verge Podcast featuring Eazi Dollaz and Zombadger. Tune in weekly for Gaming industry news, previews, reviews, game deals and information on the upcoming Verge app. Visit for information regarding the upcoming VERGE app! Follow us on twitter: Like our facebook page: Also subsribe to Eazi Dollaz Youtube channel: Follow Eazi on twitter: Like Eazi's facebook page: ...
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Nelson Vergel founded the men’s health forum and, interviews experts and debunks myths about testosterone and other hormones that affect men’s health. is one of the largest and best moderated men’s health and TRT forums on the Internet, focused on increasing health, potency, and productivity in men considering or using TRT and other hormone therapies. With over 44,000 members that include educated men, physicians, pharmacists, dietitians ...
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Welcome to Woman On The Verge! Ever felt like you've done everything in your power to achieve your goals in life, career and business? Aren't sure of what else to do and on the brink of giving up? Do you have great ideas, but unsure of the next steps? Tired of asking for permission and validation to live your life? Listen... you are right around the corner from your greatest blessings! Tune in for inspiring journeys of women who are living in their purpose, on purpose and use their journeys ...
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The entertainment industry provides us with culture, but so does science — and not just the kind of culture you can grow in a lab dish. Entertainment editor Emily Yoshida and science editor Liz Lopatto guide you through the week's cultural events, both in the arts and sciences. The series finale aired on September 9th, 2016. For more on what’s happening now (and next) in science and culture, listen and subscribe to The Vergecast.
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Gold could soon make a multi year breakout as the Fed reverses course and stops raising interest rates. Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash:
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Der Podcast nimmt mit auf Geschichtsreise – hin zu historischen Ereignissen, die häufig leider schon ein wenig in Vergessenheit geraten sind. Im Fokus steht dabei nicht nur der Rückblick in die Vergangenheit, sondern auch die Auswirkungen auf die heutige Situation. Gerade durch die Erinnerung an dunkle Kapitel der Menschheitsgeschichte, lassen sich oft auch aktuelle Konflikte besser verstehen. Selbst wenn sich die Geschichte nicht ändern lässt, kann man zumindest aus ihr lernen. Oder um es m ...
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Kirstie Alley On The Verge - Kirstie Alley talks about anything and everything. Kirstie is an actress, producer, model, & television personality. She first achieved recognition in 1982 playing Saavik in the science fiction film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. She played Rebecca Howe on the NBC sitcom Cheers, receiving an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe in 1991 for the role. From 1997–2000, she starred on the sitcom Veronica's Closet, earning additional Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. Kirst ...
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Verge of Discovery
Evgeniy Shishkin - interviews with the experts in science and technology fields.
Verge of Discovery is a podcast created for everyone who loves to learn and wants to know more about the most recent developments in the field of science and technology. We interview today's brightest scholars, intellectuals and visionaries in the field of science and technology and bring their knowledge, passion and wisdom to you. Our goal is bring the latest scientific developments to you directly from the minds of people who are propelling us into the future. We want to learn from them an ...
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Willkommen bei „29 Orte gegen das Vergessen. NS-Erinnerung in NRW“, dem Gedenkstätten-Podcast. Gemeinsam mit Euch besuchen wir, das sind die Journalistin Nina Höhne und die Erziehungswissenschaftlerin Pauline van Moll, bis Ende 2022 alle 29 Gedenkstätten in NRW. Wir erkunden die Ausstellungen, sprechen mit den jeweiligen Leiter:innen und wollen herausfinden, was übrig geblieben ist von Deutschlands NS-Vergangenheit. Welche Geschichten erzählen die Orte, die Verfolgten und die Täter:innen? Wa ...
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Nelson Vergel, health book author and founder of and, speaks about testosterone, nutrition, exercise, supplements and much more. For Nelson's books visit or Nelson Vergel holds a chemical engineering degree and an MBA. After a HIV diagnosis over 33 years ago, he explored therapies to reverse wasting syndrome to save his life and those of his peers, leading him to co-author “Built to Survive: The Clinical Use of Anabolic Stero ...
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Zach, Nick, and Bob discuss the non-roster invites the Orioles sent out for players to participate in spring training and highlight some under the radar names from the bunch. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel - Check out our merch store - https…
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#106 Antoine : « Je me satisfait d’un sexe un peu classique »
1:06:56Antoine, 34 ans, replonge dans ses souvenirs d’adolescence : la découverte de la masturbation, les premiers émois amoureux, une puberté sans heurts… et, avec un peu d’humour, l’intensité de ses écrits sur Skyblog ! Il se définit comme un "clipper", enchaînant les relations longues avec peu d’intervalles entre elles. Ce schéma l’a amené à vivre des …
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Hey Dude, obviously there has a been a lot going on with the Eaton Fire burning down my studio in downtown Altadena. So many people, suffering so much loss, so I'll wait to tell my side of the story for another day. My GoFundMe AUDIO LINK SOUNDS: footsteps, gravel path, sirens Laguna Sawdust Cowbell Chimes GENRE: storytelling, personal narrative, p…
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Franßen zu Chetna Maroo "Western Lane" und José Henrique Bortoluci "Was von meinem Vater bleibt"
Literaturpodcast der vergessenen Bücher Franßen – der Literaturpodcast der vergessenen Bücher. In dieser Ausgabe zwei Debütromane. Chetna Maroo "Western Lane" und José Henrique Bortoluci "Was von meinem Vater bleibt". www.polar-verlag.deโดย Wolfgang Franßen
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What $200 of ChatGPT is really worth
1:24:42AI and politics, politics and AI. That's the story of 2025. On this episode, The Verge's Kylie Robison joins the show to talk about ChatGPT's big new features, Operator and deep research, both of which promise to make the chatbot more useful and more autonomous. To access either one costs $200 a month — is it worth it? After that, The Verge's Liz L…
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Elon Musk's computer coup
1:36:51Nilay, David, and Richard Lawler take on a big week in confusing news stories. First, they talk through the latest from Elon Musk's DOGE, which is running rampant through government computer systems with little pushback. Then they explain the latest on the US government's tariff strategy, and the mass confusion it's causing across tech. Then they p…
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Zach, Nick, and Bob discuss who has the best tools in the system as spring training rapidly approaches. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel - Check out our merch store -…
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Literaturpodcast der vergessenen Bücher Franßen der Literaturpodcast der vergessenen Bücher. In dieser Ausgabe: Nana Ekvtimishvili "Das Birnenfeld" und Ralf Rothmann "Shakespeares Hühner" www.wolfgangfranssen.deโดย Wolfgang Franßen
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Samsung’s S25 Ultra and the end of the flagship phone
1:27:24Today on the show, it’s all about the future of phones… and your data. The Verge’s Allison Johnson joins the show to talk about the new Samsung Galaxy S25, what’s new in this high-end phone, and what it means for all the other smartphones coming this year. After that, Cooper Quintin, a senior staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation…
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Zach, Nick, and Bob discuss who has the best tools in the system as spring training rapidly approaches. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel - Check out our merch store -…
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How DeepSeek crashed the AI party
1:46:42Nilay and David dig into the week's biggest story: the new Intel-powered Surface Pro. Kidding! They talk about DeepSeek, the out-of-nowhere AI company that sent both Silicon Valley and the stock market into uproar this week. Then, after the hosts debate what the real killer app for AI is — and whether we've even found one yet — we follow up on our …
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2025 Minor League Coaching Staff
29:34Zach, Nick, and Bob talk about the newly announced minor league coaching staffs for the 2025 season. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel -โดย On The Verge
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Literaturpodcast der vergessenen Bücher Heute im Podcast Jonas Lüschers Novelle "Frühling der Barbaren" und John O'Hara "Butterfield 8". www.wolfgangfranssen.deโดย Wolfgang Franßen
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A lazy person’s guide to getting in shape
1:31:47The Verge’s Victoria Song joins the show to talk about the most popular and most-bailed-on New Year’s Resolution of all: getting in shape. She tells us about the apps that help you work out more without being rude about it, the data you really need to care about in your fitness tracker, and much more. After that, we talk to Anna Valtonen, one of th…
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Zach, Nick, and Bob discuss the Orioles signing former top prospect Dylan Carlson to a major league contract leading into other questions from listeners in the mailbag. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel -…
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Samsung's thin, big, boring AI phones
1:40:27Nilay, David, and The Verge's Allison Johnson run down all the biggest news from the latest Samsung Unpacked. The S25 Edge had everyone excited, but the other new Galaxy S25 models feel a little familiar. Then, The Verge's Lauren Feiner updates us on the many goings-on in the first days of the new Trump administration, from the TikTok ban delay to …
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… Wir beginnen das Jahr 2025 mit einer schönen Neuerscheinung: Rubin, das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, widmet sich in seiner neuen Ausgabe ganz der Arbeit des SFB 1280. Eine Sonderausgabe nur zum Extinktionslernen! Auf 64 Seiten porträtiert das Heft unser Team, die Forschungsarbeit und die Hintergründe des Phänomens Extinktions…
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#105 Jules : « C’est pas facile de parler de sa b*** entre mecs, à fortiori quand elle ne fonctionne pas comme on voudrait. »
1:27:55Jules, 37 ans, a eu la chance de vivre de belles histoires d’amour et de passion, qui ont chacune contribué à façonner l’homme qu’il est aujourd’hui. De ses premiers pas dans une sexualité hésitante et peu épanouie à des expériences plus audacieuses avec des partenaires et des pratiques moins conventionnels, il partage avec nous le fruit de son che…
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2025 Early Season Forecast - Pitchers
49:05Zach, Nick, and Bob pick out which players on the 2025 Baltimore Orioles will improve, which will regress, and which will stay the same. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel -โดย On The Verge
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Literaturpodcast der vergessenen Bücher In dieser Ausgabe Hari Kunzrus Roman "Blue Rain" und Tobias Wolffs Stories „Unsere Geschichte beginnt“. www.wolfgangfranssen.deโดย Wolfgang Franßen
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How the future of sports streaming died
1:34:09First in this episode, a quick update on the TikTok ban (which didn't turn out to be much of a ban at all.) Then, Sportico's Jacob Feldman joins the show to talk about Venu, the much-hyped streaming service that planned to bring all sports into a single platform — and never even managed to launch. After that, The Verge's Kevin Nguyen tells us how t…
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2025 Early Season Forecast - Hitters
1:00:18Zach, Nick, and Bob pick out which players on the 2025 Baltimore Orioles will improve, which will regress, and which will stay the same. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel -โดย On The Verge
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Orioles 2025 International Signing Class
33:45Zach, Nick, and Bob discuss the recently announced 2025 International signings. Join our Discord! - Subscribe to our YouTube channel -โดย On The Verge
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Nintendo's Switch 2 is here — sort of
1:37:00David Pierce and Richard Lawler are joined by The Verge's Ash Parrish and Andrew Webster to talk about the Nintendo Switch 2 launch — all the things we know, and all the things we don't. (There's a lot of both.) Then The Verge's Adi Robertson joins to talk about the latest machinations in the potential TikTok ban, plus a Supreme Court hearing about…
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