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Gom Jabbar: A Dune Podcast

Lore Party Media

Gom Jabbar is the ultimate guide to the Dune universe for both longtime fans and newcomers. Join hosts Abu and Leo as they dive deep into every aspect of Dune lore, from Frank Herbert's original novels to HBO's television show and Denis Villeneuve's blockbuster films. New episodes every other Friday.
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Jabuticaba Sem Caroço

Jabuticaba Sem Caroço

O podcast que descaroça as notícias do momento e entrega o sumo das informações. De segunda a sexta, os jornalistas Thaiana de Oliveira e Arthur Neto conversam sobre o que movimenta o cotidiano desse admirável país nosso de cada dia.
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The Jabot

Kathryn Rubino at Above the Law

We are an offshoot of the Above the Law legal blog. But we are focused on the challenges women, people of color, LGBTQIA, and other diverse populations face in the legal industry. Let's be real -- it can suck out there. So we want to create a space where our community can come together share stories, find support and devise strategies. Our name comes from none other than the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the jabot (decorative collar) she wears when delivering dissents from the bench. It' ...
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Jabolka, hruške in knjige


V podkastu se dijak(inja) pogovarja z izbrano književnico oziroma z izbranim književnikom o njeni oziroma njegovi knjigi, o tem in onem. Ne pričakujte strokovnega žargona, slišali boste zvedavost in sproščenost in drugačen pristop.
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The Jabber Jaw Podcast Show

Jessica Dawson Collier

Hosts Jessica Dawson Collier, Tyson Wheeler Deines, & Matthew David Smith discuss everything and nothing at all on a weekly basis. Now available on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChaScod7r8C-MRjiNQ91VIQ
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The Surprise Jab Podcast

Zach Ruger

On The Surprise Jab Podcast, Zachary Ruger (The Host) takes you through various topics from MMA to the latest sports story of the week. We discuss new topics each week, interview guests, and gain insight into certain fields. A specific focus on weekly UFC events.
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Jäbät ja Tunteet

Jäbät & Tunteet on yhteisö ja tunnemedia, joka kannustaa haavoittuvaisuuteen ja tunneilmaisuun sekä pyrkii laajentamaan miehenä olemisen malleja. Keskustelemme jäbistä ja tunteista, mielenterveydestä, rakkaudesta ja parisuhteista, yksinäisyydestä ja ystävyydestä, ilosta ja surusta, häpeästä ja kiitollisuudesta – kaikesta siitä mitä miehenä oleminen on nyt, ja mitä se voisi kenties olla tulevaisuudessa. Jos tykkäät podista, ota meidät seurantaan Spotifyssa, somessa ja liity Telegram-yhteisöön ...
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JavaScript Jabber

Charles M Wood

Stay current on JavaScript, Node, and Front-End development. Learn from experts in programming, careers, and technology every week. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/javascript-jabber--6102064/support.
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Jabari’s Wisdom

Jabari’s Wisdom

Have you ever wondered what philosophers like Plato and Aristotle would have said about modern day events? Well look no further I, Jabari, am the second coming of wisdom of the old ages. Jesus and Buddha flow through my mind and use me as a vessel to spread their truths. This podcast is more than just fools talking about stuff they know nothing about. This is a movement. THIS IS.....Jabari’s Wisdom
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Slip The Jab

Lino Da Cake & Ian Ebbitt

Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino Da Cake and Ian Ebbitt offer no apologies and pull no punches as they give entertaining insight into the world of Combat Sports and the UFC. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat.
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Gridiron Jabroni

Jabroni Kev

Welcome to Gridiron Jabroni! Tag along and enjoy the rants and takes from the hothead on Twitter known as @JabroniKev Follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @GridironJabroni Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gridironjabroni/support
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Jabbering With Julie


Audio recordings from Jabbering With Julie. We record the Jabbering With Julie Show, and also record interviews with interesting people! We are still covering what is happening in the Nordonia Hills area because Julie lives there. But we have recently expanded our borders to cover neighboring communities.
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Just Jabba talking about basic shit Insta: Jabba_speaks98 Twitter: Jabba_speaks98 Snapchat: caro_terrazas16 Tictok: Jabbaspeaks98 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/caro-terrazas/support
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show series
This episode brings you your official UFC Vegas 103 Predictions. We also look at the current standings for the NBA & NHL, along with our Top 10 DiscussingFilm segment & new UFC announcements! With a special ranking of every Elimination Chamber event we are loaded with surprises. (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)New UFC Fight Announcements (00:09:00…
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Join In The Fun and Send us a Text Message! Support the show ALSO AVAILABLE ON: Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/STJSpotify Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/STJApplePodcasts FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: X: https://x.com/slipthejabpod Sponsored by NuKine Wellness Use code SLIPSTER20 for 20% OFFโดย Lino Da Cake & Ian Ebbitt
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O filme "Ainda estou aqui" fez história ao se tornar o primeiro longa sul-americano indicado ao Oscar de Melhor Filme, um feito inédito na história do cinema nacional, visto que geralmente obras brasileiras costumam concorrer apenas em categorias dedicadas a filmes estrangeiros. Além disso, a obra recebeu indicações nas categorias de Melhor Filme I…
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O Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (Cefet/RJ) realizou o primeiro processo seletivo voltado exclusivamente para pessoas em situação de refúgio. As vagas, remanescentes de cursos técnicos, são de diversas áreas como administração, eletrônica, mecânica, segurança do trabalho e telecomunicações. Como esse projeto ajuda na…
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A anistia aos envolvidos na invasão das sedes dos três Poderes, em Brasília, tem dividido parlamentares do Congresso Nacional. Enquanto isso, no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), um julgamento que poderia rever a Lei da Anistia para crimes cometidos durante a ditadura acendeu uma polêmica entre os militares, que reclamam de revanchismo. Como funciona…
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A brand new episode here features a full card recap of UFC Seattle (8-4 on picks). We also drop our WWE Elimination Chamber predictions and look at all the new major UFC fight announcements! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)New UFC Fight Announcements (00:15:00)WWE Elimination Chamber Predictions (00:27:00)UFC Seattle Recap Follow the Podcast & The…
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A discussão sobre o projeto da Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) de 2025 ficou de herança para este ano legislativo. O atraso está relacionado a outras aprovações, como a da Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias (LDO) e a da Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (PEC) do corte de gastos. O desafio agora é aprovar o texto em menos de dois meses, já que a pauta é p…
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This week Dawson is very, very cold and the boys are talking about their puppies loving the snow. They are also avoiding the dumpster fire that is our current government and focusing on other headlines. It helps with the depression! Grab yourself a mug of hot cocoa and throw a log on the fire, it's time to be silly.…
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Nesses tempos de redes sociais, o "tribunal" da Internet não perdoa e remexe o passado de personalidades políticas e do entretenimento atrás de falas polêmicas ou controversas para cancelar e deslegitimar essas pessoas. Esses recortes, retirados do contexto temporal, podem ser usados em "linchamentos virtuais" promovidos nas redes? Para conversar s…
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Kathryn Rubino chats with Rebecca Haw Allensworth, a Vanderbilt Law School professor and author of “The Licensing Racket”. Discover the untold stories behind professional licensing, the unexpected impact on various careers, and why these regulations might not always serve the public. Rebecca’s firsthand research brings intriguing insights into how …
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Abu and Leo continue their read-through of Heretics of Dune by diving deep into chapters 22-24 and then they discuss Taraza's cold managerial style and what it takes to run the Bene Gesserit. This episode contains NO SPOILERS beyond the books and pages covered thus far Read along with us by following the Heretics of Dune book club schedule Get ad-f…
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Tokrat sem v podkastu Jabolka, hruške in knjige gostil Adriano Kuči, avtorico romana Noč, ko je preplavala reko. Knjiga pripoveduje zgodbo Sare, ki se je v Slovenijo preselila zaradi ljubezni, zdaj pa je že vrsto let žrtev nasilnega partnerja. Sara se poizkuša izviti iz odnosa, vendar pri tem – tako kot veliko drugih žrtev nasilja v partnerskem odn…
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Jäbät & Tunteet -jaksossa #73 keskustellaan vapaudesta - Mitä vapaus on? Mistä vapauden tunne koostuu? Voimmeko olla täysin vapaita? Vapaa vai kahlittu? Jaksossa keskustelemassa ja jakamassa on Jäbät & Tunteet -tiimin Joni Härkönen ja Sasu Wallenius. MILTÄ SUSTA TUNTUU? 💚 Liity osaksi J&T yhteisöä: https://www.jabatjatunteet.fi/ota-yhteytta-tai-lii…
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In this enlightening episode of JavaScript Jabber, hosted by Charles Max Wood and Steve Edwards, panelist AJ O'Neil is joined by guest Ishaan Anand to delve deep into the intricacies of AI and large language models. Ishaan, an expert with over two decades of experience in engineering and product management, shares insights into his innovative imple…
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Já imaginou ter que pagar uma multa de R$ 725 milhões? Esse é o valor estipulado pela Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU) na ação civil pública sobre três infratores acusados de danos ambientais. O prejuízo causado, segundo a AGU, foi sobre uma área de mais de 6 mil hectares na cidade de Corumbá, no Mato Grosso do Sul. O ministro da AGU, Jorge Messias, …
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We are back with a brand new episode predicting every fight this weekend for UFC Seattle. We also look at new UFC fights that have been announced and new updates in pop culture. With a banger weekend of fights coming up, we have plenty of surprises in store! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)New UFC Updates (00:07:30)Top 10 New Updates in Pop Cultur…
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A comunidade astronômica deu o alerta: o asteroide 2024 YR4 pode representar uma ameaça de grande impacto para a Terra. De acordo com pesquisas na área, a rocha espacial está em uma rota que poderia levar à colisão com a Lua e o planeta Terra em 2032. Recentemente, estudos atualizaram o risco de impacto do asteroide para 2,6%, sendo o maior índice …
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A maneira como o Brasil tem recebido cidadãos em situação ilegal que foram expulsos dos Estados Unidos trouxe à tona uma discussão sobre a política de acolhimento interna — especialmente levando-se em conta os casos recentes, nos quais essas pessoas chegaram ao país em condições aviltantes. Ainda que detentor de uma política migratória elogiada int…
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We are back with a brand new episode recapping all the action from UFC Vegas 102. We also look at new UFC fights that have been announced and new updates in pop culture. With a weekend recap from a UFC event our host went too, this episode has fun surprises! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)Weekend Recap (00:08:00)New UFC Updates (00:16:00)Top 10 N…
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Visando comissões importantes na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado, a oposição política, capitaneada pelo Partido Liberal (PL), briga por mais espaço. A pretensão agora é ampliar o diálogo com os presidentes eleitos Hugo Motta (Republicanos-PB) e Davi Alcolumbre (União-AP), priorizando a anistia aos condenados do 8 de Janeiro. Quais serão as estraté…
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It's so cringe how everything just became a marketing spill every time. "Oh yeah, the whole world is going to collapse when we release this one", "oh yeah, once we release this, all art will become useless", "oh yeah, once we release this, software engineers will be a dead field (please ignore the outsourcing)", "oh yeah, this thing is truly smarte…
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Conhecer comunidades, aprender as tradições e as práticas culturais, a história e o estilo de vida dos grupos originários e locais. Essas são as características do etno e do afroturismo, modalidades turísticas que ganham cada vez mais força no Brasil. Da popularidade, porém, surgiu o seguinte debate: essa tendência estimula a preservação cultural o…
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Kathryn Rubino chats with Jackie Gardina, Dean and Chief Academic Officer of The Colleges of Law, about systemic change, legal education, and the hurdles to entering the legal profession. Gain insights on LGBTQ rights, bar exam reform, and advice for future law students. A must-listen for those interested in modern legal challenges! Highlights From…
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Abu and Leo explore the life of the last Corrino emperor, Shaddam IV, from his early years proving himself worthy of the throne to his friendship with Count Fenring and arranged marriage with a Bene Gesserit. Shaddam's life was filled with intrigue, bloodshed, and mystery, as the truth of his story has been lost to history and propaganda. This epis…
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In this episode of JavaScript Jabber, panelist Dan Shappir sits down with guest Aden Bai to delve into the nuances of React performance. Broadcasting from Tel Aviv, Dan welcomes Aden, who is based in San Francisco, for an insightful discussion on optimizing React apps. Aden, known for his projects Million JS and ReactScan, shares his journey into c…
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O Brasil mais uma vez está no centro das atenções do mundo: o país assumiu a presidência do BRICS e vai sediar dezenas de eventos ao longo do ano. Entre eles a Cúpula do BRICS, em julho, que reúne lideranças das potências que mais crescem no mundo e têm um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do Sul Global. Qual é a importância do BRICS para o posi…
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This episode features a full card preview with predictions for UFC Vegas 102. We also take a peak at the current standings for the NBA & NHL, and give a review of the blockbuster movie, Gladiator 2. (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)NBA Check-In (00:10:00)NHL Check-In (00:16:00)Gladiator 2 Review (00:21:00)UFC Vegas 102 Predictions Follow the Podcas…
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In what may be the longest title of a show yet, the gang is finally back after a few weeks. Not talking about the sore subject of the Chiefs losing the Super Bowl but focusing on animal parenting and much more. It's a wild ride of winter fueled hijinks from your favorite trio. Throw a log on the fire, get comfy and enjoy the warmth of their laughte…
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Há quase três anos, duas entre as incontáveis vítimas da disputa histórica entre fazendeiros e indígenas no Brasil reacenderam o debate sobre violência no campo: o jornalista Dom Phillips e o indigenista Bruno Pereira. Em 2024, no Mato Grosso do Sul, o governo federal decidiu entrar na mediação de um conflito entre indígenas e fazendeiros, após víd…
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Mais do que um inquérito, o Ministério Público de São Paulo (MPSP) acabou instaurando uma polêmica a respeito do serviço de mototáxi prestado por empresas de aplicativo, dividindo opiniões até mesmo entre bolsonaristas. A ideia é investigar eventuais irregularidades das empresas que fazem esse tipo de transporte na cidade de São Paulo, com foco na …
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On this episode we review all the action from this past weekend. From our two title fights on UFC 312 and the biggest NFL game of the year we were packed with action. We also give our thoughts on new UFC fights announced and the hit Apple TV series, Severance. (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:00)Latest UFC News & Stories (00:06:00)Top 10 Headlines in …
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