1 Episode 100 - Finale with Akmal Saleh 1:35:22
1:35:22Episode 100 breakdown: * The Dummy M is sponsored by The Buncha Hotel in Barney Point. * We recap Magic Round for episode 100 and our show finale. We are joined by show favourites: Bernie Tingles, The Bryan Madigan and Mr Football himself Ron Orchard. * Comedian Julia Wilson does her final News Round Up. * Our guest is comedy legend Akmal Saleh. * We run two ads for The Buncha Hotel and two for Gladstone Community Radio. * Comedian and good friend of the show, Peter Meisel, join us for our last episode. * We also catch up with Titan's fan Daniel Gosling, Maroon, Mr Football himself (Ron) and hear from comedian Rob Andrews. * And we drink beer, have a lot of laughs and thank everyone who made this journey to 100 episodes so much fun. Thank you all! As always, please follow the show and give us a rating - thanks. Also, you can catch us on social media at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083236897243 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedummympodcast1927 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedummympodcast/ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/KZNnkC1edR7M/…