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Two Cities Church

Two Cities Church

Weekly Messages from Two Cities Church in Winston Salem NC. Hear from Pastor Kyle Mercer and others as they walk through books of the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse. You can find out all about Two Cities Church at
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Looking at the apostle Paul's testimony in 1 Timothy 1:12-20 shows us that God can save anyone. Paul also urges Timothy to fight the good fight and hold onto faith, and in doing so, urges us to do the same.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 1 Timothy 1:1-11, Paul calls Timothy his "true child in the faith," highlighting the importance of spiritual mentorship and discipleship. In this message, we explore how the Gospel calls us to invest in the next generation, multiply disciples, and build a church that lasts beyond us.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Paul reminds us that every believer has been given spiritual gifts to serve others and build up the Church. In this final message of our Together series, we explore how the gospel transforms our values, calling us to faithfully steward our gifts for God's glory.โดย Two Cities Church
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What makes up true biblical community? By walking through Acts 2:42-47, we find that biblical community is defined by opening our Bibles, opening our lives, and living in a way that’s sacrificial and missional.โดย Two Cities Church
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In this message, we learn both what truth is and what it does. Through John 8:31-47, we discover that Jesus sets people free through his truth and that this freedom is found in acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord.โดย Two Cities Church
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Before Isaiah said, "Here I am, send me!" he got a great vision of God's glory and majesty. It's the same for us. A heart of mission flows out of a vision of God's glory. In this SEND WEEKEND message, Pastor Kyle walks us through these realities found in Isaiah 6:1-8.โดย Two Cities Church
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Where you have problems is where you need vision. As Pastor Kyle walks through 2 Kings 4:1-7, he discusses how to get vision for your life by asking these 3 questions: What do you want to see God do? What has God already given you? And what are you willing to go get?โดย Two Cities Church
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Looking at the prophecies in Isaiah 8:22, 9:2, and 9:6, we see where darkness leads us and how the light of Christ is more powerful than darkness.โดย Two Cities Church
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Walking through the Proverbs we see that money should be a tool and not an idol. In this message, Pastor Kyle walks through 5 principles about money.โดย Two Cities Church
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Walking through the Proverbs, we find that the antidote for growing loneliness is great friendships. In this message, Pastor Caleb gives us four marks of biblical friendship and four practical steps we can take toward making friends.โดย Two Cities Church
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We've all experienced decision-fatigue and asked the question, "What is God's will for my life?" Walking through the Proverbs, Pastor Kyle pulls out three major principles for planning and and draws out wisdom for discerning God's will.โดย Two Cities Church
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When many disciples decided to turn back and no longer follow Jesus, he asked those remaining, "Do you want to go away as well?" As Dr. Albert Mohler walks us through John 6, we see that Jesus is still extending this same question to each of us.โดย Two Cities Church
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When people are unified, there is both the power and potential for multiplication. But what if they're unified around the wrong things? Walking through Genesis 11 verses 1-9, we'll see the differences between godly unity and worldly unity.โดย Two Cities Church
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In the flood, we see both God's cleansing and his judgment. Throughout Genesis 6:1-8:22, we find that sin must be dealt with or it spreads, and that the reason God delivers is so that we may worship him.โดย Two Cities Church
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Sin has the potential to multiply generationally... but so does blessing. Looking at Genesis 4:17-6:8, we'll see that while sin can multiply through generations, it's God's heart to intervene.โดย Two Cities Church
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In Genesis 1-2, humanity was blessed and commissioned to multiply, but in Genesis 3, we experience deception, cursing, and division. In this message, Pastor Kyle walks us through how to live in this Genesis 3 world.โดย Two Cities Church
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Looking at the first marriage in Genesis 2:21-25 we find that marriage is about a lifetime of commitment, becoming one, and unashamed intimacy. In this message, Pastor Kyle not only defines marriage, but gives biblical principles for dating.โดย Two Cities Church
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God's design for humanity is that we'd take what he has given us and make something of it. In this message, Pastor Kyle traces the theme of multiplication through Scripture and gives us a vision for cultivating rather than consuming.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 2 Corinthians 13, we find that the church in Corinth was full of compromise and conflict, so the Lord calls them to examine themselves and make restoration their goal.โดย Two Cities Church
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As we walk through 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 we're made to ask, how should we respond to our weakness and suffering, and how does God want to meet us in them?โดย Two Cities Church
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False teaching not only presents a different message, but has a different hero and a different spirit. In 2 Corinthians 11:1-29, we learn how to respond to false teachers and that the gospel is simple.โดย Two Cities Church
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We're in a war... and the primary battlefield is the mind. In this message, we walk through 2 Corinthians 10 and learn that we have the responsibility to call out false belief systems and that we can do this by walking in the authority Christ has given us.โดย Two Cities Church
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Have you ever felt tempted to quit when you know the Lord wants you to keep going? In Acts 18:1-17, the Lord gives Paul courage to continue even in the face of opposition, and we find that he does the same for us today.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 2 Corinthians 9, we find that our generosity should be planned, willing, and cheerful, and that giving is so foundational it's referred to as the "ministry of the saints."โดย Two Cities Church
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How are believers continually cleansed and made increasingly holy? In 2 Corinthians 7 we find that the Lord accomplishes this in each of us as we live by faith in the promises of God and walk in continual repentance.โดย Two Cities Church
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What does Scripture actually tell us that heaven is like, and why should we think about it more than we do? In this message, pastor Andy Davis walks us through how Scripture answers these questions.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 2 Corinthians 6:1-18, God invites us to work with him to impact those around us, and he warns us not to receive his grace in vain by ignoring his call to gospel partnership.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 we find the motivation, perspective, identity, and message we have, and all of it motivates us to share our faith.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, we find encouragement in knowing we'll receive a resurrected body, and we're met with the sobering reality that we'll all stand before God in the final judgment.โดย Two Cities Church
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Are you willing to give up something you love for something you love even more? In 2 Corinthians 4:7-18, Paul talks about the pain he is willing to go through to bring the gospel to those he loves.โดย Two Cities Church
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Is it worth it to hurt someone's feelings if it's ultimately for their good? In 2 Corinthians 2 we learn that ministry can be painful, but sometimes pain comes before restoration.โดย Two Cities Church
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In 1 Corinthians 15:1-9 we find the most important person in history and the most important event in history: Jesus and his resurrection, both of which require a response. So, what's yours?โดย Two Cities Church
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