Your podcast for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
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GreenRanger burns through the Rush Duel updates with Maddox Sogetsu event and character unlock, new miniBOX, Rush Duel events and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger blows through the top 100 decks of the KC Cup, the resulting forbidden/limited list, and Card Trader Update! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger goes into the KC Cup with Battlin' Boxers and it doesn't turn out good! In-depth review of the deck, new Deck Build Box Ritual Territory, Wave Duel Scramble and more! Ranked Duel Rewards, and Sky Strikers in Master Duel! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger completely struggles to talk, but somehow discusses the KC Cup Meta, Ranked Duel Rewards, and Sky Strikers in Master Duel! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Alt characters and new cards from the F-L-A-M-E! event, new miniBOX card review and the Anniversary BOX Vol.03! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Duel Links turns 8 and GreenRanger has a lot of new cards to discuss from all over! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger discusses new cards from Tag Duel Tournament, Ranked Duels, and the Arc-V Level Increase! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger recaps the past 2 weeks in Duel Links with Duelist Kingdom, Duelist Road, Bundle cards, and the new BOX! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger reports on the Goha Rush top decks, Lulu and Rin actually return, and an uneventful limited/forbidden list. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger celebrates his birthday with a casual talk of Rush Duels and new look Gimmick Puppets in Master Duel. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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The past 2 weeks of Duel Links condensed in 49 minutes! Speed Duels to Rush Duels here we go. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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The podcast is back online and GreenRanger focuses on this time's KC Cup! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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In this back-dated episode, GreenRanger returns to speed duels with Duelist Kingdom, Yuri raid duels, Yuri unlock, and new BOX Starving Venom! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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In this back dated episode, GreenRanger discusses the new Go Rush chracter level-up cards, duel skills and new cards from Selection Box Mini Vol.02! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Go Rush world releases with a buttload of new cards and GreenRanger goes over these new cards! And he gets mad at Duel Links Meta. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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KC Cup top deck overview, Wave Duel Scramble and exploring the new home screen! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger is back from San Diego and battling a sinus infection but battles it out with Lulu and Rin again, bundle cards, Rush Structure Deck, and balance updates! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger has Duel Links covered with Lulu & Rin's disappointing reveal, the supposed OP Speed Main BOX, and Duelist Kingdom! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger recaps the last 2 uneventful weeks in Duel Links with the TDGP, Spectre Raid Duels, and Bingo! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger is in a Diablo fix, but that doesn't stop this podcast! He discusses the Rush Super MiniBOX, Asana Mutsuba event, and a new card trader card. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Like the Phantasm Spiral Dragon, GreenRanger too is ragged and weary. This episode discusses the Ray of Aura miniBOX (sorta!), bundle cards, and Ranked Duels updated. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger recaps the past 2 weeks in Duel Links with Tag Duel Tournament, Limited List update, Dumon event and cards/skills, and the Selection BOX Vo1.06 Mini! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger discusses Action Duels, some forgotten cards from last week, and revisits pretty good cards from the last miniBOX. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Another miniBOX in Duel Links! GreenRanger goes over that, the pickup BOX, and Dennis again! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Asana Mutsuba is the duelist of the hour, with her event, level-up cards, duel skills, and a new miniBOX! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger goes over the Worlds Qualifier top decks, resulting ban list update, and the ongoing events in-game. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger goes over esports this week with all the speed and rush decks leading the way. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Borrelsword Slash UR/SR review, card bundle cards, card trader update, and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Road to World Campaign, Cynet Raging Structure Deck, Anniversary BOX, Spectre Raid Duels, and character! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Lots of stuff this week: Tag Duel Tournament, Forbidden/Limited List Update, new Rush giveaways, new Rush Structure Deck, new Rush MiniBOX, and new Rush Selection Box! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Dennis is centerstage in this episode, with discussion of his event drops, level-up cards, duel skills, and this month in ranked duel rewards! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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"Let's Duel." -GreenRanger discusses Nail Saionji again, new Rush Deck Build BOX, new Speed Mini Box, and bundle cards! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger looks at some surprising winners of the past KC Cup, Tachyon Raid Duel cards, Duel Quest, and the newest Unlimit! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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I didn't really prepare much this week... let's look at some cards! A review of the KC Cup DLv Max decks so far, new archetypes, and revisiting Striker Expansion. #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Duelist Road, Sherry LeBlanc unlock, new BOX Striker Expansion, and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger returns with Rush Duel updates, new Super Mini BOX, Roa Kassidy event, new limited cards, Goha Festival top decks, and new Speed Structure Deck EX! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Goha Rush Festival, Speed Duel skill balance updates, new cards, and revisiting Genesis Maximum! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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All Rush Duels this week with Maximum Summoning, Nail Saionji event, cards and skills, new miniBOX, and bundle cards! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger reports on the binary meta that is Dual Links! KC Cup top decks, subsequent forbidden/limited list update, and Ghost Gal! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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While GreenRanger laments his card purchase decisions, he also reviews top KC CUp DLv Max decks, Magician's Chronicle, and Tachyon of Galaxy R/N cards! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger goes over mostly everything in Duel Links this week with the new minibox, Anniversary Box, Mizar level-up cards, duel skills, and the end of global chat! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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A bunch of stuff this week including Mizar raid duels, new Rush structure deck, Mimi Imimi from last week, and Sevens World level up cards! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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The second episode of the year celebrates 7 years of Duel Links with Selection Box Vol.07, new Rush Structure Deck, new cards, and The Tag Duel Tournament! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRangers starts 2024 with a lot of new cards from all over, including bundles, Ranked Duels, Duelist Kingdom and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger closes out 2023 with a podcast on Duelist Chronicles Arc-V, new main box Phoenix Blaze, and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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This episode features new Rush structure deck, Alito event, and Zexal new level-up rewards! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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GreenRanger is back on a Tuesday with Goha Rush festival, skill balance, new minibox UR/SR review, and Wave Duel Scramble! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Goha Rush Festival, skill balance update, ranked duel rewards and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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Rush Duels are rockin with Roa Kassidy event, level-up cards, duel skills, new miniBOX, and bundles! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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KC Cup is over so we have the top winning decks, Limited list update, Celina new Lunalights, new Wild Spirit BOX, and more! #YGODuelLinks #YGOMasterDuel #duellinks #yugioh #podcastโดย The Duel Assessment
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