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show episodes

Elio D’Anna | The Dreamer

marzia giuntoli

The School for Gods The Technology of The Dreamer In order for you to be able to perform yourself, you first have to know who you are not; this is the very aim of self-observation. Elio's Podcast!
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Jack The Dreamer Podcast

Jack The Dreamer Podcast

A financial independence and minimalist podcast aimed to provide you with actionable value from the get-go. It'll make your morning commutes much more enjoyable. Subscribe to be the first to get new episodes! :) Support this podcast:
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Revenge of the Dreamer Podcast

Revenge of the Dreamer

Hosted by Arthur and Ana Serra, Revenge of the Dreamer is a podcast featuring a laid back couple discussing current events, reacting to social justice issues including feminism, race and gender, weird trends on the internet and anything listeners submit to us. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch live episodes.
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The Dreamer, The Believer

Ken Maurice Purnell

An Interview Podcast that will speak with individuals, on their goals, as they explain their journey to success. The ups they faced. The downs that came. And the victories and lessons they learned in between. This is The Journey One Takes, in order to get to Greatness. If you are interested in hearing some of these amazing stories, from some amazing individuals, stay tuned, and grab a front row seat on this conversation filled with Love, Laughter, and Inspiration. And after it is all said an ...
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The Devoted Dreamers Podcast

Merritt Onsa: Dream Coach | Faith-based Business Owner | Christian Entrepre

The Devoted Dreamers Podcast shares weekly stories of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-shaped dreams in beautifully imperfect ways.
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The Purpose Dreamer

Jaleesa Cox

Catch Your Calling! Do what you are called to do. Ignite your creative path to purpose as you pursue your calling from the pit, where nothing seems to happen to the palace, flowing in milk and honey!
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Behind the Dreamers

Jennifer Loehding

We are talking to the achievers, the creators, the magic makers, and the dreamers. These are our friends. These are your friends. And they are living the extraordinary.
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The Dreamers Podcast

Blake Millwee

A podcast that tells the adventures of a bunch of high schoolers in their day to day lives, hobbies, and dreams. WIth our hosts, Blake, Manny, JJ, Mike, Lydell, Haley, and a bunch more hosts.
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The Space Dreamers

Jared Parisi

The Space Dreamers will be looking at every novel by Arthur C. Clarke in chronological order. We will also be looking at several other pieces of science fiction. New episode every Thursday. Instagram: @thespacedreamers
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Hosts Kim and Abby Peek share strategies for escaping the suffocating 9 to 5, achieving financial independence, having the freedom to do the things you love, and contribute to the greater good... all by being smart about digital marketing. You'll get a social media tip of the week, learn about social media strategy and content marketing, and be inspired to keep pushing toward your dream life.
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The Ambitious Dreamer Podcast

Joelle and Lyndon Bradfield

Hosted by Joelle and Lyndon Bradfield, each week we’ll dive into topics like personal branding, marketing, mindset, business, and more; providing you with fresh insights + perspectives that will take your dreams to your next level. Follow us for more on Instagram and TikTok @joandlyndon, we'd love to connect! Welcome to The Ambitious Dreamers Podcast Community. 💫
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To The Dreamers

Cassie Kennedy

Do you often find yourself daydreaming? Does the pure magic of a C.S. Lewis book bring a tear to your eye? To those who would prefer to be living in castles like princesses, braving the ocean in ships, or wishing they lived in Narnia- this one’s for you. The world we live in is full of heavenly miracles that go unnoticed. Look closely and you can see it in the dreams that God places on our hearts, growing us closer to Him as we take on our heavenly adventures. Join me as we explore, learn, l ...
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The Dreamer's Den Podcast

Brad Robins

The Dreamer’s Den (@DreamersDenPodcast) is a podcast hosted by Brad Robins (GENTRI) dedicated to exploring the art of daring to dream. Each episode features inspiring interviews with successful dreamers, with the intent of inspiring, motivating, and encouraging listeners to chase and achieve dreams of their own. Guests range from musicians and authors to entrepreneurs and business owners, to inspirational figures and everyday visionaries, each offering their own personal insights, practical ...
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The Millennial Dreamers Podcast

Kourtni Mason

Millennial Dreamers is hosted by attorney, author and motivational speaker, Kourtni Mason, who profiles successful millennial entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, and thought leaders who are living the unconventional life of their dreams and profiting from their passion. She also gives listeners easy-to-implement action steps to help you take the leap of faith and go after YOUR dreams.
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The Dreamer's Manual

Julie Calcote

Welcome to the Dreamer’s Manual podcast. The place where entrepreneurs learn to follow their dreams without sacrificing their inner peace. I'm Julie Calcote and I've made it my mission to help entrepreneurs get unstuck in their business and focus on shifts that build on their dreams, evolve in their journey, and bust limiting beliefs. Most of the time life doesn’t go as planned, and this podcast is your green-light to go ahead and throw that hard and fast 5-year plan out the window. Because ...
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The Dreamer's Thread

Everyone Dreams. But what would you do if you suddenly found out that you were one of the few who creates dreams for the whole world? Would you use your power to harness the light and weave it into beautiful tapestries of magic and wonder, or would you fall prey to the seductive siren song of darkness and nightmares? For tattoo artist Aura Mayville, this becomes a reality as she is ripped from her life of art and music and thrust into a realm where good and evil struggle for control over the ...
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The Serenity Dreamer Podcast

June K. Collins

"The Serenity Dreamer Podcast is a sanctuary for women who carry the unspoken desire to be more and have an inner urge to rediscover their authentic selves. In this empowering podcast, we embark on a journey where we engage in candid conversations about a wide range of topics that deeply resonate with women, including the unique challenges faced by mothers and the unwavering strength of trauma survivors. Through thought-provoking discussions and insightful conversations, we expose the barrie ...
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The Dear Dreamer Podcast

Meg Kilgore & Kenzie Kober

Have you ever had a dream or a goal, but you're just not sure how to make it happen? When it comes to discovering your purpose and following your dreams, we could all use some practical guidance and a good dose of inspiration from time to time. So pull up a seat, grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite tea), and join your hosts, Meg Kilgore and Kenzie Kober, as they bring the stories and real-life lessons they've learned on their journey to follow their dreams. Meg Kilgore is an author, digit ...
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Dreamer’s Den: Entrepreneurs Making the Dream Work

Dreamer’s Den: Entrepreneurs

If you dream of starting a business, writing a book or making money from your passion online, this podcast is for you. Your host, Danielle Towner will sit down with entrepreneurs, small business owners and startups to share how they launched their dream business and made it work! We’ll discuss topics such as converting your passion to your niche, finding startup money, solidifying your brand and balancing business and life. Join us as Dreamers and Doers share how they are making their busine ...
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Curve the Cube is Where Dreamers Become Doers

Flint Stone Media, LLC - Jaime Legagneur

The Curve the Cube Podcast is aimed at inspiring people to pursue their dreams by picking the brains of those who are doing just that! Guests include: actors, artists, entertainers, radio and news personalities, writers, musicians, small business owners, dancers, charities, and more, including people with a particular sociocultural perspective or impact. Special categories include the Curve the Cube Kids, the CTC Pod Squad, friends of the KVJ Show, friends of St. Joe's Unplugged, and friends ...
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show series
The United States of Europe can only be the natural consequence of the growth and development of a European consciousness. Being European doesn’t mean to occupy a certain geographic area in Europe. Being European means thinking as a European, living in a country with European beliefs and traditions, and feeling as a European. Being European is an i…
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Could accountability, community, and group coaching help bring your dream to life in 2025? What if you could find all three in one nurturing space that welcomes your messy action? In this final mini-episode in the 3-part series, I’ve shifted from my regular podcast rhythms in order to bring you on what you need most: strategies to help you make rea…
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Find show notes for episode 325 here: Have you ever believed something about yourself that wasn’t true? In this week’s episode of The Devoted Dreamers Podcast, we’re diving into the lies that hold us back from fully embracing our God-given value and worth. These false beliefs—whether about our abilities, ident…
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Lo sport esiste per un solo motivo: sperimentare per qualche istante lo stato di assenza di pensiero. E gli sportivi vivono per un solo scopo, sebbene non ne siano consapevoli - per smettere di pensare - "Se pensi, affondi". Prova a non pensare mentre agisci e svolgi il tuo compito quotidiano, e non subirai mai alcuna sconfitta. Il pensiero è tempo…
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Find show notes for episode 324 here: Welcome to Season 13 of The Devoted Dreamers Podcast! This year marks a shift we return to weekly episodes—each centered around a monthly theme to help you tackle the biggest barriers to pursuing your God-shaped dream. Expect a mix of shorter solo episodes and insightful g…
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What connections and relationships are helping you bring your dream to life in 2025? In this second of three mini-episodes, I’m shaking things up and focusing on what you need most: strategies to help you make real progress on your God-shaped dream. And this one is all about surrounding yourself with authentic community. This bonus episode takes yo…
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What tools and strategies do you need to bring your dream to life in 2025? In this first of three mini-episodes, I’m shaking things up and focusing on what you, my dedicated listeners, need most: strategies to help you make real progress on your God-shaped dream. This bonus episode takes you behind the scenes and gives you a free resource to help y…
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Sei l’Essere più ricco e potente della Terra… ma non lo sai. Questo “non sapere” ti rende povero, infelice… e mortale. Sei l’Essere più libero dell’Universo… ma non lo sai. Questo ti rende la creatura più fragile della Terra. La fortuna di ogni istituzione o impresa è intrecciata all’integrità del suo fondatore. Un filo d’oro salda il suo respiro, …
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Il mondo non è oggettivo, ma soggettivo. Povertà, guerre, disgrazie e disastri. tutto è proiettato da te. Il mondo è tempo. La libertà è assenza di tempo, la ricchezza, la felicità esistono solo nell'assenza di tempo. Dove puoi trovarla? In te.. Ma tu sei sempre fuori casa., fuori di te, proiettato, identificato col mondo. Per uscire da te stesso d…
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Dopo anni di studio, preparazione e disciplina, giungi alla consapevolezza che, per centrare il bersaglio e realizzare il tuo scopo nel riconoscerti autore e creatore della realtà che ti circonda, è necessario “non fare nulla”. Questo rappresenta il compito più arduo che tu possa intraprendere. Possedere il coraggio del “dolce non fare” è privilegi…
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Vivi l’Istante Tu: Come si fa a vivere nell’istante quando ci sono migliaia di problemi da risolvere?… Elio: Raccoglili tutti… quelli giornalieri, quelli mensili, quelli di una vita… quelli personali, quelli sociali, quelli planetari… raccoglili insieme… vedrai che rientrano tutti nell’istante... la compressione di tutti i problemi in questo istant…
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La "Tecnologia del Dreamer" si presenta come un prezioso alleato per superare tutte le sfide che incontrerai sul tuo cammino. Ti incoraggia a indirizzare costantemente la tua attenzione verso l'interno, permettendo così alle soluzioni più impensabili di emergere dalle profondità del tuo essere, capaci di superare imprese apparentemente insormontabi…
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Dedica tutto il tuo tempo e le tue energie alla tua trasformazione interiore. L’ingiustizia che senti nel mondo è un’illusione. L'ingiustizia che vedi non viene dall'esterno ma da tutto il veleno che porti dentro di te. Un giorno ti renderai conto che la causa stessa di tutta la povertà, la violenza e i crimini politici di cui dici che il tuo Paese…
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Per riuscire a cambiare devi lottare contro l'indottrinamento di un'intera vita! Devi capovolgere il tuo modo di vedere le cose. Solo così e attraverso un duro lavoro puoi cambiare il tuo destino, ma un uomo non può farcela da solo, ha bisogno di una Scuola. Una Scuola del capovolgimento, in cui le credenze e le idee di seconda mano siano demolite,…
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D. Tu dici: "Niente è esterno!" Allora come spieghi che se qualcuno o qualcosa mi impedisse di respirare, morirei? R. Niente e nessuno può impedirti di respirare a meno che tu non sia soggiogato dalla ipnotica, mortale descrizione del mondo. Il mondo è costruito dal tuo respiro. Il mondo respira col tuo respiro. Il respiro ti appartiene..... provie…
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“Vi è una tecnologia potente nelle Sacre Scritture, che rimanda allo studio di sé, al ricordo e all’attenzione: la ‘Tecnologia del Dreamer’; non vi sono altri strumenti così preziosi offerti ad un’umanità che vive sempre nell’angoscia e nel dolore…..Questa rappresenta la tecnologia più avanzata mai esistita, simultaneamente individuale e universale…
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Find show notes for episode 323 here: Are you ready to stop procrastinating so you can finally take action on a dream? Get my top 3 dos and don’ts from eight years of podcasting and building a business from scratch. Here’s what I wish I’d known at the beginning to help you get there faster and easier than I di…
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It’s the grand finale of our podcasting series, and we’re here to tell you one thing: it’s time to hit record and make your podcast dreams a reality. 🎙️✨ In this episode, we’re giving you the ultimate pep talk to launch your first podcast. You’ve dreamed, you’ve planned, and now it’s time to take action. We’ll walk you through: Choosing the perfect…
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This is the third episode in our four-part series: "Laugh, Share, and Inspire: Podcasting Is Easier Than You Think." In this episode, we’re diving into the juicy stuff: how to make money with your podcast. 🎙️💰 Let’s get real—podcasting isn’t just about sharing your voice; it’s about turning your passions into paychecks. And no, you don’t need a mil…
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This is the second episode in our four-part series: "Laugh, Share, and Inspire: Podcasting Is Easier Than You Think." If you’ve ever thought podcasting was too complicated or needed a ton of fancy equipment, think again. In this episode, we’re breaking it down and showing you just how simple (and fun!) it is to get started. 🎙️ ✨ Here’s what we’ll c…
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In this episode, we’re kicking off a four-part series: "Laugh, Share, and Inspire: Podcasting Is Easier Than You Think." If you’ve ever thought, "Could I start a podcast?" the answer is YES—and we’re here to show you why. 🎙️ Podcasting isn’t just about talking into a mic: it's SO MUCH MORE! We're talking sharing your brilliance, connecting with oth…
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Do you remember the joy of creating mix tapes—sitting by the radio with your finger hovering over the record button, ready to capture your favorite songs? Mix tapes weren’t just music; they were time capsules of emotions, moments, and memories. In this episode, we’re diving into why podcasting is the modern mix tape. It’s a way to capture your fami…
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✨ Dream Believers ~ a virtual community for Christian women with big dreams. Join the waitlist for exclusive, early access in 2025: ✨ Find the show notes for episode 322 here: Is fear holding you back? Meet Amy Lively, an accidental author whose journey from nervous neighbo…
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✨ Listener Survey ~ Give Your Feedback Here: ✨ Find the show notes for this episode here: What are you longing for as we enter into the Advent season? There is always a laundry list of things to do as the holidays enter full-swing, whether it’s shopping, decorating, cookin…
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Find the show notes here: ✨ Dream Believers ~ a virtual community for Christian women with big dreams. Join the waitlist for exclusive early-bird access. Sign up here: ✨ Could God use the pain of your past to grow a dream in your heart? Kim Tschirret grew up in what appeare…
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Find the show notes here: 🤩 Hey Dreamer, join our Community Conversation calls – a supportive monthly opportunity to practice talking about your dream. Register here: 🤩 Is life so busy that you can’t imagine making time for a dream? Whether you’re working full-time, part-time, …
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Find show notes here: 🤩 Have a God-shaped dream? We have a monthly call where you can share with other Christian women about your dream. Sign up today for our next Community Conversation: 🤩 Are you waiting for confirmation from God? You have a big dream but you’ve felt unsure ab…
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We have a distorted interpretation of reality that tells us everything comes from ‘outside’, and we are helpless before what we have learned to call ‘life’. We forget that life is nothing more than a mirroring image of our being, that our every movement emanates a reflection what we call universe, and not recognising ourselves as the source of this…
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Find the show notes here: 🤩 Join our Community Conversation calls – a supportive monthly opportunity to practice talking about your dream. Register here: 🤩 Do you have to be on social media to attract the people your dream is meant to serve? My guest Mary Kathryn Tiller—a write…
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"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." – Albert Einstein Is your business working for you? What happens to your business when you have to course correct or change direction? In this episode, we're talking with one of my favorite guests and humans, Kim Weldin. If you haven't met Kim Weldin yet, she’s a certified integrator and virtual…
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Find the show notes here: 🤩 Join our Community Conversation calls – a supportive monthly opportunity to practice talking about your dream. Register here: 🤩 Are insecurities keeping you from pursuing a dream? Former child actress Wendi Lou Lee had often wondered if God could use …
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It's that time of year again in Alaska when you wake up and feel the bite in the air. I don't know if everyone feels like this but for me there's this primal feeling to get things wrapped up because winter is coming and it's time to hibernate. Now, with the school and client schedule, there's definitely no hibernating but it got me thinking about t…
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Find show notes here: 💥 This episode is brought to you by Dream Believers – a new virtual community for inspiration, accountability & practical resources that will help you bring your God-shaped dream to life! Click to learn more and join here: Let’s Go After Our Dreams Together!…
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Find show notes here: 💥 This episode is brought to you by Dream Believers – a new virtual community for inspiration, accountability & practical resources to bring your God-shaped dream to life! 💥 Register for the free “Start Your Dream in 30 Days” workshop coming up on August 22nd. RSVP at:…
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