My journey into being a Heathen Witch. As well as some tips for beginners from what I have learned.
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This episode I talk about my struggle with focusing and ways you can use your practice to help focus.Etsy info: can find my etsy on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Patreon, and of course Etsy. Search for CreationsAtHart or click on my linktree for all of the links.
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In this episode I will cover the Norns briefly and talk about Fate in different mythologies. I am also giving an update on my life.
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This episode is a short episode on the jötunn and goddess Skaði. (Skadi, Skathi)
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Witchy Rut, Witchcraft on a budget
19:37This episode I will talk about being in a witchy rut and ways to help. As well as Witchcraft on a budget, tips on finding items thatbare affordable.
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Short Sabbat episode on Samhain.
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This episode I talk briefly about Loki, the God of mischief/chaos.
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Small reading from the Hávamál.
15:47This episode is a short reading of the Hávamál. Slowly trying to grt back into creating episodes. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch as well as on Facebook Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast. Please check them out.
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This episode is an update on my journey. New experiences I have had. Just me rambling on about new things in my life.
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Episode 18 is a shirt Episode on the Norse God Thor. I will discuss somethings I have learned about him and how I connect with him.
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Episode 17 is a short Sabbat episode on Imbolc.
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Episode 16 is a short episode on Land Spirts. Landvættir. Some ways we can honor them and connect.
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This episode is a quick Sabbat episode on Yule. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Instagram: @solitaryheathenwitch FB: Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast.
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Journey update and surgery details.
16:32Episode 14 is another update on my journey as well as my surgery. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Instagram: @solitaryheathenwitch FB: Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast. Etsy:
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Episode 13 is just a quick update on what's going on in my life. Why I haven't made recent episodes. As well as some random thoughts.
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This episode is another short Sabbat episode on Lughnasadh/Lammas. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch as well as on Facebook Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast. I have also made a Facebook group titled Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast as well. Please check them out.
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I wanted to share how I create a spell. Again there are many ways, I just wanted to share how I do it. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch as well as on Facebook Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast. I have also made a Facebook group titled Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast as well. Please check them out.…
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This episode is a short segment on Litha/Midsummer. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch as well as on Facebook Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast. I have also made a Facebook group titled Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast as well. Please check them out.
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Coincidentally this is Episode 9. I will be briefly covering how the Number 3 and 9 show up frequently in our practice and in different Mythologies. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch as well as on Facebook Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast. I have also made a Facebook group titled Solitary Heathen Witch Podcast as well. Plea…
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This episode is a short segment on Beltane. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch
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This episode I will be sharing some of my Solitary practice as well as some advice I have for beginners. Follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch. You can now support this Podcast on Anchor. Also I want to know your thoughts on this Podcast. Message me your response on Instagram. Would you guys be interested in a YouTube or Patreon for this Pod…
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I will be going over different forms of Divination as well as share my experiences. Follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch. You can now support this Podcast on Anchor. Also I want to know your thoughts on this Podcast. Message me your response on Instagram. Would you guys be interested in a YouTube or Patreon for this Podcast? Let me know! Ho…
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This episode is a short segment on Ostara. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch *Small Business Shout Outs* • Viking Within @viking_within • Creations At Hart @creationsathart • Wildling Woods @jake_the_wildling @lindseythewildling https://www.e…
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In this episode we will be going over what Heathen means to us, as well as go into some different deities. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch *Small Business Shout Outs* • Viking Within @viking_within • Creations At Hart @creationsathart • Wil…
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Join me as we dive into herbs, oils, and stones. We will go over ways we use them in our Magick. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch.
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I will be going over some different Altar setups as well as common tools used. Find me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch.
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Short introduction on who I am and how I got here. You can find me on Instagram @solitaryheathenwitch.
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