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Habari RFI-Ki

RFI Kiswahili

Makala ya kila siku yanayompa fursa msikilizaji kutoa maoni yake juu ya habari zilizopewa uzito wa juu kwa siku husika. Msikilizaji hushiriki kwa kutuma ujumbe mfupi pamoja na kupiga simu.
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RFI Convida

RFI Brasil

Entrevistas diárias com pessoas de todas as áreas. Artistas, cientistas, professores, economistas, analistas ou personalidades políticas que vivem na França ou estão de passagem por aqui, são convidadas para falar sobre seus projetos e realizações. A conversa é filmada e o vídeo pode ser visto no nosso site.
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Le club RFI


«Le Club RFI, de loin l'émission la plus proche». Le Club RFI, le rendez-vous des initiatives. Chaque semaine, les Clubs RFI participent à l’émission. Ils présentent leurs initiatives, sur les thèmes de la santé, l’environnement, la francophonie, le sport, l’humanitaire… Le cousin : Le club invite une personnalité, un exemple de réussite (artiste, écrivain, peintre, entrepreneur…). Pour finir : la musique, le proverbe et l’agenda des activités des clubs. Le Club RFI, une émission présentée p ...
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What the RFI?

Matt Brennan

Join Matt Brennan, Assoc. AIA as he discusses the day-to-day life in the Contract and Construction Administration world. This podcast bridges the gap between Architects, Designers, Engineers, consultants and General Contractors as they work through CA-related items. Each episode focuses on the challenges, techniques and technology to help navigate through the fast-paced construction industry. How many RFIs did you get this week?
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Специальные корреспонденты RFI сообщают с места событий: наши журналисты отправляются туда, где рождаются новости. Крупные события политики, общественной жизни, культуры, памятные даты и торжества в Европе, во Франции или на постсоветском пространстве, а также в Париже — в репортажах Международного французского радио.
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RFID Insider — Tracking the RFID Industry

RFID Insider presented by atlasRFIDstore.com

Welcome to RFID Insider, a show that discusses all things RFID and the technology’s impact in an ever-changing and ever-connected world. New episodes are released twice per month and focus on a mix of industry trends, new products, in-depth tutorials, and insightful interviews. With each new episode, you’ll learn things like how NFC fits into the larger RFID umbrella, discover the ways companies use RFID in real life situations, and unearth the opportunities in a burgeoning field. The RFID i ...
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Impactful by RFI

Research For Impact Singapore

Conversations with movers, shakers, and trailblazers. Impactful by RFI is a podcast that explores the experiences of women in the workplace to inspire, inform and empower women to be a strong and positive voice in their fields. Interviews cover professional journeys, passions pursued, stories of success and setbacks, barriers including race and ethnic issues, biases/discrimination, and shared advice and wisdom around pursuing one’s passion in a specific field. By tapping into these experienc ...
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美国海军本周成功地在一艘正在航行的巡洋舰上装载了一个垂直发射系统,这是对一种新的装填机制进行的首次测试。美国海军“长津湖”号导弹巡洋舰和干货弹药补给舰“华盛顿·钱伯斯”号于周五在加州圣迭戈附近海域进行了测试。试验中,使用“可转移再武装机制”(TRAM)将空导弹罐装入“长津湖”号的MK-41垂直发射系统。โดย 弗林
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A professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social do Museu Nacional do Rio, Adriana Facina, realizou em Paris uma residência de pesquisa acadêmica franco-brasileira para a elaboração de um “Inventário da produção cultural em territórios subalternizados”. A arte e a cultura populares das periferias urbanas do Rio de Janeiro estão no c…
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Este fin de semana el artista argentino Abel Robino expone en el Territorio Artístico de Creación (TAC) de la localidad de Bois Colombes sus ‘Formats to scape’. Pero antes ha estado con Jordi Batallé en El invitado de RFI. Abel Robino nació en Pergamino, Provincia de Buenos Aires, el 7 de octubre de 1952. Es poeta y artista plástico. Estudió en la …
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Филолог Гасан Гусейнов в еженедельной колонке на RFI говорит об основополагающем отличии человеческой речи от словесной продукции искусственного интеллекта. От человека у ИИ — богатейшая способность к конфабуляции, или лжи. Но в отличие от человека, у ИИ нет ни малейшей тяги к истине. Да даже и остатки правдоподобия Искусственный Интеллект легко пр…
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In this episode, Matt Brennan discusses the critical role of shop drawings in construction administration. He explains what shop drawings are, the process of reviewing them, how to mark them up, and the importance of samples and mockups. The conversation also covers the challenges posed by alternates, real-life examples from Matt's experience, and …
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Le 23 août 2024, le Club RFI Ouidah a participé à la journée nationale du souvenir de la traite négrière et de son abolition. Des initiatives ont été organisées pour cet événement. Avec la participation d'Ernesto Alao, président du club RFI Ouidah. Invité/cousin : Narcisse Odilon Venongbé, délégué général du festival culturel Tan-Che. Musique : « J…
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En pleno medio del océano Pacífico, la isla de Pascua, también llamada Rapa Nui, está invadida por el plástico. Ubicado en el Giro del Pacífico sur, una poderosa corriente marina, el pequeño territorio chileno recibe en sus costas más de 500 residuos por hora. Vienen del continente y también de los barcos industriales que pescan masivamente en la z…
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由于在布鲁塞尔举行的八轮谈判未能就欧盟计划征收的关税达成协议,中国敦促欧盟不要与个别电动汽车制造商进行价格谈判。欧盟于10月4日投票决定对来自中国的电动汽车征收至高45%的关税,指责中国政府向其汽车制造商提供了不公平的补贴。中方否认了这一说法,并威胁要对欧盟的乳制品、白兰地、猪肉和汽车行业征收关税。โดย 弗林
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在日本主要的原子弹爆炸幸存者组织“日本原子弹氢弹爆炸受害者团体协议会”(以下简称被团协)获得2024年诺贝尔和平奖一天之后,日本首相石破茂周六呼吁采取现实的方法废除核武器。石破茂当天通过电话向该组织92岁的代表委员田中熙巳表示祝贺,并指核威慑的必要性是一种“务实的回应”,同时表示废除核武器是最终目标。โดย 弗林
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据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)援引知情人士报导称,伊朗政府非常紧张,一直在与中东国家进行紧急外交努力,以衡量这些国家是否能降低以色列对其本月早些时候导弹袭击的报复规模,如果失败,则请求这些国家帮助保护德黑兰。โดย 弗林
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在北京强烈谴责台湾总统赖清德的“双十”国庆演讲两天后,中国商务部周六通过声明表示,正在研究针对台湾的进一步贸易措施。โดย 弗林
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广岛原子弹爆炸纪念公园的游客表示,他们希望周五为日本原子弹爆炸幸存者颁发的诺贝尔和平奖将推动世界和平努力,并吸引世界各国领导人参观该遗址。โดย 小山
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韩国和乌克兰官员本周表示,朝鲜士兵正在地面上支援俄罗斯军队,其中一些士兵可能已经死亡或受伤,这引发了人们对平壤和莫斯科之间的军事合作是否已进入新阶段的质疑。โดย 小山
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10月27日是中国前总理李克强去世一周年,河南省郑州市9日突然宣布,原定27日举办的大型马拉松赛事,“因故”延期至11月3日;与此同时,安徽省本月的8场马拉松赛事也全部“因故”延期,都没有说明原因。网络无人敢提此事与李克强周年祭日是否有关。โดย 小山
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社交媒体平台 TikTok 11日透露说,该公司将在全球裁员数百人,其中包括大量马来西亚员工,因为该公司计划把重点转向更多地使用人工智能进行内容审核。โดย 小山
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