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Raunir, víti og happ


Raunir, víti og happ eru þættir sem fjalla um þau peningaspil sem leyfð eru á Íslandi og þá fíkn sem sum þeirra geta kveikt í fólki. Rætt er við fólk sem starfar á þessum vettvangi, þá sem rannsakar hann, reka spilin, núverandi og fyrrverandi dómsmálaráðherra, lögregluna, meðferðarfulltrúa og fíklana sjálfa. Umsjón: Dagur Gunnarsson. (Aftur á morgun)
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Raunchy THO(ugh)TS

Raunchy THO(ugh)TS

Hello, welcome to Enrique and Annette’s “Raunchy THO(ugh)THS” Podcast. Ha ha Get it THOTS. In this podcast we will be talking about everyday experiences, gossip, celebrity gossip, politics, rant, and anything we simply feel like talking about. Be ready for a world full of fun and trash talk. Thank you for listening.
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The Raunchy Truth

Andie Williams and Kelly Lachat

Hey guys! My name is Andie Williams and I will be the host of The Raunchy Truth Podcast along side a co-host/guest for an assortment of episodes.In this Podcast we will talk and discuss a variety of things including but not limited to the following : Relationships, Dating, Sex, and a little bit of parenthood and much more.
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show series
🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Räägime esinemishirmust” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Anti Veeranna, Ruutu10 õpilane, improviseerija gruppides Märold ja Improviisor, podcast “Impro ja Inimesed” saatejuht ning õhtujuht. 🔊 Episoodis arutlevad Anti ja Rauno esinemishirmu üle, mis see on ja miks see nii hirmus on, mida teha, et esinemishirmust …
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Praktiliselt: Kuidas improräppida?” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Toivo Värbu, Ruutu10 asutajaliige, BeWise´i tegevjuht, impro õpetaja, Õpetaja, koolitaja ja improviseerija. 🔊 Rauno ja Toivo avavad tagamaid, et kuidas Ruutu10 alustas improräppimisega, räägivad oma kogemusi nii laval kui prooviruumis, ning jaga…
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Halvad harjumused impros 2/2” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on alati meeldiv Mihkel Nurm, Ruutu10 õpilane, Skyproff OÜ tegevjuht ja asutaja, leiutaja, tootearendaja ja koolitaja. 🔊 Episoodis jätkavad Rauno ja Mihkel arutelu asjade üle, mis teevad impro keeruliseks. 🎧 Oleme kuuldavad kõikidel suurtematel platvormi…
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Halvad harjumused impros 1/2” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Mihkel Nurm, Ruutu10 õpilane, Skyproff OÜ tegevjuht ja asutaja, leiutaja, tootearendaja ja koolitaja. 🔊 Episoodis räägivad Rauno ja Mihkel, mis on nende arust halvad harjumused impros, kuidas ükskõiksus stseene mõjutab ja mis saab siis kui improviseer…
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Praktiliselt: Kuidas teha nalja?” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Martin Junna, Ruutu10 asutajaliige, tegevjuht, improõpetaja ja improviseerija. 🔊 Episoodis teeb Rauno läbi Martin Junna nalja kirjutamisprotsessi versiooni number 5.6. Kui sa seda kuulad, siis on sul võimalik meiega koos kaasa mõelda. Selleks on s…
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Sündmuse korraldus ja koostööpartnerlus” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎧 Ruutu10 on oma tegevusaja jooksul endale kuhjanud palju ägedaid koostööpartneireid, üks neist on Rõõmulabor, kelle korraldatud sündmustel on Ruutu10 improviseerijad tavaline nähtus. 🎤 Külaliseks on Tõnu Einasto, kes on sündmuste korraldaja, moderaator ja päevajuht. …
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Lugusid improõpingutest” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Märt Samma, Ruutu10 improviseerija ja juhendaja, tarkvara arendaja ja muidu muhe mees. 🔊 Seekordses episoodis arutlevad Märt ja Rauno improõpingute teemadel. Räägivad oma õppeprotsessist ja jagavad kogemusi, kuidas nemad on ja siiani improtehnikaid õppinud…
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Lugusid Ruutu10 eratellimustelt” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Toivo Värbu, Ruutu10 asutajaliige, BeWise´i tegevjuht, impro õpetaja, Õpetaja, koolitaja ja improviseerija. 🔊 Hiljuti tähistas Ruutu10 oma 1000. eratellimust! Seekordses episoodis avavad Rauno ja Toivo eratellimuste telgitagused ning jagavad lõbusa…
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Ruutu10 Moodulõpe” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on Martin Junna, Ruutu10 asutajaliige, tegevjuht, improõpetaja ja improviseerija. 🔊 Episoodis tutvustavad Rauno ja Martin Ruutu10 moodulõpet. Samuti avardavad nad tagamaid, et miks Ruutu10 valis sellise õppesüsteemi, milliseid põhimõtteid seal järgitakse ja mis on …
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🚀Uus Improverdi episood “Frustratsioon impros” nüüd saadaval 🚀 🎤 Seekordseks külaliseks on alati meeldiv Mihkel Nurm, Ruutu10 õpilane, Skyproff OÜ tegevjuht ja asutaja, leiutaja, tootearendaja ja koolitaja. 🔊 Episoodis räägivad Mihkel ja Rauno ausalt ning avatult frustratsioonist impros, kuidas sellega toime tulla, mida teha kui tunned, et grupp võ…
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🔊 Episoodis uurime lähemalt, mis on suhtlus ja kuidas on see seotud suhetega, ja kuidas see kõik on seotud improviseerimisega. 🎤 Külaliseks on alati karismaatiline Toivo Värbu, Ruutu10 asutajaliige, BeWise´i tegevjuht, impro õpetaja, koolitaja ja improviseerija. Liitu meiega, kui Toivo jagab meiega oma teadmisi ja kogemusi suhete teemal 🧡 🚨 Ära mag…
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Sel korral tahtis Rauno rääkida, kuidas ta improtundi üles ehitab ning sealt läks jutt edasi juhendamise ning õpilaste peale. Podcasti on võimalik ka vaadata Ruutu10 youtube kanalil. Seal tuleb leida IMPROVERT podcasti playlist. Mõtted, ette panekud ja küsimused on oodatud rauno@ruutu10.ee meilikasti. Ootame põnevusega teie kirju.…
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IMPROVERT podcasti üheksandas episood alustab uue kaassaatejuhi Toivo Värbuga, kes alustab 2023. aasta esimest episoodi mõnusa pähkelküsimusega: "Miks on raske teha lihtsat stseeni?" Videopildiga versiooni saate kuulata/vaadata ka Ruutu10 youtube kanalil: https://youtu.be/flDKTist30Eโดย Rauno Meronen
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2022 aasta viimases episoodis mõtles Rauno teha lõppevast aastast kokkuvõtet, kuid Kristjanil olid teised plaanid. Seega sai räägitud veidi, kuidas Raunol isana läheb, Fantastilise neliku projektist ning filmidest. Rauno avas Kristjanile uusi aspekte Mr. Beani karakteri ja Tom & Jerry multikate osas. "Kui keegi sinult midagi küsib, siis on võimalus…
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Rauno ja Kristjan räägivad alanud hooaja esimesel kuul toimunud tegevustest. Rauno käis Tartus esinemas ning tundis ennast seal nagu boss ja Kristjan alustas Märdiga esinemist inglise keeles. Lisaks jagab Rauno strateegiat, mida ta kasutab, et festivali mixershowdel endale tore stseen saada.โดย Rauno Meronen
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Welcome back everyone!Sorry we have been missing for awhile! A lot has been happening in our life's and we talk about that at the beginning of the episode. We then give you a couple recommendations on tv shows. This episode we decided to jump on the he's a 10 but trend. We of course end the episode playing a game!We hope you enjoy!Want something ne…
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Welcome back everyone!We hope everyone is having a great summer! This week we start off with giving our recommendations on TV shows. We then discuss Andie's vacation that was fun but also went a little wrong. Then we talk about what Kelly has been up to and how much fun she had at country concert! We of course end the episode playing a game!We hope…
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Welcome back everyone!This week we are back as a duo! We start the episode out talking about shows that we love and recommend. Then we go over what we have been up to and how Andie is a helicopter parent ( not in a bad way lol). We do discuss a little of what is going on in the world. Finally we close out with our game of questions! We hope you enj…
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Welcome back everyone!This week I (Andie) do a first ever solo episode. I go over why it is only me, and the nasty little "bug" I believe we caught. Of course I ramble a little over what I have been up to, then I bring up two things that absolutely annoy me. Talk a little about hectic schedules and how to try to make life not seem so busy. I hope I…
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Welcome back everyone! We missed you!Sorry we went missing for 2 weeks, life happens sometimes. This week we just have some casual conversations about what we have been up to. We go over some drinks and ask for you guys to send us recommendations! Of course we end up closing out the episode playing a game.We hope you enjoy!Want something new from H…
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Welcome back everyone!This week we decided to go have lunch and margs before recording because we wanted this weeks episode to be a fun one. We start off talking about how our weekends went and our week. We then share some crazy stories from listeners and share our own dirty little secrets about doing some dirty things. Of course we end the episode…
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Improverdid Rauno ja Kristjan on taas ühiselt stuudios ning räägivad festivalidest ning, mis neil parasjagu impros hinges on. Lisaks jagab Rauno, mida ta IMPROVERT podcaste tehes õppinud on. Mõnikord viib soov olla parem, meid eemale protsessist, mida me tegelikult naudime. Lõbusat kuulamist! Tänu Tõnu Laidla ja Bugg Audio OÜ abile on meie heli ken…
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Welcome back everyone!In this weeks episode we start off with trying to simmer down some drama that is being created. Then we go on to talk about how our weeks went. We then go over when we have moved in together with our significant others and our opinions on when you should and should not. Finally we end the episode asking each other questions fr…
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Welcome back everyone!We start this episode out talking about how our weekends went and how our week was too! Andie shares a story that happened the day of recording, she is definitely clumsy lol. We then go on to talk about toxic femininity how we feel about it, stories we know, things we have done and just giving our overall opinion. finally we e…
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Welcome back everyone!This week we start off talking about Easter and what we did with our families. Then we go into just having casual conversations about life and the T.V shows we have been watching. We also share a horrible sex story from a listener. finally we end playing a couple rounds of questions!We hope you enjoy!Want something new from Hu…
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Täna räägime ideest lahti laskmisest ja kinni hoidmisest. Saadet juhivad kaks häbematut Improverti. Ruutu10 improviseerijad Toivo Värbu ning Rauno Meronen. Kui keegi soovib rakendusimprokoolitusega oma esinemis- ja suhtlusoskust uuele tasemele viia, siis trükkige otsingumootorisse Be Wise. Võibolla märkad, et sel episoodil on helikvaliteet veidi pa…
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Welcome back everyone! This week is a little more on the emotional side. We start out just having conversation over our rough week we each had. Then Kelly spills some tea you'll have to listen to find out what about. Then we go into our topic of the week. we discuss our biggest insecurities and get a little vulnerable with it for you guys. We end u…
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Welcome back everyone!In this weeks episode we talk about our weeks and the new crystals we got. We then go on to have a little dirty talk. our topic of the week is jealousy being you a problem and people purposely trying to make you jealous. We of course share our opinions on that and share a little about our personal experiences with it.We end wi…
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Welcome back everyone! In this episode we start out talking about how our week went. Our lunch date we went on with another friend and our number one fan. We discuss whether or not we would forgive someone who does not say sorry for their words or actions. Great conversation since we do have different views on this. We end with a new game of questi…
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Welcome back everyone!In this episode we talk about a mix of things, including a nasty stomach bug. Come listen and enjoy these hilarious conversations. We discuss our own personal ICK's. The ones we can not stand and are total turn offs.Ending with a game of bad choices. This one is hilarious and we hope you enjoy!Want something new from Hustler H…
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Täna räägime stseeni salmist ja refräänist ehk , kuidas leida stseenist struktuuri ja mängu. Saadet juhivad kaks häbematut Improverti. Ruutu10 improviseerijad Märt Samma ning Rauno Meronen. Märt näitas Raunole artiklit, kus olid kirjas erinevad definitsioonid stseeni mängule. Siin on selle artikli link: https://www.vulture.com/2012/11/improvs-babel…
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Welcome back everyone! In this episode we start out just talking about our weeks and carry on random conversations.This week we go over the 5 love languages, which one we need the most and which one we need the least. We also go over what each one is and how we feel about all of them. Ending with a game of Bad Choices! This one is a good one and we…
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Welcome Back Everyone!!We start the episode off by talking about our week and just doing some general catching up. Then Andie goes over how she feels about sliding into the DMs, and how her current relationship actually started. Kelly goes on to share some off the wall things men have said to her through her DMS. We also discuss the right way and t…
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Welcome back, and Happy Valentines Day!This week we start the episode by having a little conversation catching up with each other. I ask Kelly a sex question.We then go on to discuss our topic of the week. Stop comparing your current relationship to the past, comparing yourself to ex's, and comparing your friendships. We end the episode playing our…
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Welcome back!This week in the beginning we just talk about our week and have a casual conversation about life. We then go on to talk about what we believe to cause cheating and how we feel about those things. Discuss if either one of us has ever cheated, then we go over what we researched to be the leading causes in cheating. We then end with a cou…
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Täna räägime kehakeelest, kuidas seda lugeda ja rääkida laval ning mujal elus. Saadet juhivad kaks häbematut Improverti. Ruutu10 improviseerijad Kristjan Vatter ning Rauno Meronen. Kui soovid nimekirja raamatutest, mille Rauno läbi luges, et kehakeeles end harida, siis küsi temalt otse (rauno@ruutu10.ee)…
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This week we talk about recovering from being sick and shit show at work. We Then discuss dating people your friends and family do not like and if we have done it and how we feel about such relationships We end with playing a game of bad choices. ENJOY! This one is hilarious and we hope you enjoy! Want something new from Hustler Hollywood, shop wit…
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Welcome Back! Today we are one women down.. We have Covid spreading like wild in our house so we thought it was best not to bring over our co host. So.. we added a special guest and he is raunchy! Today’s episode is a funny 50 minutes of your own podcast couple, we love each other guys, we really do. We just winged this episode.. unscripted, just a…
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IMPROVERT podcasti esimeses episoodis sobib suurepäraselt heita pilk oskustele, kuidas alustada improstseeni ning kuidas need anded aitavad meid eraelu suhtluses? Saadet juhivad kaks häbematut Improverti. Ruutu10 improviseerija Kristjan Vatter ning Ruutu10 asutajaliige, juhatuse liige, improviseerija ning juhendaja ühes isikus Rauno Meronen.…
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Welcome Back! Bringing in the New Year with our resolutions...We then play a game called Bad Choices, it was a lot of fun and we think you will enjoy!This one is hilarious and we hope you enjoy! Want something new from Hustler Hollywood, shop with this link!https://bit.ly/3LiuSaMWant to view the video? Check out our youtube below! https://bit.ly/Ra…
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This week we discuss Toxic Friendships. Our one and only Kelly tells us how a friendship ended..We also share what we believe to be friendship red flagsWe also ended this episode with a couple rounds of F*ck, Marry, Kill! This one is hilarious and we hope you enjoy! Want something new from Hustler Hollywood, shop with this link!https://bit.ly/3LiuS…
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(Dont) Do me Dirty In the episode we have a super spicy story included with alot of other awesome stuff! We talk about foreplay in the bedroom and how great it is exploring simple things.. Then we discuss toxic relationships and how we deal with them and our experiences.. Would you Rather always follows at the end! This one is hilarious and we hope…
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Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market—known as…
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Fjallað er um þau peningaspil sem leyfð eru á Íslandi og þá fíkn sem sum þeirra geta kveikt í fólki. Rætt er við fólk sem starfar á þessum vettvangi, þá sem rannsakar hann, reka spilin, núverandi og fyrrverandi dómsmálaráðherra, lögregluna, meðferðarfulltrúa og fíklana sjálfa. Umsjón: Dagur Gunnarsson.…
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Fjallað er um þau peningaspil sem leyfð eru á Íslandi og þá fíkn sem sum þeirra geta kveikt í fólki. Rætt er við fólk sem starfar á þessum vettvangi, þá sem rannsakar hann, reka spilin, núverandi og fyrrverandi dómsmálaráðherra, lögregluna, meðferðarfulltrúa og fíklana sjálfa. Umsjón: Dagur Gunnarsson.…
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Fjallað er um þau peningaspil sem leyfð eru á Íslandi og þá fíkn sem sum þeirra geta kveikt í fólki. Rætt er við fólk sem starfar á þessum vettvangi, þá sem rannsakar hann, reka spilin, núverandi og fyrrverandi dómsmálaráðherra, lögregluna, meðferðarfulltrúa og fíklana sjálfa. Umsjón: Dagur Gunnarsson.…
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Fjallað er um þau peningaspil sem leyfð eru á Íslandi og þá fíkn sem sum þeirra geta kveikt í fólki. Rætt er við fólk sem starfar á þessum vettvangi, þá sem rannsakar hann, reka spilin, núverandi og fyrrverandi dómsmálaráðherra, lögregluna, meðferðarfulltrúa og fíklana sjálfa. Umsjón: Dagur Gunnarsson.…
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There are some MESSY question-askers in this episode. And, we LIVE for it. Please rate and review us, so we can continue to find more great listeners like you! Check out our Patreon! - OUR PATREON! Find us on Twitter- @nerdybitscast Ali- @aluminium_iodide Heidi- @pandabumhah Madi- @ihaveaphof7โดย The Nerdy Girls
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