Best friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never on the phone. Obrolan sederhana tapi manis antara Ahmad, Dinand, Doly, Gordon, Harry, Ojan, Pola and the only woman in the clan Widhy. We talk like Anak Medan talk.
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The Silver Podcast is for elderly who would like to have a friend on the phone. Carolyn is a 28-year-old woman in Boston who enjoys volunteering with elderly. Carolyn shares new episodes of The Silver Podcast each week to put a smile on the faces of aging generations and add a little fun to your week. If you're a senior citizen who would like to hear weekly stories from a friendly gal like Carolyn, this is for you!
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E06 - Dari Mata Turun Ke Hadeeeh (18++)
47:26[Not Safe For Work - 18++ Alert!] Obrolan dewasa di telepon tentang hal yg bikin ilfil calon pacar (?)
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E05 - Europe Trip Mewah Tapi Murah Because Why Not
50:58Menjawab keresahan netizen instagram bagaimana kiat dan jurus terjitu Europe Trip yg murah tapi mewah.
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Bahasan santai nan renyah soal masa lalu mulai dari VJ-VJ kece di MTV Ampuh, urutan eliminasi AFI, sampai tragisnya cerita Oh Mama Oh Papa di ANTV. So, stay tuned!
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E03 - Baku Hantam Perjodohan
1:06:03Di episode kali ini, Nana dan Dira ikutan ngobrol santai soal dijodohin ala Take-Me-Out oleh orang tua, saudara, dan temen-temen. Sampai cerita soal temen yang niat ngejodohin orang ke kita eh digebet sama temen itu sendiri a.k.a menggunting dalam lipatan.
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E02 - Orang-Orang "Piknik" di Stasiun MRT Baru Jakarta
45:15Obrolan tengah malam antara Ahmad, Doly, Gordon, Harry, Pola dan Widhy dimana mereka berada dalam dua kutub pro kontra mengenai bagaimana menyikapi orang-orang yang "piknik" di stasiun MRT baru Jakarta sambil nostalgia alat transportasi Kota Medan dulu kala.
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E01 - Rencana Pernikahan dan Praharanya
43:00Di episode pertama ini Ananda, Arvita, Mauritz dan Zuhri uji nyali ngebahas target nikah dan kecemasan-kecemasan yang dilanda.
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This week, instead of chatting about "what I did" over the past week, I'm going share a bit about what's on my mind: Music! Today I share some of my personal musical history, ask you some questions, I name the top artists of 2018, and review the top songs you may know from 1950s and 1960s :) 1.) Be sure to click SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes ar…
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This week, I'm switching things up a bit. Instead of chatting about "what I did" over the past week, I'm going share what's on my mind. I realized that when we talk on phone calls in general, people usually share a bit about what they're doing AND what they're thinking about. Let's try it. Tell me what you think of this new approach :) 1.) Be sure …
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This week, I set a few New Years Resolutions! I don't usually do them, but 2019 felt different, and I'm excited about the 3 resolutions I chose. Hear about them in this episode! 1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: 3.) Call 774-290-4907 to l…
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This week, I tell you about my other Silver project, The Silver Post! You can learn a bit about what I'm doing with that one, and check out the website for it at: www.silverlove.org1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: 3.) Call 774-290-4907 t…
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This week, I flew into the sunrise! It was gorgeous. I took off in a plane early in the morning after a great trip to another timezone. Listen to this phone call to hear why I traveled this week, and a few key memories from the trip!1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webp…
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This week, I played football in the snow! It's not a normal activity for me -in fact, I don't think I had ever done this before- but lo and behold here we are! Let me explain.. :)1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: I started this podcast ra…
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This week, I cried at the mall. Let me explain why, what happened, and what I'm thinking now. Thanks for checking in with me for this week's phone call!1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: I started this podcast radio show to connect with se…
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This week, I got back from our honeymoon! My husband, Greg, and I traveled to 3 destinations over the course of 16 days, and I canNOT wait to tell you about it. Let's chat on the phone now, and be sure to write in when you want (see point #2 below).1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by go…
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This week, I got married! One of life's biggest moments :) We are so happy. Let me walk through what happened, share some fun details, and tell you how everything went. Love, this new Mrs!1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: I started this p…
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This week, I learned something BIG at work. I have two different jobs right now. At one of my jobs, I got a "bad" review, and the lesson that followed is a pretty big one.1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: I started this podcast radio show…
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This week, I visited the new house! My parents moved out of my childhood home, and into a new house. This was an interesting moment in my life because I've only ever known my parent in the other home. Here's how it went!1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage:…
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This week, I had a perfect Sunday! The past few months have been very busy... All good things, but busy nonetheless. My fiance and I planned to have no plans, and it was wonderful. Here's what I did for my "perfect" Sunday.1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: bit.l…
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This week, I went to Miami! I'm excited to catch you up on what I should have said last week (had I not lost my voice!). I recently went to Miami for my bachelorette party. What did you/your friends do before getting married?1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: bit…
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This week, I lost my voice! Mostly because I had a bit too much fun ;) Let's catch up next week when my vocal chords are healed. Now, off to make some tea...1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: I started this podcast radio show to connect wi…
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This week, I wrote my wedding vows! Today marks 2 months until I get married, so the wedding prep "to do" list is getting shorter and shorter. The moment I wrote my vows was an emotional one. Listen to hear the story.1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage:…
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This week, I won a race! Hear the story about what happened, and find out where I traveled this week. Hint: It was a family vacation.1.) Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! That way, new episodes are always sent to you. 2.) Write me a message by going to this webpage: I started this podcast radio show to connect with senior citizens acros…
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