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NTEB BIBLE RADIO: Rightly Dividing

Now The End Begins

Welcome to the NTEB Bible Radio broadcast where every week we open up the Scriptures and be faithful to the command of our apostle Paul to 'rightly divide' the word of truth as we find it preserved within the pages of the King James Bible. Join us as we study to show ourselves approved unto God as diligent workmen.
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¿Querés reírte de la actualidad semanal en una historia completamente nueva y original? Este es tu podcast. El radio teatro de NTEP aborda las noticias mas relevantes de la semana y las convierte en una fantástica y satírica historia grabada en vivo! Siempre abordada desde el sarcasmo y la ironía caracteristica de NTEP. Seguinos en instagram @notodoestaperdidook y en twitter @perdidesok o escuchanos en vivo cada sabado a las 14 por radioencasa.com
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John Biggs

Each episode, a different E-List mildly famous personality is interviewed, but the discussion often goes off the rails. Listen in to see if the host, John Biggs, can guide the discussion toward something worthwhile.
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Welcome to the NTEB Talk Radio Podcast! Join us as we look at and discuss the vital issues of the day through the filter of the King James Bible, and interview influencers from nearly every walk of life, big and small. Though not a Bible study per se, we will talk about current events and let God have the final say from His word.
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¿Crees que la economía es difícil de entender? Soy Rulo Dellatorre y te voy a demostrar que no es una ciencia oculta. Vamos a transitar los temas que forman parte de tu vida, de tu bolsillo y tu futuro. La economía es más simple de lo que te hicieron creer. Estamos en las principales plataformas. Compartí esta información con otres, te lo van a agradecer 😉 *Raúl “Rulo” Dellatorre es periodista y economista. Editor de economia en el diario Página 12, columnista Noticiero TV Pública, columnist ...
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show series
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, many Christians are confused about the timing of the last days, with some going so far as to believe we are in the great Tribulation right now! (Believe me, I get messages like that all the time). So with all the economic, political, social and spiritual chaos swirling around us right now, I thought it would be …
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Code Pink says on their site “For 11 months, we have mobilized and organized for Gaza, for Palestine and for a better future for all! And for 11 months, the United States has continued to fund, fuel and directly facilitate the genocide on Gaza. We say NO MORE! This country’s continued support for genocide at every turn of history does not represent…
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At Bethany Baptist Church this morning, my message was a hard one but so very necessary for the times we find ourselves in. We live in a world where the rising spirit of the coming Antichrist is visibly apparent in our movies, music, magazines, newspapers, radio, and especially in the sports world. Even classic children's stories like Winnie the Po…
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There have been times, over the last 1,628 days of 15 days to flatten the curve, that a story presents itself that is clear and right in front of me, you couldn’t miss it if you tried, but I really don’t want to do it. Today’s Podcast is one such story. While I don’t believe the polls, it is true that at the very least, Comrade Kamala Harris has th…
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There are many Christians overly concerned about the end of the world, but no serious student of the word of God thinks this world will end any time soon. In fact, if you’re a Bible believer, you know exactly when the end of the world will take place, and it is guaranteed to not be within the lifetime of anyone alive on the Earth right now. If you …
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A couple of days ago, Donald Trump shared AI images of ‘Swifties For Trump’ in a good-natured and amusing take on the 2024 Presidential Election campaign. Everyone I know thought it was a funny use of AI, and no one in my circle thought it was real. Yet, the post and images caused much confusion across the blogosphere as people didn’t know what to …
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Did you know that the crossing of the Hebrews at the Red Sea with Moses, which happened historically, is also a type of what will be fulfilled prophetically by the Jews and the Two Witnesses in the time of Jacob’s trouble? It’s true. All those events recorded back in Exodus point to a future time when God will once again keep His chosen people safe…
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There are things in our Christian life that are not optional, things that we must go through in order to be brought closer to Jesus. Jesus Himself had a path to follow, and your King James Bible takes careful note of the many things that "He must" accomplish. That word "must" is a funny word, it's not found in the Greek or the Hebrew. The word tran…
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During the Pandemic, the Biden Harris administration decimated the US military by ordering Navy troops who did not want to receive the COVID vaccine to take it or be expelled. It not only destroyed morale, they lost important personnel and officers in the tens of thousands. Today the US Naval Institute is saying that “Military Sealift Command has d…
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The apostle Paul is the leader of the body of Christ in the Church Age, and it his doctrine and his gospel, given to him by the Lord, that is the doctrine for born again Christians. It was something so new at the time he received it, that it’s called a ‘mystery’ because, before Paul, it was known only to God. This is the subject of our Bible study …
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Harris campaign is booking at least $370 million worth of television and online ads in key battlegrounds to run between Labor Day and the November election. In Chicago, the mobile abortion van is already in place, set to begin performing live abortions outside of the DNC. That is eugenics propa…
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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we examine some of the persecution that was endured at the hands of the apostles, as well as some historical persecution endured by the Church over the last 2,000 years. Make no mistake about it, the number one killer of Christians has always been, and will always be, Mother Rome. Pagan Rome did it for nearly th…
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You’re not going to be like Christ without following Christ, it just can’t be done. And if you do decide to follow Jesus Christ, as Paul commands us to, then you will absolutely have your very own Judas, your own Pilate’s Judgment Hall and your own Gethsemane. You will feel the wrath of the crowd who once claimed to be your friends. Jesus has a cro…
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Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom had this to say about true biblical forgiveness. She said “forgiveness is setting the prisoner free, only to find out that the prisoner was me”. That is a great, all-purpose statement on forgiveness, but in the specific instance surrounding that quote, it was in relationship to the Nazi concentration camp guard wh…
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the end times are swirling all around us, with trouble on every side. In Paris, a global celebration of Satan has just concluded, and in the Middle East Hezbollah has evacuated all of their Beirut HQ ahead of the coming war. Today is the 9th of Av, and it is the terribly perfect setting to launch a…
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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at a date on the Hebrew calendar, the 9th day in the month of Av, to see some incredible things that have “coincidentally” happened on that date to the Jews. On the 9th of Av, the first Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, the second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans, the Bar Kochba r…
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On this NTEB Sunday Service, my message is on the rapidly approaching shadows of the end times as we watch the dispensation of the Church Age coming to a close. Did you know what one thing that all dispensations have in common? They all end in man's utter failure and inability to follow what God has called them to do. For example, the Church which …
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In the days after the Nazi electoral victories of July 1932, Adolf Hitler informed Joseph Goebbels that he intended to make Goebbels director of a new propaganda ministry when the Nazis took over the reins of national government. Goebbels soon envisioned an empire that would control schools, universities, film, radio, and propaganda. “The national …
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As of this writing, the world is watching and waiting for Iran, one of the sworn enemies of Israel, to attack the Jewish nation in their ongoing multi-generational hostilities. From its inception, Israel has always been surrounded by enemies as a ‘peculiar people’ and a ‘stranger in a strange land’. Being regathered back in 1948 did nothing to end …
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If you are a follower of the end times, today is your day to say the least. Lots of breaking news everywhere you look and all of it, from a worldly perspective, is bad and getting worse. In the Middle East, the United States is prepared at any moment for Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen and Hamas to launch an attack on Israel. On Wall Street, the stock marke…
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Paul tells us that when we get saved, we are from that point forward a child of God, of the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise of God. That being the case, we would do well to go back to where the LORD appeared to Abraham to see what's going on. As it turns out, there is a ton of stuff for us to consider. On this Sunday Service, we …
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, today is Day 301 of the Israel-Hamas War in Gaza, it is Day 1,600 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and the possibility of all-out regional war in the Middle East between Iran and Israel is at an all-time high. At this very moment, the IDF is on high alert and the United States has sent an armada of…
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On my desktop in the Studio, I have two flatscreen monitors that I use to create content on. On the left screen I am watching flashing, rotating images of the precision airstrike that Israel just leveled against Hezbollah in Beirut in Lebanon, breaking right now. On the right screen I am typing this article about tonight’s Bible study on the two wa…
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For the past 7 years, we’ve been showing you the myriad qualifications that French president Emmanuel Macron seems to possess in relation to the possibility of him being, or becoming, the biblical man of sin. To date, our Emmanuel Macron archives are filled to overflowing with evidence we’ve gathered to support that claim. But on last Friday evenin…
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In my Sunday Service message this morning at Bethany Baptist Church, I preached on the revealing of the man of sin and how it might happen differently that most Christians might imagine. At the First Advent, many people didn’t know what was going on even though it was clearly outlined in scripture. They were waiting for a King, and when they got a …
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The apostle Paul shows us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are two things that must take place before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church can take place. The first thing is that the major part of the professing body of Christ, saved Christians, fall away into error, apostasy and heresy because they refuse Bible doctrine. We see that now all aro…
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From its inception in 2009, Now The End Begins featured end times news through the filter of the King James Bible, and warned of the coming fall of the United States of America. On the original version of our site, we featured a graphic with this inscription – “For generations, the Bible has warned of the coming End of Days, and you are now living …
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Earlier today, we brought you the incredible and under-reported story of how representatives from 14 rival Palestinian terror groups flew to Communist China to form a confederacy by signing the Chinese-brokered document known as the Beijing Declaration. If you know anything about last days Bible prophecy, this is a mind-blowing event. It’s also the…
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Barack Obama has made it clear he wants to see an “open contest” for the Democrat nominee position following President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race, and has absolutely not endorsed Kamala Harris. Nancy Pelosi has joined Obama in also calling for an open contest. Seeing as it’s Barack Obama’s third term that’s coming to an end, it on…
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We live in a day and age where people are very busy, with lots to do and a lot going on. But in the midst of all this activity, what is your actual commitment level to getting something done for the Lord Jesus Christ? This Sunday Service message was preached lived at Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine, Florida.…
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Anywhere you look, and everywhere you look, the relentless forward-moving tide of end times events continue to play out before our eyes, and deception is as thick as pea soup swirling in a bowl. Over in Europe, Emmanuel Macron has (again) done the impossible, securing an amazing victory last night. But as incredible as that is, that is dwarfed by e…
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On X yesterday, we posted a short video of country music star John Rich on the Tucker Carlson program, where Rich was attempting to give Tucker a Bible study lesson. What was the topic? Oh nothing much, just the outrageous false claim that the Pretribulation Rapture, that blessed hope that Paul shows us, is nothing but an end times deception design…
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we just watched a lone gunman with a rifle attempt to assassinate the once and perhaps future president of the United States, shades of Lee Harvey Oswald. And like Oswald, this whole thing is a set-up that stinks, and gets stinkier the longer you look at it. Joe Biden 5 days before the shooting, to…
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Tonight we have a Homegoing Service for our brother Rob Beaty, who went home to be with the Lord on Friday. He was an inspiration to many with his fearless approach to his impending death from Stage 4 cancer of the liver. He remained a passionate and outspoken witness for the Lord Jesus Christ right up to the end of his life here on Earth, and the …
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One thing that most Christians do not like to think about is the day of their death and what that would look like, should we not live long enough to make it to the Rapture of the Church. But it is something you should think about, Christian, for that day is closer than you think! Preached live at Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine, Florida.…
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Two weeks ago, Joe Biden did on television exactly what we’ve we been telling he’s been doing for the past three and a half years, which is to say having a complete cognitive breakdown. His performance at that debate ignited the Freemason ‘signal of distress’ call across the entire Democratic Party. So to try and offset that damage, we are told, th…
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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, the Bible shows not only our world today, the world that “now is”, it shows us the world that “then was”, and the world that “shall be”. Isn’t 3 a wonderful number? Don’t you exist as body, soul and spirit? That’s 3. Doesn’t God exist as Father, Son and Spirit? That’s 3. Jesus says He is, He was, and He will be.…
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Europe is literally in a state of shock today, astonied at another brilliant escape from utter disaster by Emmanuel Macron. I am reminded of another Frenchman, Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, the 19-century illusionist that American escape artist Harry Houdini named himself after. Macron is right up the…
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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we journey to the heart of the earth to spend sometime in the lowest Hell, albeit from the fire-retardant safety of our King James Bible. Jesus preached on Hell more than He did on salvation, the blood atonement and what Heaven is like, and He did that for a very good reason. There is no more pressing question y…
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There are four very important things about Hell that you, whether saved or lost, very much need to know. This message was preached live at Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine Sunday morning July 7, 2024.โดย Now The End Begins
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, The headlines haven’t had a workout like this in quite some time, OK, in about a week or so but you get what I mean. Stuff is happening around the world, and something is getting ready to bust out all over the place. In America, Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness to Barack Obama and the Democrat…
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Since the start of the twentieth century, mind-boggling advances in science, medicine and technology have become commonplace. Diseases that once killed millions now bother almost no one, time-saving devices are everywhere, and with the latest scientific technology we learn more about our universe every day. So it might shock you to realize that the…
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The first major network poll following Thursday night’s debate is out, and it contains some devastating data for President Joe Biden. According to a CBS News/You Gov poll out Sunday — a whopping 72 percent of Americans believe Biden does not have the “mental and cognitive health to serve as president.” That’s a 7 point increase from just three week…
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It seems that everywhere I look lately, be it online or something I overhear in conversations on the streets, that so many people are repeating things they ‘know to be true’ about the return of Jesus Christ that simply are not true at all, according to the Bible. Prepare to have some of your pet theories about the end times replaced by Bible truth.…
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If you believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, the blood of God, cannot save your soul, then you are lost and headed for a fiery Hell. The only payment for your sin God will accept is His own shed blood. This Sunday Service was preached live at Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine, Florida.โดย Now The End Begins
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, in the lead-up to WWI, there was whispers of war everywhere you turned, Archduke Ferdinand was shot and off we went. In the lead-up to WWII, the whispers of war swirled around the funny little man with the funny little mustache, and in the blink of an eye, Nazi Germany rolled tanks into Austria and…
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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, all through the Old Testament, the prophets speak of the Day when Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of David, and rule the world in righteousness. It is called the Day of the Lord, a time period which starts with the Rapture of the Church, then into the time of Jacob’s trouble, Jesus returns at the Battle of A…
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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, The doctrine of limited atonement—the L in TULIP—teaches that Christ effectively redeems from every people “only those who were chosen from eternity to salvation” (Canons of Dort, II.8). Does the Bible actually teach that God has already chosen who would get saved, and who will burn for for all eternity, before …
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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, in Israel today a whole host of things is all happening at the same time, and it's mostly not good. The good news is that the IDF operation in Rafah has been making some excellent progress with the assassination of a top Hamas leader and destroying a rocket launching pad. But the not so good news i…
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Did you know that the life of Adolf Hitler in many ways almost a perfect match for how the Bible says the Antichrist will be when he arrives on the scene in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church? Tonight we look at 7 ways that Adolf Hitler was a near-perfect type of the Biblical Antichrist, as well as take your Bible questions in …
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