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What is the unpardonable sin? What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Is it possible for a believer to do these things in our day and age? In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza answers all of these questions and more as he continues in his verse-by-verse series in the book of Matthew.
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Every religion in the world believes that you need good works to get to Heaven. Biblical Christianity is different because it relies on the finished work of Christ. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues his verse-by-verse study in the book of Matthew as he covers a conversation because Jesus Christ and the Pharisees.…
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Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. Everyone is lost. Therefore, Christ came to seek and save everyone. That was His purpose on this earth. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza shares this invitation from the Heart of God.
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What does the future hold for the nation of Israel? Is God done with them? In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza answers these questions and more as he concludes his series, "Understanding the War Against Israle."
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The war against Israel has always been an issue of the eradication of the Jewish people. The enemies of Israel are not interested in peace. They're only interested in genocide against the Jewish people. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues his series about the war against Israel.
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We are in interesting days as we get closer and closer to the end times. This should cause us to be excited knowing that the Rapture will take place soon. In light of that, how does God want us to live? In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza explains how we can set our priorities straight for the last days.…
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Salvation and discipleship are two different things. But once a person is saved, God's will is for us to follow Him in discipleship. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza talks about the hardships, persecution, and difficulties that can come when you become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
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God expects us to be responsible for our actions. As believers who have eternal life, God wants us to live our lives to glorify Him. When we don't follow this purpose, we're not being responsible. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues in his verse-by-verse study in the book of Matthew as he emphasizes the importance of responsibility in the …
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Jesus only did good for all people. You would think that everyone would have been excited to see the work of Jesus Christ, but they weren't. It baffles the mind that instead of rejoicing, they gave critical comments to Christ. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza shares how far off humanity is to not see the value of the Lord Jesus Christ.…
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If you study the life of Jesus you will find someone who always did good to others. When Christ looked on the mulititude, He was moved with compassion. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza shares the heart of Christ as he continues in his verse-by-verse series in the book of Matthew.
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Because God created us and He is over all creation, God has blessed us with the truths that will bring us eternal life and also the abundant life right now as believers. Christianity is more than just getting to Heaven. When a person is born again, that's not the end. That's the beginning. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza emphasizes the fact that…
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Life is full of challenges. Just when we think everything is stable and going well a change can come that turns everything upside down. How do we handle those changes? In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza shares Biblical help for anxious Christians.
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In the middle of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus emphasized that the fact that we only have one life to live. Because of that, we would be wise to live for something that will outlast this life. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues his verse-by-verse series in the book of Matthew.
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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not a theory or a wishful thing. The evidence that Christ physically rose from the dead is so overwhelming it leaves no room for doubt. As we approach Easter Sunday, Pastor Cucuzza covers some of the proofs of the resurrection.
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Last week, Pastor Cucuzza covered the righteousness of God. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza covers the application of this righteousness. Jesus Christ always wanted to get to the heart of the matter - including in the areas of self-righteousness and sin.
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The religious people in Christ's day didn't know what to make of Him. This was because Jesus dealt with people on a deeper level. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues his verse-by-verse series in the book of Matthew. In it he Pastor Cucuzza covers the Sermon on the Mount and describes the righteousness of God.…
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Value is ultimately determined by God Himself. We would then be wise to not be consumed with things that are temporal and have no lasting value. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza explains how we can make our lives count. We only get one life. We should use it to make an eternal impact.
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There are many ideas on what it means to be a Christ follower. Unfortunately, there are many people who have the wrong idea. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza uses the Word of God to answer the question, "What does it mean to follow Christ?"
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Could Jesus have given into the temptation to sin? How did he handle the Devil? And what does it all mean for us? In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza answers these questions and more as he continues in his verse-by-verse series in the book of Matthew.
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You might wonder, "Is there an answer to the world's problems?" The answer is yes, there is a solution. Not everyone will embrace it and not everyone will believe it, but there is an answer. It's not complicated. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues his verse-by-verse study of the book of Matthew as he gives us the lasting solutions to the …
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From the beginning, Satan has tried to destroy the Lord Jesus Christ. The Devil has tried to ruin the birth of Christ, the life of Christ, and the plan of salvation. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues his verse-by-verse study of the book of Matthew as he covers, "Satan's Ongoing Plan to Destroy Jesus."…
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Most people think of Christ coming into the world during Christmas time. However, we should think about it often because it's foundational for us as Christians. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza continues in our verse-by-verse study of the book of Matthew as he teaches on the birth of our Savior.
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The Bible is a love story. It is the record of God promising and providing a Savior after mankind had sinned. One of the places the Bible takes us is Bethlehem. In today's special Christmas message, Pastor Cucuzza shows us the roadmap which leads to Bethlehem.
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The Bible comes from almighty God Himself. It is a miracle book. Unfortunately, too many people reject the truth before they study it for themselves. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza explains why Biblical authority is the paramount issue of all time.
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There is no real contest between God and Satan. The victory has already been won. God created Lucifer and the devil chose to rebel. Because of that, Satan is a defeated foe. However, Satan is a master deceiver. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza shares several important truths Satan does not want you to know.…
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Many people today think that that the God of the Old Testament is angry and vindictive. However, the God of the Old Testament is the same God in the New Testament and He is a God of love and grace. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza shares how this can motivate us in our Christian lives.
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There are some Christians today who say that be motivated by rewards is a fleshly, carnal motivation. However, the LORD Himself instituted the concept of rewards. Because of that rewards are a spiritual motivation. In today's message, Pastor Cucuzza explains some of the rewards we have the opportunity to gain as believers.…
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The rapture of the church can take place at any moment. Because of that we would be wise to look for the imminent return of Jesus Christ. This certainly is a motivation for us to live Godly lives in these last days.
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