Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.
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Daily audio devotional from Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries.
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What we believe about the Savior impacts life now—and forever.
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Maintain a steadfast focus on God and overcome all fear, worry, and anxiety.
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Enjoy the deeper quality of life that Jesus came to provide for all who follow Him.
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We serve a lavishly generous God who gives us all we need—and more.
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Reflect on your role in God’s plan as a person who was ransomed and redeemed with a great price.
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On this final day before Christmas, ask God to help you see who needs the gifts you can give.
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Dr. Stanley leads us in examining God’s covenant with Abraham.
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Even the small steps we make to follow God strengthen our faith.
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God's love for us is rooted in who He is—not in who we are.
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Reignite your enthusiasm for Christmas with a reminder of Christ's wonderful gift—eternal life for those who believe in Him.
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Don't miss the blessing of the deeply personal relationship God offers.
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View your circumstances through the promises of God's Word so you can believe that He is able.
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The Lord wants you to discover the freedom, satisfaction, and joy found through a relationship with Him.
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