Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.
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Daily audio devotional from Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries.
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How can you participate in God's work of reaching the lost with the good news of Christ?
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Gain the courage to be set apart from the ways of the world and follow God faithfully.
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The Holy Spirit calls and empowers us to share our faith in Christ.
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God has not forgotten our hard work, and He doesn't overlook the service we do.
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As our love for God grows, we learn how to truly love others well.
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Learn what role rewards play in our walk with Christ.
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God's intense, protective love is beyond the profound love of human parents for their children.
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Dr. Stanley explains that servanthood isn't something we do, but something God does through us.
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We proclaim our love for Christ through our service to one another.
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Learn the importance of servanthood as a basic principle of enjoying your relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Jesus, our example in all things, chose to serve others—even those He knew would desert Him.
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We are given many names in the Bible such as ambassadors and disciples, and God challenges us to be servants of Christ as well.
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Through prayer, we can participate in God's work all over the world.
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