Sermons and talks from Great Malvern Priory, Malvern, UK.
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Matthew 14.13-21โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Funeral of Peter Youngโดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Compline talk for Wednesday of Holy Weekโดย Chris Shepherd
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Compline talk for Tuesday of Holy Weekโดย Chris Shepherd
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Compline talk for Monday of Holy Weekโดย Chris Shepherd
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Parish Communion, 15th March(Romans 5.1-11, John 4.5-42)โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Revd. Tim Marks
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โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Dr. David Webster
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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โดย Revd. Preb. Dr. Colin Beevers
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โดย Revd. Tim Marks
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Mrs. Chris Shepherd
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โดย Mr. Chris Boulton
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โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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โดย Revd. Tim Gunter
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Dr. David Webster
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โดย Revd. Marje Stanton-Hyde
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โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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Parish Communion, 15th December(Matthew 11.2-11)โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Holy Communion (Evening), 8th December(Isaiah 40.1-11, Mark 1.1-8)โดย Revd. Tim Marks
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Morning Worship, 8th December(Isaiah 11.1-10, Matthew 3.1-12)โดย Dr. David Webster
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Parish Communion, Advent Sunday (1st December)(Isaiah 2.1-5, Romans 3.11-end, Matthew 24.36-44)โดย Revd. Preb. Dr. Colin Beevers
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Choral Evensong, 24th November(1 Samuel 8.4-20, John 18.33-37)โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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Morning Prayer, 24th November(Colossians 1.11-20, Luke 23.33-43)โดย Mr. Chris Boulter
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Parish Communion, 17th November(Daniel 12.1-3, Mark 13.1-8)โดย Revd. Tim Marks
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Evensong, 17th November(Daniel 6, Matthew 13.1-9,18-23)โดย Revd. Tony Whalley
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Altogether Worship, Remembrance Sunday(Micah 4.1-5, Luke 20.27-38)โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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Parish Communion, 3rd November(Ephesians 1.1-14, Luke 6.20-31)โดย Revd. Preb. Dr. Colin Beevers
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Choral Evensong, 27th October(Romans 8.26-39, Matthew 13.31-33,42-52)โดย Revd. Tim Marks
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Evensong, 20th October(Nehemiah 8.9-end, John 16.1-11)โดย Mrs. Chris Shepherd
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Parish Communion, 20th October(2 Timothy 3.14-4.5, Luke 18.1-8)โดย Revd. Jonny Gordon
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Altogether Worship, 13th October(Genesis 1.26-28, John 1.1-5)โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Parish Communion, 6th October(1 Corinthians 1.1-3, Luke 17.5-10)โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Parish Communion, 29th September(Revelation 12.7-12, John 1.47-end)โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Choral Evensong, 22nd September(Ezra 1.1-11, John 7.14-36)โดย Revd. Preb. Dr. Colin Beevers
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Morning Prayer, 22nd September(1 Timothy 2.1-7, Luke 16.1-13)โดย Mrs. Mary Weatherill
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Evensong, 15th September(1 Chronicles 11.15-19, John 6.51-69)โดย Revd. Ted Crofton
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Parish Communion, 15th September 2019(1 Timothy 1.12-17, Luke 15.1-10)โดย Dr. David Webster
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Altogether Worship with Baptism, 8th Septemberโดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Morning Worship, 25th August(Ephesians 2.8-9, Luke 13.10-17)โดย Revd. Rod Corke
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Friends' Choral Evensong, 30th Juneโดย Revd. Peter Edwards
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