Fusion Church sermons
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At Fusion we exist to train people in the truth of Christ so they can live transformed lives that impact the world.
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Still looking in Matthew 4:1-11, we explore how Jesus resisted the temptation for man's approval.โดย Chael Tiller
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Continuing from last week, we talk more about where our appetites lie, and how Jesus prioritized his hunger for God over everything.โดย Chael Tiller
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Taking a close look at the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4:1-11, we look at Jesus' first temptation of hunger.โดย Chael Tiller
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Certain seasons of our lives can test us in way we didn't know we needed; looking at the story of Jesus in the Wilderness in Matthew 4, we can draw important lessons and wisdom to apply to those hard and difficult seasons.โดย Chael Tiller
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โดย Katie Withrow
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John the Baptist was so offensive to religious leaders during his time that ultimately he was executed. Exploring his countercultural message of repentance offers insight into the Way of Jesus and how we ultimately are called to live our lives as his...โดย Chael Tiller
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Kicking off a long-range study in the Gospel of Matthew, we take the story of the wise men searching for Jesus. Typically used only as a Christmas story, this profound passage challenges us to ask ourselves; will we see out the kingdom of this world...โดย Chael Tiller
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Special friend Mark Burgess shares a special message with us.โดย Mark Burgess
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โดย Chael Tiller
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The coming of the Messiah was the fulfillment of the promise to set everything right that had been disordered at the fall. Looking in Isaiah, we see how Jesus is the fulfillment of these promises.โดย Chael Tiller
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We don't often think about what it's like to live under a sovereign Kingship, but the good news of Jesus and the gospel is that He is a VERY GOOD King. The arrival of Jesus on Earth reorients us to our rightful place living in a divine kingdom.โดย Katie Withrow
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How did we get here? Take a journey with us that leads to the Promise; the birth of Jesus and the hope of the whole world.โดย Chael Tiller
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In the last installment of our "Anchored" series, we anchor ourselves in the truth that our future is secure, based on 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.โดย Chael Tiller
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Looking at Ephesians 2:8-10, we anchor ourselves in knowing that we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works on this earth.โดย Chael Tiller
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Katie shares from Psalm 23 as we reflect on the nearness and constancy of God.โดย Katie Withrow
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Third week in our Anchored series, we anchor ourselves in God's love for each of us.โดย Andrew Wilson
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โดย Chael Tiller
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We live in a world that is swirling with unrest, fear, dissatisfaction, and hopelessness. It's easy to get swept up in these currents that ultimately carry us away from what is true. But as usual, God offers a different way; one that can ground...โดย Chael Tiller
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The last capital in our Flourish series, we talk about $$$.โดย Chael Tiller
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Our minds, created by God, were made to be used in amazing ways. How can we grow in our minds to bring honor and glory to God?โดย Chael Tiller
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Physical capital is using our time and energy...how does God want us to flourish in our time and energy resources?โดย Chael Tiller
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God wants us to flourish in our relationships. It's so important that it is part of the greatest commandment: love your neighbor as yourself. Listen to know what that looks like.โดย Chael Tiller
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The MOST important capital we have is our spiritual life. Why is it so important, and how do we grow and thrive in this area?โดย Chael Tiller
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Kicking off a new series, we will explore the five capitals of life that can lead to a flourishing life in Christ. If you ever had questions about what Jesus' Parable of the Shrewd Manager was all about, this is a must-listen. Over the next few...โดย Chael Tiller
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What is eternity like with Jesus? And how does that understanding affect how we live our lives here and now?โดย Dave Herrick
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Let's get back to basics about the way that Jesus is calling us to live.โดย Andrew Wilson
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Hear an encouraging message about how God is for you.โดย Ismael Lopez
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Mark shares about the radical kindness of God in the Kingdom through Matthew 13:44-46 and personal stories.โดย Mark Ritchie
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In the last part of our Nehemiah series, we take a look at how the disappointment at the end of the book of Nehemiah points to something greater.โดย Katie Withrow
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โดย Chael Tiller
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Continuing in looking at Nehemiah 8, we explore the idea of throwing more parties!โดย Chael Tiller
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Looking at Nehemiah 5, we examine justice for the poor, and looking at the world with both compassion and conviction.โดย Chael Tiller
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Special guest Chad Norris from The Garden Greenville (South Carolina) shares a message on the importance of spiritual growth and intimacy with Jesus.โดย Chad Norris
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Nehemiah 4 gives us wisdom in the face of opposing forces to God-given dreams.โดย Chael Tiller
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To build needs unity among the workers. Nehemiah and Ephesians encourages us to pursue and preserve unity in the Body of Christ to achieve our common goal of seeing God's kingdom come here on earth.โดย Katie Withrow
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God-given dreams need special care and attention, and the story of Nehemiah offers insight for how we can steward them.โดย Chael Tiller
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What does it look like to step in to what God is already doing in your neighborhood? Special guest Dave Herrick shares some really practical ways to learn how to better know and love thy neighbor.โดย Dave Herrick
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How can we partner with God in rebuilding our communities?โดย Chael Tiller
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Still looking at Nehemiah, we consider the preparation needed for a move of God.โดย Chael Tiller
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As Lent is well underway, it's important to look inward and to let God look within ourselves so we can know that we are seeking Him in a way that honors Him.โดย Katie Withrow
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Continuing our journey of seeking God together.โดย Chael Tiller
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We are continuing to look at Psalm 27 as a guide for how we seek God.โดย Chael Tiller
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We are designed to give our attention, affection, and action to something...so what is it in your life?โดย Chael Tiller
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โดย Chael Tiller
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Cancel culture is rampant around us, but Jesus asks us to participate as part of a redemptive culture.โดย Chael Tiller
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Jesus asks Peter to come out of the boat and walk on water, despite everything within him that tells him not to...Faith is countercultural because it requires us to set aside our fears to follow Him.โดย Chael Tiller
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More Like Jesus – Act Like Jesus
44:01http://myfusionchurch.com/podcasts/More%20Like%20Jesus%20-%20Act%20Like%20Jesus.mp3 | Open Player in New Windowโดย Fusion Christian Church
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More Like Jesus – Word of God
27:10http://myfusionchurch.com/podcasts/More%20Like%20Jesus%20-%20The%20Word%20of%20God.mp3 | Open Player in New Windowโดย Fusion Christian Church
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More Like Jesus – When We Serve
31:13http://myfusionchurch.com/podcasts/More%20Like%20Jesus%20-%20When%20We%20Serve.mp3 | Open Player in New Windowโดย Fusion Christian Church
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Keep Shining – It’s What We’re Built For
35:37http://myfusionchurch.com/podcasts/Keep%20Shining%20-%20What%20We%20Are%20Built%20For.mp3 | Open Player in New Windowโดย Fusion Christian Church
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