Fountain of Love and Life Cantonese audio programs
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Life transforming messages by anointed ministers published by FOL, RCCG Aberdeen, UK
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Fountain of Love and Life English audio programs
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Fountain of Love and Life English audio program
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面對誘惑時,我們當心平氣和,既不貪圖他人給予的利益,亦不得罪別人。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute…
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【神修話語】二零二五年三月十五日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年三月十五日 “Spiritual Talk” - March 15, 2025 "Edwin's Blog" - March 15, 2025โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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藉著告解聖事,慢慢覺察到不自知的罪,並決心反省改過,讓天主的話成為我們的鎧甲與盾牌。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position:…
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【神修話語】二零二五年三月八日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年三月八日 “Spiritual Talk” - March 8, 2025 "Edwin's Blog" - March 8, 2025โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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祈禱是天主賜予我們的恩賜;我們與天主溝通的橋樑。我們應留心傾聽天主的話語並透過祈禱用心回應。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {posit…
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請問谷5:11-13 經文是什麼意思。 牧放豬的是外邦人嗎?邪魔與豬掉到了海裡,邪魔也死了嗎?永遠不會再出現?โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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【神修話語】二零二五年三月一日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年三月一日 【問問程神父】- Ep 91 “Spiritual Talk” - March 1, 2025 "Edwin's Blog" - March 1, 2025 "Ask Fr Francis" - Ep 91โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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時間是永恆的一部分,而永恆卻是無拘無束,不受時間所限。耶穌基督卻從無限的永恆,走進有限的時間,捨身解救了人類。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper ifra…
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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做人的基本道理在於終身學習,以認清自己的強項與弱點來適應環境,懂得如何服務他人的同時,避開會使我們跌倒的陷阱。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper ifra…
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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【神修話語】二零二五年二月十五日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年二月十五日 “Spiritual Talk” - February 15, 2025 "Edwin's Blog" - February 15, 2025โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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在規劃職業路向前,我們先要分析自己的個性如何、興趣是什麼和在哪方面能發揮才華。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: ab…
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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【神修話語】二零二五年二月八日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年二月八日 “Spiritual Talk” - February 8, 2025 "Edwin's Blog" - February 8, 2025โดย Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉
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