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John 9: When we encounter Jesus, we are profoundly changed - "Once was, but now...." The blind man now sees. In fact, he sees the Messiah - no, he really sees, not just physically, but spiritually. Notice the progressive terms the blind man uses to describe Jesus at the very end. He really sees (v. 38: "Lord, I believe").…
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John 4:5-30; 39-42: The woman at the well encounters a Jewish stranger, who she then thinks is a prophet and then declares as Messiah. As we drink from the Living Water, we, too must share with others, for we can never drink from this well alone.โดย First Baptist Amarillo
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John 15:9-17: What does it mean that Jesus calls you friend? More than a servant, a friend is one who receives the knowledge of your concerns and shares the responsibility that comes with them.โดย First Baptist Amarillo
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John 1:43-51: The prophets had said He was coming - the Lord's Anointed, the Holy One of Israel, the One who delivers God's people. "Come and see," Phillip says to Nathaniel. "We have found Him, we have found Him of whom Moses and the Law and also the prophets wrote." Sermon also has a general theme of waiting and the relief that God brings.…
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Matthew 3:13-17. Beginning our series on the Holy Spirit, we are reminded that that the story of Jesus is marked by the work of the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. Jesus’ life teaches us to be open to the Spirit.โดย First Baptist Amarillo
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The ancient Israelites knew suffering. And out of their depths, they cried to the Lord. This psalm, which begins in the deepness of sorrow, concludes with a word of hope, as He redeems Israel from all iniquitiesโดย First Baptist Amarillo
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Psalm 120 begins the Songs of Ascent. These are songs sung on the journey to Jerusalem as pilgrims make their way to worship. In this particular psalm, the psalmist is concerned with honesty and feels the need to repent when confronted by God’s truth.โดย First Baptist Amarillo
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