During the course of my adult life I have acquired an eclectic taste in movies and TV shows. As a college student getting more involved in making indie films I learned very early to watch everything so I could identify what a good and bad story look like. People will always disagree on what they consider to be a good story which is why I created Film Garage Podcast. I want to give people a voice to say what they consider to be great in their eyes. This will give others a chance to experience ...
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The Dc Universe comes together to fight enemies from another planet.โดย Oscar Arana
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A neurosurgery doctor gets into a car accident and is unable to work due to the injuries to his hand. He seeks alternative eastern medicine to cure him. He discovers the secrets to obtaining mystical powers and becomes the protector of Earth.โดย Oscar Arana
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Jack Skelington decides he is going to try to take over Christmas and be successful at it the way he is with Halloween. Only to find out the people in Christmas Town don't like impostors.โดย Oscar Arana
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While in Prison Luke Cage is hospitalized and is forced to undergo an experimental procedure that gives him super natural strength. He breaks out of prison when everyone thought he was dead and changes his name to Luke Cage.โดย Oscar Arana
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Jim discovers a way to go back in time. He will need a material called DRM to do it. The only way to get is to give up the rights to the company.โดย Oscar Arana
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Go to www.filmgaragepodcast.com to find out how you could win a free pair of movie tickets. Money Monster stars George Clooney in a thriller about a stock market TV show host that is take hostage because he made a recommendation on a stock that loses $800 million.โดย Oscar Arana
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Imperium shows you the reality of extremism here at home. It gives you a small look into the life of the neo nazi organization. The movie is based on real life events that tells the story of Nate infiltrating the organization and its revealed that the leaders of it are attempting to blow up a public place with a dirty bomb. Contest Information:I le…
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The tick has an internal battle with destiny. He finds Arthur and realizes this is where he needs to be. The question is will Arthur join him or will the bad guys take over the world.Hi Everyone, just wanted to touch base with everyone and give everyone an update on the next month or so. I wont be doing to podcast so much these upcoming weeks becau…
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Batman embarks on a journey to capture The Joker. Commissioner Gordon is kidnapped by The Joker and taken to a circus as bait for The Bat.โดย Oscar Arana
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Memento is the reason I started to get into films and understanding their story structure. This movie is truly the opposite of what the three act structure is but it makes it look really good while doing it. It is the reason I got into film making and writing in the first place. I wanted to be like Christopher Nolan and still do till this day. Go s…
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A group of bad guys are tasked to take on a bigger more dangerous bad guy. For some, this will be their last "job".โดย Oscar Arana
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The Flash Season Two will be the most confusing show you watch unless you watch the first season. There are so many twist and turns that I sometimes felt like if I missed an episode I would get lost. It such a cool show because it sucks you in with the story and hooks you with the cliff hangers. The CGI is pretty cool too. Although, you could tell …
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Furiosa and Mad Max travel through the desert with one goal. To get to the Green Place even if Joe tries to stop them. When they do get to the Green Place they realize things aren’t what they used to be.โดย Oscar Arana
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Waking up after a car accident Michelle finds herself in an underground bunker with a couple roommates. She knows that escape is her only option. Once she gets a chance to she quickly realizes that staying is probably safer than going outside. Listen to the podcast as I discuss my thoughts on the movie.…
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