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365 A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes

A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes is a book of transformative daily lessons in Science of Mind read aloud each day by radio personality Adam Klugman. A long-time student of Science of Mind, Adam brings a sophisticated understanding and a deeply felt conviction to Holmes’ daily content. His rich, resonant speaking voice makes listening to them a joy, and his recording place these powerful lessons in your pocket so that you can listen anywhere, anytime, as part of your daily, spiritual ...
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show series
The Lord is my light and my salvation. —PSALM 27:1 "Of course, we all wish for salvation. We all want to be happy; we should like to be well. We want people to like us. We desire to love and be loved. And above everything else, we want and need an inward sense of security and peace of mind. It is true that we all long for the Kingdom of God on Eart…
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If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done. —MATTHEW 21:21 "Our activity of thought is actually a Divine compulsion of the One Mind in us seeking an ever-increasing achievement and expression throug…
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The Lord will perfect that which concerneth thee. —PSALM 138:8 "The natural order of evolution has brought us to a place where there is a quickening of the spirit, a keener perception of the mind, a deeper introspection of the soul; the veil between Spirit and matter is thinning. We are emerging into a spiritual universe, proclaimed alike by the ph…
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All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. —JOHN 1:3 "Every human being thrills at the thought of having dreams come true. The idea means different things to different people. To one it may mean physical health: the ability to walk, run, play, and engage in activity. To another, it may mean abundance: a home,…
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In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death. —PROVERBS 12:28 "You and I should look across the new horizon of the greater possibility that resides within us and meet the living God and feel the embrace of His Presence and come at last to know the infallibility of His Power. From out of the great Mind that is Go…
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In God we live, and move, and have our being. —ACTS 17:28 "Life is activity, and when we stop being active we turn away from the newness of life. And the person who grows old in years without an inward expectation and assurance that he is going to live forever, somewhere, will find the last part of his life burdened with the thoughts of yesterday. …
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And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. —REVELATION 21:1 "Fear is the great enemy of man. It is impossible for a person to do his best if he is filled with anxiety. Unless we live without fear today, we will dread tomorrow. Those who live in the dread of tomorrow …
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If the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be. —ECCLESIASTES 11:3 "We are all spiritual and mental broadcasting stations. There is a Silent Force flowing from us in every direction at all times. How necessary it is that we assume the role of the announcer and the broadcaster. How nece…
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A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. —PROVERBS 17:22 "All of us are rooted in the Mind of God. We did not plan it this way; this is the way it is. God is still the Supreme Power, and the Divine Spirit is still present with us no matter where we are. We must learn to tune in to the Mind of God, for when we …
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"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." —PSALM 51:10 "Life is an adventure in which we never know what is going to happen just beyond the turn of the road. But too often our today is filled with regrets over the past. If we could convince ourselves that the limitations of the past need not be carried into the fut…
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“I come that they might have life." —JOHN 10:10 "Let us turn toward the sun of eternal Life, the spiritual sun that cannot set and forever rises on the horizon of our own experience. Definitely and deliberately, we let go of every lost hope, every fear of want, every sense of lack, every hurt, because today we leave the tomb of doubt and enter the …
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Substance and Supply "Spiritual mind science cannot promise something for nothing. It does not teach that you can have anything you want, no matter what it is, or that your thought can precipitate a million dollars. It does, however, teach, and it can demonstrate, that a betterment of circumstances and conditions and relationships can be brought ab…
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Living Without Fear "Fear robs memory of happiness because it dwells upon the limitations and morbidities of the past. It robs the future of pleasurable and enthusiastic anticipation because it casts a shadow of its past into the future. It robs today of the possibility of fulfillment because it denies the good we might experience in the moment in …
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Dominion "Each one of us has access, immediately, in our own consciousness, to that absolute, unconditioned Presence that molds and makes things out of Itself by Itself directly becoming the thing It makes. The secret of effective prayer lies in the realization that there is a Power for Good in the universe and that we can use It. That subtle Prese…
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Treating for Others "People frequently ask how they can help others and how their prayer or treatment reaches the other person. The method, the technique, and the approach are no different from that of helping oneself. For when you treat for yourself you affirm the spiritual Truth about yourself, recognizing the activity of Spirit in your life and …
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Nonresistance "Gandhi built his whole philosophy of life around the theory of nonviolence. An ancient Chinese sage said that all things are possible to the person who can perfectly practice inaction. And the Bible exclaims: “Be still, and know that I am God.” Surely some great truth must be contained in these simple thoughts. There is a spiritual c…
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Omnipresence "The Universe is a spiritual system of complete consciousness, entire wholeness, the sum total of which is present everywhere. We are both scientifically and inspirationally, spiritually and philosophically in accord with the great intuitions, the spiritual revelations of all the ages, that have always announced that God is over all, i…
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Divine Guidance "We believe that the Mind of God governs all things. We believe that God’s Intelligence in the midst of us is governing and guiding, counseling and advising, causing us to know what to do under every circumstance and at all times, if we will but trust It. Therefore, every seeming problem has a right solution, and we may turn to the …
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Personality Personality is the use or misuse we make of a unique something back of us that is expressing through us. Within each of us there must be a Divine pattern of individualization that we but dimly perceive and even more inaccurately interpret. Personality has a possibility far beyond anything that is merely physiological or psychological, f…
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Love "Love is the lodestone of life, the great and supreme Reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven, the greatest good on earth, and the treasure of all our search. It is the end and aim of everything. We cannot doubt that God is Love, because love renews and reinvigorates while hate kills. People who love animals and understand them are not afr…
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Forgivingness "It is only when we have completely forgiven others that we can get a clearance in our own minds, for we are judged by the judgment with which we judge. If we criticize, condemn, and censure, these are the attitudes that occupy our thinking. They will not only reflect themselves outwardly, they will also reflect themselves inwardly. T…
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Identification "Spiritual mind treatment is an affirmation of the Divine Presence in and through all things, all people, and all events. There is one intelligent Law governing all things. We live in this Divine Presence and may consciously use this Universal Law. But someone might ask, How does our prayer, our treatment, or our affirmation reach th…
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Givingness "There can be no real gift unless the giver goes with it. Giving includes more than the giving of money or things, it includes the giving of service or whatever we have to others, but always the gift and the giver must go hand in hand. The surrender of everything we have and everything we are into the joy of its own self-expression—this …
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Divine Patterns "There is a Divine pattern for humanity, and within this pattern there is a variation that individualizes each one of us. This is why the Bible says that we should act in accordance with the pattern shown us on the mount, a symbol of high consciousness. When we lift our thought above the confusion of the material world, we become aw…
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Living Today "It is not the particular negative experiences we have gone through in the past that destroy our happiness, but rather our emotional reaction to those experiences carried in the reservoir of memory. Many people suffer complete defeat without having really been defeated; others succumb the first time anything goes wrong. It is one of th…
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Human Relations "There is One Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal Presence forever expanding everything, causing everything to grow. What a difference it would make in our human relations if we tried to sense the meaning of this Divine incarnation in all people and adjust our viewpoint to the truth that all are bound together in the unity of…
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Acceptance "Spiritual mind treatment, or affirmative prayer, really is something we do to ourselves. The only direction we give to this treatment, this prayer, this affirmation of acceptance, is that we identify it with the person we are working for or the condition we wish to help. This is neither willing, concentrating, coercing, nor compelling a…
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Affirmative Prayer "Today thousands of people are coming to believe in, and use, the power of affirmative prayer. We are entering into a new era of spiritual acceptance. Something definite is happening in the field of spiritual thought and endeavor. From all sources we are coming to realize that affirmative prayer is dynamic. It should be easier to…
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I Form a New Concept of God We shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. —I CORINTHIANS 15:51-52 "The Power of Life within you is a spiritual power, able to bring to you permanent peace, increasing happiness and joy, and greater material abundance. These things that have made man miserable can be eliminated through the conscious us…
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I Make Intelligent Use of Universal Laws I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart. —I KINGS 3:12 "The Universe is impersonal. It gives alike to all. It is no respecter of persons. It values each alike. The philosopher, the priest, and the professor, the humanitarian and the empire builder, all have caught some gleam of the Eternal God. T…
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I Open Myself to Greater Love Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. —I CORINTHIANS 13:1 "Love is more than a sentiment. It is a need, a hunger, a thirst that is perfectly natural. Anyone who thinks he can live and be happy without it does not know what he is …
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Deep Within Me Dwells Infinite Love A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things. —MATTHEW 12:55 "God is the giver of all things—by means of love. The Spirit is always at peace. There is no argument in Divine Mind. The Spirit has never doubted Itself, opposed Itself, or disagreed with Itself. This is the Oneness that …
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I Let My Light Shine A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. —EZEKIEL 36:26 "People who spend a great deal of time in prayer, meditation, or communion with the Spirit gradually take on a new atmosphere, a new sweetness, a love and light that all others sense. The Old Testament often refers to a light always shining…
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I Recognize the Indwelling Spirit Be still, and know that I am God. —PSALM 46:10 A belief in the Invisible is the very essence of faith. Prayer, or spiritual communion, demands a complete surrender to the Invisible. It knows that because the Creative Power of God is at hand, all things are possible. Whatever our idea of God may be, the perception o…
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The Divine Presence Within Me Is My Authority Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. —ISAIAH 26:3 "The Divine Presence within each of us is both the center and circumference of our real being. It is the Infinite Presence that inhabits eternity and finds a dwelling place in our own consciousness. We recognize It as the on…
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The Fullness of Life Flows Through Me The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. —JOHN 4:14 "Your place in Life is to become an outlet for Its wisdom, intelligence, love, beauty, and creativity. Your relationship to Life is that you are of like nature to It. You are in it and It is in you. So…
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I See the Divine Presence in All OthersBehold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! —PSALM 133:1 "The best way to make friends is to realize that we meet Life in everyone. The God in us meets the God in others. Proclaiming the Divine Presence, believing in It, we shall meet It. Love will find a perfect way. Our f…
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I Contemplate the Presence Pray without ceasing. —I THESSALONIANS 2:17 "It doesn’t matter what we call it, so long as we remember that there is a “secret place of the most High” within us and that we may consciously enter it by merely knowing that we are already there. This is the place where the universe meets us in its wholeness without any restr…
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I Am One with My Source Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. —LUKE 17:21 "The good things we seek from life are but echoes of the true self knocking at the door of consciousness. Everyone seeks an inward sense of certainty. We all seek an inner awareness of something greater than we are; some…
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I Use the Power of God The God of love and peace shall be with you. —II CORINTHIANS 13:11 "Have we really tried God? Since all the other methods have failed, a divine compulsion is laid upon everyone to find the power of God and make use of it. It is not merely a new theory about God that we are looking for; rather, it is the actual power of God th…
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God’s Presence in Me Is Love He hath made everything beautiful in his time. —ECCLESIASTES 3:11 "The Divine Presence within me is everlasting Love. The action of love is expressed in my world. God’s Wisdom holds me steady, and the Peace of God fills me. I am His creation, understood, wanted, and cared for. From this Infinite Source I give and receiv…
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My Thought Establishes New Beginnings For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. —ISAIAH 65:17 "Nothing is ever twice alike. It is said that the physical body is never more than a year old, that we discard many bodies through this life. Everything is continuously being re-created, a…
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The Spirit Lives Within Me Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee. —ISAIAH 58:8 "Spiritual mind healing has long since passed the experimental stage. We now know that we cannot tell where the body begins and the mind leaves off, and many of us believe…
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I Acquaint Myself with Peace Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. —ISAIAH 26:3 "When we give a spiritual mind treatment, or affirmative prayer, we are recognizing the Presence of God in, around, and through us. It is this closeness of the Divine Presence that gives us the feeling of peace th…
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My Affairs Are in the Hands of Divine Action Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. —MATTHEW 6:10 "When Jesus said, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,” he was again affirming that there is a Perfection at the center of everything. He was telling us that when we reach toward this inward Perfec…
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I Walk in the Joy of Increasing Good He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him. —PSALM 91:15 "This passage contains a great promise. It is not of something that is to transpire in the future, but of a good that is transpiring in the present moment in which we live—right here and r…
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I Accept the Heritage of Happiness Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. —PSALM 16:11 "We should daily feel a deeper union with Life, a greater sense of that indwelling God, the God of the everywhere, within us. When we speak into this Mind we have sown the seed of…
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I Am Filled with Confidence and a Sense of Security For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. —PSALM 91:11 "Deep within the consciousness of each of us there is a center of peace and security where trouble and accidents do not occur, where truth and love reign supreme, where good is the only power. It is to this c…
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My Thought Is Inspired by the Most High And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. —DEUTERONOMY 31:8 "We should believe that God is the invisible Partner in our lives and affirm that Divine Love goes before us and prepares the way. We should perm…
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From Prayer to Performance Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee . . . the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. —PSALM 139:12 "To be effective, prayer must be affirmative, but it is not enough merely to affirm the Presence of God. We must add to this realization the thought that Divine Intelligence is acting in and through us now. Prayer…
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