Heed not the limits of time and space, for the Ageless Ones know no such place. And man, that slave to light and life, should free himself with edge of knife. Dread C'thulhu longs to embrace, those strong enough to face the face and spill their blood, a fountain red, to satiate the timeless dread. The darkness spreads in search of those whose righteous meddlings did impose upon the Masters a prison cell. Hear these words and mark them well. Mankind's apparent supremacy over all the creatures ...
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The truth about Yog-Sothoth's Box. Feed the darkness.
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Professor Maxwell's demise.
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Professor Maxwell's story ends.
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Professor Maxwell and the black box.
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Professor Patterson's demise.
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Professor Patterson and the black box.
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Professor Azziz reads The Necronomicon. (He doesn't like it.)
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Professor Maxwell's story begins.
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Meeting Professor Maxwell. Meeting Professor Maxwell again.
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The scholar, the tribal king, and Professor Ian Maxwell.
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