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Become a Paid Subscriber: Hip Hop related topics. Interviews with rap legends, ie. Coolio, etc.The state of Hip-Hop. Love and relationship info. Koala Harris web-series - audio, Underground west coast hip hop from Volume 10 and Tomeicko ( Watts 1965)
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Matt Tometz Performance Podcast

Matt Tometz

"Sharing stories from sports performance." Tune in to hear about the anecdotes, insights, lessons, and journeys from all around the world of sports performance you can't hear anywhere else. Helping athletes and coaches take control of their sports story. Hosted by Matt Tometz Instagram and Twitter: @CoachBigToe YouTube:
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TOMEI GOSTO por Mario Alaska

Mario Alaska

Um bate papo com personalidades sobre o envolvimento delas com comida e bebida: gordices, comida afetiva, bebidas preferidas, e todos os casos que vem junto. Mais informações no
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Tomei Gosto

Mário Alaska

Cerveja, café ou vinho? Essa é a primeira pergunta do nosso papo que sempre traz relatos, experiências e casos divertidos ligados a alimentos e bebidas. Conversamos com especialistas em alimentos e bebidas: cerveja, café, vinho, chocolate, azeite, churrasco. Ou com qualquer outra pessoa que possa trazer boas histórias: atletas, ex atletas, personalidades da mídia, palestrantes, autores, cantores, consultores e muito mais.
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Hearth and Tome Book Club

Hearth and Tome

A cosy book club podcast, hosted by two queer booksellers who really love talking about books! New episodes out monthly! And check us out on social media for some extra bonus content! So, traveller, come on in to our nice cosy tavern and join us by the fire...
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Tome by Tome ASMR

Pam Breshears

ASMRtist reading timeless classics, the horrors of HP Lovecraft, and fairy tales in soft spoken ASMR. Chronic pain advocate and Veteran, my readings are intended to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and ptsd. Welcome, my darling ~ tomebytomeasmr on all socials- Website:
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Blasphemous Tomes

Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward

The home of The Good Friends of Jackson Elias, a podcast about Call of Cthulhu, horror films, weird fiction and horror roleplaying in general
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The Aggressive Life with Brian Tome

The Aggressive Life with Brian Tome

A life of faith was never meant to be safe and clean. It’s an unpredictable, aggressive ride that will push you to your limits—and it’s the only way to live. On The Aggressive Life, author, adventurer, and pastor, Brian Tome, shares his honest, gritty, and faith-filled life, one built on the foundation of making aggressive moves. He is joined by guests from all walks of life who are doing the same. In a world that thrives on conflict, the real enemy is passivity. It’s time to punch back.
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A family-friendly, fantasy-focused, Homebrew Dungeons and Dragons, DND, actual-play podcast. In the world of Kel-eth, your Host Chaos Bard, Saulum, and his side kick Quill, the phoenix feather, follow a group of heroes so they can tell their tale! If you like what you hear please like, subscribe, and share with your friends! We are also on Instagram, Facebook, and X for interactions with the cast. Instagram: @TomesoftheChaosBard, Twitter: @ChaosBardPod, Facebook: ...
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Tömény Podcast


A jó leírás megragadja a figyelmet, tegyünk egy próbát: Gondolatébresztés. Kíváncsiság. Megismerés. Humor. Változatosság. A jó leírás tartalmaz legalább két menő ókori idézetet, tegyünk hát egy próbát: „Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare” - Bármely ember tévedhet; egyedül az ostoba tart ki tévedése mellett – Cicero. „οὐ φροντὶς Ἱπποκλείδῃ” – Kit érdekel? – Hippocleides. Tartsatok velünk. Bence. Marci.
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Brittany Leach

The podcast where books are friends. In each episode, Brittany will talk with one of her tomefries about a book and pull a topic from deep in the pages to discuss. Everything from is it possible to build Frankenstein's monster to the meaning of life.
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Dark Tome


What if there was a book that literally opened up doorways to other worlds? Where would it lead, and could you handle what you found on the other side? Cassie, a teen that's having trouble fitting in at school, is about to find out. One day, after she wraps up community service at a local hospital, she stumbles out of the basement of a spooky bookshop and into a story set on a devil's staircase in a remote Italian village. For more shows like this, visit
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Tome of All Dooms

Jeff Collyer

A podcast about tabletop roleplaying material from a Gamemaster with more time to read than opportunities to play. And anything else I think about. Mostly I'm a storygamer, but I'm slowly making my way back to more trad systems and sticking a toe in the OSR. Cover art photo provided by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash:
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Live by Experience with Tomeeka

Live By Experience

At Live by Experience, we will talk about movies and film, nerdy things, pop culture, events, school, and life. This is a place for me to get my experiences out there and hopefully here about your own experiences as well!
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Life of The Insurance Lady "Tomeka"

The Insurance Lady "Tomeka"

Join Ms. Tomeka Kimbrough and her Guest as she talks all things insurance. You will enjoy her comedian, but realistic style and approach. She has over 20 years of experience and loves educating people about insurance. Her motto is “ We do not sell insurance, instead we educate our community and then assist them with an application; should they need insurance. Tune in to stay informed with information that may help you make better decisions about insurance.
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Adventure Tomes

Paula and Grant

A monthly TTRPG and genre book reading recommendations podcast brought to you by yet another nerdy librarian and That One Piece manga Wife Guy on Twitter
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Tomémonos un Cafecito

La Maleta Liviana

El Podcast de @lamaletaliviana. Conversaciones informales de transformaciones espirituales, siempre con un café de testigo. Viaje + Espiritualidad. Este podcast es gratuito y libre de publicidad. Con tu ayuda, juntos podremos impactar a muchas personas. Si quieres ser parte del crecimiento de esta comunidad, puedes hacer tu aporte en
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Welcome to The Planeswalker’s Tome, your gateway to the boundless lore of Magic The Gathering. Join me as we embark on a journey through the intricacies of this mesmerizing world. Delve into captivating stories, unravel the mysteries behind each card, and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Magic’s universe. So, gather ’round the hearth, dear listeners, as we kindle the flames of imagination and embark on an unforgettable adventure together.
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Celtic Tomes

Gary & Ruth Colcombe

Readings from the Classic Celtic books - everything for lovers of the Lore and stories of the Ancient Celts. We will cover the Celts, Fairies, Myths, Legends, Folklore and stories from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and other Celtic realms. If like us, you have seen all those wonderful books that were once published about Celtic Mythology, Folklore, or the Fairies and wished that you had the time to read them, then you have found the right podcast to bring them to your fireside.
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Tome 1

Pras Viedegeek

Tome 1 , le podcast par @Tomiiks et @Praska sur le manga. Nouveau format : Tome(S) 1: On décrypte les tomes 1 de tous les mangas , du shônen de notre enfance au shojô de la tienne. Des trentenaires qui lisent encore des mangas et qui essaient de comprendre l'essence d'un bon manga, via son premier tome. N'hésite pas nous à nous partager le Tome 1 que tu veux qu'on chronique ! Dossier: On discute sur un thème, les mangas étranges, la SF dans le manga, les mangas de notre enfance, c'est l'hist ...
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The Tome of Dungeoneering

Into the Dungeon

The Tome of Dungeoneering is a podcast focused on tabletop Roleplaying. We aim to be system agnostic by covering a wealth of topics from across all of tabletop gaming. Our hosts will take turns using a unique combination of narrative voices, inclusivity, the Rule of Cool, and homebrew to bring you content that you can implement into your games. Episode Transcript: Official Site: The Tome of Dungeoneering is a podcast that is produced by Into The Dungeon ...
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show series
Studies are clear: screens dominate our waking hours. It’s not uncommon to spend 7-10 hours in front of one, every single day. We don’t like it, but feel powerless to change it. That’s where Darren Whitehead comes in. A pastor, and author of “The Digital Fast,” Darren leads others to experience the power and life change he discovered through intent…
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THIS EPSIODE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR: Basically every Dragon Age thing ever! Sorry! Eve and Phoenix both love Dragon Age, so they chose to read a Dragon Age anthology this month. Will they regret that choice? Will this anthology give deep lore to everyone's favourite Dragon Age characters? And how many times will they say "I just didn't care"? Listen…
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Podívejte se na toto video, jestli to myslíte s angličtinou skutečně vážně.Jestli si rádi děláte poznámky, tak si stáhněte zdarma PDF se slovíčkyápí vás nepravidelná slovesa? Tak si stáhněte naše kartičky kdo to myslíte opravdu vážně, tak se přidejte do naší akademie a získejte p…
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A Norwegian Sport Scientist who's taught all over the world, Ola Eriksrud shares his favorite moments and the origin story with 1080 Motion. Recounting all the biggest stops along the way, including his creation of the 1080 MAP (Movement Assessment Profile), you won't want to miss this. 4:49 Coolest/craziest stories: a poorly planned 24-hour trip t…
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all rights reserved based off the copyright act of 1976 section 107. Angie was speaking out against UMG for her music publishing rights and how she found out someone signed something behind her back and she was getting her $ back! who owns it..? CLIVE listen..what do you think?v…
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Our Heroes settle into camp. Boudreaux talks to Tic. Delvin talks to Henley. Fenrir speaks with both. All are mourning Roscoe. **Find us at: Instagram: Facebook: Our Email: [email protected] Our Discord: Merch & Patron …
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The phrase “how to be a better husband” is Googled nearly 2x as much as “how to be a better wife.” Why is that? And how do you know if you’ve found a good answer? With nearly 40 years of experience, BT gives his perspective on that question. To be a better husband, he believes it involves seeing your marriage as a team, spending your energy toward …
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We’re back and we’re hiding behind the sofa. Sure, the monsters, masked killers, and mutants can probably find us back here, but it still feels safer for some reason. Fear is rarely a rational thing,... The post Horror For the Nervous, with Josephine McAdam appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.โดย Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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Já imaginou o que um brasileiro que pilota um helicóptero que faz de tudo no Nepal pode contar? De resgate a vôos com políticos. Casos bonitos e histórias tristes... Sem contar que além de mudar de país, de continente ele mudou o estilo de vida e se tornou vegetariano. Confira o podcast incrível com Alex Murta. Confira o livro dele Resgates no Hima…
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Já imaginou o que um brasileiro que pilota um helicóptero que faz de tudo no Nepal pode contar? De resgate a vôos com políticos. Casos bonitos e histórias tristes... Sem contar que além de mudar de país, de continente ele mudou o estilo de vida e se tornou vegetariano. Confira o podcast incrível com Alex Murta. Confira o livro dele Resgates no Hima…
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Does prophecy still happen today? Paul Maconochie thinks so, and that God is speaking to anyone willing to listen. Alongside BT, Paul unpacks the ways he hears from God, the risk it takes to share with others, and how we can learn to do the same. This aggressive conversation will push you out of your comfort zone and into a better place—because the…
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Our Heroes discover the fate of Roscoe. Henley and Tick get into an argument and blow their fuses. Boudreaux and Fenrir are left to clean up the aftermath. **Find us at: Instagram: Facebook: Our Email: [email protected] Our Discord: https://discord.…
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Deny Sanábio é Coordenador de Fruticultura da EMATER MG e veio pro podcast pra nos falar tudo sobre frutas. Você já parou pra pensar que o Brasil é o 3o maior produtor mundial de frutas, porém tem um consumo per capita distante dos países da União Européia por exemplo? O papo começa de uma dúvida em outro podcast: qual é a batida que podemos fazer …
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Deny Sanábio é Coordenador de Fruticultura da EMATER MG e veio pro podcast pra nos falar tudo sobre frutas. Você já parou pra pensar que o Brasil é o 3o maior produtor mundial de frutas, porém tem um consumo per capita distante dos países da União Européia por exemplo? O papo começa de uma dúvida em outro podcast: qual é a batida que podemos fazer …
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Phoenix and Eve read a bunch of books this January and they are here to discuss! from fun sci-fi tomes to Audiobooks, find out their favourites and more! Make sure that you follow us on Instagram (@HearthAndTomePod) and Bluesky (@HearthAndTome) and Tiktok @Hearth.And.Tome - to get updates about episodes and behind the scenes clips and shenanigans! …
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Running has been in Dan Rebella’s blood for years, so when the ultimate challenge presented itself, he didn’t blink. In late 2024, Dan signed up for the inaugural running of The Great World Race—7 full marathons, on all 7 continents, in only 7 days. From the first race, in Antarctica, to the final in Miami Beach, Dan pushed himself to the utter lim…
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We’re back and we’re digging up the past. Some of this excavation is purely physical, burrowing into the clay under London in search of the usual skulls and spaceships. The rest, however, is more atavistic... The post Quatermass and the Pit, with Seth Skorkowsky appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.โดย Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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DM Dave talks about last year and give some positivity! **Find us at: Instagram: Facebook: Our Email: [email protected] Our Discord: Merch & Patron Program: Our Website: https://tom…
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O modo de fazer do Queijo Minas Artesanal foi reconhecido pela Unesco. Vitória para a gastronomia brasileira e um marco na história do estado de Minas Gerais. Agora vem a grande questão: o que é o reconhecimento por parte da Unesco? Convidados pra falar sobre queijo e história Para explicar melhor este conceito e falar sobre um dos produtos que lev…
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O modo de fazer do Queijo Minas Artesanal foi reconhecido pela Unesco. Vitória para a gastronomia brasileira e um marco na história do estado de Minas Gerais. Agora vem a grande questão: o que é o reconhecimento por parte da Unesco? Convidados pra falar sobre queijo e história Para explicar melhor este conceito e falar sobre um dos produtos que lev…
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Going on year 7 with the Houston Astros, Zach Reding has seen it all (...besides AA...) working his way up from literally an internship to the Major Leagues as a Strength and Conditioning Coach. Tune in to hear all the crazy stories and stops along the way. 2:32 Winning the 2022 World Series, as the AAA strength coach getting to travel and work wit…
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Culture is constantly selling us something. Michael Easter thinks it's time we stop buying. The best-selling author of The Comfort Crisis and Scarcity Brain returns to the podcast to help us push back against the craving and consumerism that keep us in shackles. From understanding how slot machines keep you hooked, to the power of community, to why…
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Singer and choir leader JIMETTA ROSE representing incredible soulful and lyrically uplifting music as a solo artist and Choir member- Voices of Creation- chats with TOMEICKO about her inspirations and fashion. Her colaborations with Shafiq Husayn of SA-RA and Ras G and GEORGIA ANNE MULDROW are beautiful pieces of work you should go check out!…
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Our Heroes find themselves in a predicament, another battle right after another. will they survive? Find out in this episode! **Find us at: Instagram: Facebook: Our Email: [email protected] Our Discord: Merch & Patron P…
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Using technology is not a philosophy, but technology can help you develop your own philosophy and become the best coach you can be. And there's a process and mindset that comes with doing so. Tune in for real-life stories and examples of how you can use technology to accelerate the development your personal coaching philosophy. 2:22 2 ways to think…
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Today, we’re diving into a truly special ASMR experience as I unbox the stunning Pride & Prejudice collaboration with Bloom Stories! Get ready to hear delicate whispers, soft tapping, and satisfying crinkles as we explore this beautifully crafted edition inspired by one of the greatest love stories of all time. …
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John Hope Bryant is a successful entrepreneur, author, and financial guru who believes financial literacy—understanding how to make, save, and spend money—is the civil rights issue of our era. And he’s doing something about it. He’s written best-sellers, advised presidents, and helped influence policymakers. But his most enduring work is as the CEO…
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We’re back and we’re blundering. That’s not to say that we don’t have a clue, but we’re not quite sure what to do with the handful we’ve managed to find. We’ve tried pinning them to... The post How to be an Investigator, with Seth Skorkowsky appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.โดย Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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The cast of the show joins TOMEICKO and discusses the inspiration behind the show in SOHO NY Feb 3-17! Gil Scott Heron's daughter Gia- leads a cast of Los Angeles Poets to do a BLUESOLOGY show - interpretations of some of Gil's ost popular poems and songs.
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Berry Gordy and Pres Jimmy Carter are cousins and share a grandfather! Their connection represents the true AMERICA. Majority of Black and White - if they were to dig in their family tree or take a DNA test would see how connected they truly are! Jimmy and Berry Knew they were related since the 1970's..super cool! Listen to this podcast and learn w…
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all rights resered based off the copyright act of 1976 section 107. Joe Budden got caught nude trying to go into a woman with. minor children's apt. He claims he was " sleep- walking" but he has throughout the years been doing sus things for a long time- from molesting his dog to beating all of his exes Joe has been a poor representation of Black m…
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Before we get too far into the New Year, it’s time for a Q&A episode. BT shares his thoughts on sports betting, how Santa Claus is like God, leading your family through deconstruction, and more. Before that, BT shares some big news coming for the podcast in 2025. The aggressive keep changing and adapting, and that includes us. Leave a rating and wr…
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Phoenix and Eve read a bunch of books in 2024 and they're here to talk about them! Find out how many books they each read, their favourites, their goals for 2025 and more! Make sure that you follow us on Instagram (@HearthAndTomePod) and Bluesky (@HearthAndTome) and Tiktok @Hearth.And.Tome - to get updates about episodes and behind the scenes clips…
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Saulum and Quill return and give warnings to the dangers ahead. Our Heroes continue ahead and pass the old trading trail. Henley tells a tale of the Druid Tree and fowl creatures ambush the party! **Find us at: Instagram: Facebook: Our Email: chaosbardpo…
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Finally, the world knows why Boo Schexnayder is called Boo... From coaching track and field, to strength and conditioning, to variation vs specificity, and return to play, Boo has the stories to teach some powerful lessons from his +40 years in the field. 4:14 Coolest story: being perfectly content coaching high school football, rejecting multiple …
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The first time Tara Dower got on the Appalachian Trail, she only lasted a handful of days before anxiety and mental health forced her to abandon her goal of through-hiking the 2,000 mile footpath. But she didn’t give up. In 2024, Tara got back on the A.T. with the goal of claiming the FKT—fastest known time. When she reached the finish line in only…
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We’re back and we’re digging deep. While you might expect to find ghosts in these haunted landscapes, mostly we’re unearthing history. Oh, and carcinogens. On balance, ghosts seem like the healthier option. Main Topic: Haunted... The post Haunted Landscapes, with Heather Miller appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.…
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