Studies through the book of Hebrews
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The Book of Hebrews (prepared by Jim Jonas) Our present study examines the book of Hebrews. The author of this epistle vigorously confronts Jewish saints who, under the stress of persecution, are entertaining a return to their Mosaic roots. The main objective of the book to portray the surpassing excellence of Christ in contrast to the shortcomings of Mosaic Law. The book is full of exhortations to faithfulness. Outline Lesson 1:◻ Introduction ◻ The Power and Glory of Christ (Heb 1:1-4) ◻ Je ...
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The Book of Hebrews (prepared by Jim Jonas) Our present study examines the book of Hebrews. The author of this epistle vigorously confronts Jewish saints who, under the stress of persecution, are entertaining a return to their Mosaic roots. The main objective of the book to portray the surpassing excellence of Christ in contrast to the shortcomings of Mosaic Law. The book is full of exhortations to faithfulness. Outline Lesson 1:◻ Introduction ◻ The Power and Glory of Christ (Heb 1:1-4) ◻ Je ...
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God has redeemed us, given us eternal life, changed us, and renewed us. We were adopted by Him and we now have a clear mission. The call is clear and strong and now it’s time to move forward with it. No holds barred! It’s officially Go Time!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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That’s title sounds gloomy and even insurmountable, correct? Not when it comes to God. He never changes and He never will, and for us that’s great news!!! Here’s why!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Make no mistake. Choosing faith over fear is a decision. The decision is founded in obedience to the true and living God instead of capitulation to the flesh. Choosing faith over fear means denying our emotional state when our emotions deceive us into abandoning the truth. It means that no matter how hard things get, we choose believe Gods word by …
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It’s a dangerous place when we start to view God in a context that He never intended for us. It’s time to understand God for who He is. One thing is overwhelmingly obvious, God is a fire that consumes EVERYTHING. When we fail to recognize that, we get burned. It’s time to be carful; very careful!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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The Bible is filled with warnings; all of which are designed to keep us safe. It’s also designed for us to grow into a place of victory. Here’s the caveat. We must honor God’s way and if we don’t, it will never work. As a matter of fact, it stands to destroy us. It’s time to take heed because we can prosper or we can suffer. The choice is ours.…
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God is working in a significant and historical way. The world hates that very fact. They actually despise God and at every turn, they seek to resist His work in every way. This worldly influence seeks to creep into the lives of true believers and we must resist the world by yielding to what God wills for us. It’s time to run; so let’s run hard and …
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Yes, it’s true we’re surrounded and that is a very important fact to always keep in mind as we consider what lies ahead. The days are getting darker, but the light will shine brighter. The spiritual warfare that surrounds us is unprecedented, but it opens the door to greater victories. It’s time to put our faith to action and run the race that God …
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The rain falls on the just and the unjust, but sometimes the just experience way not hardship, difficulty, and even persecution! It seems as though the more you serve God and trust Him, the higher the price! Is that really true? The answer is undoubtedly yes, but believe me, you want that to be the answer if you love God. Why is that the case? Let’…
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Make no mistake, what you’re about to watch will completely change your life. If you have never considered the power available to you as a child of God, you don’t know the fullness of the faith you live. What you see here will change all of that. It’s a promise in God’s word!!! Don’t miss this!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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1:05:40Life for almost every human can be often characterized by a series of habits and patterns. This is especially true for people in western civilization. Consider this your warning because after you watch this video, everything will change, and when it does, it will be bigger than you think!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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We are undoubtedly in the last days and evidence of that fact continues to manifest. We know that in these days persecutions will increase and so will wickedness. Our hearts will want to faint, but retreat is not, and will never be an option. We must advance in anticipation of what awaits in the realm of eternity. It’s time to sober up and walk bol…
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It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God! What does that mean? Why is it so important for us to understand that? What does it matter to us today? Watch this video and you’ll be blessed to know the answers!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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It’s amazing to consider the effects of what took place when Jesus did what he did on earth!!! Many don’t understand it, but what happened changed everything for quite a few reasons. We cannot ever forget the significance, because our eternity depends on it!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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So many things in this world have come about as a result of man’s fear of death. That’s understandable for many reasons, but physical death isn’t the thing that we should be worried about. Undoubtedly, there is something far more disconcerting than physical death. Here’s what you should know about that!!!…
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What we’re about to read is not just revolutionary, it’s beyond revolutionary. Knowledge of this fact is enough to change the dismal course of humanity and bring a change that transcends into the annuls of eternity. Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it, and in this case, it will leave you forever changed.…
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There’s a lot of confusion in the body of Christ when terms like “old covenant” and “new covenant” are used! What’s the difference? Does one cancel out the other? If they work together, how does that happen without any inconsistencies or contradictions? Are you confused yet? Watch this video!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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The world is crashing. It’s crashing hard and it’s crashing fast. The days are getting darker and there’s only one place we can find the answer. There is no hope outside of this priest. It’s undebatable. So who is he? The answer may surprise you!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Looks are deceiving, and so is tradition if it’s placed in the wrong context. That’s precisely what happens on a regular basis when it comes to teachings about who Jesus Christ is. So who is He? Why is He qualified to stand in our stead for forgiveness? The answer may surprise you!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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God is watching and sees everything always. He knows all and understands all. There’s no disputing that fact. That fact in and of itself should serve as motivation for us to forsake spiritual laziness and move forward in our walk with a purposeful and serious heart! No more laziness!!! Let’s get to work!!!…
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This is a question that is often asked when people read this passage, but that may actually be the wrong question to ask here! Yes, we’ll talk about our salvation, but perhaps for a different reason than most may think. This is one video you don’t want to miss!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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There are so many questions that come up when many ask about Christ’s qualifications. How does he have the authority to forgive sins? How in the world can he be considered a high priest when He comes from the tribe of Judah? How does it all come together, and what does that mean for us??? We’ll talk about all of that and much more!!!…
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Yes it’s true, if you are reading this, then it’s likely that you already have one of the most powerful weapons in defeating the struggles of every day life. It’s time to use it!!! Time to fight the good fight!!! God is with us, and He’s given us every tool we could ever need!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Our world in the current day can only be categorized in one way; self destructing. Things are declining quickly and the pace is picking up. Here’s the good news! There’s hope!!! That hope comes with a warning, so let’s get into it!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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God clearly exhorts us to me mindful of several things, and what we are going to talk about is at the top of the list. We must pay attention to this exhortation because if we don’t, the consequences will be catastrophic. It’s time to take heed, and that time is right now!!!
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The Bible is filled with warnings and exhortations concerning how we should live our lives. It’s critical that we listen and obey all it has for us. When we ignore God’s word it brings disaster. When we choose to be careless by ignoring the details, it can be fatal. It’s time to be careful; very careful!!!…
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Many believers understand the fact that Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for us. What they don’t understand is what that entailed and even more so, what that means for us in the present and in the future. If you know this is coming, it would change your life!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Today we’ll take a look at a very important warning that cannot be ignored. If you embrace what’s being said, you’ll not just avoid danger, but your life will change for the better in ways you never thought possible.โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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This subject is a touchy one for many but it shouldn’t be!!! Todays video will answer a lot of questions about angels and Jesus! Are angels on the same level as God? Are we subject to them? What do they do? Where does Jesus fall into this?โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Did you know that God is speaking to us louder and more clearly than in times past? He has given us so much through the gift of Christ, and we have everything we need to not only listen to Him, but to grow in His word! We’re in the last days, so let’s Go!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Introduction / Survey Hebrews
53:51On todays video we’re going to be introducing and doing a surgery through the book of Hebrews. This may be one of the most important books of the Bible considering the times we’re living in!!! Don’t miss this; it’s going to be very valuable and uplifting!!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Are you struggling with sin? Tonight's study should give you insight on this intense battle!!! You don't want to miss out!!!โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Make no mistake about it, we are living in the last days! More than ever, we need to walk with extraordinary faith. This is how we build it!!! A special study in Hebrews - Sunday Morning July 18, 2021.โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Make no mistake about it, we are living in the last days! More than ever we need to walk wit extraordinary faith. This is how we build it!!! A special study in Hebrews - Sunday Morning July 11, 2021โดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 13:18-25 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 13:9-17 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 13:1-8 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 12:18-29 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 12:3-17 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 12:1-2 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 11:14-40 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 11:7-13 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 11:1-6 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 10:11-39 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 10:1-10 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 9 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 8 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 7 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 6:10-20 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 6:1-9 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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Hebrews 5 - The book of Hebrewsโดย Pastor James Kaddis
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