Talking While Married – America Out Loud News สาธารณะ
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Another mass shooting, this time in Lansing, MI, and the woke celebrities and media pundits go ballistic against the 2nd Amendment. DrRon and Linda psychologically profile these Mass Shooters. What's behind pulling the trigger? We'll tell you...โดย Dr. Ron and Linda Martinelli
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Millions for LGBTQ museums, centers, and causes that affect the most minute cross-sections of the population, and nothing for those who truly need help. Homelessness, mental illness, drug addiction, child sex trafficking, illegal immigration prevention, and job training are examples of things we...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – The conservative couple discusses their invitation to dinner from President Trump and the American Freedom Tour at Mar A Lago, Palm Beach, FL. What is Trump really like, and why has the former President been pretty much right about everything he warned us about?…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Building the Wall, can the Green New Deal, drill and frack again, defund 87,000 IRS agents, fix our crumbling infrastructure, refund our police, fund independent charter schools, remove the woke, and rebuild our military is just a start. The conservative coffee couple discusses what the new...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – With a Washington DC federal judge ruling against Trump’s and CDC’s Title 42, hundreds of thousands of illegals are surging the southern border. DrRon & Linda discuss the dangers to Americans’ health, safety, and security that another estimated 6.5 million UDAs bring...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – With most of the votes tallied, we can see that conservatives and Republicans created no "Red Wave." Again, the pollsters got it wrong. Yes, Republicans had some victories, but far from a clearly expressed mandate from voters on the future direction of America. The voting shows that we remain a divid…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Americans will eventually understand that to change the direction of this nation and return it to a position of safety, security, strength, and sanity - they will have to change their vote in future elections! The Democratic strategy is “hide the pea under the shell.” The Dems didn't want their candi…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – What is all this talk about a “Red Wave” in November? We are barely squeaking by against the Dems. What we need is a clear mandate for change. With an unsecured border, POTUS Biden sues Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to prevent him from securing the state’s border. The Progressive Left Dems have already pro…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – With the midterm elections coming quickly and some people voting early, DrRon & Linda discuss the millions who have illegally entered the U.S., crime in the streets, and the total lack of safety, accountability, fairness, and equity in the misguided policies of the Biden administration and the Progre…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – A disturbing increase in anti-white rhetoric proffered by radical Progressive Leftist minorities is increasing hatred and division between the races. This playbook tactic of Marxists, BLM, and race-baiting whack jobs is not being criticized, nor censured by the mainstream media nor on social platform…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard declares that she's had it with the Progressive Left - Socialist Democratic Party and is leaving. You've got to respect someone who places common sense over politics and speaks truth. So why aren't more politicians leaving the Dems?…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – What are the ramifications of the simple word, "just?" DrRon & Linda share a very thought-provoking verbal post where the anonymous author poses pivotal statements, regulations, and mandates issued by the Biden administration. Can we "just" use our common sense to rebel against this authoritarian reg…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – There has never been a more important time to engage in federal midterm elections to turn this nation around. Biden, Pelosi, and Newsom's "Green New Deal" energy policies are destroying America while they enrich themselves. NYU fires a revered organic chemistry professor for enforcing scholastic stan…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Italians elect their first conservative, Italy, Family, and Faith-First Prime Minister, and already the globalists are screaming “fascism.” Giorgia Meloni, the nationalist-populist leader of the conservative Brothers of Italy Party, scores a resounding victory as Italians turn away from socialist glo…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – More evidence of the weaponization of the FBI after their raid on a pro-life family. What is happening to our Democratic model? Next, we discuss the Republican’s “Commitment to America” plan as we move closer to the 2022 midterm elections. Stay engaged and be informed...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Join the hosts on holiday in Italy, where they present a brief tour of beautiful and historic Lake Garda in Northern Italy through the eyes of their Italian friend and tour guide Pietro Podavini. Learn about the beauty, history, and splendor of this large lake surrounded by...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Officer Singh was forced to shoot the dog, but in a tragic twist of fate, the bullet ricocheted off the dog and the sidewalk, accidentally killing the woman. Learn how an incompetent, biased investigation and political prosecution was overturned by forensic science, and the real truth was uncovered..…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – The loan debt pay-down is nothing less than the redistribution of wealth from the reckless and irresponsible to the blue-collar Middle Class who either never went to college or paid off their debts. This is also government corruption in paying people to vote for Democrats in 2022 and 2024...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Former POTUS Trump files a civil rights suit against the U.S. and its DOJ and FBI. DrRon and Linda discuss the evidence that the lawsuit might reveal. Progressive NYC Mayor Eric Adams doubles down on the city’s Sanctuary City status, offering illegals free rooms at NYC posh hotels. What?!…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – If you want to know how to create a Third World dictatorship, just ask POTUS Joe “Bunker Biden,” who has weaponized the U.S. Department of InJustice and its FBI. The disgusting raid by machinegun-carrying FBI agents on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate residence in search of so-called “classified” government…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Joe Biden practices Third World politics by having the FBI raid former POTUS Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. How more outrageous can this President and his Attorney General get? Hispanics are leaving the Democratic tent in increasing numbers as the woke Progress Left's agenda no...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – A manual on marriage from the 1880s shows that yesteryear's common sense “rules” would make for better marriages today. Dr. Ron and Linda, a married couple, discuss the marriage manual, which is over a hundred years old, and relate it to today’s views on marriage. We believe the family would be...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – With inflation skyrocketing the prices of essentials, Americans are draining their bank accounts just trying to stay afloat. DrRon & Linda discuss the rising costs of essentials and the declining real estate market as rising interest rates are bursting the bubble for buyers and sellers...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – The Squad and other Democratic members of Congress involved in a photo op and arrested for blocking the streets in front of the US Supreme Court were treated as examples of our two-tiered injustice system when US Capitol Police placed "invisible handcuffs" on them...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – With employees refusing to return to work in downtown areas and crime on the rise, the support businesses infrastructure is collapsing. Cities are now empty shells of their former greatness; learn why. Predatory crimes against seniors are way up with no respite in sight...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – With gas and energy prices through the roof, China Joe decides to deplete our already record Strategic Petroleum Reserves to China, India, and Europe. Putin's not to blame for this. This is a self-inflicted catastrophe...โดย Dr. Ron and Linda Martinelli
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Out-of-control gun violence rocks the City of Chicago while dysfunctional Mayor Lori Lightfoot, yells at U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The U.S. is being invaded by hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, with the human UDA death toll now up to 571. Where is the outrage?…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – WIN - SCOTUS rules in favor of W. Virginia vs. EPA, ruling that the Biden Administration’s EPA cannot curtail coal production that affects energy production for all Americans. LOSS – The Court rules against former POTUS Trump’s Stay in Mexico executive decision, opening the doors for an increase in..…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – Let's talk about how our upside-down nation has been auguring in weighted down by the intolerant, dysfunctional politicians and activists who believe it's just fine to kill infants, take guns away from law-abiding citizens and stifle prayer and religious freedoms...…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – The U.S. Supreme Court rules that NY's 2nd Amendment restrictions on concealed carry are unconstitutional, paving the way for more law-abiding citizens nationwide to become armed for their personal protection. Next, the high court overturns Roe v. Wade in a common-sense ruling that is a victory for..…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda – What you don't know about the new, powerful synthetic opiate "Iso" being smuggled into the U.S. by drug cartels can kill you and your kids. The recent SCOTUS ruling mandating that certain states like Maine allow taxpayer funding for private religious school tuitions is a victory. Next, Biden's "Gas t…
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Talking While Married with Hosts DrRon & Linda - The Biden administration and progressive Democrats want to take guns from law-abiding citizens while failing to enforce gun laws already on the books. Corrupt, convicted felon billionaire George Soros funds Progressive Alliance DAs who refuse to prosecute offenders...…
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Talking While Married - Hosts DrRon & Linda discuss the current recession, rising inflation, and the negligent Biden policies that are the real culprits affecting all Americans. Next, Biden throws shade on Elon Musk, who is the sole corporate sponsor of our NASA space program and the largest manufacturer of EVs. That's smart!…
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Violent crime is through the roof across the U.S. while ignorant politicians and the media focus on guns instead of behavior. Progressive Alliance DA's, activist jurists, BLM, police defunding, and politicians who never take any accountability or proactive action to protect us...โดย Dr. Ron and Linda Martinelli
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A U.S. Department of Education study finds a whopping 70% increase in students requesting mental health treatment. China and Mexican transnational drug cartels are warring on America, and the Biden administration does nothing meaningful to fight this war. The fentanyl explosion in America is killing our children, brought to us courtesy of the...…
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Ticking time bombs explode, Biden declares that our Constitution is not "absolute," behavior, not guns is our problem. Johnny Deep is victorious over the evil Amber Heard. Transgender homeless and tales of Marxist la-la land District Attorney George Gascon.You'll need a stiff drink instead of coffee for this episode of Talking While Married.DrRon a…
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The history of American wars and conflicts and the hundreds of thousands of American warriors who ran into the breach of gunfire, sacrificing their lives for American ideals such as freedom, independence, civil rights, and opportunities. Memorial Day should be a time to pause and reflect upon the sacrifices of our many warriors who have fought and …
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Biden's "kill fossil fuels" green energy policies have killed the American economy, causing Americans to dig deep to pay higher costs for gas, energy, food, and products. Biden's policies have caused the highest inflation levels since the 1970s, and our stock market is crashing. Democrats are leaving the sinking ship for...…
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Learn why the power and resonance of the American people in support of POTUS Trump's policies and his Presidency became the shaft of the spear that drove and benefitted Americans and the world during the Trump administration. Hear about the dangers ahead if we continue down the road of the Progressive Left...…
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Learn all about the objectives of the tour and its great speakers, including Dinesh D'Souza, Sheriff Mark Lamb, Pastor Mark Burns, Mike Pompeo, and President Trump, to restore our: freedoms, faith, family, and finances. The American Freedom Tour is waking American patriots up to the dangers of allowing the Progressive Left and their Marxist...…
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The costs for everything are up, from gas to utilities, food, and new and used cars to travel. Americans who received wage increases have lost them to inflation. Seniors and retirees on fixed incomes are losing their investment money as the stock market tanks...โดย Dr. Ron and Linda Martinelli
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Extreme leftists and Marxists continue to assail American institutions from every direction. Law enforcement, the military, our borders, schools, and the U.S. Supreme Court and its justices. We must discuss the left's designs on attacking our democratic institutions from all sides. Learn how and why these attacks come right out of the Marxist playb…
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Now that California and the United States are experiencing energy shortages and blackouts caused by their abysmal "Green Energy" policies, leftist politicians are now embracing nuclear energy as a way out. Next, DHS Secretary Mayorkas' new "Disinformation Governance Board" moves closer to the Nazi's "Ministry of Truth" in attempting to establish a …
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DrRon and Linda discuss their visit to our nation's birthplace in Jamestown, Virginia, and the American Revolution battlefields of Williamsburg and Yorktown, where British Gen. Cornwallis surrendered to Gen. George Washington in 1781. Celebrate the bravery of America's first settlers and be amazed by their hardships and triumphs to final victory an…
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POTUS Biden's new Title 9 revamp is poised to completely decimate America's education and women's sports systems. Following Elon Musk's hostile takeover of Twitter, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas establishes a new Naziesque "Disinformation" agency...โดย Dr. Ron and Linda Martinelli
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The EPA directing millions of Covid Relief tax dollars to "Climate Change Inequity" grant programs; Biden's making things harder for much needed private charter schools to evolve, costing us billions more by delaying student loan paybacks again; and now blaming inflation on Putin and "greedy energy companies." It just never ends...…
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Key IT program directors and experts from POTUS Biden's Department of Defense resign, stating that the DOD's ridiculous bureaucracy is holding back critical weapon and IT projects that place America and its servicemen and women at risk of harm. The Elon Musk - Twitter purchase sage continues, and new FBI statistics detail an alarming increase in ho…
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Let's discuss the reasons for Musk’s interest in the platform and the ramifications for the USA and globally of turning Twitter into a private company with a new free speech agenda. Libertarian billionaire Elon Musk is fencing with Twitter and considering a hostile takeover of the social media giant...…
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The IRS has finally decided to open an investigation into the BLM’s finances to determine evidence of fraud after the group purchased millions of dollars of mansions and houses in the U.S. and Canada...โดย Dr. Ron and Linda Martinelli
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Master entrepreneur billionaire Elon Musk not only takes to Twitter but buys nearly 10% of the social platform to fight for First Amendment rights. Is a dramatic shift in the wind for this woke Cancel Culture social media platform? Musk tweeted out on the 7th of April a warning to all... "Twitter's next board meeting is gonna be lit."POTUS Biden’s …
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