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show episodes
Should I be doing my own bookkeeping and accounting? Is QuickBooks the best software for me to use in my business, or is there another accounting software I should be using? What’s the best way for me to process my payroll? How can I track my money and cash flow? How do I prepare for my business taxes? What do my financial statements really mean? How can I bring my business to the next level? How can I grow my business? What is the best way to create my business strategy? Should I start a si ...
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show series
A common question I receive from clients is how they should be recording their loans in QuickBooks. I often see clients set up their loans the wrong way. They will sometimes appear on a report where they shouldn’t be, which can throw off any tax planning the client is trying to do. I know clients are trying their best and working hard to keep up wi…
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Do you ever wonder if you are experiencing burnout? Burnout seems to be a topic that hits home for so many of us. I’m not talking about just feeling a little tired or having a stressful week. I’m talking about full-on, deep, emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. You know, the kind of burnout that makes you question everything, from your caree…
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One of the most popular questions I receive throughout the year, and especially during tax season, is which receipts do I need to keep for my business, and the follow-up for this question is typically how I should keep these receipts. Both are great questions, and in today’s podcast episode, I go over which receipts you need to keep in your busines…
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Have you ever struggled with trying to do it all? You know what I’m talking about, right? That constant juggling act where you have all the balls in the air, saying “yes” to everything and everyone, feeling like you have to be everything to everybody. And at the end of the day, you’re exhausted, frustrated, maybe even resentful, wondering why you’r…
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As a solopreneur or business owner, you know how hard you work each and every day. When working day in and day out, you can easily fall into a regular grind and realize you aren’t as happy as you used to be. It’s essential to include things in your day that bring you joy so that you don’t develop burnout and so that you can continue to enjoy your b…
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How many times have you thought to yourself that it had to be all or nothing? Thinking like this can often hold you back from accomplishing what you want in your life. It can keep you from creating new beliefs about your future. Sure, all-or-nothing thinking makes it easy on us because there aren’t any grey areas, but it also leaves us thinking eve…
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Technology can help you move your business forward, but when you are already pressed for time, and your budget doesn’t allow for too many additional expenditures, you may not know where you should turn next. There are many options when you start to look into technology, but knowing what the top performers are can help you narrow down your search fo…
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Do you ever think about the endless opportunities you have available to you in your life? Not only do you need to be aware of these opportunities, but if it is truly something you want in your life, you need to make sure you are taking action on them. There is an abundance of opportunities in life. Ready to start being more aware of the opportuniti…
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Whether you are thinking about starting a new business or you currently have a business, you may be experiencing excuses and fears that are holding you back from moving forward. Starting a business or expanding your existing business can be scary. There are many risks that you, as a business owner, take on, but no matter where you are in your busin…
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We all know it is healthy to set boundaries in our lives, but have you ever wondered if you were truly setting a boundary or if you were using a boundary to avoid something in your life? There are times when we are feeling resentment or frustration in our lives and it’s important to understand the difference between if you are setting a healthy bou…
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As a business owner, you’ve more than likely heard about how important it is to review your financial statements. When most business owners think about their financial statements, they think about their income statement or their profit and loss report. It’s essential to keep an eye on this report, but what you may be missing is how critical it is t…
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Is your goal to create more happiness in your life? So many of us are on the search for happiness that we forget about so many of the other emotions that allow us to be the person we are. They allow us to grow and gain a different perspective on life. They allow us to expand and experience our feelings on a much deeper level. If you’ve been thinkin…
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When you are doing the bookkeeping for your business, or maybe you are doing bookkeeping for multiple clients, the one thing you don’t want to hold you back from moving forward is having a transaction that you are unsure about how to record. If you are like most people, you’ll let this one transaction derail you and keep you stuck, especially if yo…
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We live in a world with more distractions than ever before. We have our phones with us almost 24/7, and they alert us and pop up notifications all the time. You may have kids who are constantly asking you for something, or you might be looking at that long list of things to do that causes you to always think about what you are doing next in your li…
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Have you ever felt uncertain about something in your business or personal life? Self-doubt can creep up when you least expect it and can hold you back from achieving what you truly want in both your business and your personal life. Knowing what leads to self-doubt and how you can overcome it can significantly impact the actions you take in your bus…
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Have you ever noticed in your life that when you’ve reached a certain level of success, you are instantly striving for more? Have you ever found yourself being successful but then, for some reason, sabotaging everything you’ve worked for? Being satisfied with the abundance that you have can be a challenge for some. Are you ready to find out how you…
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When you have a business, you need to make sure that you have a clear direction, you are reaching your potential, you are focused on what is important, you are accountable, confident, and you have a winning mindset. If you are like most business owners, you want to fast-track your success and growth while avoiding mistakes. You want to reach for th…
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When you look at all the emotions or feelings that a person can have, it is amazing. You might be thinking there’s being happy or sad, but there are so many more that you may be feeling, and maybe you just haven’t been able to put a name to them. When you can dive a little deeper and look at all the emotions available to you, it can be interesting …
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Making the switch from an employee to an entrepreneur requires many changes, not only with your new responsibilities but your mindset as well. You’ll have lots of new thoughts and fears, but overall, employees who want to be entrepreneurs seek the advantages of providing products and services they are passionate about while reaping the benefits of …
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It's pretty normal to feel nervous when you are trying something new. These feelings often pop up when you put yourself in a situation where you don’t necessarily know what the outcome will be or how others will react. But what happens when you allow being nervous to hold you back from the things you really want to do? You know I always say you hav…
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With the start of the new year, do you feel discouraged when you look at your sales figures for the year? I understand how easily this can happen when you consistently think you are starting the year out with zero sales and you have a huge mountain to climb to get your sales to where you want them to be. In today’s podcast episode, I’m letting you …
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How have you been valuing your self-worth? How do you see yourself? Do you even really know what it means to have self-worth? It really boils down to how you perceive your own value. It’s like your internal compass. Are you ready to see how you can be good enough and worthy of love? Let’s dive in… I’m inviting you to sign up for the free private po…
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Choosing your word of the year…many people do this for themselves personally, and it works. It keeps them focused throughout the year, but choosing a word of the year for your business…does that even make sense? Oh ya, it is important. In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to walk you through how you can choose your business's word of the year and …
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Do you ever find yourself experiencing drama? It could be within your family or friends, or possibly you see it in how kids are behaving, but have you ever caught yourself in a dramatic situation? Do you ever find yourself thinking thoughts that create an unnecessary situation for yourself? If you’re like most people, your answer will be yes, and i…
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When you think about a side hustle, do you think about young entrepreneurs with lots of energy who are able to work eight hours at a day job and another eight hours on their side hustle? While this may be true, more side hustles are created by entrepreneurs between the ages of 45 and 65. Does this surprise you? More and more people entering their r…
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How much time do you spend thinking about what other people are thinking, specifically what you think they are thinking about you? How often are you doing something just because of what you think the other person is thinking about you? You might be concerned about what your parents are thinking about you, or your partner, or your children, or your …
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If you have a business or do bookkeeping for business owners, you know now is the time you need to wrap up your year-end financial statements. If you’ve heard the phrase closing the books, this is exactly what it means. You simply make sure you have all your money coming in and money going out of your business recorded and reconciled so that your f…
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Do you know who your true self is? Do you ever think you’ll become who you really are when you reach a certain point in your life? Do you ever feel like you are lying to yourself when you ask who you really are? Do you know how to simply be yourself? Are you ready to give yourself the gift of being yourself? Let’s dive in… Learn about the Under Pre…
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There is a lot of talk about belief this time of the year, but I feel like belief is such a vital part of having a side hustle or being a solopreneur. You’ve heard me say dream big, follow your heart, and love what you do before, and we are going to talk about how belief is such an essential aspect of not only dreaming big but also reaching your go…
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Have you ever based a decision you were making on intuition? Do you ever let your intuition guide you in life? The basic definition of intuition is to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. When you fully understand your wants and needs in life, intuition can be something you rely on. But what happens when you m…
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The great danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. I love this quote from Michelangelo. It really puts into perspective how important it is to not only set goals but to make sure that you are setting goals that make you reach a little further than you’d nor…
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Is there anything you’ve experienced in your past that is currently influencing how you live your life? How often do you talk to others about things that happened in your past? Do you let your past dictate how you live your life, or how you think your future will be? Did you know that you have the power to change your past? Your past no longer exis…
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Everyone is looking for the secret to success in their life, business, or both. If you want to be successful, you’re more than likely working towards each of your desired outcomes or goals. You’re looking to find the motivation or simply what you need to do to continue to move forward in the direction to reach your ultimate work-life balance. In th…
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Do you have something in your life that you regret? There are a lot of people who are dealing with regret. How are you dealing with regret in your life? Is it something you feel on a daily basis? Is it something that only comes up for you periodically? When you think about your regrets, do you wish you would have done or maybe not done something in…
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To have a successful and profitable business, you’ll need to make sure your journey includes having a solid foundation for your business. This foundation is much more than just having an amazing idea for your business; it’s broken down into sections that are important to make sure you are mastering each of them so that you don’t have one area of yo…
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So often, we are looking for other people to be proud of us, but when was the last time you asked yourself how proud you are of yourself? Do you find that you are consistently seeking validation of how proud others are of you? Did you know that feeling proud of yourself is something you can actually create for yourself? Think about how much more po…
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When you have a business, you most likely have a vision for your business. If you are like many business owners, you think about your business the majority of your time. You think about the products and services you offer or want to offer, you think about your ideal client, you think about how much money you want to make, and you think about how yo…
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Have you ever taken the time to really think about what you truly want in your life? Our lives are busy, and it’s easy to think about things on the fly, but how often do you take the time to really think about it? When I ask my clients what they want in their lives, there are many times that they say they don’t really know. They haven’t taken the t…
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Whether or not you feel you have control of your business finances, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can so that you can end this year in control. These next few weeks will fly by so quickly, and before you know it, you’ll need to gather all your financial information to prepare your tax return. In today’s podcast episode, I’m tal…
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How often do you find yourself short on time? Our lives are busy, and when we find ourselves with more things to do and not enough time to get it all done, it forces us to prioritize what matters most to us. Wouldn’t it be great if you had the time to do everything you wanted to do? One of the things I work with my clients on is making sure they ar…
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When you start your business or side hustle, your goal is more than likely to become successful. But what makes your business a success? Do you think that bringing in considerable amounts of sales or revenues determines your business’s success? Is it the number of clients or customers you have? It’s easy to listen to other business owners talk abou…
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We are often led to believe that happiness comes from achieving success. We think that when we get something we think is successful in our life, then we’ll start being happy. Success and happiness are actually two totally separate mindsets. Think about it. There are so many people in this world who are successful, and yet they are so unhappy. The r…
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Starting a side hustle can be overwhelming unless you take the right steps, make sure you are covering all the necessary requirements, and understand what the demand is going to be on not only yourself but your lifestyle as well. There are many points to consider, and the more that you can review these before jumping into you’re your side hustle, t…
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So often in our lives, we set goals and strive for success. We want to win at everything we do, but there will be times when things don’t go as originally planned, and we fail. It’s okay to fail, and there are people who will tell you that you need to fail many times before you succeed, so why are so many of us afraid to fail? Why do we put things …
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A side hustle or side gig simply means you are taking on additional work outside of your regular job. Having a side hustle can be a great way to earn some extra income, and how much income you make in your side hustle depends on what you put into your side hustle. In today’s podcast episode, I’m covering some of the top side hustles you can jump in…
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How often do you find yourself feeling a negative emotion? What do you find that you do whenever you have these negative feelings? Do you find yourself negotiating with yourself when you feel a negative emotion? Do you do something to resist your negative feelings that don’t ultimately get you what you want in your life? You can manage these negati…
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People start side hustles for many reasons, but one of the top reasons is so they can make additional money. With the cost of living rising, many people are looking for additional ways to make ends meet since the income they are getting from their job isn’t meeting all of their needs. On average, one in three people has a side hustle. In today’s po…
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When I ask my clients what they want to improve in their lives, I often hear that they want to be happier or feel better. There may be other things they say, but all in all, almost everything leads to them wanting to live a happier life. Take a second and ask yourself what you’d like to see improved in your life. Does it ultimately make you feel ha…
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There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do everything in your business. When you finish each project, you love that feeling of accomplishment. But when you start to fall behind or know you are not doing something as well as you should, you may start wondering if it is something you should continue doing. This is true when you are doing your own bookk…
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Have you ever had a situation when you felt uncertain about how it was going to go? Maybe you are in a situation similar to this right now. Whenever there is a circumstance in our lives that we think is causing us to feel uncertain, it is possible to bring a sense of certainty to the situation, even if you are currently feeling uncertain about it. …
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