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Can't get no satisfaction? Satisfaction is more than a feeling, it's a way of life, and if we can't find it we often feel like we haven't found ourselves. But what if satisfaction was not about finding ourselves, but meeting someone else altogether? That's what we'll find today as we meet Jesus by the well outside ancient Samaria.…
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put on the Gospel put on the G As we wrap up our journey through Ephesians, all the themes of the letter come together with the call to equip ourselves with the armour we need to stand firm against all the attacks of the devil.
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Continuing in Ephesians, it addresses our relationship with one another. The apostle Paul places the example of Christ's self-giving love at the heart of all our relationships, and shows how this shapes our attitudes and actions as God's people.
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Today we continue to explore the new identity that we have been given in Christ, and what it means to live as God's dearly loved children. We are called to initate our Father as we live in his love, light, and wisdom. At the centre of this is to live in grateful joy for God's grace toward is in Jesus.…
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Having been united in one new body in Christ, we now see how the body grows into maturity through the proper working of all its parts. The diversity of the body is essential for its ongoing unity and growth. What this means is that you are needed and have an essential part to play if God's church is to grow into what he intends it to be.…
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Now that the momentous mystery of the gospel grafting the Gentiles to Christ has been revealed, what is Paul's prayer for the Ephesians? It boils down to the basics: pray, read your Bible, go to church. But, we still see that these are not arbitrary actions, rather they are powerful proof of the glory of the gospel.…
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As we continue in Ephesians we come to an amazing passage about the Grace of God toward us in Jesus. It begins with a diagnosis that we may not like to hear, that we are by nature spiritually dead. But from this bleak state God intervenes to lift us out of the grave to live a new life in his grace.
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As we continue in our series in Ephesians, we hear Paul's prayer for the Ephesian churches. He is filled with thanksgiving for their faith and love, and as he prays for them he asks for the greater blessings of a deeper knowledge of God and his promises. As we explore Paul's prayer points, we will learn a lot about priorities in prayer and God's pl…
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Today we continue in Mark's gospel and listen to Jesus teach his first parable. Often known as the parable of the Sower, however the emphasis falls more on the various responses to the word of God. This opening parable challenges us to consider how well are we listen to the message of he kingdom?
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C.S. Lewis famously said that Christ had to be one of three things; a lunatic, a liar, or Lord as he claimed to be. As we continue in Mark's gospel, we see all those reactions to Jesus, and more, as he continues on his mission announcing and demonstrating the Kingdom of God. It causes us to ask what is the appropriate response to encountering Jesus…
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Today as we continue in Mark's gospel, we are given a glimpse of what it is like when the King of the Kingdom of God walks on earth. We hear about a sample day of Jesus' ministry which involves preaching and teaching, healing, and casting out evil. In this, the true identity of Jesus is revealed, as is his priority in mission.…
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As we continue the gospel of Mark, we hear the first words of Jesus in this gospel as he announces that the Kingdom of God has come near, and calls people to respond to it. This is an announcement that cannot be ignored, and it calls us to leave everything behind to be part of God's Kingdom.
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Today we continue our series in Mark's gospel listening to the good news. After the introduction last week, now the Lord himself arrives and identifies with the people in the wilderness. He shows that his ministry will be all about standing with sinners and sharing with them his blessings.
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Today we begin a new series in Mark's gospel, and we hear the world changing announcement of the good news of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist tells the people of the need to be ready for the coming of the Lord through repentance and receiving forgiveness for our sins.
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As Haggai draws his prophesy to a close, there is still much to be done in the restoration of the Temple. Yet we will see that Haggai remains certain of its completion. For God's blessing compels and completes our worship of Him in His Kingdom as His restored people.
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As we continue in the book of Haggai, we see that less than a month after the people began work on the Temple, disillusionment began to creep in. Yet God brings words of encouragement and promises of a far greater glory to come that spurs his people on.
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As we begin a new year at St Aidan's in the Old Testament book of Haggai, we find in God's word a similar challenge to "consider your ways". As we move into a new year, we are urged to consider first God's Kingdom, for His pleasure and His glory.
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This week we continue to reflect on the Christmas story through Luke's gospel. In it, we see the hope that arrives at Christmas as we meet two elderly saints in the temple waiting for God to bring a saviour to his people. Christmas means hope for us because we can know who Jesus is.
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Our final sermon in Isaiah before Christmas break, focuses on King Hezekiah and what chapters 38-39 present is a mixed portrait. We see a King who is impressive at points, and yet fundamentally flawed. Hezekiah leaves us longing for a better King and a better Kingdom.
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Big Idea: Today we continue through the book of Isaiah, we cover a large section describing God's role over all nations. The Lord who holds the whole world in his hands will be praised for his judgements and his salvation through which he will transform the world and renew all things.
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Ahaz, the King of Judah, is terrified by the threat of invasion. Isaiah calls on him not to fear but to trust God who will deal with his enemies, and God offers a sign as assurance. Ahaz rejects God's gracious offer and trusts in Assyria instead! So, God rejects Ahaz, and yet still gives a sign which involves the birth of a son to a virgin who is I…
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This is the first in the new series in the book of Isaiah. It stands at the centre of our Bibles as a grand vision of God's plans for the world. It begins with a stinging rebuke calling God's people to repentance and true worship, and reveals how through God's mercy his plan is to transform his people into a city that will be a light to all people.…
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Today, we have a short change in focus after looking at 1 & 2 Peter in depth, for now, we look at our world today. As our culture becomes more decadent, our struggle for truth resembles that of the early church. Not only are there non-believers and openly hostile groups, but there are those who call themselves believers in Christ but are really Gno…
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This is the finish of the series in the letter of 2 Peter. In it, we see that scoffers may doubt the return of Jesus Christ, but for the Christian its reality is embedded in the judgement and salvation events in God's word.
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This week we begin a series in 2 Peter. We see that as we know Jesus, as we dive deeply into his goodness, his glory, and his precious promised return, God's power flows into us bringing salvation, godliness, and assurance.
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Today we come to the end of our series in Genesis, and we revisit the family that becomes the nation of Israel. The sons of Israel leave much to be desired as role models, and yet, these are the ones who the Lord calls "my people". We see today that God's people, both then and now, are those saved by grace as they are enfolded into his promises and…
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We continue with the series in Genesis and come to the story of Joseph. It is often the case that Joseph is held up as a great example to follow, he works hard, he flees temptation, and he forgives those who wronged him. But before we apply Joseph's example to our lives, let's first see how he points us to Jesus - the true saviour of the world.…
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As we continue in our series in Genesis, we come to the story of Jacob (later named "Israel"). We see that the whole of Jacob's life is about struggling to obtain the blessing of God. As we follow the contents of his story, we see a person transformed as he discovers that to know God and his grace is what it means to be truly blessed.…
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As God's covenant promises faithfully unfold, we come to one of the hardest passages of Genesis to stomach - the call to sacrifice Isaac. This seems wildly unreasonable and a sabotage of God's faithful provision. Nevertheless, we will see that faith in God's promises and provision revolutionises our reason when God provides himself in Jesus.…
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Today we hear the history-shaping promises that God made to Abraham. Today, we share in these promises as we put our faith in the true son of Abraham, who came to fulfill the promises and bring blessings to the end of the earth.
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We continue this week with our series in Genesis and come to the story of the tower of Babel. It is here that humanity, speaking the same language, gather together in rebellion against God and as God sees their pride and arrogance he scatters them and confuses their language. We see that every attempt to build a kingdom, a community, or a life in o…
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We come to the story of Noah and the Ark. This part of God's word reminds us of some hard truths. It confronts us with the darkness of our hearts and God's coming judgement on sin. But it also points to the one who brings comfort to our hearts, and the only true place of safety in our world as we take refuge in Jesus Christ.…
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In Genesis 3 we are told of how sin entered the world and corrupted our relationship with God, one another, and even the creation. But in this tragic chapter we also see hints of mercy, grace, and hope for a restored and better future.
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