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รายเดือน - Reliable, quality-proven respiratory treatment supplies and devices from major brands such as Respironics, Covidien, CareFusion, Fisher & Paykel, Salter Labs and more.
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When we breathe, air first circulates to the bronchi, followed by the bronchioles and terminal bronchioles, which opens up at the end to create an alveolar duct from which air sacs derive. Each lung has over 300 million alveoli, which gives a total surface area of 70 meters squared.…
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Hiccups consist in intermittent spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm and accessory muscles of inspiration that causes the sudden closure of the glottis. It’s something that all human beings experience, but doesn’t normally have any negative repercussions on health.…
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The body produces immunological factors that provide appropriate responses to invasions from intruders, whether they be bacteria, virus, fungi, or parasites. They do so by an intricate system of mediators, identifiers, destroyers, and other cellular and biochemical signals, many of which are all involved in the same defensive processes. respiratory…
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A chest tube placement is used to extract (drain) any substance that has penetrated the pleural cavity to relieve the pressure and help re-expand and inflate the lungs back up again before the lung collapse worsens.
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A tracheostomy is a medical intervention in which a tube is introduced inside the body to provide a breathing airway. This process is achieved through an incision made on the air passage from the throat to the lungs. In some cases, a tracheostomy is performed when there is an obstruction in the respiratory tract.…
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Although smoking is known to negatively impact the overall health status of an individual to a great extent, people still continue with this habit. Smoking is one of the main causes of many respiratory issues, which ultimately leads to a high percentage of deaths.…
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Sleep Apnea is a not a rare disorder. An apnea is the absence of inspiratory airflow for at least 10. It alters your regular breathing pattern while sleeping, by cutting your breath off for a period of time lasting less than a minute.
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There is a misunderstanding when it comes to the benefits of nebulizers and Metered Dose Inhalers on their effectiveness and practicality. Treatments with nebulizers are not more beneficial or stronger than those administered with an MDI many people may have heard.…
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Even though the air we breathe is 22% oxygen, some people might require additional concentrations of oxygen. People with different types of pulmonary issues like emphysema, cancer and certain cardiac diseases may simply necessitate extra oxygen. There are various systems of oxygen supply for home use, including oxygen tanks. https://www.respiratory…
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Metered Dose Inhalers with a spacer (or MDIs with a spacer) are very easy and practical to use, you don’t need to carry any extra pieces and you can use it whenever and wherever you need it.
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Constantly living with an oxygen tank might be extremely inconvenient for a patient. Oxygen therapy devices are used by individuals with low levels of oxygen and are supplied with a mask to allow patients to get the additional amount of oxygen they need.
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A nebulizer is a medical device which delivers medicine in the form of a mist. This enables the user to breathe in the medicine which goes straight to their lungs and allows them to take in air easily.
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Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system. After the exposure to certain endogenous (internal) and exogenous (environmental) stimuli, the bronchi narrow, limiting the flow of air to the lungs.
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Tobacco smoke contains more than 71 carcinogenic substances that will eventually be deposited in the respiratory tract and in the lungs, making this organ highly susceptible to the development of cancer.
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Pneumonia is the inflammation of alveoli caused by microbial infection, resulting in an accumulation of liquid in the lungs. This accumulation makes it difficult for the lungs to properly exchange gases involved in breathing, namely, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hence, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath ensues, and the infection gives r…
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The muscles involved in respiration are many, including the musculature corresponding to the clavicle zone, thoracic area, and the diaphragm. When the main muscle being used during breathing is the diaphragm, we refer to it as diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing.…
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Lung cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer, both for men and women. In fact, it is responsible for more deaths than other cancers, such as breast, colon, and prostate. Given that it compromises vital surrounding organs, its treatment can be quite difficult and unfortunately, roughly 80% of patients lose their battle with lung cancer.…
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Pneumothorax is the presence of gases (oxygen and others) in the pleural area. The pleurae are sac-like membranes that line the lungs of humans. Their function is to provide lubrication to the lungs and prevent friction with other organs from causing any harm during expansion and contraction of the lungs as we breathe. https://www.respiratorycarest…
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Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is actually a generic name for a group of very similar diseases that have many symptoms in common. For this reason, a proper diagnosis is necessary in order to receive proper treatment. The common characteristic is that the lungs become inflamed, resulting in tissue damage.…
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Without noticing, using a bad breathing technique can be ruining your sleep time, digestion, muscle development, cardiac rhythm, concentration, and mood. This article will provide the reader with ways to breathe properly.
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When the air we breathe is not warm and humid, it can cause mucous membranes to produce thick fluids that block the airways, making breathing difficult and vulnerable to respiratory infections. Heat and moisture exchange filters (HMEF) solve this issue by humidifying, moisturizing, and warming the air when someone’s normal breathing is compromised.…
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Also known as ARDS, it’s a serious disease in which the permeable walls of the alveoli and its functions are compromised. Its incidence is relatively equal among men and women.
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Lung cancer has one of the highest mortality rates among all cancer types. Unfortunately, it is diagnosed early in only around 15% of cases. In this article, we will explain exactly what lung cancer is, how it’s treated, and what we need to keep in mind in order to prevent its appearance.…
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