NATO สาธารณะ
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show episodes

NATO Through Time

NATO Podcast Team

Why were there 12 founding NATO members? What is Article 5, and why was it only invoked once in all of NATO’s history? Why wasn’t NATO dissolved like the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War ended? The NATO Through Time podcast features diverse voices from NATO member countries – including former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign and Defence Ministers, military officers, NATO officials, historians, journalists and young citizens – answering these questions and reflecting on NATO’s past, present ...
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The Grey Nato

James Stacey and Jason Heaton

A loose discussion of travel, adventure, diving, driving, gear, and most certainly watches! Hosts Jason Heaton and James Stacey break down their love for adventure, their addiction to watches, and the many forms both can take. Have a question? Let us know at
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Celè zle (ex Daj NATO!)

Peter Bátor a Mišo Adam

„Aby ste sa mohli cítiť bezpečne, niekto musí mať poriadnu paranoju.“ Celé zle je vaša pravidelná dávka optimizmu a voľné pokračovanie podcastu Daj NATO!. Peter a Michal, sami dvaja, alebo s vyberanými hosťami, o bezpečnosti, dianí doma a vo svete a všetkom ostatnom. Pritrafí sa aj humor, ktorý občas končí smiechom. Naďalej platí: názory účinkujúcich sa nemusia zhodovať s názormi účinkujúcich. Podporte nás na Napíšte nám na Sledujte nás na IG cel ...
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NATO je jediná organizácia kolektívnej obrany na svete a Slovensko je jej súčasťou. Spoznajte akým spôsobom z členstva ťaží Slovensko a čím prispievame do kolektívnej obrany. Portál predstavuje podcasty v ktorých sa dozviete viac so zaujímavými hosťami.
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The Nato Sessions

3200 Stories/Nato Green

Welcome to The Nato Sessions with comedian Nato Green, a series of Conversating & Podcastery with Famous Smart People. (Guests are guaranteed famous, smart, and also people, without specification, limitation, or exclusion.) Produced by Dan Wolf for 3200 Stories - Theme music by DJ Real.
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Understanding Europe: The Natolin Podcast

Students at the College of Europe Natolin Campus

Recorded and managed by students from the College of Europe Natolin Campus, this podcast looks at the big questions facing modern European politics. Intro and exit music comes from Jukedeck - create your own at
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Making UX Work with Joe Natoli

Joe Natoli

Hello and welcome to making UX work; I’m Joe Natoli. Our focus here is on folks like you doing the tough, often unglamorous UX work in the real world. My guests will share their struggles, their successes, and their journey to and through the trenches of product design, development, and of course, user experience. Before we get into it, I’d like to give a shout out to our sponsor, Stache Studio — a streetwear clothing brand focusing on quality products with a positive message, inspired by th ...
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In the #NATOjobs podcast, we speak to staff members of the world’s most successful military and political Alliance, hearing their personal stories and learning about the profound impact they’re making on NATO’s mission. In each episode, we dig deep into the unique NATO journeys of our guests, answering questions like: What drives someone to apply to a job at NATO? What is the interview process like, and what advice do they have for candidates? And how does their work contribute to global sec ...
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NATO’s Road to Madrid

Center for Strategic and International Studies | CSIS

Hosted by Max Bergmann, director of the CSIS Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program, “NATO’s Road to Madrid” explores how the United States’ most important alliance is approaching a critical process it has not undertaken since 2010: updating its Strategic Concept. The last time NATO endorsed a formal strategy, Russia had not invaded Ukraine, China was not yet thought to be a challenge meriting NATO attention, and defense planners were only beginning to look at the military implications of clima ...
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show series
Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addi…
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How is Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty triggered, and what happens once it’s activated? How did the 9/11 terrorist attacks impact both the United States and its NATO Allies, and why did NATO respond the way it did? What was the significance of NATO’s operations in Afghanistan and how did they change the Alliance? In this episode, former NATO…
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Máme ešte šancu zvrátiť klimatické zmeny alebo všetci zhoríme? Ako sa vie dostať človek stredného veku na stáž do NATO? Budeme mať raz elektrické tanky? A aký vplyv má koncentrácia soli v oceáne na schopnosť ponoriek skryť sa nepriateľovi? Rozprávali sme sa s expertkou na klimatickú bezpečnosť Katkou Kertýsovou. Aj o tom, aké je to byť naťáckou úra…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, acces…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addit…
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Why did the Baltic States and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe choose to join NATO after the end of the Cold War? Why was the 2004 enlargement of NATO known as the “Big Bang” enlargement? How do NATO’s smaller member countries contribute to the Alliance? In this episode, former President of Latvia Dr Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga shares her ext…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, includin…
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Why did NATO open its door to former Warsaw Pact adversaries after the end of the Cold War? What was the process for Czechia, Hungary and Poland to join the Alliance? How has NATO changed in the 25 years since this historic enlargement? In this episode, former Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi and former Czech Ambassador to NATO Karel Kovan…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, acc…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additiona…
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Toto nikde inde nenájdete. Pohľad priamo do zákulisia samitu NATO vo Washingtone. Aký prejav mal prezident Biden k 75. výročiu založenia NATO? Ako reagoval prezident Zelensky na to, čo dostala na samite Ukrajina? A ako dobre vie hrať Jens Stoltenberg bejzbal? Okrem toho aj čo znamená, že NATO má 500 000 vojakov vo vysokej bojovej pohotovosti, koľko…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episo…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, ac…
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O čom bude tohtotýždňový samit NATO? Na ktorých ruských predstaviteľov vydal Medzinárodný trestný súd zatykač? A ako vyvrcholil prípad zakladateľa Wikileaks Juliana Assangea? Nové Správy zo sveta aj o agresívnych čajkách v juhozápadnom Anglicku, záhadnom monolite v nevadskej púšti a prepadávajúcich sa futbalových ihriskách. Pre Patreonov a Patreónk…
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Why is NATO important for the United States? Are we in a more dangerous nuclear situation than we were during the Cold War? What is the credible path back to peace in Europe? What was the significance of serving as the first woman and only second American Deputy Secretary General of NATO? In this episode, Rose Gottemoeller reflects on her time as N…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, a…
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"Za pojmom ruský sen je len prázdno". V druhej časti nášho rozhovoru s Tomášom Forróom nájdete silné príbehy o ľuďoch z okupovaných ukrajinských území a ťažkých dilemách, ktoré musia denne riešiť. Ale aj o nezlomných dobrovoľníkoch, ktorí neúnavne pomáhajú naprieč celou krajinou, alebo o zahraničných legionároch a žoldnieroch v radoch oboch bojujúc…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, acces…
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Silné príbehy z frontu od Tomáša Forróa, otvorene, úprimne a bez príkras. O zakázaných zbraniach, skepse, ale aj o tom, čo dokážu v boji 3D tlačiarne, drony a odhodlanie ľudí. Tomáš opisuje Ukrajinu ako nikto iný, trávi čas priamo na fronte a rozpráva aj o strachu, depresii a prečo by už najradšej o Ukrajine nepísal. Prvýkrát robíme podcast na pokr…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episo…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional …
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How do the political and military sides of NATO work together? What lessons are NATO militaries learning from Russia’s war against Ukraine? How does an alliance of 32 countries combine their armed forces into one integrated military force – and how would this change in the event of war? In this episode, Lieutenant General Hans-Werner Wiermann, who …
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Zmení smrť iránskeho prezidenta politiku režimu? Prečo nie je dnes možné na Ukrajine usporiadať slobodné voľby? Naozaj vstupujú rusko-čínske vzťahy do novej éry strategického partnerstva? A po čom voňajú nové francúzskej poštové známky z (veľmi) limitovanej edície o 600 000 kusoch? Druhý diel správ zo sveta aj o Haiti, ekvádorských hasičských psoch…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addition…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, a…
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Hrozí pozemná invázia do Charkova? Prečo Putin vymenil ministra obrany? Aká nová pomoc sa chystá pre Ukrajinu a prečo sú obyvatelia Gagauzska (áno, to je naozajstné miesto) náchylní veriť ruskej propagande? Okrem toho aj pár slov k rozlúčkovej návšteve prezidentky na Ukrajine, k neskutočnému príbehu Moldavska a k tomu, čo stihli dokázať rakety ATAC…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additi…
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Prvá epizóda nášho nového formátu prehľadu správ zo sveta, ako vždy uvoľnenejšou formou. O inaugurácii staronového prezidenta Ruskej federácie, protestoch v Gruzínsku, aj jedovatých knihách vo francúzskej národnej knižnici. Správy zo sveta budú vychádzať raz za dva týždne, naši podporovatelia a podporovateľky na Patreone k nim budú mať vždy exkluzí…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including add…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additi…
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Ani nie za mesiac vyzbierali ľudia na Slovensku viac ako 4 milióny eur na muníciu pre Ukrajinu. Skvelá správa. Prispievať môžete aj naďalej na Okrem toho aj čo obsahuje americký 61 miliardový balík pomoci pre Ukrajinu, čo vyvádzajú ruské tajné služby v krajinách NATO a čo dáva Rusko Severnej Kórei výmenou za rakety a muní…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes…
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What are the main responsibilities of the NATO Secretary General? How and why did Jens Stoltenberg become the head of the Organization? How has NATO changed over the past decade, and what does its future look like? In this episode, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reflects on his time at NATO over the past 10 years. He shares the personal motivat…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episod…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episod…
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Čo nám odkázala prezidentka počas jej rozlúčkovej návštevy v NATO? Ako rýchlo lietajú hypersonické rakety? Prečo Ukrajina znížila odvodový vek do armády a aké to má riziká? Máme sa báť volieb v USA? A čo robiť, ak ste frustrovaní zo sveta okolo seba? Už dávno sme nemali epizódu tak napakovanú aktuálnymi informáciami, príbehmi a motivačnými rečami. …
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epis…
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Lebo Peter zarezával na Ministerstve obrany, Michal si ako čerstvý gymnazista robil domáce úlohy a Slovensko vstúpilo do NATO. Tak si pripomíname, prečo je to jedna z najdôležitejších vecí v našej histórii. Okrem toho aj o aktuálnej situácii na Ukrajine, ako si Česko získalo iniciatívou na nákup munície pre Ukrajinu vysoký kredit a ako Rusko podcen…
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Welcome to the NATO Through Time podcast! This podcast dives deep into NATO’s history, reflecting on how the past influences the present – and future – of the longest-lasting alliance in history. Our first episode introduces the podcast’s co-hosts: former NATO Spokesperson Jamie Shea, along with young content creators Ben Wheeler, Maciej Musiał and…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epis…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional e…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additi…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epi…
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Málokedy máme v štúdiu človeka s tak pozoruhodným životopisom. Tomáš nám porozprával, aké to je radiť svetovým lídrom, čo zjedol na ich spoločnej večeri Fidel Castro a prečo nebolo pred rokom 2014 úplnou fikciou pozvať Rusko stať sa členom NATO. Okrem toho aj čo znamená smrť Alexeja Navaľného pre ďalší vývoj v Rusku, aký vplyv majú poslanci na zahr…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, ac…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional …
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epis…
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Čo bude znamenať výmena generála Zalužného na čele ukrajinskej armády? Prečo má Bosna a Hercegovina troch "prezidentov"? A v čom pripomína sídlo Medzinárodného trestného súdu Rokfort? Peter a Michal o aktuálnej situácii na Ukrajine a v Rusku, ale aj o svojich služobných cestách a plánoch na najbližšie obdobie. Sledujte nás na Instagrame a YouTube. …
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