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Tokyo Midtown presents The Lifestyle MUSEUM


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Midtown Fellowship Church Downtown Podcast

Randy Draughon, Joel Walker, Dave Burden, and Tom Darnell

So what is Midtown? It is a community of people that are on a journey - a journey of experiencing the reality of a living relationship with a living God. We are a casual group of city dwellers that love a great cup of coffee, good friends and honest discussions about inconsistent messy people knowing and being loved by a very consistent unmessy God. Whether you are a long time Christ follower or someone that has more questions and doubts than faith (or both), Midtown is a safe place to journ ...
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2月7日OAのゲストは、ライターの武田砂鉄さんです。 出版社勤務を経て2014年からフリーのライターに転身。 10年前に当番組でバラカンさんから「声がいいからラジオに向いていますよ」と言われ、今やラジオ・パーソナリティとして活躍されている武田さん。 昨秋出版された『テレビ磁石』は、2018年から現在まで続いている雑誌連載から選りすぐりのコラム精選集。 常日頃「TVコメンテーターのオファーが来ても絶対に受けません」と語っている武田さんが観察し続けてきたテレビの現状をどう見ているのか? またテレビと共に「オールドメディア」として括られがちな雑誌やラジオの将来は?注目のトークです! >>著書『テレビ磁石』 <オンエア楽曲> Dinah Washington『T.V. Is The Thing (T…
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02/02/2025 Midtown Church Sacramento “God’s Famous Bars” Pastor Bob Balian 📖 For Sermon Notes and Guide, visit: https://midtownchurch.org/note/02-02-2025-midtown-church-sacramento/ Give through Midtown today: https://midtownchurch.org/give/ Thank you for your support online family! 🌟 Quick Links: New to Midtown? Discover more here: https://midtownc…
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Season 4 of the Midtown Madness Podcast is brought to you by Two Men and a Garden! That’s right they are fueling this podcast with not only delicious pickles, but salsas and most recently Harissa sauce. They are the real deal! Their products are delicious and more importantly local to St. Louis. You can pick up their many products at any local groc…
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For every one of us, a time will come when we breathe our last breath. And if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you know what is to come: Heaven. But what about our present moments? How do we live today in light of the gift and hope of eternity with God? Tune into this heartfelt conversation between our Senior Pastor and his dad…
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02/02/2025 Midtown Church Elk Grove “Living Wisely: The Role of Wisdom in our Lives” Pastor Tyronne Gross 📖 For Sermon Notes and Guide, visit: https://midtownchurch.org/note/02-02-2025-midtown-church-elk-grove/ Give through Midtown today: https://midtownchurch.org/give/ Thank you for your support online family! 🌟 Quick Links: New to Midtown? Discov…
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1月31日OAのゲストは、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター准教授/動物言語学者の鈴木俊貴さんです。 大学時代にシジュウカラの鳴き声に種類や意味があることを発見し、以来20年に渡って動物言語学分野を探求し続けています。 シジュウカラが使っている「言葉」とは一体何なのか? 実際にその鳴き声を聞きながら彼らのコミュニケーションがどのように形成されているのかなど、興味深いお話をたっぷりと伺っていきます。 >>著書『僕には鳥の言葉がわかる』 <オンエア楽曲> Ken Boothe『Birdsong』โดย ピーター・バラカン/柴田幸子
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01/26/2025 | Sunday Service | 9:30am (PST) | Pastor Turner Welch Wisdom To Live By: Follow His Way, Not Your Way 📖 For Sermon Notes and Guide, visit: https://midtownchurch.org/note/01-26-2025-midtown-church-elk-grove/ Give through Midtown today: https://midtownchurch.org/give/ Thank you for your support online family! 🌟 Quick Links: New to Midtown?…
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01/26/2025 | Sunday Service | 10:30am (PST) | Pastor Otis Amey Wisdom To Live By: At Any Cost! 📖 For Sermon Notes and Guide, visit: https://midtownchurch.org/note/01-26-2025-midtown-church-sacramento/ Give through Midtown today: https://midtownchurch.org/give/ Thank you for your support online family! 🌟 Quick Links: New to Midtown? Discover more he…
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Season 4 of the Midtown Madness Podcast is brought to you by Two Men and a Garden! That’s right they are fueling this podcast with not only delicious pickles, but salsas and most recently Harissa sauce. They are the real deal! Their products are delicious and more importantly local to St. Louis. You can pick up their many products at any local groc…
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Sermon by Adam Gibson on January 26, 2025. Key scripture: James 1:1-12 To faithfully follow Jesus, our faith must be marked by action. Our belief should lead us into good works and obedience. In the book of James, we are challenged by the brother of Jesus to examine the authenticity of our faith and to ensure that it fills each area of our everyday…
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Sermon by Michael Bailey on January 26, 2025. Key scripture: James 1:1-12 To faithfully follow Jesus, our faith must be marked by action. Our belief should lead us into good works and obedience. In the book of James, we are challenged by the brother of Jesus to examine the authenticity of our faith and to ensure that it fills each area of our every…
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1月24日OAのゲストは、サーキュラーエコノミー研究家の安居昭博さんです。 現在、世界中で大きな注目を集めている「サーキュラーエコノミー」= 廃棄を出さない循環型経済とは、いったいどういう取り組みなのか? 安居さんが研究している事例とともに、その仕組みと未来に関して詳しく伺います。 その実践例となる「京シュトレン」とは? >>著書『サーキュラーエコノミー実践』 <オンエア楽曲> Sons Of Kemet『Let The Circle Be Unbroken』โดย ピーター・バラカン/柴田幸子
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Sermon by Ant Frederick on January 26, 2025. Key scripture: James 1:1-12 To faithfully follow Jesus, our faith must be marked by action. Our belief should lead us into good works and obedience. In the book of James, we are challenged by the brother of Jesus to examine the authenticity of our faith and to ensure that it fills each area of our everyd…
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01/19/2025 | Sunday Service | 10:30am (PST) | Dr. Efrem Smith Wisdom To Live By: The Resource of Wisdom 📖 For Sermon Notes and Guide, visit: https://midtownchurch.org/note/01-19-2025-midtown-church-sacramento/ Give through Midtown today: https://midtownchurch.org/give/ Thank you for your support online family! 🌟 Quick Links: New to Midtown? Discove…
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01/19/2025 | Sunday Service | 9:30am (PST) | Pastor Otis Amey Wisdom To Live By: At Any Cost! 📖 For Sermon Notes and Guide, visit: https://midtownchurch.org/note/01-19-2025-midtown-church-elk-grove/ Give through Midtown today: https://midtownchurch.org/give/ Thank you for your support online family! 🌟 Quick Links: New to Midtown? Discover more here…
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Season 4 of the Midtown Madness Podcast is brought to you by Two Men and a Garden! That’s right they are fueling this podcast with not only delicious pickles, but salsas and most recently Harissa sauce. They are the real deal! Their products are delicious and more importantly local to St. Louis. You can pick up their many products at any local groc…
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Sermon by Jon Ludovina on January 19, 2025. As we wrap our series, we look at the last piece of our vision as a church: to know and love our neighbors. This week, we look at how loving God and our church family moves us to go out, build friendships, invite others in, and tell them about Jesus.โดย Jon Ludovina
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